
Race is real versus race is a social construct.

Surely you mean third-hand Beatles songs, no?
Did you ever see the video of DLBIA live at the River Plate? Man, it's awesome, goosebumps.

As you know, Noel used to always play a short acoustic set during Oasis gigs (Liam skulling a few cans of cheap lager backstage in the meantime) and if there's one audience as good as, if not better than the Irish, it's the South Americans, wouldn't you agree?

Dedicated to the Mowl (once a roadie himself) -

Dedicated to the Mowl (once a roadie himself)

Nah, I was a contract humper though: I was hired by the crew boss and gaffer Joe, the black dude I was talking about a few days back. There was the gig with Guns & Roses at Slane Castle, and another for Bryan Adams at Simmonscourt. Joe was easy to work for/with, but the lady I worked with on the Bryan Adams gig was an ex of mine, so that one was a bit more complex. Not to worry though, as I hooked up with the drum tech for Adams's drummer who handed me a pile of unused drum heads, all top quality and still in the wrappers. Around €300/400 worth of Remo pinstripes, my favourite for rock/pop/funk type sounds; and another dozen or so coated Remo Ambassadors, again worth hundreds.

That kind of work is hard going. Even before the trucks came on site, we had to lay a road for them to get next to the stage entrance. Steel sheets, dozens and dozens of them, then they had to be moved onto drier muck every morning because the freight trucks weighed tonnes and tonnes. Once the floor is down, then the trucks have to be unloaded (in the correct order or things can get backed up and cause delays. It took around six days to build the stage for G&R, it was brand new, recently built in Holland for the European leg of the tour. The guys doing the rooftop work did so without safety harnesses. It made me dizzy just looking up at them. Then in the evenings these weird bugs started flying around and getting into the lamps we needed to illuminate the stage. Huge fuckers, they'd buzz into a lamp, get fried, then fall around our feet. Thousands of them.

Catering was in the castle itself though, and yer man who lives there was affable, friendly, curious, and watchful. He did some humping himself actually. He seemed to like getting his hands dirty with the rest of us.

But humping isn't my game, I only took the work for the cash, not a career. And I'll never get to do anything like it again after spinal/neck surgery. But if you have the right connections, there's always room for another labourer on most sites. The money's good, the hours are horrible, but the craic is always ninety. I can put a word in for you if you're stuck for a few bob. The ex I worked under soon took over road managing The Corrs on their world tours. Bought herself a lovely house with the proceeds of four/five years on the road work. Nice money for sure. Then Joe took off with Riverdance as stage manager: no easy gig mind you, hundreds of people involved on that one, and every musician had an understudy/dep lest they get ill. Robbie Casserly got the main gig, then quit to record with Elton John. But he made stupid money on Riverdance, as did many of the core band players.

But my roadying days are long since done.

Learned a lot, got a lot stronger, met some amazing people, but wasn't cut out for lifting heavy gear.

So I play instead - the money's better, the craic ninetier, and the ladies sweeter.
I never knew Noel Gallagher was a roadie for Inspiral Carpets. They were a really great band. I went to at least one of their gigs (it's all a bit of a blur honestly).

Well before being converted to "proper" electronic dance music, I went to loads of "Madchester" gigs, bought the records, loved it. Was still in school, young and mad up for it.

Well I suppose there was a bit of natural crossover and evolving involved in the transition. 808 State, Future Sound of London, etc, come to mind.
FSOL disappeared after that one amazing album, Dead Cities. The opening track is a monster. 'Herd Killing' - I used it on a video I made about one touring band I put together. After filming around twenty hours of road material on 8mm, I edited the film in analog using a Philips designed 8mm, a fast/tight VCR, a mini mixing desk with a send/return channel and a Boss DD2 delay unit. The idea was to get around ninety minutes of footage to give to a contact in Guinness Marketing who wrangled the air fees for the start and end of the tour.

