
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Mad, if you squint your eyes a bit and look at Dave's ears, it looks like he has four faces pointing in different directions.

Of course, the same's true of his wife's face, except in her case it's more like four faces piled on top of each other and fighting like rats to get out.they are Ireland's acne problem.
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Oh, stop your whingeing Dave - the photos will be pulled down before supper. Or in your case, slab number seven.

My my - you're one ugly fucking cunt, eh.
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He's such a whiny little bitch. Doxxes people left, right and centre...yet gets his knickers in a twist and goes running to xyz hosting company if someone so much as retaliates in jest. He's a thin-skinned bastard who can give, but can't take.

His lame attempts at trying to be the Mowl of Arsefield's are pure cringe. He couldn't successfully imitate a thick country bumpkin like Val, let alone one of the most intelligent posters on the internet.
He's such a whiny little bitch. Doxxes people left, right and centre...yet gets his knickers in a twist and goes running to xyz hosting company if someone so much as retaliates in jest. He's a thin-skinned bastard who can give, but can't take.

Yeah, but in all fairness - if you had a wife as ugly as yer wan, you'd be rather protective too. Maybe that's why he uses a cloth sack to cover her head while he gives her one from behind. It's like double security: sack to hide the ugly, rear-ending her to avoid seeing her tits drop down into her armpits.

Some women are born ugly so they develop other skills to woo a man. Others are borderline mutant and have no problems with either the cloth sack or the being taken from behind. Besides, a face like hers is a lot like her tits: when she's standing up the fat hangs over the chin. When she's sitting down, the chin disappears into the bosom. When she lays down, the bosom droops to the armpits. When she's on her knees - everything hangs down: the big mad flabby tits, the rings of fat since pregnancy (twenty years ago) and the lips of her fanny hanging so low even the dog gets a lick.

His lame attempts at trying to be the Mowl of Arsefield's are pure cringe. He couldn't successfully imitate a thick country bumpkin like Val, let alone one of the most intelligent posters on the internet.

He needs to up his game. I mean, not even the engineer and part-time model/extra Rory O'Connor of 182 Laney St Sandyford county Dublin takes him in any way seriously. But Dave? Yeah, I know he's a weakling, and I know he's part-rat. That must have happened before he was even born: his Ma (Mrs Feeney) had a thing about shoving live rats up her gash. First she'd starve them, then grease them, then open the door of the little cage she kept them in and let them run as far up her vagina as they could go before blocking their exit with some duct tape and a bit of chicken wire cut to size.

Shortly afterwards, the rats filed a complaint to the DPP - they're still waiting for a court date.

Some of them caught diseases up there that made even their own rat pals reject them from the family.

Imagine having more diseases than a rat?

And being pig ugly at the same time?

No wonder her son's called Mandy: it's the only manly thing about him.

Mandy Myles Manley: 'I Fuck Your Wife' (in D minor)

How's he going to meet me at a place I don't even live, and haven't lived since I was in my early 20s? The Gardai also don't take too kindly to men harassing women in their own homes. Dave F should be careful more so considering his record of past behaviour.

Simply put - call to people who have nothing to do with these websites and you are going to get into trouble. There are two male lodgers living with my mother, as well as a large man or two within the vicinity. So perhaps he'll enjoy a black eye before his visit to a Leixlip Garda Station cell, awaiting trial for trespassing, harassment and intimidation. So if he thinks that by visiting our parents he'll be getting back at us then let him make an absolute fool of himself I say. The judge certainly won't give a flying fuck if someone hurt his precious little feelings online, that's for sure.
Particularly the stuff about young children
Nobody likes a child abuser.

Oh you are now, are you? Then get ready for a knock from the bailiffs as you'll be sued in court for everything you're worth.

