
Race is real versus race is a social construct.

Do you want to have a go at answering the questions now? 🤔

There's no point - you're too thick to get it.

You hate white people

You're the only hater of white people on this site, Jimmy.

It's not white supremacism (by definition), that's just a lazy, dishonest lie (by your cult) and please don't confuse your (endlessly) complaining about terminology with making it a stupid concept

Open another tin of Dutch Gold and kick back so - your day's work is done.

You might also consider going upstairs to wash your butt.

You've got a rip in your couch too.

Fix yourself up, for fuck's sake.
Mowl Mowl, imagine you were a drummer in a band and your bandmates were happy with you but they decided to give an audition to another guy on the sly. And afterwards your bandmates thought that he wasn't as good a drummer as you, but wait, one of them says, that's actually Mowl's fault, and the rest of the band agree. Would you think that was fair? 🤔

And there's more, the band then decide to sack you and hire the new guy instead, would you think that was fair? 🤔

By the way, this has nothing to do with you being an asshole, the questions are based purely on drumming ability.
So, I think anyone with an above room temperature IQ would be able to understand my analogy above ("in my own words") as relevant (Mowl's two thousand word diatribe about himself (quelle surprise) in reply, not).

Why do I post here?..is a very good question. Hmm..
Open another tin of Dutch Gold and kick back so - your day's work is done.

You might also consider going upstairs to wash your butt.

You've got a rip in your couch too.

Fix yourself up, for fuck's sake.
I don't know which offends me the most. You being stupid or that you don't (and never have) put any effort in
I don't know which offends me the most.

Black people?

Irish people?

You being stupid or that you don't (and never have) put any effort in

You're not really worth any effort, kid.

And of course I'll use any post you direct at me to remind you that I'm happier than you are.

Or will ever be.

So, I think anyone with an above room temperature IQ would be able to understand my analogy above ("in my own words") as relevant (Mowl's two thousand word diatribe about himself (quelle surprise) in reply, not).

You're the kind of thicko who thinks that everyone in the music business wants to be a 'star' of some sort. In it for the fame and the money. But some of us are truly music lovers, like me. All I ever wanted was to see the world on my own terms, and I'm happy in my work. I invested so much time into improving my skills that these days I don't have to worry: I got everything I ever wanted, and soon enough I'll be retiring from touring internationally and will content myself with performing locally across Finland and my nearby countries.

Chasing fame?

Leave it to the kids.

Why do I post here?..is a very good question.

Because you're angry and you need a vent for your daily frustrations at the mess you made of your life.

The gas part is knowing 100% that you'll continue to do nothing with whatever time you have left. And that when you're with your Ma in the muck, you'll have done nothing of any note or importance, so nobody will even remember you or know you ever existed. That has to hurt, no?

The answer to your question is also the answer to your mere existence.


Go wash your butt.
Black people?

Irish people?

You're not really worth any effort, kid.

And of course I'll use any post you direct at me to remind you that I'm happier than you are.

Or will ever be.

You're the kind of thicko who thinks that everyone in the music business wants to be a 'star' of some sort. In it for the fame and the money. But some of us are truly music lovers, like me. All I ever wanted was to see the world on my own terms, and I'm happy in my work. I invested so much time into improving my skills that these days I don't have to worry: I got everything I ever wanted, and soon enough I'll be retiring from touring internationally and will content myself with performing locally across Finland and my nearby countries.

Chasing fame?

Leave it to the kids.

Because you're angry and you need a vent for your daily frustrations at the mess you made of your life.
The gas part is knowing 100% that you'll continue to do nothing with whatever time you have left. And that when you're with your Ma in the muck, you'll have done nothing of any note or importance, so nobody will even remember you or know you ever existed. That has to hurt, no?
99.999..% of us (humanity) aren't going to be remembered for anything Mowl. So why worry about it.

Do you really think you're going to be remembered for this? -

Say, that reminds me of a joke..

The answer to your question is also the answer to your mere existence.


Go wash your butt.
99.999..% of us (humanity) aren't going to be remembered for anything Mowl.

You consider yourself human?

That's a larf.

So why worry about it.

I don't.

Because I don't need to.