In return they had their logo all over the stage: on the bass drum, on the black t-shirts we wore onstage, freebies to give away (lighters, baseball caps, t-shirts, socks, boxers, etc. Free drinks at the bar too - if you could sing along with us. I tried the Arts Council twice, and on both occasions had to stand up and walk out listening to their bullshit. Useless, over-funded, nepotistic, ignorant, and fucking smug.

But yes, Future Sound Of London were a tonic for my headphones during the travel periods from town to town in the wee hours.

Wow I never heard that track before. What a track. Brilliant. Thank you.

The track that I always think of is their debut single, back in 1991, another musical feat of sheer brilliance (imho).

Yeah - I have that one playing right now! It's one of their more popular dance floor tunes.

Though I fear we may be piling up the work for David by using this as a music thread.

FSOL are beautifully experimental, I love their sonic power: the bigger the amp/speakers - the better that shit sounds. I'm a happy boy today because I managed to fix the capacitor in my favourite ever Teac amp: the A-75MkII series. It's seventy five watts per channel and I drive a pair of 150w Finnish built and designed Salora speakers. Built in the seventies, she's been through some hard years and last year I thought I'd finally blown her up tinkering around and cleaning her up.

Even Oasis sound great on them - and that's saying something.
Good point. I'll get this thread back on track by asking where does Sword get this stuff about me?

Sordid's a right fucking cunt.

A coward in a wheelchair, he has to piss through a catheter and eat through a straw.

An utterly nasty and immediately dis-likable old bastard with a ballsack down to his knees.

That you're surprised by anything the lecherous old turd does is hilarious to me. He says I've been 'turned' from a great human to a bad one by music is measure enough of the slimy old fucker's nature. A shut-in. Food delivered by meals on wheels, probably/likely has a set daily timetable for waking, eating, wanking, shitting, and wanking some more.

Has no friends. Wife likely left him seeing as his addiction to moderating sites takes up all its time. Children abandoned, neighbours disgusted, state welfare and administration of its welfare payments knows it spends its life online pretending to be a woman. Sordid's all over the entire selection of sites, but would never allow itself to be standing on level ground with you OR me. Can't handle being taken to task without its ban-hammer.

If the choices were between gutting it and/or burning it - I'd choose both.

Tie it to its wheelchair, life the whole shebang up onto a spit and cook the rat slowly.

Nobody would miss it - bar Declan Kelly.

I reduce humanity down to biology because I'm a race realist??

Take it up with the fat and lazy bastard then - rejoin Arsefield's - all your mates are over there talking about me, you, and the Isle.

They even booted Val out last night.

Declan's on thin ice with his 'big investment' into owning a chat site, the sad bastard.

His best mate is now his worst enemy.

Val's BOUND to do a video about it - grab the popcorn and the bucket.
Sordid's a right fucking cunt.

A coward in a wheelchair, he has to piss through a catheter and eat through a straw.

An utterly nasty and immediately dis-likable old bastard with a ballsack down to his knees.

That you're surprised by anything the lecherous old turd does is hilarious to me. He says I've been 'turned' from a great human to a bad one by music is measure enough of the slimy old fucker's nature. A shut-in. Food delivered by meals on wheels, probably/likely has a set daily timetable for waking, eating, wanking, shitting, and wanking some more.

Has no friends. Wife likely left him seeing as his addiction to moderating sites takes up all its time. Children abandoned, neighbours disgusted, state welfare and administration of its welfare payments knows it spends its life online pretending to be a woman. Sordid's all over the entire selection of sites, but would never allow itself to be standing on level ground with you OR me. Can't handle being taken to task without its ban-hammer.

If the choices were between gutting it and/or burning it - I'd choose both.

Tie it to its wheelchair, life the whole shebang up onto a spit and cook the rat slowly.

Nobody would miss it - bar Declan Kelly.
It doesn't particularly surprise me (what she said) but I mean, it sounds like something roc_abilly roc_abilly would say.