You just don't get it, do you?
This one's absolutely fucking class. Only just back today from his hollibobs after doing an InterRail ticket across the capitals of Europe by himself, the incredible zit that is Mandy (acne-boy) Anderson, lands on terra firma with lots on his mind after seeing the real world for once in his badly spotted life. The tiny acne machine posted a new thread about everything that's wrong with the world, except the sad little bastard child of Dave Feeney hasn't a single fucking brain cell to show for himself.

Apparently, we all need to be on the look-out for The Calorie Plan - the plan to replace all white bread with brown bread.
And The Camomile Plan - which wants to moisturize us all.
And indeed The Cartography Plan - which wants to show us maps whether we want to see them or not.
Then there's The Cunnilingus Plan - where he trots out his Ma on the back of a horse and cart with her fat thighs spread and an infinite black hole on display.

Stupid is as stupid does, no.

The Canadian ski resorts must be getting red rashes around their necks.

I swear, these fucking twats are a howl. Remember the Shitstick? She started out as 'Hitler's Right Testicle' on Pish. Then Pish shut down. Then came back. Then she changed reshuffled the letters of her username from Hitler's Right Testicle to 'Hitsticle', and then the Mowl changed that to the Shitstick, which, like shite, stck to her until her modding days were finally strangled out of her.

Guess where that sad fucking cunt is now?

Poor Jambo - the Shitstick was like a doting mother to him: she changed his nappy, played tiddlywinks with him, encouraged him to express himself, to have confidence in himself when confronting the Mowl, and generally cleaning up after the little brat had finished redecorating the kitchen with his spaghetti. Check the above article from The Journal - currently out with the begging bowl looking for money from the sort of Shitstick cunts who use the comments section to pass their time. Then check the comments: that's the Shitstick - under her other name 'Honeybadger' - a right auld wan from the schticks who could have appeared in any episode of Father Ted and appear quite at ease with her surroundings. Nasty, prickly, hairy under the armpits, musty smelling and greasy skinned. Menopausal and unfuckable. Hasn't seen the cock in decades by now. Doesn't even bother with porn anymore - she simply turned that part of herself off - permanently. Her true destiny to be a permanent bitch with a rotten snake tongue, cakey-gusseted knickers, greasy hair, facial hair, dead skin across her forehead peeling off when she starts to sweat. A son of around seventeen to eighteen by now: he had a skin problem the doctors couldn't fix (massive piles of acne from too much fast food and no nourishment in the home) so she took him to an aromatherapist instead, because it was cheaper than a qualified skin doctor.

The Shitstick is about as missable as dysentery.
About as attractive as one of Val's piles on the Shitting Ditch.
Smells worse than the armpits of one of Roundy's short-sleeved 'work' shirts.
And is likely even angrier than Jambo having a bad day week year lifetime.

Anyway - check the comments section to see what Jambo's ex is up to these days.

Jaze, fuck: it never ceases with these twats, eh.

Listen here, you zit-faced tiny bastard midget: you have as much chance of making it out of Helsinki/Vantaa airport without getting culture shock as I have of climbing Everest. A twat of your scale simply couldn't survive a week up here, especially a winter week. You haven't anything to offer the country, and little rats running off the sinking ship that is Ireland will most certainly NOT be entertained at immigration and customs looking to cash in Finland's social welfare system, which is one of the hardest systems to even get registered on after years of working and paying taxes. You might think you can walk into Finland and start clicking your fingers looking for some action: but all you're going to meet is people who don't understand a word you're saying or why the fuck you're even in their country if not for tourism or work contracts.

Without the Finnish language, you're fucked. And it's one of the planet's most difficult languages to understand, let alone speak. I'm up here over twenty years and I still learn new words every passing day. Yes, my English is excellent, but English is the third most common language in Finland today after Finnish and Swedish. There's a bit of Russian too along the eastern front, but outside of Kallio (Helsinki's bohemian district) English isn't used by people over the age of thirty. So get yourself a Finnish/English dictionary down at Eason's and see how you fare - I can guarantee you right now: you don't stand a fucking chance, kid. Not a hope in hell.

