
Pro-White Activist Jailed For Two Years For Stickering

I don't particularly disagree that Niall "Link is in the description below" McConnell is a grifter, but the fact that you want to see him jailed for a sticker you don't like tells us all we need to know about you.



You're on your own, you steaming little faggot.

You better hope that the tables aren't turned one day because all of your names have been taken.

By whom?



I don't particularly disagree that Niall "Link is in the description below" McConnell is a grifter, but the fact that you want to see him jailed for a sticker you don't like tells us all we need to know about you. You better hope that the tables aren't turned one day because all of your names have been taken.

I don't want Niall or you to go to jail. In fact I think I'd like you both to find a nice girlfriend who would temper the toxic stupidity in you, make you happier clowns, draw you away from the white supremacism, slogans and fantasies which weigh so on this world.

Besides jail is beside the point, you're already in a jail of your own making. You Jambo will likely end up like Dylann Roofe the way you're going.

While poor Niall being none too bright is likely to see out his days in the end I think on Arsefields the "Irish Nationalist" halfwit site, with Wolf, Dan, Saul & Co, a fate worse than death.

Which is to say that your just rewards will come in this life, you reap what you sow.

And actually I don't take much pleasure in that, seeing you or the likes of Niall reap your just rewards on this earth - well perhaps some small entertainment.
I don't understand what makes "whites" a community or nation?

Who's in and who's out?

Are places like Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan in?

Does the sallow and/or swarthy complexion that some long time Irish inhabitants have make the grade for inclusion?

Where and what are the shared stories, shared culture and shared experience of "white nationalism", similar to those which formed the basis of traditional Irish Nationalism, and Jewish Nationalism?

And what is its appeal?

Does this proposed "white nationalism" have a proposed shared language similar to say the Hebrew revival in Jewish Nationalism, or the nineteenth century Celtic revival in Irish Nationalism?

Also noting that in both Jewish and Irish Nationalism we were not dealing with imaginary fears of persecution - in both cases people were actually being slaughtered and horribly oppressed.

I.e. far from how in this "white nationalism" of your conception we basically are talking about whites lower down in the economic and social order no longer being permitted to look down on blacks as beneath them the way they once were permitted, on account of their skin colour.

As a primary source of the feelings of persecution of most of your "white nationalists" as it seems to me basically stem from the modern innovation that equality is not just for whites.

So I really fail to see anything in your strained equivalences, James. Well beyond more repetition of your empty rhetoric.

(A rhetoric of a type that animates a certain subset of "whites" like yourself. And that's the only really tangible thing I see that binds your proposed community, James.)
I don't understand what makes "whites" a community or nation?
To try to make sense of your question I will assume that your low IQ is showing.

So, you realise that the reply is word for word the original with the exception of replacing 'Jews' with 'Whites', right?

And you understand that (albeit ZOG is real) there is only one Jewish state and many white states?

Do you think you could take it from there, yourself? 🤔

Who's in and who's out?

Are places like Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan in?

Does the sallow and/or swarthy complexion that some long time Irish inhabitants have make the grade for inclusion?

Where and what are the shared stories, shared culture and shared experience of "white nationalism", similar to those which formed the basis of traditional Irish Nationalism, and Jewish Nationalism?

And what is its appeal?

Does this proposed "white nationalism" have a proposed shared language similar to say the Hebrew revival in Jewish Nationalism, or the nineteenth century Celtic revival in Irish Nationalism?

Also noting that in both Jewish and Irish Nationalism we were not dealing with imaginary fears of persecution - in both cases people were actually being slaughtered and horribly oppressed.

I.e. far from how in this "white nationalism" of your conception we basically are talking about whites lower down in the economic and social order no longer being permitted to look down on blacks as beneath them the way they once were permitted, on account of their skin colour.

As a primary source of the feelings of persecution of most of your "white nationalists" as it seems to me basically stem from the modern innovation that equality is not just for whites.

So I really fail to see anything in your strained equivalences, James. Well beyond more repetition of your empty rhetoric.

(A rhetoric of a type that animates a certain subset of "whites" like yourself. And that's the only really tangible thing I see that binds your proposed community, James.)
many white states?
So I take you to mean you want a federation of "white" states. I.e. A federal "white" state.

