
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

The fucking state of this little cunt?

Never surrender?

You never leave the fucking armchair, you complete faggot-fucking doofus.

Give the elderly folks of your county back all the gear your (44yr old) son robbed from them.

Never fucking surrender?


What's this shite all about?

The West's heading down a nasty totalitarian route.
Driven by the progressive left irony of ironies.
There's non stop trolling of sites such as this and constant pontificating about misinformation.
Here is a short interesting Commentary on forum trolling.
Let's contrast and compare what happens here and on other forums we visit.
Keep in mind botscand AI are part of the disruption game these days.

Ban everyone who disagrees with me...

In fairness, I've no idea why Kangal even bothers to fight a losing battle with cranky old men who use terms like:

'It's good we have some of our people broadcasting live from the protest...'

'I'll get on to a lad I know in the suburbs - he's one of our kind..'

'This forum is real as fuck, Man..

That lunatic Wooftie never ceases with the cancerous bile: he's apparently possessed with pedophilia. And any fool who goes onto sites like these with a name like 'Wolf' is obviously a strange and isolated dole sponger living off the wife and spending his days pursuing one thing and one thing only: pedophilia, and why everyone today is a pedophile - except him. Which sorta brings you to only one possible conclusion, right?

He's a nonce.


Probably the sort of 'wolf' who'll later find himself answering to charges put to him by the moral police regarding his own kids, his sweet little niece, his nephews, and any misfortunate handicapped/wheelchair-bound child-cripple living nearby. You can smell it off him like he can smell another man's seed on his wife's lips when she frowns and serves him his cold porridge for supper. Creepy and repulsive.
Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110353

The Olympics thread is locked for some reason so I have to post this here

Because, Wendy, people like you would be shiteing on about it till the next one. With anti-'woke' or muh masonic upside down Satanic hand signals, Christ is King! videos etc.

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110527


Let me clarify that for you, Wooftie: no, they don't hate themselves and they don't hate you either. They don't even know you fucking exist, you stupid fucking cunt. Why are you in such a permanent rage anyway, cunty? Did yer Ma slap you around a bit too much? Or was it your Da abused you? Your fascination with all things pedophile is telling, y'know? if I were you I'd move on - you've been trying to pick that shite off your fat arse for years at this stage.

If you want to play with kids, say so - don't be telling everyone else that they're the ones with the problem.

You're the problem, you stupid cunt.

So tell us all in any way: why did you choose the username 'Wolf'?

Are you a wolf?


See, that's probably why you look like such a fucking loser, wolves are lone creatures, you're a social animal, one that can't survive without your pack around you. So no, you're not even aware of how wolves live. You're so fucking dumb it makes me want to 3D print an emoji of a thumbs-up and smash your rotten teeth out with it.




That's right, Wooftie - fuck the Irish.

By the way, it's currently 27 Celsius here in beautiful Helsinki, Finland - world's happiest country - seven years on the trot.

Mental, isn't it?

I mean, that it's ME who's getting the royalty treatment up here in a foreign land. Must break your cold black heart to even consider it, let alone actualize the simple facts that you are where you are and getting the traditional Irish treatment while I am where I am laughing at you. The babes, Wolfy, the babes are wall to wall. The sunshine and heat means they're all in little summer dresses and because they're not Catholics, they're well aware of of how a high skirt-line affects the boys and has us giving her the nod.

You? You're surrounded by ugly Irish slappers, fat cunts in high heels they can't even fucking walk in. Pissed drunk, always angry, always on the mooch, always stabbing you in the back, and always like a sack of rotten spuds in the bedroom department. get used to those milky-white fat thighs and big flabby tits down to her belly-button - just like your granny.

Poor wolfy - always angry, always disappointed, always in awe of the Mowl.

Pain in the hole the way Declan won't let you reply to me, eh?



Wolf & SaintJavelin

Post in thread 'Trolling Misinformation and suchlike!' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/trolling-misinformation-and-suchlike.978/post-110852

We are witnessing the return of authoritarianism, fascism and eventually western Nazism.

Post in thread 'Trolling Misinformation and suchlike!' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/trolling-misinformation-and-suchlike.978/post-110869

He fucking hates any [sic] remotely socialist or Jewish.

