
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

So you admit that your wife's a cheap-assed slut who's been fucked senseless by most of the other dole-sponging cunts in Monaghan town center?

Have you no pride? You're not only raising another man's son as your own - you also taught him to be a professional burglar and violent beater of old Irish pensioners? Your life is one of a fucking kind alright - and thank fuck there isn't another culchie as thick as you are you spoofing 'my big brothers are in the IRA' and 'I'm a builder, I can handle bricks' lying little dog-shit.

I don't blame your wife though: I can imagine what it must be like for her watching you sit there all day grunting at your phone and trying not to say 'N**ger, N**ger, N**ger' out too loud too often. You're some sad bastard, Marcus. Ever occurred to you how sad it is that you once had your tongue up my arse telling everyone how much you hated Roundy Kelly, and now you have your tongue up his ample arse telling him how much you hate me?

Special needs kids have more cop-on, you dumb culchie red-necked unemployable fucking dope.
Val doesn't know half as much about me as he likes to think, nor do Feeney & Co. As for going to my mother...I wouldn't even give a flying fuck if she cared, or not.

I'm just one of those individuals who couldn't care less what other people think of me - the Mammy included. Nonetheless any false allegations against me and I'll be gladly suing the scumbag/s for everything their worth, mark my words.
Val doesn't know half as much about me as he likes to think, nor do Feeney & Co.

Val's as thick as two Val's glued together back-to-back.

As for going to my mother...I wouldn't even give a flying fuck if she cared, or not.

He claims Roundy went to 'visit her at home.

I bet one clatter from her would land Roundy Kelly back into Ballina quicker than Concorde.

I'm just one of those individuals who couldn't care less what other people think of me - the Mammy included.

I care what people think of me - especially the users of these forums.

I care that they hate me, that they loathe, me, that they fear, and that they're hugely entertained by me even when they themselves are the butt of my jokes. Ans they are jokes. Like Val's 'funny' jokes.

I mean really: why would anyone need to inform a comment by clarifying it as 'funny' jokes?

Nonetheless any false allegations against me and I'll be gladly suing the scumbag/s for everything their worth, mark my words.

They can say what they like about me: I'm still living a far better life than any of them are, no matter how many (spoof) millions they have in the (spoof) bank.

I am who I am and have been since I introduced myself to you all back in 2009 - name, location, profession, hobbies, habits, wit, accuracy, and hilarity.

Sixteen years ago - though just today Val says he doxxed me last year.

Excellent work, Val - really excellent.

Your dumb culchie followers must be thrilled with you for that one.

I know I am - you dumb and bovine old fart - get your teeth fixed, you tight fucker.
I'd rather have every last tooth in my head pulled without an anesthetic than think sexual thoughts of Val Martin.

As for him being a "conservative", he's nothing of the sort - more like your average rural cute hoor, gombeen, mé féiner, parish-pump opportunist...who talks the talk of ethnic nationalism yet would happily have over a few Albanians / Turks to pick spuds on the farm if it saved him a few shillings. Conservatives actually have principles, wishing to conserve societal traditions. Val cares about himself and himself alone.

Which site is dedicated to the whinnings and moanings of frustrated sexual lusts for Val Martin the Irish dissident conservative journalist.
I get in trouble sometimes for pointing out that peasants still exist (in all western countries) whereas people tend to think of them as something of the past. 'Val' is almost certainly an example of what I mean.
It's amazing that people as caustic and nasty/vile as the daily crew on Arsefield's are all religious men who attend the church, who go to confession, who take the body and blood at the altar, then come home and post the ugliest, most ungodly horrors of personal opinions and outlooks like there's no tomorrow.

The hypocrisy truly is astounding - but it does illustrate the true nature of Irish Catholics at their worst.

These guys find jokes about victims of child sexual/violent abuse genuinely funny.

I get in trouble sometimes for pointing out that peasants still exist (in all western countries) whereas people tend to think of them as something of the past.

Peasants isn't the half of it: they're scarecrows, mostly.

'Val' is almost certainly an example of what I mean.

He's currently very big in Cavan :

As you can see, he topped the one million-plus views mark late last week, which I predicted last spring.