Well my questions to you still stand - what binds this "federal state" in terms over and above the colour of one's skin?

Also noting that a state that wants to base its legitimacy on cultural unity must be small, or it is doomed to meet the hostility of others. We see nationalism is typically defensive when defined in cultural terms, e.g. Catalan, Basque, Christian Lebanese, Irish, Jewish Israel, Palestinian Arab etc.

It's different when you talk about large states like Russia, China, or pan-Arab nationalism. Under those types of visions of cultural unity, nationalism becomes offensive.

So it seems to me you are suggesting something along those more authoritarian lines.

On the other hand, "the West" is basically an administrative system that States join by choice. A liberal administrative system including non-white countries like Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan etc.

The administrative system of the totalitarian, authoritarian countries curate cultural life, weed out individual variations.

Anyway I guess you'll refer me again to your "Mr. Real Replacement" twitter moron, or another variation of the stupid meme he regurgitated - as if I couldn't understand what he wrote, why he wrote it, or the half witted "logic" he's drawing on.

I might as well be talking to a monkey.
So I take you to mean you want a federation of "white" [sic] states. I.e. A federal "white" [sic] state.
No, I don't

Once again, your post starts with a falsehood so, once again, it's terminated

Well my questions to you still stand - what binds this "federal state" in terms over and above the colour of one's skin?

Also noting that a state that wants to base its legitimacy on cultural unity must be small, or it is doomed to meet the hostility of others. We see nationalism is typically defensive when defined in cultural terms, e.g. Catalan, Basque, Christian Lebanese, Irish, Jewish Israel, Palestinian Arab etc.

It's different when you talk about large states like Russia, China, or pan-Arab nationalism. Under those types of visions of cultural unity, nationalism becomes offensive.

So it seems to me you are suggesting something along those more authoritarian lines.

On the other hand, "the West" is basically an administrative system that States join by choice. A liberal administrative system including non-white countries like Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan etc.

The administrative system of the totalitarian, authoritarian countries curate cultural life, weed out individual variations.

Anyway I guess you'll refer me again to your "Mr. Real Replacement" twitter moron, or another variation of the stupid meme he regurgitated - as if I couldn't understand what he wrote, why he wrote it, or the half witted "logic" he's drawing on.

I might as well be talking to a monkey.
The elephant in the room raised his eyebrow pretty high at that, Jambo.
What did you expect me to reply to when your premise is false (as I said)?

And then your very next paragraph is -

Well my questions to you still stand - what binds this "federal state" in terms over and above the colour of one's skin?

You're beyond a fucking joke.
Note Shaw saying above, "but there are an extraordinary number of people who I want to kill".

The translator translates him as "but there are an extraordinary number of people who want to kill".

Obviously Shaw is being facetious, trying to make his opinion clear.

But it's so incredibly taboo now to even say anything like that, even facetiously. The translator doesn't even dare to translate him faithfully.

I mean consider how on this forum the suggestion is regularly made to Jambo that he may need to consider "terminating" himself.

The reason, and the message in that suggestion, is obviously as Shaw above communicates.

It is something that needs to be said. It is something that needs to be communicated.

Of course it is up to the recipient of the messsge to interpret the message. I.e. The message that his life is worthless as it currently is.

But the likes of "free speech Feeney" goes into apoplexies at this, his ugly head explodes.

For his idea of "free speech" is that you may direct any message you like about other communities, out into the world, at idiots like Jambo, or say the Buffalo mass shooter who said about his own attack, "... I read "multiple sources of information" and decided that my current view is most correct...". (link - i.e. you can see he was watching the same type of youtube videos as Jambo).

But just challenge these morons sending these messages out into the wider world on a personal level - for example, facetiously put to them that they can't justify their existence in the path they have chosen in life.

And oh my god, you're suddenly a baby murderer and want to kill their granny, and genocide the white race, and hate "the Irish people", and an apologist for pedophiles, and everything else bad in the world rolled up into one.

These people have no personal responsibility, no conception of personal consequences, they are simply child-like idiots.
The (Anti) British Police State has banned political prisoner Sam Melia from having any contact with his children..


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