Where has the bar been set in allowing the expression of your "nationalist" rhetoric? It seems like it's set pretty low to me.Nationalism isn't exactly legal (as well as having other built-in real world consequences) and I think fundamental nationalist rhetoric could run afoul of the anti-free speech laws to be enacted.
What have you got to be concerned with, whether that's what you post online or if you were to go to an Antifa anti-nationalist, pro-degeneracy protest or a NGO astroturfed "Refugees Welcome" gig with Christy Moore and traitorous politicians in attendance?
Okay, Gemma faced the law when she refused to stop harrassing the woman whose young son died by suicide, and she wouldn't stop using his image even on repeated requests by his mother, so as to "prove" her alleged link of young deaths being down to the Covid-19 vaccine.
And your man Graham Carey was brought up for going around saying that refugees were "here to rape", and he was encouraging people to "bring whatever the fuck you feel you need to bring to defend yourself” to the anti-asylum protests and talking about shotguns, and he was claiming that the Jews were behind the promotion of the COVID-19 vaccinations because they want “to chip all the children in the world” and it was for “financial gain”, and he said, “We need to wipe the Jews out”.
Who else, and how far did they go in bleating the "nationalist" message? The reality is the bar is set pretty fucking low for saying whatever it is you want to say.
Obviously, there needs to be some limit.
I doubt though going on what has gone on that you'd be brought up even for saying as you have on these fora that if people want "nationalism" they better be prepared to take up a gun, or that your enemies will be put up against a wall and held accountable, may God have mercy on them etc.
Even at that, which may be borderline, you don't think that if you took one small step back from that position you'd be allowed express your opinion about your spurious "nationalism" in real life?