He found his métier, he's in his full stride just now, he's shaving and bathing less often though as filming himself talking about himself takes up a lot of his time. That and doxxing your man Cleary from Ballyfermot and the other lad, Slattery from Lucan. Val's convinced he's the man who doxxed me. Of course my name being thrown around on P.ie since 2009 hasn't quite dawned on him. And besides: how much snout does a cop need to find the single loudest mouth from Ballyfermot Dublin in Helsinki Finland, when I'm singing my name from the rooftops for over a decade?

But I still think he's a gas man: he may even run for office if he's allowed bring his cows with him.
The cows would probably have a greater in-depth knowledge of current affairs than what Val does. And it wouldn't be the first time he's been outsmarted by a heifer either.
Word to St Zipperneck: your filthy double-standards are as creepy and vile as ever. You wrap yourself in shit-stained robes and the smell of your wheelchair seat is what keeps normal humans at a safe distance. There are all kinds of people in this world, some are good and decent people, but there are so many like you, Zipperneck, that pure souls such as mine can do nothing to save you from yourself.

In time you'll realize the sheer waste you've made of your entire existence: that's really all it is, the bare minimum of breathing, eating, and shitting.

Even the part-time engineer and face model/extra/actor R0ry O'Connor of 101 Belfield Close, Sandyford Co Dublin can see your double standards and piteous efforts at meting out 'justice' via your golden ban-hammer. The acidic mongrel's vomit that constitutes your basic nature will wash away in time, but only for the rest of us. Never for you. You have to live with yourself, nobody else does though. And that makes me happy: you're a sad old man trying to be a virtuous young woman. There are few victims of the Catholic church quite as fucked up as you!

No matter what you say or do today, you'll sit over that first screen grab above and smile at your winnings. Finnish diabolism aside, you're entitled to them. Use me. Use my name if it helps you to feel better about yourself. Snigger after the fact. Then tonight when you lay down your laptop and consider your day and what it gave you, think of me sitting here on my balcony, listening to the waves lapping at the shore. The sun shining brightly across my tanned and sallow skin, fresh olives in my bowl, yesterday's oranges picked from the trees and crushed and pulverized with a measure of viina to give it some zest.

I sit here in the bright sun in the world's happiest country thinking of you all over there in the world's most fucked up little rape factory, trying to find the good in anything your minions lay at your feet. But there's nothing pure or fresh for any of you bar the guilt and shame that comes with laughing at broken and permanently damaged children - the children of your neighbours and friends. You mock their shattered souls. You find garrulous dark humour in the burning of innocence to flame a fire to warm your cold damp toes. It's pitiful really, and I do pity you. I always have.

Your life has been a complete waste of not just your own time, but also those who see you do what you do day after day. There are no weekends in your life, no days off, no holy days of obligation, because every day is like a cold wet Monday: as grim as it gets. When you woke this morning and saw what needed cleaning and what didn't, you smirked that knacker smirk only 100% muck-and-shit pure Irish blood can make. You're the child of cancer born to a crippled and wasted body. You take no steps toward anything because you have nowhere to go. You're stuck in a loop that's going to strangle you in the end. And the end for you will be just as now is for you: empty, worthless, to be filled in and forgotten as you limp sadly along to your next ego boost.

When you die, nobody will miss you bar the kind of people who fund the cesspools you call home.

After you've been buried, not even mongrel dogs would piss on your gravestone, because mongrels have more self respect than you've ever had.

You're universally disliked by anyone with half a brain who sees what you do: pity and disgust is the usual reaction, then loathing sets in after they've gotten to know even just a little about you. You sit there in the same underwear you put on last Tuesday, and the way you keep promising yourself that today you WILL take a shower to wash off the horrors of the last week of your existence, and that you WILL change your underpants before anyone else gets a waft of your person when they call by to deliver your meals on wheels cold suppers. You'll eat alone just as you shit alone, just as you are now: in the public toilet of life's wonders and disappointments.

Mongrel dogs, Zippy - they outclass you.
Fleas and ticks, Swordid: they serve a better and more positive function than you ever will.
You're the bacteria on the arse end of a sewer rat carrying rabies.
You'll be forgotten as soon as your cold heart quits its last beat.