If I was back on Arsefield's I think I'd have to be stricter with Sword, try to train her to hold more than one thought in her head at the same time :)

Take it up with the fat and lazy bastard then - rejoin Arsefield's - all your mates are over there talking about me, you, and the Isle.
My friends, such as? 🤔 Plonker & Drooper (AKA Tiger), the two lefty twats (Tank & CW), Idi(ot) O'Min, Fatman himself? I don't think I have many friends over there.

Speaking of Idi(ot), I see that he showed up recently (for a few hours at least) for the first time in a couple of months, calling me a stupid cunt, white (as a pejorative) and banging on about the "fucken prods". I always knew that there was a good deal of Catholicism about on these fora but I don't think I really realised how sectarian some of them are. Fatman's the same himself and probably neither of those two gobshites have set foot in a church this year (unless it was part of Dan's busking detail).

They even booted Val out last night.

Declan's on thin ice with his 'big investment' into owning a chat site, the sad bastard.

His best mate is now his worst enemy.

Val's BOUND to do a video about it - grab the popcorn and the bucket.
I never knew Noel Gallagher was a roadie for Inspiral Carpets. They were a really great band. I went to at least one of their gigs (it's all a bit of a blur honestly).

Well before being converted to "proper" electronic dance music, I went to loads of "Madchester" gigs, bought the records, loved it. Was still in school, young and mad up for it.

Well I suppose there was a bit of natural crossover and evolving involved in the transition. 808 State, Future Sound of London, etc, come to mind.

I saw the Carpets supported by Shed Seven at Tottenham Court Road Dominion which was a memorable gig. Real floorshaker stuff, loved the 60's style keyboards. I suspect it would have been well before Oasis so Gallagher could well have been roadying for them at the time. I also liked the whole cows artwork on Moo records thing they had going on. I heard it all went tits up with the record company in some dispute which cashiered the Carpets.

They were good fun.
He definitely was their roadie. He says it was the best time of his life.

And yeah, he obviously saw a good thing as roadie, decided to copy it with his kid brother, decided to hop on the bandwagon. And because they (Oasis) brought nothing to it but a commercial hunger, they killed the whole scene stone dead.

Actually he's proud of it. Didn't he say, "... All I ever wanted to do was make a record. Here’s what you do: you pick up your guitar, you rip a few people’s tune’s off, you swap them round a bit, get your brother in the band, punch his head in every now and again, and it sells..."

'Madchester' was dead by Oasis, they killed it, that type of cynicism pulled the non music fans into it, who only know how to be puppets of the record companies, and don't appreciate creativity, they're really just looking for jingles, the familiar, with a veneer of record company marketing.

Actually I chose that song above because it reminded me of Jambo in a way. I mean in how we try to understand him on this forum, peel back the sociological and pathological layers of the dark forces that drove Jambo not only into the arms of Oasis, but also into the arms of American white supremacism, god help us all.

To quote Noel again about his brother Liam who Jambo apparently is so drawn to, "... He’s the angriest man you’ll ever meet. He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup...”.
Sad the way every thought that passes Jambo's fat gob is a link to someone else's opinion.

But he was always a follower - never a leader, at least not apart from 'The A Team' car crash, which I'd bet cash dollar money he currently wishes he'd never even mentioned it. Not only do his A Team mates hate him, they laugh into his face most of the time.

Whatever medication Jambo's on, we need to make sure the other A Team members have two of.
Mowl Mowl, imagine you were a drummer in a band and your bandmates were happy with you but they decided to give an audition to another guy on the sly. And afterwards your bandmates thought that he wasn't as good a drummer as you, but wait, one of them says, that's actually Mowl's fault, and the rest of the band agree. Would you think that was fair? 🤔

And there's more, the band then decide to sack you and hire the new guy instead, would you think that was fair? 🤔

By the way, this has nothing to do with you being an asshole, the questions are based purely on drumming ability.
Mowl Mowl, imagine you were a drummer in a band and your bandmates were happy with you but they decided to give an audition to another guy on the sly. And afterwards your bandmates thought that he wasn't as good a drummer as you, but wait, one of them says, that's actually Mowl's fault, and the rest of the band agree. Would you think that was fair? 🤔

I don't join bands, Jambo - that's strictly for the kids.