Years back, a caravan of mobile homes and off-road vehicles owned by some members of the Irish Traveling Community landed into Finland at the port of Turku, over in the south-west archipelago. From there they drove up to middle Finland, a city called Tampere. They set up in car park and used the nearby lake for daily ablutions: pissing, shitting, swimming, doing the laundry, washing the caravans. The cops showed up and gave them a look-over. Then left. Next day, the travelers went to a welfare office and started demanding money and food. They were sent packing. So they go back to the caravans, grab a few tools, and battered the heads off ducks and swans and anything else they could trap and cooked and ate the lot. Next day the cops are back, this time in numbers. By the time they got the caravan back on the road south, the damage done was horrific: piss, shit, raw meat, old clothes, washed diesel, dead animals, the lake contaminated from them using it as a toilet for three or four days.

The cops escorted them all the way back to the port of entry and sent the whole shower of savages back to Sweden, where they have no rights at all.

They embarrassed the entire Irish community up here, with films of them destroying the trees and burning them down, shitting in the lake, plucking feathers off geese from the tall grasses, and strings of pegs they dried the clothes on.

You arriving here, you little rat - will have them eyeballing you from top to bottom (which wouldn't take long, you tiny pimple-dunce) and giving you the full welcome over in customs and excise. If you haven't crossed your eyes and dotted your tea - you're out. if you haven't the required amount of security in your account to cover at least three months, you're out. If you can't produce a work contract or clear invitation from a known person/body/private company, you're out. If you haven't any clear qualifications, you're out. In short (like you) you don't have what's required by the system up here. You can't just arrive and say that you're 'looking for a job' and will take an apartment share until you can go solo. Without a job, you won't be allowed in. And even if you are, they want to know exactly where you are, how long you're staying, and what the fuck you're up to. If your exit isn't registered, that means you're now an illegal alien and they'll find you, pack you up, and fuck you the fuck out the country to chance your little arm elsewhere.

You might think 'ah sure, I'll just blend into the crowd and they'll never know..'

Problem there? You can't just disappear into the crowd in a country whose language you do not and cannot understand. You'll stick out like a sore thumb. Or in your case, a big pimple on little stumpy legs. You might think: 'what if I fly into Tallin first, then sail over to Helsinki? The Finnish tourists do it every day, mulitple times every day'. Well, as soon as the ferry docks, you have to choose a lane past customs - and you'll get to use the Schengen line. Which means they're going to take you offside and drill you thoroughly while going through all your details. No friends outside waiting to pick you up? No job contract but loads of applications? Only €2,800 in cash? No Finnish language? No knowledge of the country or culture? No idea where you're staying? No idea of where to start?

'Oh, I'm only staying ten weeks, I'm entitled to stay up to twelve weeks as an EU citizen'. Yes, but you have to have that visa with you, applying for it on arrival won't work. If they calculate your €2,800 against even the cheapest hostel beds then they'll see you haven't much to eat with, travel with, get by with, so they won't let you in, unless you can convince them otherwise. Even still: your name was registered on your arrival. If that name hasn't been automatically deleted from the data base three months after you got here, then they'll get an error message and now you have Immigration on your tail. Those lads don't fuck about, believe me: I'm here twenty-plus years and every dealing I have with them is fucking exhaustive and extremely complicated.

Best way to move to Finland for you is apply to Santa's village up in Rovaniemi - they're always on the look-out for gnomes and dwarves, midgets and freaks.

I love the way you fucking idiots come out with shit like this like you know what the fuck you're talking about.

'Hur-durr, Urrland's fucked - tink Oi'll head up to Feenland and live dare unstead..'

The language is the least of your problems, kid - but I'm not.

If I find you up here embarrassing all of us, I'll pop thee like the little pimple thou art.

Hah! Move to Finland.



You fucking idiot - try a holiday in the Kalgari instead - whatever the fuck that is, you incredible little douche.
I wish your average Arsefielder would ever fuck off and join Dan in America, where they belong - Ireland would be a much better country without them.
I wish your average Arsefielder would ever fuck off and join Dan in America, where they belong - Ireland would be a much better country without them.

