
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Between this:

..utter fucking moron and Saul 'CG&P' Bucket, you and your A Team are some right fucking shower of gobdaws.

If this is the best Irish Nationalism can serve up, then you're fucked before you even begin. Which leads to the question: where exactly do you intend to begin with this nationalist theory of yours? Actually get on the bus into town and meet Deegan, Saul, and Justin Barrett? Where? Wendy's? Taco Bell? The pub?

You're fucking useless, the whole fucking lot of you.

You'll do what you've always done: fly around in a tizzy doing Keef Woods work for him.

You fancy him, don't you?

I mean, if you're willing to shack up with Sham Frog, Saul/CG&P, and drunken Myles - you're fucked before you even begin, right?

In all the years you've been blabbering on about nationalism, your net outcome is the same this years as it was last year. Zero. You've been at this lark for around four years under gang-loads of usernames in loads of duff chat sites.

Quantify your results for us - that'll be a laugh.

It's not like you have anything else to do - bar watching Oppenheimer again from start to finish.

On a Monday afternoon.

Busy lad, eh.
Between this:

..utter fucking moron and Saul 'CG&P' Bucket, you and your A Team are some right fucking shower of gobdaws.

If this is the best Irish Nationalism can serve up, then you're fucked before you even begin. Which leads to the question: where exactly do you intend to begin with this nationalist theory of yours? Actually get on the bus into town and meet Deegan, Saul, and Justin Barrett? Where? Wendy's? Taco Bell? The pub?

You're fucking useless, the whole fucking lot of you.

You'll do what you've always done: fly around in a tizzy doing Keef Woods work for him.

You fancy him, don't you?

I mean, if you're willing to shack up with Sham Frog, Saul/CG&P, and drunken Myles - you're fucked before you even begin, right?

In all the years you've been blabbering on about nationalism, your net outcome is the same this years as it was last year. Zero. You've been at this lark for around four years under gang-loads of usernames in loads of duff chat sites.

Quantify your results for us - that'll be a laugh.

It's not like you have anything else to do - bar watching Oppenheimer again from start to finish.

On a Monday afternoon.

Busy lad, eh.
I do find young women sexually attractive, do you?
And one of the things I dislike is people who lie about this (I hate liars).

I'll tell you a story the Mowl Mowl, I know you like stories.

So, many years ago (we're in our twenties) and we're in the pub and we're chatting and I say something about how I couldn't possibly find, let's say (I can't quite remember), a sixteen-year-old sexually attractive (as if something magically happens on the day of their eighteenth birthday or something).. and my friend, Kenneth (do you remember Kenneth? 🤔) replies.. I can't quite remember - Yeah, right.

That was the essence of it anyway. He called me out on my bullshit the Mowl, so it stuck in my memory.

Then there's a quote, which I wish I could remember by someone, it was along the lines of - We may grow older but our desires don't, they stay the same. It was a kind of poignant quote.

Mowl, make sure you turn your phone sideways at the right time or you'll miss the best part -

Introducing: Fishalt's Weekly Report


So I thought that I'd add a new feature to the thread which is Fishalt's Weekly Report.

It's a simple format, I will provide the search results for Fishalt's posts on Arsefield's here each week and we can all bask in his contribution.

So here we go, the inaugural Fishalt's Weekly Report.

Week ending, Sunday 31st March:
Week ending, Sunday 7th April:
Almost everyone on Arsefield's is a flerf of some sort or another. Take this post by the actual self-declared flerf, Hermit -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-90627

WTF does that even mean? Yes, horoscopes are 4 silly girls (Zippy for example, or the African tranny Shambolic) and gaymen.. but like, WTF does "created and developed over the last 2,000 years" even mean? Astrology is complete f*cking bunkum, no one takes it seriously (with an adequately functioning brain)

But that's Herm 4 you, living in the year dot (coincidentally when the babby Jesus was born)

And one of the things I dislike is people who lie about this (I hate liars).

I'll tell you a story the Mowl Mowl, I know you like stories.

So, many years ago (we're in our twenties) and we're in the pub and we're chatting and I say something about how I couldn't possibly find, let's say (I can't quite remember), a sixteen-year-old sexually attractive (as if something magically happens on the day of their eighteenth birthday or something).. and my friend, Kenneth (do you remember Kenneth? 🤔) replies.. I can't quite remember - Yeah, right.

That was the essence of it anyway. He called me out on my bullshit the Mowl, so it stuck in my memory.

Then there's a quote, which I wish I could remember by someone, it was along the lines of - We may grow older but our desires don't, they stay the same. It was a kind of poignant quote.

Mowl, make sure you turn your phone sideways at the right time or you'll miss the best part -


Errmm.. ..mm. wait - WHAT?

Dan's being waffling all day about a solar eclipse over Dedham. Pity it wasn't a lightning bolt to the head or anything like that.

If that fat bastard were to walk in front of you, he'd eclipse the sun for three weeks.

Almost everyone on Arsefield's is a flerf of some sort or another. Take this post by the actual self-declared flerf, Hermit -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-90627

WTF does that even mean? Yes, horoscopes are 4 silly girls (Zippy for example, or the African tranny Shambolic) and gaymen.. but like, WTF does "created and developed over the last 2,000 years" even mean? Astrology is complete f*cking bunkum, no one takes it seriously (with an adequately functioning brain)

But that's Herm 4 you, living in the year dot (coincidentally when the babby Jesus was born)


Christ, but you're some fucking bore.

Val thinks he doxxed me.

He's right.

Apart from the fact that he's wrong - I was doxxed back in 2007, long before Val even heard of the word 'doxxing' - the silly old cow.
First new potatoes of the year for supper tonight - €4.75 a kilo.

Damn, they look great - but they'll look even better with a knob of butter and getting sent down my gullet later.
No - this one's to rile Val up, just like at this same time last year when he read about the new season products which arrive into the Finnish supermarkets over these next few weeks. Val, being 'a farmer with cows' said that it's impossible. Too early in the season. For Irish spuds grown outdoors, he's right. But Val's a caveman-like entity let loose in the modern world. Yet the notion of vegetables being grown in controlled indoor 'glass houses' is utterly and completely lost on him. So yeah, I posted it here.

I didn't do what you do though.

Which is: go searching for the offending article on another site - go through pages of waffle to actually find it, copy the link address and paste it onto this one, then go back and quote the offending sentence/question/answer/rebuke and paste that under the link, then add some text of your own, then publish the results. Then slowly and self-assuredly fold your arms across your pigeon-chest and relax into a nice big fat smug grin - saluting to the framed photo of Keith Woods you have on the shelf over on your right there - beside the framed photo of Justin Barrett - preening at you.

Sexy for you?

Check out some of my qualities 😊 -

Strong empathy, emotional sensitivity and compassion for others, especially anyone who is suffering, the disadvantaged, martyrs. Empathy may be so strong that you tend to absorb the emotions of other people, to the point where you may even take on their emotions and confuse them for your own, because boundaries are blurred in Pisces.
Strong intuition and gut feelings.
Need to do volunteer or charity work.
Vivid visualisation skills and imagination.
Tendency for daydreaming and escapism.
Aesthetic/artistic taste for the abstract (as opposed to more structured forms).
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