I make my choices based on what's best for me - playing as a session player in other drummer's bands because they can't deliver in the studio as well as they can in rehearsal or performance. So what you're asking isn't something I've ever had to deal with - quite the opposite: if a recording band aren't getting down what they need to build the songs on, then a professional hand is required: come in at the end of the day, listen to the parts recorded earlier by the band'sdrummer, then use his/her gear exactly as they use it, except with my style of grooving.

Which is what I do best: I don't do drum solos. I often don't even get the credit for my own takes because I'm paid to do a job, not be your mate or join your crew. I operate as a mobile intelligence unit unto myself. I haven't 'been in a band' in the sense you're assuming I have. I have three different work names/handles which I work under depending where I am and who I'm working for.

My costs remain the same in either location, but you'll also have to fly me in and house me for a couple of nights.

Then pay me to shut up about it.

And there's more, the band then decide to sack you and hire the new guy instead, would you think that was fair?

Oasis' first drummer was chronic - utterly fucking shite-balls.

He had to be replaced, that was obvious from the first time I heard them.

Quit with emojis, you dork - you're starting to look like Saul Bucket.

By the way, this has nothing to do with you being an asshole, the questions are based purely on drumming ability.

I don't consider myself a drummer only, as such. Playing drums is just one thing I do. I mostly play songs, Jambo - and that's the difference between me and the hairy fuckers you see playing in actual 'bands'. I quit that shit before turning twenty years old. Because I could. Because I was in with all the right people and at the right time and made my name off the back of a variety of things I did as a performer. As a recording artist, basically.

Question: if you were working nights at a twenty-four hour petrol station out off the M50 and one night another guy with, say - a gimp arm - showed up to work with you and you were expected to teach him how to use the till, how to handle drunks and robbers, and then two days later you were fired even though you're not a gimp-arm kind of bloke, would you be pissed off at your job being taken by a one-handed shut-in type weirdo freak or would you just chalk it down to experience?

You work at whatever type of manual labour you specialize in - that's because you made certain lifestyle choices that put you where you are right now.


I put myself to work at an early age and spent my time improving my abilities, not because I had to, but mostly because I love what I do in music as much as I love what I do as an artist. And I'll even qualify that for you by saying that I only ever make art for the same reasons I make music: to get paid. And until you've tried it, you'll never know what's it's like to be the master of your own world. I work for me, nobody else. If I sign a contract, I deliver. If the job at hand isn't suitable for me, I back off and make suggestions for other people who might do a better job than I can with your project. Likewise, if they're looking for a dep, they'll ask me. Fair's fair after all.

So you keep serving at the till while I'm off out into the world living off my own raw talents, I may even call by one night to buy some petrol off you.

There's a reason why people fly me into their location and to record with them, just as there are reasons why I was flown in twice a year (at least) by one of Ireland's largest pub and restaurant companies. Because what I have to offer is the best quality there is available. They know my methods, they know they can rely on me, and I know what they need like the back of my hand so I don't even need to consult them before I commence the work.

Art and music, Jambo: two of the greatest gifts nature has to offer - and I was offered both of them.

That's why I've seen the world on my own terms, while you had to fly in and get a job.

Like your year in Australia: it's still just a gap year thing that thousands of Irish kids do.

My entire life is my gap year - get it?
I don't "hate race realism". It's just a stupid concept. It was conceived from the basest of emotions. It's brand-like terminology, clearly aimed at a cynical marketing exercise of rebranding white supremacism.

The term has as much meaning for me as any other brand slogan.

Granted their is a sliver of substance that the slogan is based on, but as we previously found out on here through discussion, that's all it is, a tiny sliver.