No, he doesn't hate anything remotely Jewish.

Despite being a casual racist (can't mention Africans without calling them 'savage', 'feral' etc.), his 'antisemitism' is really of the 'far left' kind i.e. about the war crimes your people are committing against brown people in the Middle East. And he repeats the (anti-white) Jewish trope of the Nazis being the epitome of human evil and that it's a burgeoning new 'western Nazism' that has the regimes in white countries against their own people today.

I mean, fucking retarded.



Of course, the funniest part is that Roundy's stumpy little legs can't even reach the forward footrest. He's got his right foot and ankle on the motor, which would fry his plump little legs in minutes, he's that small and roundy.

Wolf & SaintJavelin

Post in thread 'Trolling Misinformation and suchlike!' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/trolling-misinformation-and-suchlike.978/post-110852

We are witnessing the return of authoritarianism, fascism and eventually western Nazism.

Post in thread 'Trolling Misinformation and suchlike!' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/trolling-misinformation-and-suchlike.978/post-110869

He fucking hates any [sic] remotely socialist or Jewish.

No, he doesn't hate anything remotely Jewish.

Despite being a casual racist (can't mention Africans without calling them 'savage', 'feral' etc.), his 'antisemitism' is really of the 'far left' kind i.e. about the war crimes your people are committing against brown people in the Middle East. And he repeats the (anti-white) Jewish trope of the Nazis being the epitome of human evil and that it's a burgeoning new 'western Nazism' that has the regimes in white countries against their own people today.

As you can see, Jimmy - nobody responded, nobody even mentioned you, and as I pointed out to you a long time ago - no one cares what you say.

Not one sinner soul.

I mean, fucking retarded.

If you're referring to your intra-site screams and wailings, then yes: you're completely fucking retarded.

It's been that way since your around eleventh username-change.
Here's another whammy from Roundy: https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110955

'Hello, all. Can anyone guess where I am?'

He's at the Framingham, Massachusetts branch of an outsize clothing firm called Sierra Trading Post. He's sitting in the parking lot behind the enormous (fake) wooden cabin (usually built with a metal frame inside the facade to hold all the fake logs in place) who provide clothing items for the 'more delicate scale' men and women. That is, pants and shirts for the taller man, or the very-much shorter man. Outsized Farah pants, short-sleeved shirts, and waterproof/leak-proof underwear for the elderly dealing with incontinence. Perfect for a man of his age.

Sierra's Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_(retailer)

Here's a closer look at the name:

Full address:

Google map showing the distance from Dedham to Framingham: 11km:

Link to Sierra's shops across the states: https://www.sierra.com/

So it's very near to his wife Marianne's house in Dedham, close enough he could have walked but he obviously didn't feel like wasn't up to it. Better to show up in a big fat gas-guzzler van and act the hard-chaw midget. He probably thought nobody on Arsefield's would give a second glance to where he was or why was there in the first place - never mind asking them to guess. Rather - they just swallow it whole. That's how meek and broke-backed they are. The only person who questioned him was Mods V Rockers, mentioning that it is, in fact, just another parking lot behind some all-American fat-people's clothing shop.

There's no fucking end to Roundy Kelly's spoofs. He lies like a petulant child. You'd think a self-employed man would have the ability to make it harder for his acolytes to figure him out so easily? It took me all of ten minutes to gather all of the above information using nothing but the name of the shop and the fact that Roundy lives in Dedham. So by all means, if you feel like tearing him a new arse using any of the above information, then we'll team-up and double the pain he has to feel.

Roundy, you're a loser of epic scale and proportion. It's hard to fathom why a fat little Paddy-whack cunt like you thinks you're something/anything special. But even funnier again is the way your members just swallow whatever shit you throw at them. So in answer to your question in the video attached:

You're some sad bastard. I have nothing but cringing embarrassment not just at you, but rather at the lame-brained gobshites you've assembled on your crank page who take everything you say at face value and lick your boots for you. You may think there's some degree of a 'win' somewhere in there, but let me inform you: there isn't. Not even remotely. You lie. Every day, all day, you lie. And the little lies like this one are remarkably easy to unravel. You made a move, I countered it, now I'm handing you your fat arse all over again, you thick fat little culchie mutant.
Pahaha! I must have hit a sore-spot with that last post. The minions of Arsefield's are circling the wagons and pepping up for a battle to protect their Dear Leader and Administrator-in-Chief, Declan 'Roundy' Kelly from any further lampooning. Now I know I can be a bit close to the bone at times, but those of you who know me know too that I only ever bite back at the losers who try to out-smug me. The Feeney kind of mentality which, after looking at his own naked body in the mirror after a weekly bath, then looks at my physical appearance and tries desperately to fling something/anything in my direction in the hopes it'll both hit and hurt. Like this:

A photograph from over a decade ago of a commercial music project I built, named, acted as manager/agent for, made a lot of money with, and then disbanded. That's me second from the left in the white raw silk jacket. We've neither met nor played together since around 2015. But poor auld Feeney's still trying to get his head around how I managed to rope in so many hard-hitting Finns when I'm supposed to be an illiterate working-class scumbag. As you know, the other members consist of one professor of theology, two high-ranking Finnish military men, and a Finnish junior diplomat currently serving in Geneva.

Oh, and one more thing: apparently, we're all gay, or LGBT, or something like that.

You see, when a twat like Dave (Feeney) sees his beloved dear leader, Declan - the fat little roundy Irish midget van driver, being reminded that he's been in women's clothes many times over the years, Davey (Feeney) has to take up arms to try to do battle with me. For this battle to commence, he must provoke a war. So the post above this was the one he selected. That one bothered him a lot because he obviously followed the links I posted and then he clocked it:

'Fuckin' hell, Mowl fuckin' nailed me best mate; I'm going to re-post that same photo I found on his old band's page AGAIN and see if it causes a spark...'

Sadly not, Dave. Everyone's seen that public photo multiple times over - but thanks again for the share. Again. We're still not planning a reunion any time soon, nor are we currently available for bookings (not that you could afford us) because that was then and this is now. But apparently, and according to Dave, what women really want isn't a physically fit and handsome/devilishly cute and over six feet tall Mowl like me, but rather, this:

Which I'm sure would make even the engineer and bit-part model/actor Rory O'Connor of 182 Slaney Road in Sandyford feel a bit queasy. The rat-like features of Dave's cider-swilling fat pan-like face are enough to convince us all that he has the bad breath of a mongrel mutt looking to lick your lips after getting into the bio-garbage bin. Again. The football jersey (Man Utd - an English team) shows you the depth of his Irish nationalism. Probably hasn't attended a single game of any Irish sports, just sits in drinking tins watching the big games on pay-per-view. On Sundays, he obliges the wife (jeez fuck - but what a right fucking munter SHE is) and her mother and pours his cider from the tin to a glass before necking the whole lot and opening another.

The Feeney's have an inherent rodent gene, you can see it on Dave's fat face, you can see it under the mounds of slap his Missus wears (jeez, what a sour-pussed munter) and you can see it on Mandy's (his midget son) face: acne, severe pimples and running sores, lumpy areas of the face and neck overgrown with the scars of spots, skin ulcers, pimples, abscesses, and the permanent scars of years of contagious herpetic open sores that destroy the skin and underlying nerves and remain for the duration of the sufferer's life. So at least they have consistency in some areas of the natural world: three right knackers with the physical appearance of an ad for severe acne infection cream.

Mowl, on the other hand, has no such skin conditions. As you know Dave - search and search and search and still you won't find any pictures of me with acne like yours. I know you can't help it, that you were born with it. Just look at your son's face. Then look at your own. Then the wife's face (jez, I'd rather not). See? Now, imagine what your son's children might look like? If you find it too difficult, just upload a recent photo of him into your Paint app and then use a pencil or brush to add loads of red, green, and yellow spots all over his face and neck from the eyebrows down. That's your grandson - long before the ugly little rat was even conceived, let alone born into this world. Of course this is all conjecture as we still haven't had confirmation that Mandy's actually not a homosexual, a cross dressing midget who loves to be in the company of cross-dressers like Declan and Val, and a few more.

No wonder you're all in love with make-up.

And women's clothing.

And homosexuality.

And acne.

Severe acne.
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