
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Why haven't you included me on your list, Jambo, you fucking cretin.

And why do you keep insisting that obviously male posters are female. Like that gollum yoke. Or who you call "Wendy" (Try "Stephen" more like.)

Though you may be right for once about this guy's cuntishness.

Noting Jambo that they are a mirror of yourself - only instead of looking to the likes of arseholes like your own Morgoing, Coolit and Woodlice, they have their own arsehole priesthoods that they get the mantras and talking points for their stupid dogma from - to waste their sad existence regurgitating on fora like Arsefield's.

Sure, opposing dogma to your own, apparently, Jambo. Except have you not noticed both your dogmas adhere to the same racist articles of faith regarding culture. No surprise, seeing how you both are cut from the same utterly boring and tedious cultural moulds.

Well the stupid cunt appears to have made the mistake of using his moderation and administrative privileges to ban me for a month, before I was even finished with the fuckwits on Arsefields (and I was still skirting the right side of Dan and Feeney's "free speech" rules, playing by their rules).

Not happy about my message, was he.

Well no one was. That was the point. But this cunt decided to shut me up in a way that a number from Arsefields could have told him I take great fucking exception to.

If he had only asked. Stupid cunt should have asked someone.

Big fucking mistake, Stephen.
Why haven't you included me on your list, Jambo, you fucking cretin.
You're filed under: Insane

And why do you keep insisting that obviously male posters are female. Like that gollum yoke. Or who you call "Wendy" (Try "Stephen" more like.)
Wendy got her name after creationist Wendy Wright, from a rather infamous interview with Dawkins -

And obviously that was because of her creationist/intelligent design thread which she (fraudulently) entitled 'Origins'

Though you may be right for once about this guy's cuntishness.

Noting Jambo that they are a mirror of yourself - only instead of looking to the likes of arseholes like your own Morgoing, Coolit and Woodlice, they have their own arsehole priesthoods that they get the mantras and talking points for their stupid dogma from - to waste their sad existence regurgitating on fora like Arsefield's.

Sure, opposing dogma to your own, apparently, Jambo. Except have you not noticed both your dogmas adhere to the same racist articles of faith regarding culture. No surprise, seeing how you both are cut from the same utterly boring and tedious cultural moulds.

Well the stupid cunt appears to have made the mistake of using his moderation and administrative privileges to ban me for a month, before I was even finished with the fuckwits on Arsefields (and I was still skirting the right side of Dan and Feeney's "free speech" rules, playing by their rules).

Not happy about my message, was he.

Well no one was. That was the point. But this cunt decided to shut me up in a way that a number from Arsefields could have told him I take great fucking exception to.

If he had only asked. Stupid cunt should have asked someone.

Big fucking mistake, Stephen.
Why haven't you included me on your list, Jambo, you fucking cretin.

And why do you keep insisting that obviously male posters are female. Like that gollum yoke. Or who you call "Wendy" (Try "Stephen" more like.)

Though you may be right for once about this guy's cuntishness.

Noting Jambo that they are a mirror of yourself - only instead of looking to the likes of arseholes like your own Morgoing, Coolit and Woodlice, they have their own arsehole priesthoods that they get the mantras and talking points for their stupid dogma from - to waste their sad existence regurgitating on fora like Arsefield's.

Sure, opposing dogma to your own, apparently, Jambo. Except have you not noticed both your dogmas adhere to the same racist articles of faith regarding culture. No surprise, seeing how you both are cut from the same utterly boring and tedious cultural moulds.
Well the stupid cunt appears to have made the mistake of using his moderation and administrative privileges to ban me for a month, before I was even finished with the fuckwits on Arsefields (and I was still skirting the right side of Dan and Feeney's "free speech" rules, playing by their rules).
lol Why do you think Wendy banned you (it was likely Dan)?

Of course, giving Wendy a banhammer would be the most disastrous decision made on Irish political fora since Fishalt was given one

Not happy about my message, was he.
Your message, slagging "de citizen journalists"? It was a bigger flop since Mowl Mowl last posted

Well no one was. That was the point. But this cunt decided to shut me up in a way that a number from Arsefields could have told him I take great fucking exception to.

If he had only asked. Stupid cunt should have asked someone.

Big fucking mistake, Stephen.
lol Why do you think Wendy banned you (it was likely Dan)?