Do you really think you're going to be remembered for this? -

Nah, that's not my song. It belongs to Sami Saari, he's Finland's king of soul and pop, and when I asked if he minded me recording a version of his classic, he agreed immediately. Because he knows I'm a working man who gets the job done. So after the recording session, I stayed on and let the boys go home while I mastered the session (five Finnish cover songs spanning the period 1948 through to more recently). So I sent a video file to Sami and he wrote back immediately saying my trance version was one of the coolest versions of his song he ever heard. The eight minute one (which you posted above) was mixed/mastered deliberately too long and with a repetitive piano solo that, when playing in the background while on a call from a client, the piano lick gets stuck in their heads and they'll agree to any price I throw at them.

So I made my money hand over fist, and made friends of all the bigger names in the music business up here. I've remixed several songs for other artists and I've featured on so many Finnish records I couldn't remember them all to list for you, but rest assured I got paid - and paid well for doing what I love the most. Even scribbling on windows earned me €400/500 per day working for The Fitz Group. Because not only am I really good at what I do, I'm also an entertainer who can wrap and audience up with my zany stories and interesting lifestyle. I did that work because it took me all over Ireland in the few weeks I'd fly home on Louis's ticket. I'd get all of his outlets done, and then do a few more independent outlets on the side. Louis paid me more than enough, but I'd often take another two or three jobs and finish them in an hour or so, thereby boosting the €450 per day average up to six or seven hundred - per day, on a seven day week, for a minimum of four weeks.

Do the math - it'll pizz you off even more than you already are.

See, you don't get paid anything from anyone else bar the social welfare. Chess doesn't pay out. Being an online twat even less so.

I know that's the bit you hate the most: me being happy, with a nice big fat bank account, a beautiful home in the world's happiest country amongst the world's most beautiful girls, and me smack dab in the middle of it all.

How's your tiddlywinks thread going?

Any takers?

Say, that reminds me of a joke.

Is it about tiddlywinks?

I don't watch your videos/links/telegrams - you know this already.

Have a hambo sambo, Jambo.

It's a beautiful day out there.

Pity you only woke up at lunchtime - you missed most of it.
Tiddlywinks is your (clever boy) word for chess, isn't it.

I'm not sure why you think it's a chess thread, if it was a chess thread, I would have entitled it - Chess. Like all of my other (great) Chess threads.
Tiddlywinks is your (clever boy) word for chess, isn't it.

You finally figured that one out, eh?

I'm not sure why you think it's a chess thread, if it was a chess thread,

Because it's called: 'Derren Brown (who admits he's shit at chess) CONQUERS room full of STRONG chess players!'

Or is it about cricket?

Snakes and ladders?

How about solitaire?

I would have entitled it - Chess.

The word chess does show up twice in the thread title.

Aside from that, I know nothing about it - I never read your bullshit most days - life's too sweet.

Like all of my other (great) Chess threads.

Yeah - oddly enough this one's also about a man. A male. A male magician, isn't he?

Why are all your heroes male, Jambo?

Your mother dying really fucked you up, didn't it?

The only female I ever recall you admiring is Susan Hoffmann from The Bangles - a favourite of the gay circle.

Haven't you ever met a girl you wanted to fuck?

Or is it only boys you like?

I say boys - I mean men - the older the better, apparently.
You finally figured that one out, eh?

Because it's called: 'Derren Brown (who admits he's shit at chess) CONQUERS room full of STRONG chess players!'

Or is it about cricket?

Snakes and ladders?

How about solitaire?

The word chess does show up twice in the thread title.

Aside from that, I know nothing about it - I never read your bullshit most days - life's too sweet.
Yeah - oddly enough this one's also about a man. A male. A male magician, isn't he?

Why are all your heroes male, Jambo?
The who's my what now?

Derren Brown is fine, as an entertainer, I'm sure he has some magic skills, and possibly some hypnosis skills but I found a lot of his stuff fake and gay, flat-out staged really

Your mother dying really fucked you up, didn't it?

The only female I ever recall you admiring is Susan Hoffmann from The Bangles - a favourite of the gay circle.

Haven't you ever met a girl you wanted to fuck?

Or is it only boys you like?

I say boys - I mean men - the older the better, apparently.
The who's my what now?

