
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

And I'm out.

PM'd Declan. Not that he will give a shit.

I am leaving the site for now but may come back if Fishalt is removed as a mod.

Fishalt is simply making rules up and acting on them. There does not appear to be any published rules and everything is arbitrary.

Worse he is deleting my posts without any notification. I only found this out by accident and now I can see that quite a few posts have been deleted. There was no notification....they simply disappeared.

This is abusive behaviour. I'm not going to contribute time to the site to find out my content is disappointing.

Should Fishalt lose mod privileges, I may return."
Sorry to hear you've been having a difficult time on Arsefield's. You're always welcome here, and there are other discussion sites such as Boards.ie and P.ie....so plenty of options around. As for Dan changing his mind, I doubt that will ever happen as Dan is the stubborn sort. If anything his sense of pride will only make him further ignore such requests... whereas he might have considered doing so on his own terms, in his own time.

Fishalt is a bit of a jobsworth and takes moderating a bit too seriously. These places should be chill-out zones in my opinion, or a break from the day-to-day grind of the real world. There's enough hardships in life without having to endure them on online forums as well - which truth be told are simply there for entertainment and a sense of community.
And I'm out.

PM'd Declan. Not that he will give a shit.

I am leaving the site for now but may come back if Fishalt is removed as a mod.

Fishalt is simply making rules up and acting on them. There does not appear to be any published rules and everything is arbitrary.

Worse he is deleting my posts without any notification. I only found this out by accident and now I can see that quite a few posts have been deleted. There was no notification....they simply disappeared.
This is abusive behaviour. I'm not going to contribute time to the site to find out my content is disappointing.
Freudian slip there, Kangers? 😆

Should Fishalt lose mod privileges, I may return."
Same reason I gave to the yank for me ditching the site.

Fishalt is truly a gobshite of the highest order.

First of all, he's retarded (the guy can barely write literate English). Secondly, I don't really know what the stupid cunt is doing on the site (maybe his great-great granny was Irish or something?) and he doesn't contribute anything to it, not just about Ireland, he can't even make a post about anything interesting relating to Australia, where he lives, in Hicksville.

And then there's the sheer arrogance of it all, his "moderating". No one with a 60 IQ like the ratfuck Australian coward should possess arrogance in any way, shape or form and he shouldn't be telling any Irish person what they can or can't say on Irish political fora (which I'll include Arsefield's for the sake of it).

Don't know why Kangal ever bothered dealing with Declan and his cancerous minion - Wooftie.

The man's a scumbag, utter fucking knacker with the intellect of a stuck pig.

You (Kangal) are the reason there's any traffic at all on Arsefield's. if you stop posting, the site will go dark - so stick to your guns and stop giving them oxygen.

Hi Mandy, how's your Mam?
See, when Kangal ignores him, Wooftie gets all shouty and moody - like a petulant child on too much lemonade and cake.

When he deals with him, Wooftie goes into overdrive with the expletives.

When things get messy - Zippy and Roundy hop in to defend Wooftie.


Everyone knows Wooftie's a bit messed up emotionally and mentally.

He has our pity - or mine at least.

It's very sad to see a man in his mental state parading it around, but sure Arsefield's?

You'd think that Fishalt would have the decency to resign.. but he doesn't have any decency.

I remember after he started the thread on the false flag in the kibbutz (when the Israelis massacred hundreds of their own so they could genocide the Palestinians), he honestly thought that it was his thread, what a dope. I'd say that's what actually set him off with Zippy (who subsequently "moderated" the thread against people who weren't pro Hamas).
You'd think that Fishalt would have the decency to resign.. but he doesn't have any decency.

If anything, it's a clear indicator of Roundy's whole operation in life.

Can't someone else do it?

I remember after he started the thread on the false flag in the kibbutz (when the Israelis massacred hundreds of their own so they could genocide the Palestinians), he honestly thought that it was his thread, what a dope.

And there was you: thinking it was all yours?

What a dope.

I'd say that's what actually set him off with Zippy (who subsequently "moderated" the thread against people who weren't pro Hamas).

Zippy's an even worse cunt than Roundy.

Sitting there in his golden bikini, his silver-haired old balls dangling down around his knees.

They deserve each other, those two.

