You hear that the slogan "it's okay to be white" has been a great propaganda success in the US.![]()
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Back to the thread topic.... shows you up as the biggest loser you could possibly imagine.
Sticking them up your hole, Jambo.Truth League said:Could you give me an example of what you think I should be DOING with my beliefs?![]()
Sidewinder said:"... the usual howl of confused nonsense from not-very-bright people who are terrified about anything and everything whether it exists or not and have convinced themselves that they are the victims of vast shadowy conspiracies. It's not that you are a dumb fecker who can barely string a coherent sentence together, never paid attention at school and have never had a real job so that you don't understand how anything works. Nope, the satanic peado illuminati elites that secretly run the world are targeting you specifically, cos you are such a threat to them, but with all your "school of hard knocks" smarts your have figured it all out, cos you have d0nE yOuR rEsEaRcH (on youtube and parler)".
You hear that the slogan "it's okay to be white" has been a great propaganda success in the US.
Then you come on here to try and ride on the back of that.
It's not really clever, Jambo, it's just lame. Specifically, you can't ever use your own thought or expression to argue your case. That is apart from how lame this US propaganda really is.
I'm hardly going to call you "racist" am IThe same goes for your stupid "anti-white" shtick.
The success of the phrase “Anti-White” - Fight White Genocide
Many readers won’t know that as recently as five or ten years ago the term “anti-White” was virtually never heard nor seen! The following excerpt was written in March, 2013: “Anti-white” creates a new category When the word “anti-white” has been put into the minds and onto the tongues of
Again, you hear on the US internet that it is this great success, and you want to ride on the back of that.
But it's just lame, Jambo. Tragic, stupid, insipid, bleating, encompassing something unutterably foul in the American mindset that you wish to introduce here, and whatever way you look at it, it just shows you up as the biggest loser you could possibly imagine.
It's not really clever, Jambo, it's just lame. Specifically, you can't ever use your own thought or expression to argue your case.
Why would I or anyone else click on some link of some clever clogs yank meme allegedly "trolling" those who are outside your stupid fucking "anti-white" cult.Click on the link... or shut up
It's not about - It's Okay To Be WhiteWhy would I or anyone else click on some link of some clever clogs yank meme allegedly "trolling" those who are outside your stupid fucking "anti-white" cult.
I made a simple point even you could grasp. I.e. No one here has any interest in how clever you think your "it's okay to be white" memes are, or how they are used to make some stupid point in the stupid fucking yank culture wars.
It's okay to be white - Wikipedia
We know what the fucking thing is about, we don't give two fucks about the latest clever clogs thing your stupid fuckiing muses have done with it. As I said above, just go and stick that stuff up your fucking hole, where it belongs.
I doubt you ever really laughIt's okay to be stupid too, Jambo.
White - or pasty-pink, stupid, paranoid, and a laughing stock. Nobody cares what you do with your life, least of all if it's your usual schtick about some overlords trying to wipe you out - for being white.
I think the world and my time in it would be far better without you around.
If they DO manage to wipe you and yours out - I'll be grateful.
But in reality?
Nobody gives a shit.
About your shit.
Only you.
Still in love with Muhammud Ali?
How about BA Baracus?
You love Islam too.
It gives meaning/purpose (in your head) to your waffle.
The same waffle we're all laughing at.
Why would I or anyone else click on some link of some clever clogs yank meme allegedly "trolling" those who are outside your stupid fucking "anti-white" cult.
I made a simple point even you could grasp. I.e. No one here has any interest in how clever you think your "it's okay to be white" memes are, or how they are used to make some stupid point in the stupid fucking yank culture wars.
It's okay to be white - Wikipedia
We know what the fucking thing is about, we don't give two fucks about the latest clever clogs thing your stupid fuckiing lame gurus have done with it. As I said above, just go and stick that stuff up your fucking hole, where it belongs.
Jambo's "nationalist" activism apparently comprises helping this Bob Whitaker chap from America to "hammer" his white power vocabulary into Irish peoples' consciousness (whether he is directly aware of it or not, as he may be picking this stuff up through an intermediary like Morgoth or Woods).
Well it's the same with most of them...He doesn't leave the house - therefore he's politically inactive.
No. But I think that is exactly where his politics comes from. A place of fear, social and economic inadequacy, and inactivity, and his brand of politics is a kind of reaction to that, I think.Do you really think he ever attended any right wing meetings or marched in any protest? Or even started a conversation about his beliefs in a pub?
Poor Jambo: it's okay to be white and to be the world's biggest fan of two huge black men:
Muhammud Ali? Check
BA Baracus? Check.
I think you can make the case for Ali being a black nationalist (which doesn't tend to get conflated with black supremacy like white nationalism does), same with Malcolm X.Are these big black men you idolize also ethno-nationalists or what?
I think you can make the case for Ali being a black nationalist (which doesn't tend to get conflated with black supremacy like white nationalism does), same with Malcolm X.
But these people don't tend to be revered (for their black nationalism).
Instead it was Martin Luther King Jr. who was put at the forefront. And we all know who controlled him![]()
Well it's the same with most of them...
... Golah, Godsdog (apart from his Mensa meetups), Dan only started going out once you got on his case, Hans has a head and body on him like he's been staring at a computer screen with it strapped to his head in a Stephen Hawkin type set up morning to night for his whole life.
Without doubt they are socially inactive. Economically inactive.
But it seems to me they make up for it by becoming politically active, through the medium of the world wide web.
I do think it is a type of political activism. I do think that blasting out these memes and mantras and ideas they read about online is a type of political activity. It seems to me that thoughts turn to words turn to deeds, and that is what it is all about in the end.
Okay, it is a politics that is utterly pathological because it is essentially a surrogate for the social and economic inactivity that they feel bad about, and their brand of "politics" thus essentially comprises a desire or need to find something or someone else to blame other than themselves for this situation.
At the same time I hear what you're saying. What difference can that type of engagement with the world possibly make?
Nationalism isn't exactly legal (as well as having other built-in real world consequences) and I think fundamental nationalist rhetoric could run afoul of the anti-free speech laws to be enacted.Why not get out into the world and state the change you wish to make with the courage of your convictions, and without the chickenheartedness of the cloak of anonymity and the safety of the closeted little undercover den you inhabit to spread your "politics"?
No. But I think that is exactly where his politics comes from. A place of fear, social and economic inadequacy, and inactivity, and his brand of politics is a kind of reaction to that, I think.
White Racist Minions Attack Online
Horus the Avenger of White Rabbit Radio sends out his minions to spread “the Mantra,” proclaiming, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” and other derivations of the r…