But the Mowl will still be a working class hero, the one who got out in the nick of time to find joy and happiness in the same world you occupy but will never enjoy as I do. You serve a fat little man with empty pockets and a massive lying ego. You oversee some of the worst scum Ireland ever gave breath to. You congratulate yourself on all these things, you feel proud of them. They make your worthless and unproductive life go round and round, every day the same as the last. Horrid, disgraceful in the truest sense of the term, in cahoots with the worst vermin Ireland has ever produced.

I know how much you hate yourself - it's apparent in everything you do and say.

It pleases me greatly that this post will continue to occupy your twisted mind for the hours and days yet to come.

Monday, Monday, Monday: rain, drizzle, damp.

The wheels on your wheelchair groaning and wrenching to get away from you, trying to unseat you.

Next time you close your eyes and think of me, remember to try to smile as broadly as I am just now.

Happiness, Zippy - is for those of us with the courage to seek it out.

Misery is free, with second and third helpings also available.
This is the same eejit who claims Isle members have some sort of underlying Freudian-style sexual lust for Val Martin.
Culchies will be culchies from the day they're born until the day they die.

It's written in stone, like the Ten Commandments.

And soap is to culchies like WD40 is to rusty nuts and bolts.
Swordid, Wolf, Saul, Mandy etc would pay good money just for Val & Dan to do The Full Monty. They certainly enjoy licking their arses and telling them it tastes like ice cream on a daily basis.

It's little wonder Val & Dan have such inflated egos when you consider the above.
Swordid, Wolf, Saul, Mandy etc would pay good money just for Val & Dan to do The Full Monty.

Can you even begin to imagine the grey and pink and red skin covered in little brown curly hairs that grow in small patches here and there on their loose bodies? The bald patches on their heads where the sun burns them one day and then the rain polishes them the next? The rolls of wrinkled fat around their sagging waists and the drooping musculature of their upper arms? Ten miles walks won't shift any of that flab and excess, not even one hundred mile dashes twice a day - it'd only give them heart attacks. That and men's nipples down to their belly-buttons.

But again - let's not overlook Val's recent successes - especially in that one video upload from last week where he mentioned Cleary up in Finland and Slattery down in Lucan. He's been waiting to do that for some years by now, so please don't tell him anything about my full name and address being published under Zippy's moderation on P.ie back in 2008.

He thinks he's Sherlock fucking Holmes.

They certainly enjoy licking their arses and telling them it tastes like ice cream on a daily basis.

Lapdogs act like lapdogs NEWS SHOCKER!

It's little wonder Val & Dan have such inflated egos when you consider the above.

Val's entitled to his, but Roundy has to pay for his.

Big difference there and one that no doubt galls the shit out of Roundy, watching Val march way ahead of him in leaps and bounds.

Val can write a book about online fame one day - hell, maybe Jack might well make the call and invite him onto the Katie Hannon Show like he did me. I dropped him a line a few weeks back and he accepted the link to Reel Through EDjucashun Edmuntacation Enterragashun Ernie and Bert. Said he'll check it out and get back to me. I had to refuse to appear, twice actually. They seem to think that the BBBB is a genuine public service.

They obviously didn't make the connection between the Mowl and my public persona.

Not yet anyway.

Hi Dave. How's the wife?

So now you know who's who, let me remind you of one thing, Reilly: Swordid works for me - not you. Now get back into your 1973 Corolla and clean your shit up. Living in your car at the end of runway one is all life has to offer you. That and going to English ale houses to use their toilets and drink their rancid plonk, like the scumbag gay-boy you are.

All your Sirs and Ma'am's mean fuck all to me, you typical knacker paddy-whacker.

No wonder everyone hates you.
Myles seems to think I'm a Christy Moore fanatic. Yet the only people around here who listen to CM are drunken old farts down in the pub.

Here, O'Reilly - get yourself a fucking life you terminally sad bastard.

Nobody here drinks in Shitterspoon's, we leave that to bland losers and dull fuckers like yourself.

Odd too that the rumours about your Ma seem to suggest a loose woman who rather enjoyed her time working nights along the Merrion Row of the 1970's?

Any idea (at all) who your Da might be, Sir?

Some handicapped and stuttering culchie bloke fresh out of St John Of God's who she had to fuck (for a tenner) while he was safely strapped into his wheelchair and dribbling evenly down both sides of his babbling lips?

