This one's for Jambo. What we're examining here is not the belief in 'Ethno-Nationalism' but rather the daily practice of same. For the last couple of years we've had Jambo screaming about ethno-nationalism as an ideal in his vision of future Ireland, but the question here is (I've actually asked this same question more than a few dozen times, but he refuses to answer) how does an ethno-nationalist manifest the beliefs belying the ideal?
So Jambo: how does an ethno-nationalist go about their day?
Does it involve refusing to shop anywhere that's not owned by an Irish person?
Does it involve refusing to get into a taxi or a bus driven by a Somali?
Does it involve refusing to eat any foods that have been prepared and served by a non-Irish national?
Does it mean that if ethno-nationalism takes off and there's a political party formed to represent ethno-nationalists, would their getting into power mean that every non-Irish person would be (a) sent home, or (b) shot in the head from seven paces? How would ethno-ntionalists in general behave towards anyone who isn't also an ethno-nationalist? Is there a code book that explains what ethno-nationalists should do or would it be every man for himself?
If you ordered a pizza and some bloke from Pakistan delivered it to you knowing that you were a card-carrying member of the ethno-nationalist party, would you refuse to take it? Take it and check that he hasn't hogged up a looey and spat it into the tomato sauce? Drag him indoors and beat him death? Then steal his electric bike and sell it on Facebook? Take the pizza, have a chat, hand him a tip, and wish him well? Tap his skull with the baseball bat with the six inch nail in the top of it that you keep behind the front door?
Quiz him about Nehru and tell him you think Gandhi was a great man?
Offer him a pamphlet about the Irish ethno-nationalist party and their general manifesto?
Start crying?
Shit your pants?
We're all curious, so you might even get some followers of your brand of ethno-nationalism if you can lay your answers out clearly and precisely.
Failure to do so of course makes you look completely foolish, naked, of little consequence, and obviously slavish and moronic.

So Jambo: how does an ethno-nationalist go about their day?
Does it involve refusing to shop anywhere that's not owned by an Irish person?
Does it involve refusing to get into a taxi or a bus driven by a Somali?
Does it involve refusing to eat any foods that have been prepared and served by a non-Irish national?
Does it mean that if ethno-nationalism takes off and there's a political party formed to represent ethno-nationalists, would their getting into power mean that every non-Irish person would be (a) sent home, or (b) shot in the head from seven paces? How would ethno-ntionalists in general behave towards anyone who isn't also an ethno-nationalist? Is there a code book that explains what ethno-nationalists should do or would it be every man for himself?
If you ordered a pizza and some bloke from Pakistan delivered it to you knowing that you were a card-carrying member of the ethno-nationalist party, would you refuse to take it? Take it and check that he hasn't hogged up a looey and spat it into the tomato sauce? Drag him indoors and beat him death? Then steal his electric bike and sell it on Facebook? Take the pizza, have a chat, hand him a tip, and wish him well? Tap his skull with the baseball bat with the six inch nail in the top of it that you keep behind the front door?
Quiz him about Nehru and tell him you think Gandhi was a great man?
Offer him a pamphlet about the Irish ethno-nationalist party and their general manifesto?
Start crying?
Shit your pants?
We're all curious, so you might even get some followers of your brand of ethno-nationalism if you can lay your answers out clearly and precisely.
Failure to do so of course makes you look completely foolish, naked, of little consequence, and obviously slavish and moronic.

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