
Jambo/Electricity/Saul/CG&P: Irish Nationalism v Old Age Pensioners

Btw, I'm reminded of the Jerky Boys who I used to listen to when I was younger and thought were funny. They always did their calls in character, here's one with the famous Frank Rizzo -

Themes: comedy, prank calls

Next up you'll be posting a chess board and demanding answers to that too, eh.

Poor English Sambo-Jambo: hasn't a mate in the entire world.
Still without a job.

I'd say Fridays are the worst day losers like you have to endure.

While the rest of us are planning a night out, you're setting yourself and and Free & Clean up for a night of writing poems about the Mowl.

The same Mowl you had bared from Ballyer?

Yeah - right.


Suggestion: head down to your local chippy at around 2330 and hang around by the door tapping up odds.

You might beg enough for a sausage in batter - the height of Irish cuisine.
I see you had an extremely productive Friday night in with your rage and an online device, E Electricity.

Did you finish it off with a nice big wank before passing out from the Dutch Gold overload?

You're some fucking loser, kid.
Were you out dancing with the ladeez last night, Mowl? 🤔

No, dinner party across town with friends.

Then a rather loud music bar for late drinks and a taxi home.

D'you reckon your campaign to have everyone except you barred from Arsefield's will deliver a positive result?
Mowl, quit your cribbing. I'm in a good mood this morning. I took this young lady up on her offer and now we're an item.

(I plan on weaning her off the w*gger music once she can't do without me)
Your fantasy world is as dull as your actual life - if we can call it a life.

They were saying on the RTE news earlier that your type watches an average of seven to nine hours of porn a day.

What's it like being a useless wanker of such epic proportions?
No, dinner party across town with friends.

Then a rather loud music bar for late drinks and a taxi home.
Hey Mowl, maybe if you could cheer up for 5 seconds we could play a game (you're good at this one)..

What song does that remind me of? 🤔
Get your tongue out of my colon, you drunk fucker.

I say fucker, but of course I mean wanker.
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