In fact - the whole entourage deserve each other: mutton-headed culchies.
If anything, it's a clear indicator of Roundy's whole operation in life.

Can't someone else do it?

And there was you: thinking it was all yours?
No, I didn't

I don't even think that this thread is mine, and obviously (being the first) to start a thread on such a general news story and then thinking that it's your own (in which you call the shots) is dopey, you dope

What a dope.

Zippy's an even worse cunt than Roundy.

Sitting there in his golden bikini, his silver-haired old balls dangling down around his knees.

They deserve each other, those two.

In fact - the whole entourage deserve each other: mutton-headed culchies.
Mandy is on her period today, very very moody.

Mandy obviously suffers from monthly bouts of PMS...it'd explain the constant rage.
Freudian slip there, Kangers?
Autocorrect. Should have been "disappearing". Corrected back at source!

Anyway I think I'm done there for the time being.

After pointing out that Fishalt is now deciding what is, or is not, a valid source - and therefore censoring content on his own internal logic - I got the following:

"It looks to me as if you see the writing on the wall. The war is over.

If you think otherwise, then I would wait for the last laugh.

An either way, can not be far away."

Like, what the actual fuck? How fucking stupid can you possibly be? I mean, acting as a tour guide and just repeating the same script over and over is not challenging, but his response points at the most childish and one-dimensional of intellects. Hes basically Nelson from the Simpsons.

Well I decided to go out on a bang and bring on the inevitable site ban. Feels good though.

"You really are a useless cunt, Declan.

You can't see how a mod censoring people is the very same thing this site is supposed to be decrying.

You can't see Russia is fucked if it wins or loses. No one even knows what a Russian "victory" is anymore.

You don't see how rather Chinese are ready to carve the Russians up as soon as its politically possible.

You can't see what Gemtrails did to the mother of a dead son.

You really are a fucking terrible human being.

And your family knows it."

He really is an obnoxious human being though.
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See, when Kangal ignores him, Wooftie gets all shouty and moody - like a petulant child on too much lemonade and cake.

When he deals with him, Wooftie goes into overdrive with the expletives.
I am thinking of returning to the site if Wolf stops spamming.

Now Wolf won't be able to stop spamming the site.
It's really something the way those retards on Arsefields go between anger, the most pitiable attempts at wit, hating each other, giving 'likes', wishing the economy or world would end, conspiracy theories, bashing gays, black people, Jews and other minorities who threaten their small willies.

Never mind the Arsefield's fugitive we're harbouring on here, with his IQ tests, scientific racism and videos from three eejit white stooges about the great achievements of medieval white social elites, and how his own number is up for "replacement" etc.

And all these guys all call themselves "nationalists". What the absolute fuck. What do they imagine they mean?

They are all losers with grievances, the malcontent, intellectually lazy, gullible and susceptible members of our society.

But what's happening is someone is telling them that they’re “heroes” fighting for liberty and saving their country and young girls etc.

Well we know who is telling them this and why.

We should march these people, the owners, administrators and moderators of the websites and blogs peddling these eejits this shite out into our public squares and put them in the stocks and pillory.

They're profiting on the backs of the lowest common denominator. Our own forum host here excepted of course.
Don't know why Kangal ever bothered dealing with Declan and his cancerous minion - Wooftie.
I don't know how to feel about Wolf.

For a long time, up to recently, I was getting a real kick out in provoking the fucker. It didn't take much. 1 post from me would result in 4 to 5 shitposts from him. Sometimes I'd act hurt, or outraged, sometimes I'd ignore him....all to see how what pressed his buttons. Really easy to do. Like, crazy easy.

But a couple days ago he posted something about working on a farm in the 1970s. So he appears way older than I thought. Probably well beyond normal retirement age but still having to work as a builder.

It may explain why he's such a bitter, angry, toxic human.
... But a couple days ago he posted something about working on a farm in the 1970s...
Twerking on a farm in the 1970's. That's how he got his name, he had all the sheep so mesmerised by his twerking, they called him "Wolf". That's how he made Val's acquaintance, who specialised in sexually fisting cows. The two of them were a double act, when they got together all the farmers would lock up their herds to be safe from them. The 1970's eh, crazy times.
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