That English ginger-balls guy you're referring to in the next quoted comment here:

Derren Brown is fine, as an entertainer,

So he's fine, is he?

I'm sure he has some magic skills

You're sure he has magic skills?

Exactly what 'magic' are you talking about?

The way he hypnotizes you with his ginger balls?

, and possibly some hypnosis skills

So he does hypnotize you, grand so.

but I found a lot of his stuff fake and gay,

Yes, you do have a predilection for other men.

Why exactly do you hate women?

flat-out staged really

Well, I'll have to take your word for that - I've fuck all interest in the telly.

Or ginger-balls Englishmen.

Not unlike yourself.
That English ginger-balls guy you're referring to in the next quoted comment here:

So he's fine, is he?
You're sure he has magic skills?
I'd be quite sure he has magic skills.

Although magic isn't real Mowl, would you have preferred it if I had put it in inverted commas? 🤔

Exactly what 'magic' are you talking about?

The way he hypnotizes you with his ginger balls?

So he does hypnotize you, grand so.

Yes, you do have a predilection for other men.

Why exactly do you hate women?

Well, I'll have to take your word for that - I've fuck all interest in the telly.

Or ginger-balls Englishmen.

Not unlike yourself.
Nah - he's an illusionist - there's nothing magic about what he does, only high speed sleight of hand and a little distraction.
Mowl, I think you're just being argumentative now. I already said that magic isn't actual magic, do you know what I mean? (as Shuhada' Sadaqat said 450 million times in her lifetime).

And.. high speed sleight of hand and a little distraction could be described as having "magic skills" (probably better than being an "illusionist")

Isn't it?

Ah, bollocks.
Mowl, I think you're just being argumentative now.

I'm merely toying with you to pass the time until the spuds are par-boiled: I'm doing my famous chili/garlic potatoes for after sauna.

I already said that magic isn't actual magic,

That's what I said.

Copy cat.

do you know what I mean?

Yes, maybe - but not half as annoying as when Liam Gallagher sang the same.

(as Shuhada' Sadaqat said 450 million times in her lifetime).

It's an Irish thing - like trying to say goodbye to a Paddy or Dervla on the phone.

They take longer to sign off than they do to talk.

And.. high speed sleight of hand and a little distraction could be described as having "magic skills"

It depends on how fast your hands are.

Mine are a blur when I'm grooving.

(probably better than being an "illusionist")

Lots of things are illusory - including mensa scores and online fibs.
I'm merely toying with you to pass the time
Great minds, huh

You need to up your game though (impossible)

until the spuds are par-boiled: I'm doing my famous chili/garlic potatoes for after sauna.
lol Why do you put chilli in everything

That's what I said.

Copy cat.
Yes, maybe - but not half as annoying as when Liam Gallagher sang the same.
It's an Irish thing - like trying to say goodbye to a Paddy or Dervla on the phone.
I remember, many years ago, I started using a rather Irish expression (mostly at the end or beginning of a new sentence) I would have thought, what was it.. "Do you know that sort of a way?", something like that.

I noticed it myself and nipped that shit in the bud. I reckon about 5-10% of Sinead's utterances to the world, lifetime, were (said quickly) - "Do you know what I mean"?

They take longer to sign off than they do to talk.

It depends on how fast your hands are.

Mine are a blur when I'm grooving.

Lots of things are illusory - including mensa scores and online fibs.
Great minds, huh

They keep eluding you?

You need to up your game though (impossible)

True - I couldn't be much better really.

lol Why do you put chilli in everything

Obviously I don't put chili in everything everything.

I remember, many years ago, I started using a rather Irish expression (mostly at the end or beginning of a new sentence) I would have thought, what was it.. "Do you know that sort of a way?", something like that.

Irish people say that shit all the time.

Try Sordid's lame - 'the thing about it is...'

D'ja knowrameen?

I noticed it myself and nipped that shit in the bud.

Pity you didn't notice your vile nature at the same time.

Perhaps you wouldn't have turned out to be the rotten cunt you really are.

I reckon about 5-10% of Sinead's utterances to the world, lifetime, were (said quickly) - "Do you know what I mean"?

She also sand a few songs that garnered her some millions of pounds.