I'm sure they would if they could. These fuckers are simply lazy yaps who love to let off steam by convincing each other that they're actually soldiers, friends, team-mates of a sort. Like the extremist wing of a gang of fools who don't know what they're fighting for. 'Send them all back' you say? Keep Ireland for the Irish you say? It's already your island, you're just not very good at protecting her borders. You seem to think that part's someone else's fault. It isn't. It's yours, all of you. As individuals, as collectives. Or were you twats under the impression that the events of the period 1916 through 1922 were fought by mythical warriors of old? The Tuatha Dé Danann? Cú Chulainn? Fuck no: these were ordinary men during an extraordinary time. They ate, drank, farted, slept, and breathed just like you do. They had families around them: brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers. They lived in a very difficult time of Ireland's history, and they did what needed to be done not because they were mythical heroes, but because they were simple men. Like any other. Like you - perhaps.

But where they differed was that they were also men of action. These were not men who sat around reading fantasy tales of wealth and power. These were men of the dirt who knew how bad they and their neighbours had it. Who saw the culture of the country being ravaged before their eyes. They took up arms to defend what they believed to be their own. The ground beneath their feet. The sunlight that ripened the barley. The winds that carried the news of more and more dead, enslaved, treated with contempt. All of it. It belonged to them and to others of their kind.

In time the generations that followed ultimately delivered you bastards to the world, and for as long as you've been here, nothing's improved and everything's far worse than it really ought to be. Under your watch, not mine. I did my bit long before I got out. By the time I was thirteen, men went to prison because of me, and others of my kind. Salt of the Earth people. Morally aware and unwilling to stand in line. I did what I had to do and it showed me exactly what Ireland truly is. Which is why I'm much happier today than any of you tramps will ever be. You built your house with hate, filled them with loathing, and you poisoned your kids and turned them into destructive thieving parasites with nothing left to believe in. They have no sense of who they are, where they're from, or what their true culture really is. As parents, you're the ones ultimately responsible for not just those kids' past - but their future. And you're shitting all over them day after day.

What if James Connolly or Padraic Pearse decided that, instead of heading up a revolution and causing their families no amount of shame and embarrassment around the parish pump, they were going to stay home and play tiddlywinks? Where would you be now? What if the Irish Civil war hadn't created the fractured patterns of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael? Who and what would you be following or supporting today? These things happened because real and true Irish men stood up on their own two feet and made it happen. They didn't spend years sending messages back and forth to each other reminding each other what great heroes they are for 'wanting things to be different' and telling each other what great men they are.

You twats sit on your arses day after day, repeating the same tired old lines about comradeship, shared visions of freedom and great riches made off the land. By comparison to the great Irish men of one hundred years ago, you cretins are the spastic vermin which should have been confined to the abortion bucket. You should have been plucked from your mother's womb while she was alive to see it. The Ireland you're presently sucking off is a cheap whore with rank diseases, and you've only gone and infected not just yourselves, but your kids along with you. The older you get, the more they're going to loathe you, wish you were dead, wish you were gone so that they can take some compensation for the misery you dumped on their shoulders by selling off everything you ever worked for. Which ain't much, boys. Expect to be 'accidentally' poisoned. Expect to be accidentally nudged down the stairs. Expect them to sit you down to have a wee chat about why euthanasia is a wonderful option for people your age, a great freedom you battled for and won. Expect your own victory to be the death of you.

Because yours is the single worst/most useless generation your country has ever seen. Yours is the one generation that had it all in the palms of your hands but you flushed it all away like yesterday's left-overs. You have nothing left to offer your children. You're spending their inheritance on lottery tickets and on horses down the bookies. Gambling away the one good thing you had to stand to you after your time is up. And they can see you doing it. They know exactly what's coming down the line for them because of it, and they know exactly who's to blame. They can barely contain their rage and loathing even now, and over time that's only going to increase. When they stop to consider your life and your achievements by your age, by when you were born through to when you died, by what you saw, what happened on your watch, the world as it was in your time, and what you did or didn't do about it - they'll be angry. They'll be raging.