Or was it some rather large and very, very black-skinned man from Nigeria?


Wheelchair it is so.
I see your best bud and Spoon's Bro Wolfie is also on the cheap imported Dutch or Romanian lager tonight?

Check his spasticated bastardization of the only language he speaks right here:

Here, Wooftie:

Mute: 1. : lacking the power of speech. 2. : characterized by absence of speech: such as.: felt or experienced but not expressed.

Moot: 1. : subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. 2. : an assembly held for debate, especially in Anglo-Saxon and medieval times.

So not only are you a grade A moron and a surprisingly ignorant little cunt for the 'Poster Of The Month' on Arsefield's every month level twat you are, you also have that sad and grasping yearning for wisdom of the sort you'll never attain. I know, it's a mute point. And it's also archtypical of you to make such a rookie mistake.

Of course, archtypical isn't even a real word, Wooftie, is it?

But innit amazing the way (for a second there) you thought it was?

Like mute.

It's moot.

In your case.
'My Trip across the USA' by Declan 'Roundy' Kelly (aged 67)

The state of this little cunt? Has all the eloquence and gravitas of an aging Ronald McDonald clown on his rare day off and driving his van around in circles to fill in the time. He's on his way to 'Spokane WAAAshingtin' he says, in his best yankee/culchie accent. It's not his trip either: it's his son Eric's trip. Eric decided to hire his Da so he finally had a few quid in is pocket to take Marianne out for something nice that wasn't a McDonald's happy meal.

An awful fucking idiot, he's been banging on about driving tourists around in his auld van for years by now but doesn't seem to have been bothered by the rather loud humming of the engine drowning out everything he says, which for the punter is a win/win. That way they can just nod occasionally and pretend to be listening to him babble on and on. They probably all wear wireless ear-phones anyway, using a free internet guide book for tourists visiting Spokane, the loudest word in any sentence Roundy makes.

Anyway, Common Sense is the name of Roundy's new youtube page: one built to compete directly with Val, his in-bred cousin from Cavan, co Cavan.

This is Val's typical youtube quotient:

As you can see, Val's topped the one million views marker earlier this week, and his page is gathering more members as his popularity with his fellow culchies grows. Val can dress any way he pleases, speak any way he wants, show off the gappy gums, be as manky as he likes, and wear whatever filthy auld thing comes to hand.

This is Roundy's current quotient:

Sadly, Roundy isn't quite so popular. He has less than two thousand views and has only the two subscribers. Twenty-nine video uploads, and all of them with him droning on in the background like the drunk guy down the end of the bar nobody ever talks to. Declan wants to be popular. And of course the first rule to being popular is to not even know about it. Seeking it out is about the single most un-hip thing any geriatric van driver looking for popularity can do. Being sixty-seven and still trying to be liked by strangers is the very definition of creepy. Droning on and on like retired a hypnotherapist driving the van does not new friends make: some guided tours are silent for good reason. The guide is there to guide, to read the map, to know the lay of the land. And the tourist likely wants to enjoy the experience they paid for in silence and without some sweaty little culchie in their ear bugging the shite out of them.

I'd say Val also gives a better van-driver's tour experience. Stick a pair of big mad wellingtons on and hop into his auld 1975 Ford Transit and across the slurry fields we go to have a gander at the Shitting Ditch. Val shouting all the way: 'whoa jaze, tha's fierce craic.. ..fierce - wha'?'

He could also serenade you in the evening time on the way back, exhausted, and stinking of slurry, but well satisfied with 'De Culchie Hexpeareyance'. No need for the two chord/two strings-missing cheap acoustic guitar accompaniment: just his lungs and his 'dooty-doo, dooty-doo, tra-la-la, an' they're all scratchin'...'

All in all, Declan's a failure. He's too old for this lark. He looks like he could keel over any moment from the blood pressure. He's about two dozen Big Mac's short of a heart attack. He needs to lay off the cakes and cheeseburgers. And the two liter gulps of Pepsi. Perhaps then he might understand basic grammar and stop using random capital letters For Some words In some Sentences, and Others nOt SO much.

If he keeps that shit up, He's Going to Start reading Like ~ ~ Clark/Connolly ! ! !
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