I don't go to churches, Jambo - not unless they happen to be architecturally and aesthetically pleasing to my eye.
Neither do I follow links sent to me by half-witted mules.
That's you, by the way.
Listen to this obnoxious cretin, Mad as a Tiger -
On a positive note, they’re kind enough to babysit Jambo.
You mean use him as a dish rag.
He's our national toilet brush - we should name a street or bypass after him.
The harmony on this site in his absence is palpable.
I think she means how dull things are.
She loves the Mowl because she's exactly like him, and the only fucking harmony she's talking about is having the site a complete shitshow of babbling about the Jesus, the Occult, Klaus Schwab, Climate Change, whatever the fuck you're having yourself. What an absolute shithole
Then you can only admire her good taste, Jimmy.
Tell us: when you're barking out orders to sit, stay, roll over, play bed, or jump - do you find you react quicker on alcohol or on soapbar hash?
You have that the wrong way around I'm afraid. People here are well-rounded individuals, lead interesting lives, have real world hobbies etc etc. Certainly beats hanging around Arsefield's where you're surrounded by drunks and transvestites 24/7.
The simple truth is that on here we're part-timers: in it for the laughs and ribaldry, the poking at soft spots and generally having a laugh at the earnestness of other small-timers who are actually at it full time. This is also Jambo's nature: his input on these boards (any of them, not just this one or Arsefield's) is something he dedicates his entire day to.
His morning mode is usually grumpy, confused, and out of focus. But once he's past the first three hours of the day, he's onto his Dutch Gold time. Sets his watch by it. It doesn't take much longer until he goes full-on retard with a vengeance to punish everyone who ever replied to him, called him Jambo - or worse yet: replied to him using only one emoji.
Seriously, I discovered that last Thursday or Friday and kept at it until he snapped (about four/five posts of only an emoji as reply) so now you know.
if he's getting on your wick (for the Ozzies that means he's bugging/annoying you) just toss him one of these and watch him go full-on epileptic.
Once you realise that Wolf is mentally retarded (for real), it all becomes clear.
Only as much as you are, but.
I mean, obviously no offence to people with Down syndrome but this is literally how I picture him..
Too late: you already offended anyone with Down's Syndrome - including yourself.
And Mad as a Tiger isn't far off it
Yet not quite as close as you are, eh.
lol Look at this worthless Australian ratfuck now -
Again: no.
There truly can't be anything more pathetic than a bunny boiler of mine hiding behind Mowl's skirt (you know who youse are)
The Mowl doesn't wear a skirt. The Mowl has on occasion worn the kilt, but only on St Patrick's day and only for work. Lately though I've been seeing young men walking around in what are currently being called 'men's skirts' and oddly enough it's the heavy/death/speed/trash metal fans of Finland. I've no objection whatsoever to it, but what I don't get is why they react so readily to you eyeballing them and checking out their menswear.
The style is usually accompanied by Finnish military-issue winter boots: eighteen holers, about twelve inches high, heavy duty winter socks sticking out on top, and a sporran with a puukko alongside it. A puukko is a traditional Finnish 'everyday' knife and scabbard to be found in every Finnish household. It's popularity comes from the historic lifestyles of Finns fifty and two hundred years ago. While not legal in public places, exceptions will be made for outdoor use, ie: when out at the mökki, barbecuing, fishing, camping, etc.
Mine is a wooden handled puukko made in the 1950's up in Lahti. I've had it across three decades and once almost lost it while canoeing along the river Vantaa nearby. But I hopped in after it and got it back. The river is calm and still nearby the canoe club. I still have it and use it often.
But yes: men in skirts.
Heavy metal men in skirts.
Yes, everyone knows that you're the blow-in, ratfuck spammer banning people from the site -
Who's what now?
Jambo - do you realize how much easier it would be to argue your point on a site you're actually a member of?
Ultimately of course, the buck stops with Deco, he's to blame
Ah, yes: Deco - who, without Mowl's help, would be still hiding behind a stack of silver coins dressed in pink with his blonde wig on.
He used to be called 'YoungDan' but he's way too old for that these days.
Wendy still blathering away in her 'Origins Thread' thread with yet another "hot off the presses" video by the exact same Christian YouTuber.
A bit like you with your sad Keith Woods porn?
Her sister chimes in with - "The odds are witheringly low", none of these idiots have a clue what they're talking about and as they push harder and harder to it being a "miracle", they still have nothing more than a God-of-the-Gaps argument
Yeah, but they're happy - so let them at it.
It's none of your business, really.
lol.. It's coming -
Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.'
I still can't get my head wrapped around why some worthless, spamming mong should be so self-important to think that anyone should give a fuck about his "grief" "moderating" a political site about Ireland (a country he's never been in and knows nothing about) from the other end of the planet.
Moderators have very busy lives, Jambo - I thought you knew that? Take Mister Swordid/Golan/Zippy for instance. Now this cunt not only moderates a bunch of sites for free (free as is no money at all) but also tries to pass himself off as a young woman. He puts in an average of around nineteen to twenty hours a day, every day, every holiday, every bank holiday, every holy day, every Sunday, every St Paddy's Day and even your birthday. He's housebound, likely either on crutches or else in a wheelchair. A religious zealot, loves dropping names, slagging Jews (which I don't mind at all) and general being a pompous and arrogant pseudo-intellectual mong-man of exceptional proportions.
But he does it and he sticks to it like his life depends on it - which it does: without a banhammer, the old bollocks wouldn't have anything to live for. Which he doesn't. I've always limited my loathing of Jews to the Jews I know personally. Not so with this lad. He hates them all like Clamp loves them all. And Bibi, as he refers to the new Hitler of modern times. As Clamp said: '
go get 'em, Bibi' a few months back, and not a shred of self-awareness about the miserable old goat. The type of mong who loves waking up ten minutes before he goes to sleep to hear how Palestinians got wh cked today, yesterday, last week.
They're a breed apart, Jambo: they do the one job YOU would never asked to do.
Which is why I've always advocated that you set up a site of your own to try on some moderator's boots for even one day, even only modding yourself.
Something your massively inflated ego would adore.
I don't need to do any of the above.
I do just be meself, but.