Between this:
..utter fucking moron and Saul 'CG&P' Bucket, you and your A Team are some right fucking shower of gobdaws.
If this is the best Irish Nationalism can serve up, then you're fucked before you even begin. Which leads to the question: where exactly do you intend to begin with this nationalist theory of yours? Actually get on the bus into town and meet Deegan, Saul, and Justin Barrett? Where? Wendy's? Taco Bell? The pub?
You're fucking useless, the whole fucking lot of you.
You'll do what you've always done: fly around in a tizzy doing Keef Woods work for him.
You fancy him, don't you?
I mean, if you're willing to shack up with Sham Frog, Saul/CG&P, and drunken Myles - you're fucked before you even begin, right?
In all the years you've been blabbering on about nationalism, your net outcome is the same this years as it was last year. Zero. You've been at this lark for around four years under gang-loads of usernames in loads of duff chat sites.
Quantify your results for us - that'll be a laugh.
It's not like you have anything else to do - bar watching Oppenheimer again from start to finish.
On a Monday afternoon.
Busy lad, eh.