I hate stupid marketing slogans, perhaps. That would be the extend of any "hate" I have towards the term.
I don't join bands, Jambo - that's strictly for the kids.

I make my choices based on what's best for me - playing as a session player in other drummer's bands because they can't deliver in the studio as well as they can in rehearsal or performance. So what you're asking isn't something I've ever had to deal with - quite the opposite: if a recording band aren't getting down what they need to build the songs on, then a professional hand is required: come in at the end of the day, listen to the parts recorded earlier by the band'sdrummer, then use his/her gear exactly as they use it, except with my style of grooving.

Which is what I do best: I don't do drum solos. I often don't even get the credit for my own takes because I'm paid to do a job, not be your mate or join your crew. I operate as a mobile intelligence unit unto myself. I haven't 'been in a band' in the sense you're assuming I have. I have three different work names/handles which I work under depending where I am and who I'm working for.

My costs remain the same in either location, but you'll also have to fly me in and house me for a couple of nights.

Then pay me to shut up about it.

Oasis' first drummer was chronic - utterly fucking shite-balls.

He had to be replaced, that was obvious from the first time I heard them.

Quit with emojis, you dork - you're starting to look like Saul Bucket.

I don't consider myself a drummer only, as such. Playing drums is just one thing I do. I mostly play songs, Jambo - and that's the difference between me and the hairy fuckers you see playing in actual 'bands'. I quit that shit before turning twenty years old. Because I could. Because I was in with all the right people and at the right time and made my name off the back of a variety of things I did as a performer. As a recording artist, basically.

Question: if you were working nights at a twenty-four hour petrol station out off the M50 and one night another guy with, say - a gimp arm - showed up to work with you and you were expected to teach him how to use the till, how to handle drunks and robbers, and then two days later you were fired even though you're not a gimp-arm kind of bloke, would you be pissed off at your job being taken by a one-handed shut-in type weirdo freak or would you just chalk it down to experience?

You work at whatever type of manual labour you specialize in - that's because you made certain lifestyle choices that put you where you are right now.


I put myself to work at an early age and spent my time improving my abilities, not because I had to, but mostly because I love what I do in music as much as I love what I do as an artist. And I'll even qualify that for you by saying that I only ever make art for the same reasons I make music: to get paid. And until you've tried it, you'll never know what's it's like to be the master of your own world. I work for me, nobody else. If I sign a contract, I deliver. If the job at hand isn't suitable for me, I back off and make suggestions for other people who might do a better job than I can with your project. Likewise, if they're looking for a dep, they'll ask me. Fair's fair after all.

So you keep serving at the till while I'm off out into the world living off my own raw talents, I may even call by one night to buy some petrol off you.

There's a reason why people fly me into their location and to record with them, just as there are reasons why I was flown in twice a year (at least) by one of Ireland's largest pub and restaurant companies. Because what I have to offer is the best quality there is available. They know my methods, they know they can rely on me, and I know what they need like the back of my hand so I don't even need to consult them before I commence the work.

Art and music, Jambo: two of the greatest gifts nature has to offer - and I was offered both of them.

That's why I've seen the world on my own terms, while you had to fly in and get a job.

Like your year in Australia: it's still just a gap year thing that thousands of Irish kids do.

My entire life is my gap year - get it?
Do you want to have a go at answering the questions now? 🤔
I don't "hate race realism".
You hate white people

It's just a stupid concept. It was conceived from the basest of emotions. It's brand-like terminology, clearly aimed at a cynical marketing exercise of rebranding white supremacism.
It's not white supremacism (by definition), that's just a lazy, dishonest lie (by your cult) and please don't confuse your (endlessly) complaining about terminology with making it a stupid concept

The term has as much meaning for me as any other brand slogan.

Granted their is a sliver of substance that the slogan is based on, but as we previously found out on here through discussion, that's all it is, a tiny sliver.

I hate stupid marketing slogans, perhaps. That would be the extend of any "hate" I have towards the term.
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