
Jambo/Electricity/Saul/CG&P: Irish Nationalism v Old Age Pensioners

It strikes me that probably the only thing I have in common with a prat like Jambo is the colour of our skin.

I would not be proud of being like him in any manner, even superficially.

But to belabour the obvious point, which still somehow escapes this turd "Jambo" above - the widest variances between people are not cross-racial, they are individual. And I would be proud of that.

Those differences.
It strikes me that probably the only thing I have in common with a prat like Jambo is the colour of our skin.

I would not be proud of being like him in any manner, even superficially.
But to belabour the obvious point, which still somehow escapes this turd "Jambo" above - the widest variances between people are not cross-racial, they are individual. And I would be proud of that.

Those differences.
You keep on coming back with the same dumb argument, we've been over it all before, you were eviscerated in your own thread (not for the first time)

As Dawkins (who isn't a race denier) puts it, most of the genetic variance of the human species is contained within a race, so what.

You're just peddling race denialism.
I can help/assist you to create a suicide plan that's around 99% guaranteed to work, Jambo.

The only thing worse than a suicide is a failed suicide - which is probably what most people think happened to you.
Are you proud of your race?

Sorry that that video is cut short by the way (it's still worth a watch)

It's of course by Devon Tracey AKA AiU (Atheism-is-Unstoppable) but he's been banned from YouTube more times than you can shake a stick at and his full-length videos are only on censored.tv now
Sorry that that video is cut short by the way (it's still worth a watch)

It's of course by Devon Tracey AKA AiU (Atheism-is-Unstoppable) but he's been banned from YouTube more times than you can shake a stick at and his full-length videos are only on censored.tv now
Devon is actually a bit of a lefty in some respects (and he's a massive Zionist) but he's always been exemplary on race
Poor Jambo: I've been slapping him so hard with the happiness prize he's gone to earth.

Sucks being a miserable cunt, dunnit Seamus?
Man, but without the dole to support you, you wouldn't even find any of these crank videos you post.

I was reading earlier about the top ten countries in the world when it comes to welfare hand-outs: and strangely enough, Ireland isn't one of them. I hear this all the time about refugees and other doubtable wrecks - that they're making their way to Ireland for free houses and the highest dole payments in the world. None of it's true, not the money/dole part, anyway.

The real problem is leeches like you sucking at the teat: you don't just sponge up the freebies/charity/'entitlements' - but you then spend all your time drinking cheap imported beer while looking for garbage like the above video. Like I said yesterday - WAY too much time on your hands.
Mowl doesn't know who Jesse Lee is, neither

Sure I do, he's a black fellow.

Better known as The Lone Ranger's best bud.

This is what happens when you're an extremely low IQ narcissist

Is it?

Tell us: does it hurt more physically or intellectually?

Anyhoo: a quick question?

Why do you love AND hate black people at the same time?

You consider them a lower form of species, yet half your posts use black men as your heroes, mentors, influencers, and so on.

Tell us all about it, Champ.
Sure I do, he's a black fellow.

Better known as The Lone Ranger's best bud.

Is it?

Tell us: does it hurt more physically or intellectually?

Anyhoo: a quick question?
Why do you love AND hate black people at the same time?
Gosh, you're stupid

You consider them a lower form of species, yet half your posts use black men as your heroes, mentors, influencers, and so on.

Tell us all about it, Champ.
Everyone knows that you're not going to answer but I will ask the question anyway - What is your evidence for me "hating black people"
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