
Race is real versus race is a social construct.

Where did you read that?

In the papers, the papers?

Actually, the secret ingredient is jalapeno: I chop two of them up into tiny pieces and mix them with the chopped garlic and let them sit in white wine while I peel and slice the spuds. The red chili, I use about two centimeters of it finely sliced for colour and for taste, then put it into around 3dl of fresh cooking cream. Boil the sliced spuds for five minutes, drain them, and then layer them with the garlic, jalapeno, and red chili in a glass oven dish and let them bake for an hour.

Par excellence.
Yeah, that sounds nice Mowl.

Jalapeno is an interesting chilli isn't it, not too hot and I think it's actually a bit like something else I really like which is pickle. Do you ever think that, it's a little bit tangy, or something?

Anyway, I like all chili pepper, love it, I just don't put it where it don't belong :)

I don't eat breakfast, Jimmy: I eat once a day.

In the evening.
I do know that about you Mowl, in fact it reminds me of a time before with you.

So I had seen this infographic and I thought - this is perfect for the Mowl.

So the infographic said that people of a eh, certain IQ, literally can't cope with conditional ifs, their brain just can't do it. So the example given in the infographic was to ask someone (with a certain IQ) - If you had not eaten breakfast today, would you feel hungry now?

But I knew that wouldn't work with you, so I had cater it (pun intended).

So I said - Mowl, if you hadn't eaten all day yesterday, would you have been hungry?

And of course you gave the answer that people of a certain IQ are supposed to give, you said - I did eat yesterday, Jambo.

And then I showed you the infographic.


Hook, line and sinker

Do you remember that?

Coffee is all I need to start my day.
More of a tea man myself. Coffee's good, I quite like it. Never one to buy into it much though, people walking around with their Starbucks in their hand all day

Yeah, but it can buy you lots of Dutch Gold.

Slabs of the filthy stuff.

Nah - never did that. But I did play on a bill with her in the National Boxing Stadium back in the 90's. Also on the bill were Hinterland, Gerry Leonard (Bowie's last musical director and the man who wrote half of Bowie's penultimate album) and Donal Coghlan's project for Island Records. There were one or two other bands whose names elude me now, but the gig was a fundraiser for the rape crisis centre. I was hired to play with a band called 'Thee Gods' who were actually pretty good. The guitarist went on to marry one of the Kennedy family over in the States. The bloke on bass is now a woman, by all accounts. I knew he was gay. I was surprised when I heard he got the chop. The singer I used for a few tours of my own, but he was a recovering alcoholic last time I hired him, a right pain in the arse to deal with. But he hooked up with Paul Brady for one song for a movie which charted in Ireland. Then he hooked up with John Illsley, the bassist with Dire Straits, who had a big following across France, so he toured over there quite often.

Anyway, the backstage shennanigans at The Stadium were great fun. Sinead was closely protected by BP Fallon, who wouldn't let her out of his sight. BP part managed the Pussy Assed Mother Fuckers for a while. Very interesting guy, he's seen it all. He played with John Lennon, was also in The Plastic Ono Band, then joined T-Rex with Marc Bolan, then took on work as Led Zeppelin's 'viber' and assistant tour manager and runner - a gig Beeps has done for decades with dozens of household names. He knows EVERYONE, so the backstage parties were always a blast. His current band has Clem Burke from Blondie on drums, along with Blondie's original bassist, Nigel Harrison. That's the fun part of being around Beeps - he has the best stories, shit that never made it into the papers or music press. I asked one time about what would happen if someone decided to blow the whistle on Zeppelin's groupie scene. The girls were under fifteen. That chat ended real fast though.

In fact, I often wonder when I see Robert Plant these days how much he dislikes being under the spotlight in public. I wondered if it was because he's worried that he might get reefed before he dies. Same with Pagey. Same with all of them, really.

But again: no - I never humped Sinead's gear any more than I'd have humped her.

Far too much baggage.
Sinead obviously had a beauty but I never fancied her. Maybe if she grew some hair, on her head that is, changed her personality.. who knows
... if she grew some hair, on her head that is, changed her personality.. who knows
Or maybe you could have changed it for her?

Brings to mind the wider issue with white supremacists, antisemites, and the like. Nicely expressed in the following:

"Love lets the other be, but with affection and concern. Violence attempts to constrain the other’s freedom, to force them to act in the way we desire, but with ultimate lack of concern, with indifference to the other’s own existence or destiny."
"... if you hadn't eaten all day yesterday, would you have been hungry...".

Jambo demonstrates exactly why he is such an unintelligent fuckwit above.

Intelligent people question assumptions all the time. They push back on false or spurious or questionable assumptions.

Idiots don't. Simple as. And that is precisely why they are lead by the nose into believing in all types of fuckwittery.
Yeah, that sounds nice Mowl.

Jalapeno is an interesting chilli isn't it, not too hot and I think it's actually a bit like something else I really like which is pickle. Do you ever think that, it's a little bit tangy, or something?

Sweet and sour, it works in so many ways.

Anyway, I like all chili pepper, love it, I just don't put it where it don't belong :)

You seemed overwhelmed at the thought of a little red chili alongside potato and garlic.

I do know that about you Mowl, in fact it reminds me of a time before with you.

So I had seen this infographic and I thought - this is perfect for the Mowl.

