
Jambo/Electricity/Saul/CG&P: Irish Nationalism v Old Age Pensioners

At least they aren’t Muslims, right?
At least they came here legally, right?
Look, they’re involved in local politics. They’re so integrated!

I’d like a civic nationalist, Tommy Robinson fanboy type, to tell me exactly where the line is for them.

Where does this end? At what point can the Irish (a nation of roughly 4 million) say to the people of Nigeria (a nation of over 200 million) "No, you can’t come to our country anymore. You can’t stand in or vote in our elections. You can’t colonise us.”?

Because left to the civnat Tommytards, there ISN’T an end to this. And they will call anyone who objects to this a "racist", making them no different than the "woke mob" and "globalist elite" they pretend to oppose.

How does your form of ethnic nationalism manifest itself in the real world, Seamus?

I can keep this up for as long as it takes to make you look an even bigger dickhead than you look just now - which ain't a pretty sight neither.
You'd have to wonder if Jambo quit blogging for a while because he has other things to do just now.

Maybe like a part-time job working nights stacking shelves in Lidl/Aldi to try to raise enough cash to get a ticket for the Oasis gigs next year. Or is it this year? Don't know, don't care. But this bullshit with tickets is fucking hilarious. Who in their right mind would sink over a grand per ticket to hear these losers play the same three chords all fucking night?

You'd have to wonder (wall) what the fuck's going on.

Noel took the lion's share of profits from sales, and unless he has a deal with his brother in the background, then it's likely that Liam needs the money more than Noel does. Lyrics and basic melody own around 80% of any profits. The rest is divided according to whatever internal deals the members have decided on. Few bands do things any differently, but it's also a fact that your own U2 all signed a contract dividing all profits five ways between the members and the manager. The Beatles famously fell into battle over their profits and how they were handled. Many other bands fall into the same trap, but then again most successful bands have a bit more to them than nasty headlines, drug-addled adventures, and the same three chords all fucking night.

Over a grand to see and hear Oasis?

Fuck that, I'd mock up an AAA for myself and walk in with it.

Or I can design and send one directly to you if you can get me the details, Jimmy.

Fifty nicker and it's yours.

Backstage all the way - free beer, blowjobs all over the place, side stage watching them up real close?



I've no idea what he's sulking for - I made it perfectly clear that all future tweets/ telegram screenshots etc. were to go in a certain thread, and only in that thread. Yet within 24 hours he was back to square one, posting xyz social media links / screenshots in the General Chat Thread. James seems to think he can always get his way on forums by demanding a GDPR, or by sulking in protest. Well he can sulk for as long as he wants...the rule still stands - tweets etc. go in the thread which was designated for them. If he (again) starts attacking administration in protest he'll be back on moderation.

He can either comply, or play the usual game of cat and mouse which always leads to the same inevitable consequences time and time again.
Jimmy's a right auld moany-boots. I always said that losing his Ma at such a young age had a detrimental effect on his entire life and everything in it. Including his taste in music (all-macho-male bar yer wan from The Bangles - his favourite driving music). 'Walk Like An Egyptian' all the way down the Ballymuck bypass and out into real culchie territory. Have yet another 'Manic Monday' what with the local supermarket running out of slabs of Dutch Gold. I'm sure there's a Polish beer that tastes the exact same but comes in a different shape of bottle/tin.

I also think that his inferiority complex got the better of him when he realized that even a Ballyer head like me can skewer him and lightly toast his ass for as long as it amuses me. That had to hurt. Imagine that seven-hundred and ninety-eight IQ on top of all the millions he made playing tiddlywinks? Maybe he's fallen in with the rather more elite cocaine set? 17% cocaine, the rest rat poison, flour, talcum powder, and cheap amphetamine.

If I had a gazillion euros, an intelligence quotient the equivalent of the entire Intel underground, and a bicycle, I'd take off on a round the world cycling trip to end all cycling trips. Once met a bloke in Cherbourg while queuing to get on the ferry home after a gig in Paris, he'd cycled from Tokyo back to see his Mam in Stillorgan. Took him over six months. Same weekend we got AAAs for INXS at Le Rex in Bonne Nouvelle, and the after party. Got absolutely smashed beyond my normal limits and slumped for a while in the private club attached to Le Rex. So a drunk Kirk Pengilly tied my dreads to the back of the chair and then woke me as though there was a fire or something. I hopped up, the chair came with me, so I panicked, and everyone had a laugh at my expense. Which was fine by me: we must have drank all the tequila and brandy in the place. Getting my hair back from the wooden chair wasn't much fun, mind you.

Oh, but yes - we were talking about Jambo.

So, er..


I found it hard.

It's hard to find.

Oh well.


Never mind.

Jambo hopefully took Mowl's advice finally, took off travelling, and found love.

Love is a tight commodity in the current market.

This whole woke thing has certainly thrown up some clangers. I notice lately that there are lots of blokes boys out and about wearing skirts. I'd have to look twice because they also wear make-up, so the Adam's apple is the go-to evidence. Boys in skirts to just above the knee, sports socks to just below the knee, and worn out converse all-stars downstairs on the feets. Lots of people with blue hair, orange hair, green hair, purple too.

Then there's the girlies holding hands. Actual girlies this time, but very young, very obvious as to which one's which, the way they kiss, they way they look at each other, and the general air of confidence they emanate as though it's the most natural thing in the world to stick your tongue down her neck in the biscuit aisle.

I was stopped by a voice the other week, and when I turned to look at who he was, he wasn't a he, he was a she. Deep gruff voice, and a face that didn't belie either male or female attributes at first. Then he she tried to sell me some notions about helping kids go to school in Yemen or somewhere. By then I was looking at his her legs: they were hairier than mine, even if they were sort of gingerish. The voice was totally bloke, as was the gait, the facial expressions, etc. Adam's apple not present.

I don't have a problem with it, but it would be nice if it was okay to find it all a bit funny. Funny as in ha-ha type of funny. Not pointing fingers and belittling them. Just an acknowledgement that I see what's happening there. After all, he she approached me first. Surely a bark of surprised laughter isn't offensive, is it? Or even a comment that his her legs are hairier than my own?

In the end I didn't contract a kid in Yemen to go to school, but I did have a few giggles with him her: and she he laughed along too.

I.e. Jambo' story has a happy ending, and he doesn't end up going postal.

Maybe he found himself a nice hairy-legged ginger girl with a brusque male voice, an androgynous face, a mixed up style of dress (flowery blouse over cut-off short denim pants, sports knee-socks, converse all-stars, messy hair, and a bright and multi-coloured hoodie) who tried to sell him educational opportunities for young children in Yemen?


I don't use Instagram - can you portray the message to me in the form of jazz ballet on LSD?
I don't use Instagram - can you portray the message to me in the form of jazz ballet on LSD?
Well it was this fellow and his goat brought young Jambo to mind. And you know everyone on these fora was worried about Jambo "going postal", on account of all his white supremacist talk; his rehashing all of that stuff you find in the manifestos of white supremacists who actually did go "postal". But then I thought, well, maybe he's in sunny South America somewhere, fallen in love with a goat, and having regular sex at long last. Maybe he's out there, happy and content, somewhere.

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