It's already started, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Like a snowball gathering weight and speed, like an avalanche moving faster than the speed of sound, there's nowhere to hide, no safe perch on the fence. The cracks are beginning to show and like melting ice under your feet, it'll eventually crack and pull you under, swallow you whole.

You may find yourselves considering Feeney's bullshit yesterday about how you're all going to simply walk away when things get too tough, become too hard to fix, change, alter, or cut to fit. That emigration to 'safe havens' like Norway, Iceland, and Finland are actually an option? You fucks are dumber than a sack of bent wrenches. None of these are options for you - not a one. You speak only one language. You're too old to start afresh. There's nothing for you in any of these places. These are some of the world's most difficult and complex cultures in which to assimilate. I know, I've been through it. Take it from me: not one of you sad bastards has a fucking hope in hell of getting off that shitty little island and into any of the western world's most successful republics and democracies.

You think Norway needs you? They have the oil, you don't. A beer costs around fifteen euro average. Do you speak any Norwegian? What do you think is your best qualification that they can put to use? Ever been to Reykjavik? Ever sat naked in a thermal pool atop a glacier? Speak any Icelandic? Like Bjork? What have you to offer Iceland? Can you fish for whale? Find a revolutionary use for all that snow and ice? Or were you planning on using up your life savings retiring into the Nordic life?

These countries don't need you. They don't want you. They don't give a flying fuck what your best intentions are either - because you have precisely nothing whatsoever to offer them. They'll turn you around and send you home while trying not to laugh at your preposterous stupidity in imagining they have a warm welcome waiting for you because you're Irish? Excuse my laughter - but you're just too fucking idiotic for anything else.

You really haven't thought any of this through, you utter losers. Nobody wants any of you. The entire planet knew the Ireland of old as a rather different kettle of fish to the one that exists now, along with the people on it. Nobody wants to take any of you in. Nobody needs you, not even your own kids. They're watching you watching everything fall apart. They're wondering why you don't do something, anything, before it's too late. That'll only bring them closer to the idea that you're a dead weight; steerage at best. They can replace you with any inanimate object of weight. You're nothing more than a liability and unnecessary expense on their already over-burdened lives. When they glance at the clock to check the time, it's with you in mind: they're counting down the last seconds of your miserable lives. The same misery you'll leave them in your last will and testament.

That's why they loathe you.

That's why they want you gone.

So they can make their own mistakes - not spend eternity trying to fix yours.

Time's up, Lads - finish your drinks, and don't let the door hit you in the arse as you leave.
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Aww, Dan deleted my posts about his proposed "Manson family" set up on an acre of bog.

Saw that earlier as it was happening. I was surprised Roundy let it happen at all, the fat fuck.

Still, the Wayback Machine's great for kicking hindsight in the teeth.

The grabs you posted haven't even happened yet in this time zone: later today, you'll totally score.

Must have been a bit too close to the bone for him.

That fat bastard eats the skin, the meat, and the bones.

Nothing goes to waste.

Not even the gristle.
Actually, when you download the historic/wayback web page for that post, it also delivers this spread of code:

Within the code, there's a link to this site which isn't part of Roundy's thread or any comments in it, no idea why. Colm was great with decoding these things and grabbing any information therein for online use. I found a link at the end of one line of code and opened it to see where it took me. This is where:

Curious, eh.

''Influential. Investigative. Independent. A member-supported not-for-profit outlet reporting on the European Union. Join us: https://t.co/aMUu2rSQvv"
I had posted this tweet on the thread earlier with the link to Euro Observer.

I had wondered if they would put their heads together and draft a letter constructively setting out their grievances and suggesting some solutions to those grievance that they thought the EU Commission should implement..

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