
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Turns out that the thing that triggers Jambo the most (apart from being permanently labeled Jambo) is a few emoticons.

Never seen the little cunt jump so high so fast before.


The only way you copy me that isn't retarded, is when I would use a (less common) word or phrase.

The opposite of an orange isn't a brick.

I've noticed that (I'm very observant) - and it's somewhat admirable but at the end of the day all you have, how did I used to put it, is a mediocre vocabulary and passable written English

Here, jambo - take it out of this:

Turns out that the thing that triggers Jambo the most (apart from being permanently labeled Jambo) is a few emoticons.

Never seen the little cunt jump so high so fast before.

No, I said that the above emoticon you copied from me

It's wholly appropriate in reply to your posts, not mine

You remind me of Wolf

The opposite of an orange isn't a brick.

Here, jambo - take it out of this:

You designed an emoticon all by yourself, did you?

Who's a big boy now, then?

You wrote some posts too?

Without ANY help from Keith Woods?

Well, haven't YOU come a long way, Jambo.



Just (spamming) nonsense, that's all it is (usually written with a mediocre vocabulary and passable written English)
You're not capable of anything beyond being personal

You literally haven't displayed any sign of intelligence since I've known you but some people, and I think mostly because you have a mediocre vocabulary and passable written English (as well as writing posts that are far too long (and self-indulgent)), don't seem to get that. Probably because they aren't the brightest themselves.

I see that Wendy (Mad as a Tiger) is still spamming away in her 'Origins Thread' thread with her various* scientific proofs of the Jesus, *which are mostly YouTube videos by the same religious retard 😆

She really has taken my thrashing of her badly and, hilariously, when she got her stupid thread to 10K.. Mine had flipped to 11K 🤣

lol.. Long way to go Wends..
You're not capable of anything beyond being personal

You literally haven't displayed any sign of intelligence since I've known you but some people, and I think mostly because you have a mediocre vocabulary and passable written English (as well as writing posts that are far too long (and self-indulgent)), don't seem to get that. Probably because they aren't the brightest themselves.

You seem to have a serious hang-up with my English skills, Jambo.

Has that got anything to do with your little willy and your fear of emoticons?

Did some nasty person point at your little willy on the beach one day and everyone laughed at you?


I see that

Jambo - nobody cares what you think or even what you think you see.

Kill yourself.

Wendy (Mad as a Tiger) is still spamming away in her 'Origins Thread' thread with her various* scientific proofs of the Jesus, *which are mostly YouTube videos by the same religious retard 😆

And here YOU are, talking about it.

What a failure you are to your Ma.

Or were, rather.

She really has taken my thrashing of her badly and, hilariously,


Your Ma?

when she got her stupid thread to 10K.. Mine had flipped to 11K

Your Ma was also a blogger?

Was she as addicted as you or more addicted than you?


lol.. Long way to go



Wednes*** actually.

The average day in the life of an Arsefielder:

Pub >> Bookies >> reading The Sun newspaper >> spending all day on Arsefield's whinging about xyz.
Nah: lunchtime/wake up, instant coffee, warm up the desktop and clear yesterday's history. After using a cleaning device, do a search for their usernames on The Isle. Smoke a few cigarettes (to start the coughing which clears the lungs of last night's smoke signals to nobody in particular) and crack open a tin of Dutch Gold and check out any new uploads on their pornographic site of choice. Quick clean-up, reset computer, turn off, pull plug, count to then, plug it back in, do another cleaning of history, sign in to the gay bar site and commence today's battle after fetching another three tins of Dutch Gold so they don't have to get up again for an hour or so.

Quick break after a three-hour stint of replying to every post made while they were passed out, then scour the papers for anything to yap and moan about. Open a tin of Dutch Gold, roll a spliff of soap-bar hash and get monged. Go mental screaming Mowl, Mowl, ROC, David, etc. By early evening they're already pissed drunk, so we sit back and watch the fragile harmony of these fools collapse as they turn on each other while foaming at the mouth. Wait for someone, anyone, to mention David, Athy, Helen, Mowl, Rachel, ROC, the Cap'n, or anything to do with the Isle and they all congregate around the offending posts and then start in with the intra-site bullshit.

Repeat all day every day for decades and now you're getting close to understanding how these wretches live.

These guys slag you off for not staying in on Friday night to have rows with total strangers.

Then they do it again on Saturday night: 'ha! no posts on the Isle since 2030 - shower of losers'.

By Monday morning they're in dire need of a weekend's break.

Banned for a week for following the rules.

Yet Wolf breaks them and nothing is done.

Do the mods understand how much Wolf is manipulating them?

You seem like an intelligent chap with a life outside of internet fora. I wouldn't worry about wasters such as Wolf.
Banned for a week for following the rules.

Actual rules or just made-up rules designed on the spot?

Yet Wolf breaks them and nothing is done.

Wooftie is Arsefield's greatest assets: people that angry at nothing much are always a sort of mild controversy that breaks the mundanity.

Do the mods understand how much Wolf is manipulating them?

They don't care - what matters to them is that the 'the message' is clear.
Banned for a week for following the rules.

Yet Wolf breaks them and nothing is done.
Do the mods understand how much Wolf is manipulating them?
Fishalt is not only a retarded rat but a cowardly one at that.

After my previous banning and when I ripped his head off and shat down his throat in the (now private) handbaggers thread, I noticed that there was one person (in my absence) who had got it right with him (not A-Team or ex), skewered him, yet he (Fishalt) replied as if it wasn't that bad at all 😆 It was pathetic, he's pathetic.
Fishalt is not only a retarded rat but a cowardly one at that.

Well, you'd know all about that - eh, Jambo?

After my previous banning and when I ripped his head off and shat down his throat in the (now private) handbaggers thread, I noticed that there was one person (in my absence) who had got it right with him (not A-Team or ex), skewered him, yet he (Fishalt) replied as if it wasn't that bad at all 😆 It was pathetic, he's pathetic.

You mean when you started crying and weeping and typing pedo, pedo, pedo, pedo, until your fingers were raw red?

Why are you always complaining and moaning and getting booted off sites causing you to reinvent yourself every couple of months?

Can you list for me the previous usernames of yours from the last, say - eighteen months?

Doesn't have to be in chronological order either - just whatever ones you can recall.
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