
Jambo/Electricity/Saul/CG&P: Irish Nationalism v Old Age Pensioners

At least they aren’t Muslims, right?
At least they came here legally, right?
Look, they’re involved in local politics. They’re so integrated!

I’d like a civic nationalist, Tommy Robinson fanboy type, to tell me exactly where the line is for them.

Where does this end? At what point can the Irish (a nation of roughly 4 million) say to the people of Nigeria (a nation of over 200 million) "No, you can’t come to our country anymore. You can’t stand in or vote in our elections. You can’t colonise us.”?

Because left to the civnat Tommytards, there ISN’T an end to this. And they will call anyone who objects to this a "racist", making them no different than the "woke mob" and "globalist elite" they pretend to oppose.

How does your form of ethnic nationalism manifest itself in the real world, Seamus?

I can keep this up for as long as it takes to make you look an even bigger dickhead than you look just now - which ain't a pretty sight neither.
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