You'd blow Roundy off for a place back on Arsefield's.

Do it, Jimmy.

Put us all out of your misery.

Of course, giving Wendy a banhammer would be the most disastrous decision made on Irish political fora since Fishalt was given one

Nah, that'd be having you around all day, licking Collett and Woddy's little balls.

Your message, slagging "de citizen journalists"? It was a bigger flop since Mowl Mowl last posted

Poor Jimmy Jambo.

Can't seem to catch a break.

lol Why do you think Wendy banned you (it was likely Dan)?
Of course, giving Wendy a banhammer would be the most disastrous decision made on Irish political fora since Fishalt was given one
Reminder: Wendy called for Buddy Love (who's a relatively harmless gobdaw) to be site banned for saying that a political party in Ireland is - Conservative, Catholic (Catholic being the operative word)

If there's anyone more in a permanent fit of incontinent rage than Mowl Mowl it's Wendy

Your message, slagging "de citizen journalists"? It was a bigger flop since Mowl Mowl last posted
Reminder: Wendy called for Buddy Love (who's a relatively harmless gobdaw) to be site banned for saying that a political party in Ireland is - Conservative, Catholic (Catholic being the operative word)

You're some fucking dweeb, Jimmy - get a fucking life, will you?

If there's anyone more in a permanent fit of incontinent rage than Mowl Mowl it's Wendy

Yeah - being so happy all the time in the world's most happy country can do that to a man.

I can't bear any more happiness, and if I could, I'd slice and dice some of mine to send over to you in a plastic bag for your consideration. Swallow it or not, makes fuck all difference to me - I'm too happy to care.

Any plans for the Friday night in, Jimmy?

Slab of Dutch Gold ready and chilled? Check

Soap-bar hash and skins? Check

A mix tape of Oasis b-sides to head-bang to? Check

Anyway - let's get back to watching Jambo spend the day screaming at the four walls - he's fucking mental on the weekends.

The fucking state of Saul Bucket here? I bet you the little cunt is wearing some fatigues he bought at the army surplus shops: boots on and ready to roll. Big fat socks to tuck his pants in and a belt holding his way-too-big pants up with a beret on top and a shovel in one hand. The other hand's busy picking his manky hole and keeping his flask of tea plus two corned beef sandwiches warm under his stab-proof vest.

The poor little cunt has no idea how pathetic he is. Thinks he's all militant and ready for action.

The hardest work he does most days is arranging his butt-groove in the worn-out armchair beside the coal and turf open fireplace. Photos of JFK and Pope John Paul II on the mantle-piece, and a copy of the bible to hand, just in case. He's been at this so long by now he's convinced he's saving Ireland from harm. He genuinely believes that he's part of something bigger than just himself alone, so militarizing the little twat is dead easy. He was initially radicalized by Jambo and The Z Team, but after he got booted out for being a useless little cunt moderator on the isle he became a full-on cracker. Look at the sad bastard now though?
Poor auld Marcus: he thought giving out his name and address and then spoofing everyone that his 'big brothers' are all militia too, RA heads, post office robbers, battering grannies and granddads, burgling their houses while they try to sleep. The fucking state of this though:


What a fucking loser.

But anyway, here's a shot of the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford, Dublin.


He works internationally as a male model. Happy face, bright eyes, clear skin, slightly weathered but still in great shape for a man in his late eighties. I must say, the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford, Dublin certainly does get around.
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Oh, sweet mother of fucking jayzus would you listen to this? This is from Roundy Declan and Brian Nugent's youtube channel.

A rousing chorus of 'Up Enoch Burke' by some whining little knacker with a cheap Spanish guitar.

Kill 'em all with music, is it.

For the life of me I'll never really understand you fucking Irish dopes. Where on earth does shit like this come from? I mean somebody actually sat down with a pen, paper, tuned their guitar, and started 'singing' about the legend, the hero, the real deal himself: Enoch Burke? Arsefield's truly is some fucking craic, lads.
Oh, sweet mother of fucking jayzus would you listen to this? This is from Roundy Declan and Brian Nugent's youtube channel.

A rousing chorus of 'Up Enoch Burke' by some whining little knacker with a cheap Spanish guitar.

Kill 'em all with music, is it.