In fact, she'd have been paid more for one appearance than you'd make in ten years with your skills set.

Nobody wants a horrible cunt hanging around all day.

You'd think you'd have clocked that much by now?
They keep eluding you?

True - I couldn't be much better really.
Obviously I don't put chili in everything everything.
Who are you, Jimmy Two Times?

I mean, sure you do, chilli in your stew, chilli in your lasagne, chilli in your casserole, what was for dessert after your chilli potatoes yesterday, chilli and ice cream? chilli on your cornflakes..

Irish people say that shit all the time.

Try Sordid's lame - 'the thing about it is...'

D'ja knowrameen?

Pity you didn't notice your vile nature at the same time.

Perhaps you wouldn't have turned out to be the rotten cunt you really are.
She also sand a few songs that garnered her some millions of pounds.

In fact, she'd have been paid more for one appearance than you'd make in ten years with your skills set.

Nobody wants a horrible cunt hanging around all day.

You'd think you'd have clocked that much by now?
Well I guess it's true what they say - money can't buy you happiness.

It's cute though that you have a crush on her because you hauled some gear for her one time.
Who are you, Jimmy Two Times?

Where did you read that?

In the papers, the papers?

I mean, sure you do, chilli in your stew, chilli in your lasagne, chilli in your casserole, what was for dessert after your chilli potatoes yesterday, chill and ice cream?

Actually, the secret ingredient is jalapeno: I chop two of them up into tiny pieces and mix them with the chopped garlic and let them sit in white wine while I peel and slice the spuds. The red chili, I use about two centimeters of it finely sliced for colour and for taste, then put it into around 3dl of fresh cooking cream. Boil the sliced spuds for five minutes, drain them, and then layer them with the garlic, jalapeno, and red chili in a glass oven dish and let them bake for an hour.

Par excellence.

chilli on your cornflakes..

I don't eat breakfast, Jimmy: I eat once a day.

In the evening.

Coffee is all I need to start my day.

Well I guess it's true what they say - money can't buy you happiness.

Yeah, but it can buy you lots of Dutch Gold.

Slabs of the filthy stuff.

It's cute though that you have a crush on her because you hauled some gear for her one time.

Nah - never did that. But I did play on a bill with her in the National Boxing Stadium back in the 90's. Also on the bill were Hinterland, Gerry Leonard (Bowie's last musical director and the man who wrote half of Bowie's penultimate album) and Donal Coghlan's project for Island Records. There were one or two other bands whose names elude me now, but the gig was a fundraiser for the rape crisis centre. I was hired to play with a band called 'Thee Gods' who were actually pretty good. The guitarist went on to marry one of the Kennedy family over in the States. The bloke on bass is now a woman, by all accounts. I knew he was gay. I was surprised when I heard he got the chop. The singer I used for a few tours of my own, but he was a recovering alcoholic last time I hired him, a right pain in the arse to deal with. But he hooked up with Paul Brady for one song for a movie which charted in Ireland. Then he hooked up with John Illsley, the bassist with Dire Straits, who had a big following across France, so he toured over there quite often.

Anyway, the backstage shennanigans at The Stadium were great fun. Sinead was closely protected by BP Fallon, who wouldn't let her out of his sight. BP part managed the Pussy Assed Mother Fuckers for a while. Very interesting guy, he's seen it all. He played with John Lennon, was also in The Plastic Ono Band, then joined T-Rex with Marc Bolan, then took on work as Led Zeppelin's 'viber' and assistant tour manager and runner - a gig Beeps has done for decades with dozens of household names. He knows EVERYONE, so the backstage parties were always a blast. His current band has Clem Burke from Blondie on drums, along with Blondie's original bassist, Nigel Harrison. That's the fun part of being around Beeps - he has the best stories, shit that never made it into the papers or music press. I asked one time about what would happen if someone decided to blow the whistle on Zeppelin's groupie scene. The girls were under fifteen. That chat ended real fast though.

In fact, I often wonder when I see Robert Plant these days how much he dislikes being under the spotlight in public. I wondered if it was because he's worried that he might get reefed before he dies. Same with Pagey. Same with all of them, really.

But again: no - I never humped Sinead's gear any more than I'd have humped her.

Far too much baggage.
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