So the infographic said that people of a eh, certain IQ, literally can't cope with conditional ifs, their brain just can't do it. So the example given in the infographic was to ask someone (with a certain IQ) - If you had not eaten breakfast today, would you feel hungry now?

But I knew that wouldn't work with you, so I had cater it (pun intended).

So I said - Mowl, if you hadn't eaten all day yesterday, would you have been hungry?

And of course you gave the answer that people of a certain IQ are supposed to give, you said - I did eat yesterday, Jambo.

And then I showed you the infographic.


Hook, line and sinker

Do you remember that?

Nope, why would I?

Most of the time I don't even read what you wrote with any great amount of interest.

You're boringly predictable.

More of a tea man myself. Coffee's good, I quite like it. Never one to buy into it much though, people walking around with their Starbucks in their hand all day

Never had the habit, not with coffee and not with a plastic bottle of 'spring' water.

In fact, I rarely drink water at all. Even though it's perfectly clean and delivered at high pressure from the taps and doesn't have any flouride, it's also practically boiling from the hot tap and freezing cold from the other. We all get our hot and cold water without any additional bills apart from our standard taxes. You have to turn on an immersion heater to get hot water. The bills are the most expensive in the entire Eurozone, and you even allow them to poison you with flouride for your money. You have to make sure you turn the immersion off when you go out or go to bed lest it run up a bill that'll see you cut off and evicted.

Finland is so far advanced she makes Ireland look like a suffering knacker in a doorway in a wet cardboard box during a cold January early morning. Garbage swirling about the streets. Seagulls tearing at plastic bags outside McDonald's. The stink of stale piss everywhere. Irish people eating garbage food in McDonald's served up by some smiling but slightly mystified teenage girl from Argentina or Somalia. Watching Irish people knackers batter the heads off each other on the main thoroughfare. Not a cop in sight. Junkies everywhere. Filth, dirt, bad smells, gougers aplenty.

I'd say the least of your worries is spotting some twat carrying a paper cup of Costa coffee in one hand and the Sun/Mirror in the other.

Sinead obviously had a beauty but I never fancied her.

I'm sure she must have been devastated to realise that.

Maybe if she grew some hair, on her head that is, changed her personality.. who knows

Maybe if you shaved your entire body and changed your personality the A Team might re-admit you?

Who knows?

Not I.
"... if you hadn't eaten all day yesterday, would you have been hungry...".

Jambo demonstrates exactly why he is such an unintelligent fuckwit above.

Intelligent people question assumptions all the time.
It's not an assumption, you dope

They push back on false or spurious or questionable assumptions.

Idiots don't. Simple as. And that is precisely why they are lead by the nose into believing in all types of fuckwittery.
So a normal to high IQ person might reply -

"I'm sure I would (have felt hungry)"


"It depends, what if I was sick and had no appetite 🤔"


"I can go a full day without eating and not feel hungry"

The low IQ person replies -

"But I did eat yesterday, Jambo"

Surprising how little it takes to amuse yourself, eh.

Must be the sheer weight of that 'I HAVE A HIGH IQ' brass medallion you're wearing around your chicken-bone neck?

Get a fucking life, you silly little twonk.
So a normal to high IQ person might reply -

"I'm sure I would (have felt hungry)"


"It depends, what if I was sick and had no appetite 🤔"


"I can go a full day without eating and not feel hungry"

The low IQ person replies -

"But I did eat yesterday, Jambo"

No, an intelligent person deals with questions that are dumb because they contain a spurious or questionable premise quickly, by getting to the nub of the thing, so they don't waste their time on such stupidities.

"... if you hadn't a bigger skull size than the negro, and done better in the IQ test (assuming of course that is an adequate measure of intelligence), would you have still been a white supremacist..." etc.

The intelligent answer is, "... Shut the fuck up you half breed cretin, I have no time for your stupid conjecture...".
No, an intelligent person deals with questions that are dumb because they contain a spurious or questionable premise quickly, by getting to the nub of the thing, so they don't waste their time on such stupidities.
lofl It's not a dumb question, or an assumption.

Quit embarrassing yourself you fucking peabrain 🤣

"... if you hadn't a bigger skull size than the negro, and done better in the IQ test (assuming of course that is an adequate measure of intelligence), would you have still been a white supremacist..." etc.

The intelligent answer is, "... Shut the fuck up you half breed cretin, I have no time for your stupid conjecture...".

Post in thread 'Gen Z will be last generation with white majority in US, study finds' https://politics.ie/threads/gen-z-w...jority-in-us-study-finds.288198/post-13851688

It was a viable reality in the past. We're all descended from the same relatively small population in Africa. "Races" are a thing of myth.

I totally fail to see any problem in any of this anyway; even if the population [sic] was declining - big deal. We live on a single planet with finite resources which are unevenly distributed. Not necessarily a bad thing to have a declining population [sic].

Why do the 'far right' on Gaychat never fight back against leftist/anti-white lies 🤔 (race denial is a cornerstone of leftist/anti-white ideology)
Really? How many hundreds of thousands of native Americans do you think there were when the Pilgrims struggled ashore?
Ah Jaze, there u are Lumpy. You're as old as dirt and I was sincerely hoping that you were (finally) dead.

Anyway, the US is an acronym, it stands for - The United States of America.

Whites have never been a minority in that country, you imbecilic, anti-white boomer leftard.

Now please just die and, as Michael Jackson said, make the world a better place.
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