For the life of me I'll never really understand you fucking Irish dopes. Where on earth does shit like this come from? I mean somebody actually sat down with a pen, paper, tuned their guitar, and started 'singing' about the legend, the hero, the real deal himself: Enoch Burke? Arsefield's truly is some fucking craic, lads.

Swiss people are fucking useless - plus they have the biggest arse on the planet.

All that sitting around and counting Nazi/Mafia/Triad loot only adds more pounds to their posterior.

I find it hard to give a shit about the Swiss, and I've been in and out of their country many many times: it's beautiful, especially the Swiss Alps, which I've gigged a few times. It looks manicured, perfect, and abnormal in many ways. I bought my first gun there in 1998. Stashed it in with the hardware in my flight-case and sailed past customs in Dublin.

Swiss army knives, Toblerone, cuckoo clocks, and Swiss watches a country and culture do not make.

Swiss banking - now there's a proposition.

Ever tried to open a bank account in Switzerland, Jimmy?


Ahh, sure..

Y'know, for once in your miserable life you're right? It is fucked, completely fucked - butt-fucked. And there's you are right smack dab in the middle of the toilet bowl, getting pissed on and shat on from above day after day after day, flush after flush. And what do you do about it? Call another member a pedophile? That's it? That's your whole thing? Jesus fuck, it's no fucking wonder you're an angry and miserable old fart. If I were in your position the first thing I'd do is buy a length of rope, a new shed, arrange a temporary separation from your slut wife, and some whiskey to give yourself the edge to do what needs be done: kill yourself.

Nobody will miss you. Nobody will even notice you're gone apart from Kangal and Roundy. You're basically cat herpes. On the edge of the butt-hole that is modern Ireland. Fucked. For. Life. And do you know what else? It makes me laugh. Out loud. Even when I'm alone. You're piteous, sad. Useless. You haven't a single reason to stick around, you do know that, Wooftie? Your country is dying all around you and what are you doing? Pursuing an old online enemy from the last century to fill in the time while your ugly cunt wife is sucking Russian cock down on the docks when the fish come in? I'd imagine she fucking loves it too.

Sadly for you, I live in Finland: the world's happiest country - seven years on the trot.

Makes you fucking crazy, right?

Knowing a cunt like me has it so fucking good is what keeps you around. You're the single most frequent poster on the whole Mowl/Isle thread, day after day after day. What a wanker. Have you ever considered how enormous a wanker you actually are, Woofs? I'd imagine your wife is actually tougher and harder than you, and when she fancies a proper fuck, she leaves you to watch the spuds don't boil and the eggs don't stick to the pan. That and washing out her cheap lingerie, usually stinking of other men's sweat, saliva, and sperm. Then you fold them all nice and neat for her so that when the mood takes her next time, she won't still be stinking of some other Russian navvie's seed. Poor auld Wooftie: like a starving rat in cage, up and down the walls all fucking day and night, scratching at your cat herpes and causing it to spread all over your fat gut and up into your rancid armpits. Ever consider washing on a regular basis, Wooftie? No? Ahh, sure..

So anyway - tell us before I go: what in the name of the screaming blue jaze possessed you to call yourself 'Wolf' ??

Have you any fucking idea how lame you are?




Oh, man - that one makes me laugh - every fucking time.

'Outta the way there, you. I'm Wolf. Big and strong - and smelling slightly of wee-wee and vanilla ice cream. Nobody tells me what to do, apart from the wife, the idiot that is Swordid Golah McJew, and of course Roundy Kelly. I do what Roundy tells me because he's sort of my Daddy - but not in a sexual way. Or at least not a publicly noticeable way when I have his sperm dripping off my chin and down the front of my new Superman t-shirt. It's really all down to my micro-penis. I'm a medical marvel in that nobody has a smaller willy than me. Me, Wolf - or as my friends call me: 'Wooftie'...'

Enjoy the misery of Irish life, kid. You'll never be as happy as me, and you know it. I'm absolutely on top of the world in every possible way: the babes, the money, the quality of life, the fuck-off huge apartment, the cost of living, the safety, the cleanliness, the wonder of it all. I do what I like when I like, and I get paid for it too. Rather handsomely at that.


You spend roughly seventeen to nineteen hours a day on Arsefield's crying about how fucked up your country is.

What sort of slut wife would put up with that, eh?

