
Irish Nationalism and Catholicism (E.g. The National Party).

Look at this in Ongar.

This Irish chap, probably some type of a white supremacist, horribly dissed this African lady in an overtly racist tone, with sexual innuendo.

She had had enough. And she was having none of it. Just check her out putting manners on the fat, racist pup.

To get this thread back on an adult track, I think the above is a teachable moment, please consider this data -

As you can see, the only group that has a negative in-group preference (ethnocentrism) across all races is white leftists.

Furthermore, white leftists have the highest correlation with mental illness. So, the data clearly shows, roc is a leftist, insane and hates white people (which I've said along) Q.E.D.

Also, if we look at this graph -

All racial groups rate their own the highest (whites being somewhat indifferent, which makes sense as whites are the least racist) and whites the lowest. With blacks having the highest rating for themselves and lowest for whites (basically blacks hate whites about as much as white leftists do)
Let's just take the first graph. What is it actually telling us?

That American liberals experiencing difficulties go to their doctor for a prescription, while an American conservative goes to their pastor?

That American conservatives who believe Covid is a hoax, that the election was "stolen", that there are deep State paedophile rings being run from a pizzeria, that everything is a conspiracy against them, don't trust their doctors?

You see morons who don't understand statistics get overwhelmed when they see graphs like these, they have zero feel for the reality of the world that the data is supposed to be giving them clues about.

The mental capacity of US conservatives, or lack of, specifically, is something that the whole world is really concerned about. Some graph that shows they're avoiding their doctors and wallowing in their insane and narrow delusions is even more concerning.

Sure many American ultra liberals no doubt are also insane fucking fuckwits. But at least they're seeing their doctors about it.
Let's just take the first graph.

No, let's not (because that would be stupid)

What is it actually telling us?

That American liberals experiencing difficulties go to their doctor for a prescription, while an American conservative goes to their pastor?

That American conservatives who believe Covid is a hoax, that the election was "stolen", that there are deep State paedophile rings being run from a pizzeria, that everything is a conspiracy against them, don't trust their doctors?

You see morons who don't understand statistics get overwhelmed when they see graphs like these, they have zero feel for the reality of the world that the data is supposed to be giving them clues about.

The mental capacity of US conservatives, or lack of, specifically, is something that the whole world is really concerned about. Some graph that shows they're avoiding their doctors and wallowing in their insane and narrow delusions is even more concerning.

Sure many American ultra liberals no doubt are also insane fucking fuckwits. But at least they're seeing their doctors about it.
Let's just take the first graph. What is it actually telling us?

That American liberals experiencing difficulties go to their doctor for a prescription, while an American conservative goes to their pastor?

That American conservatives who believe Covid is a hoax, that the election was "stolen", that there are deep State paedophile rings being run from a pizzeria, that everything is a conspiracy against them, don't trust their doctors?

You see morons who don't understand statistics get overwhelmed when they see graphs like these, they have zero feel for the reality of the world that the data is supposed to be giving them clues about.

The mental capacity of US conservatives, or lack of, specifically, is something that the whole world is really concerned about. Some graph that shows they're avoiding their doctors and wallowing in their insane and narrow delusions is even more concerning.

Sure many American ultra liberals no doubt are also insane fucking fuckwits. But at least they're seeing their doctors about it.

As PJ O'Rourke (a republican) remarked 'People forget that America was founded by religious nuts with guns'.

They are going through another hysterical episode like in Salem. The air for them is filled with evil spirits. There is a theory that the bread they were making in the area was tainted with ergot, which brings on hallucinations, hence all the witchcraft hysteria. The locals were on a bad trip and trying to deal with it in the only shared language they had which was biblical mania.

There is widespread lead poisoning in the US environment from decades of leaded fuel. Lead poisoning is known to reduce the IQ levels in affected humans. Their water won't be much better from decades of chemical spilling and from decades of toxic chemical run off making it into their food chain.

So they are trying to deal with it in the only shared language they know- superstition. The majority of Americans are not well informed or well educated people. There are only isolated areas of education, generally around the coastline.

So. A mix of public hysteria, perception of a loss of control in their world, possibly exacerbated by real physical and mental health issues and a deep sense of paranoia.

Just about covers it.

Now a word from our sponsor Goodie Kandiss Taylor of Georgia...

If you were a foreigner reading Arsefield's you'd swear the NP were one of the largest political parties in the state. Yet they don't even register on polls, never mind the fact that they don't have so much as one TD elected to the Dáil.

I doubt they'll ever win a constituency either, let alone bring about the greatest revolution within Irish politics in over a century - which seems to be suggested daily on Arsefield's.
If you were a foreigner reading Arsefield's you'd swear the NP were one of the largest political parties in the state.

That's just the baying wolves over on Arsefield's - they'd follow anyone who allowed them to slaughter any immigrants.

They seem to still live in the middle ages.

Yet they don't even register on polls, never mind the fact that they don't have so much as one TD elected to the Dáil.

What do you expect from the mighty midget or his Oliver Hardy-esque looking second in command - Jimmy Reynolds.

Two right fucking gobshites.

I doubt they'll ever win a constituency either, let alone bring about the greatest revolution within Irish politics in over a century - which seems to be suggested daily on Arsefield's.

Wishful thinking on their part - but then again most European societies have hardened right-wingers with shit for brains.

The National Party are the sort of arseholes any decent neighbourhood in Ireland would swap out for some Somali refugees.

Now you're going to set Jambo off again.

Even though he already knows he could be replaced by an empty and unwashed milk bottle.

Which is a bit of a paradox.

The entire mindset of the modern far right in Ireland appear to come from the same caste of half-witted angry men of a certain age.

Too old to get laid, too ugly to get a second glance, and too far to the right in the way it makes their eyes roll around and sit too close together.

Munters, half-breeds - unwanted walking abortions with little chance of success of any kind in this life.
Dan seems to hate Gemma O'Doherty now for some reason.

Might be unusual but I always considered Gemma to be a bit of a milf. 😅
Dan seems to hate Gemma O'Doherty now for some reason.

Don't mind that roundy little cunt - he used to think she was God's gift, the dirty hoor.

Might be unusual but I always considered Gemma to be a bit of a milf. 😅

I'd rather stick my dick in the hot mashed potatoes.

That voice?

Imagine her in actual orgasm - as opposed to her endless whining rages?

I watched some video of hers yesterday - no idea why, it just came up while I was rolling a spliff. I wanted to reach into my computer screen and pull her back through it repeatedly until she gasped her last. Paranoid old biddie. She's around the same age as Val, right? Val - who has a video channel he's by now addicted to but doesn't care who knows it. The least he could have done was see the fucking dentist before going live online to the many mutants of Cavan and it's unpleasant smelling surrounds.

With her it's the addressing the worst right-wing scum Ireland houses.

Fucked up little island for sure.
Has the account 'David is banned again' been erased from the site?

Poor Jambo - he'll be needing another new name.

The embarrassment is hilarious.

He should reform his gang again and call it 'The Z Team'

Do these lads still get salaries, irregardless of whether or not they ever get elected?
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