No wonder half of Russia's fishermen have your number tattooed onto their wrists: she gets a better bounce off them than you'll ever be able to counter.

What's it like when she comes home at night and all you can smell on her breath is foreign cock?

What's it like when you're lying beside her and she keeps burping up acidic sperm?

Or when she farts and out comes a load of greyish brown jizz that smells like slow death?

You poor sad bastard.

I'm off to the Kallio Block Party - hundreds of bands, DJs, babes, free bars, free backstage shennannigans, and whatever you're having yourself.

Well, not you personally - just me, and all the hot Finnish babes.

Try not to get too angry about this little love letter: I already know about the charges the coppers handed you the week before last: flashing your little willy at kids in a public toilet just off the Nangor Road over by the industrial estate. The horror, eh? The horror. Have a nice evening, you sad bastard. Tell your wife the next time she approaches any virginal little boys that it's not her job to enlighten them about sexually transmitted diseases like the ones you have. I know she's angry. I know she caught AIDS off a Russian navvie - it's graffitied all over the toilet doors of nearly every early house from O'Connell Street east to Holyhead.

Seeya, Wooftie.

Seeya, tough guy.

One thing Yankee Doodle Danny never seems to mention is that his adopted nation's founding fathers considered the likes of him and his Arsefield's buddies to be buffoons unworthy of the right to vote. The US constitution even has checks and balances built into it to safeguard the republic against stong-men, populist, demagogue types such as Donald Trump - beloved by thicko simpletons such as the Arsefield's crowd.

Modern American politics is a clown show, or nothing more than two sides fighting against their opponents as they would against each others' rival sports teams. As elitist as the likes of Madison, Jefferson etc. were perhaps they had a point after all.
Jambo takes offence at fat-cheeked, three-chinned losers with haircuts straight out of the corner-shop Muslim barbers quite easily.

I find that one hilarious: every man in Ireland with hair seems to have the same cut and style: beard leading up to a shaved area around ear level with a plop of wispy hair on top that makes their heads look less fat than they are. They'll happily throw money at Jamal when booking an appointment for a haircut and they'll even sit there telling him their life story. What they do, where they work, how they make money, who they're going out with, the game, the weather, the latest headlines (but never going too deep lest they lose the run of their mouth and say something blatantly racist.

I've read chumps who are saying that these barber shops are fronts for money-laundering cash from people-trafficking. It might well be the case, the sudden proliferation of dozens of these barber-shops is rather like the previous version which was nail salons. Ten or fifteen of them in the same neighbourhood. Where are they now? Don't the girls want their manicures and pedicures any more? Those shops opened with the advent of the newly arriving eastern European ladies with their fine features and blond hair, their grace and femininity, their cute accents, the way they walk, the way they look at you. Gorgeous little things.

Of course when Bridie and Concepta saw them coming, they freaked the fuck out and went shopping pronto. Nine inch heels, make-up applied with a standard trowel, sprayed bright orange all over in some little booth behind a top-shelf porn newsagents. The slapper mini skirts and plunging neckline tops. The speed in their bright blue bottles of WKD and the coke they bang up the nose to give them an edge before hitting The Wexford Inn for some real Irish trad to sing along to, then off to Copperfaced Jacks for the binge drinking of pints of yellow lager and shots of Jagermeister. Handbags on the floor beside them, they lurch and sway on the spot and eyeball the culchie coppers and nurses for someone to give them a love-bite right under their ear for everyone to see (bar herself, the dumb slapper).

I bet you a pound to a penny that when Jimmy Jambo needs a trim, he's off down to to see Jamal and Mohammud to get his nasal hair waxed (then crying like a baby) and his ear-lugs cleaned with a small but powerful jet of warm water that breaks up the wax and washes it out. Then the beard-shaping: Jamal gives him three photos to look at: 'you pick one you, I have you cut in ten minute, my friend'.

Look very closely at that photo above, my friend: that's you.

100% James Dawson - born loser, closet homosexual, lazy cunt, and boring second hand bastard with a short fuse.
Some fools fall for fucking anything:

The only thing that'd see Roundy walking ten miles is a power cut at the local cheeseburger emporium and a flat tyre on his van.
He calls me 22 stone, even though he's probably closer to that figure himself. The heaviest I've ever been was about 205 pounds in my early twenties due to some medications I was taking. Back down to around 160 pounds now.
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