
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Those clowns would probably be too hungover to understand the mass in vernacular...let alone Latin.

lofl.. Wendy's still banging away in her 'Origins Thread' thread (a long way to go to 12K 😆) -

The odds of such events happening by random chance are astronomically low (past the point of statistical probability). The odds are infinitesimal.

What does "past the point of statistical probability" even mean?

This is precisely why I brought up probability with the dumb fucking wench who hasn't got the slightest fucking clue what she's talking about.
Those clowns would probably be too hungover to understand the mass in vernacular...let alone Latin.
Cunt-Connolly "Sure religion's just a larf, innit" and Buddy Love/Professor (the Muslim rape gang apologist) are all in.

lol I'd bet Mowl's left nut that neither of them will step inside a church this weekend.
These people are only Holy Joes whenever it suits them. The behaviour of Feeney and Wolf for instance is the furthest thing imaginable from the concept of Christian compassion for one's fellow man. If anything the Arsefielder version of Christianity is more akin to the Celtic-Rangers rivalry in sport, aka. you're not on my team, so fuck you! I'd imagine they're an embarrassment to the actual church and missionaries working round the clock in order to try and convert non-believers. If you were an alien from Mars visiting Planet Earth and your first encounter with Christianity was a bunch of nasty, vindictive knackers on Arsefield's discussing xyz matter concerning religion then you probably wouldn't want to touch said religion with a ten-foot barge pole. People are and historically have been won over to Christianity through kind words and the charitable acts of missionaries...not as a result of drunken muppets shouting in people's faces as to why Christianity is brilliant, only to break every single rule in the book mere seconds later like the two-faced cunts that they are.

Belief, or non-belief is a personal matter. People go through various phases of belief and non-belief throughout their lives - with most becoming more religious due to old age and the accompanying fear of impending death and demise. Yet individuals need to find their own way there all the same. Encountering a bunch of wankers on Arsefield's who salivate at the thought of Latin masses (despite not understanding one fucking word of Latin themselves)...or call atheists and Prods a bunch of cunts because there's some disagreement there isn't exactly good advertising, more like an embarrassment for the individuals actually engaged in the business of conversion. These cretins want (a) attention, (b) the approval of their peers...I doubt most could genuinely care less as to what being a Christian actually entails.
While most Irish people with Gaelic surnames are Roman Catholic, and most Irish people with Anglo-Irish surnames Protestant...it doesn't mean that 100% of people with Gaelic surnames are Roman Catholic, historically or presently...nor 100% of individuals with Anglo-Irish surnames Protestant given that many of the Old English / Norman stock retained their Roman Catholic faith while the Reformation was raging in England. Is that really such a difficult concept to grasp?

Kennedy is a catholic name, was there soup?

As for the whole souperism thing...give me a break. Proselytising was extremely rare, or at least mostly unsuccessful during the famine years. Ironically enough it was Irish farmers like you and your ancestors who stood to gain from the reduction of local populations on the land...so you can stick your barstool historicity up your arse. You probably wouldn't have dispensed with so much as a morsel of food yourself, you tight-fisted Cavan cunt.

'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel'
I've found that I can't get beyond a theist not knowing what atheism actually is in these discussions.

Shambolic is just a sectarian numbskull and the other (theist) goons are constantly fighting an imaginary enemy (atheists), in fact, the only way an atheist can get them to calm the f*ck down is to call themself an 'agnostic' (unsurprisingly, that's what the cowardly rat cretin, Fishalt, does)

Oh and they love this atheist twit, Alex O'Connor (basically because he gives them the credence (or they think he does) that they so desperately crave) -

Look at this sociopath child abuser neo nazi bastard from River Park, Leicxlip posting about this place 24/7 on his dead site with no members. On the Easter bank holiday weekend. Has he nothing better to do - the fat virgin cunt.

Get a job or a woman you sad antisocial prick.

Or tell Helen to book you in to a psychologist to sort your autism. You sad cunt.

Your ma.

Listen to this obnoxious cretin, Mad as a Tiger -

On a positive note, they’re kind enough to babysit Jambo.

The harmony on this site in his absence is palpable.

She loves the Mowl because she's exactly like him, and the only fucking harmony she's talking about is having the site a complete shitshow of babbling about the Jesus, the Occult, Klaus Schwab, Climate Change, whatever the fuck you're having yourself. What an absolute shithole
They are a deranged bunch of gomeys who have no lives.

You have that the wrong way around I'm afraid. People here are well-rounded individuals, lead interesting lives, have real world hobbies etc etc. Certainly beats hanging around Arsefield's where you're surrounded by drunks and transvestites 24/7.
bitching and moaning about us.😂

We don't bitch and moan about you, we laugh at you.
Once you realise that Wolf is mentally retarded (for real), it all becomes clear.

I mean, obviously no offence to people with Down syndrome but this is literally how I picture him..


And Mad as a Tiger isn't far off it
Wendy still blathering away in her 'Origins Thread' thread with yet another "hot off the presses" video by the exact same Christian YouTuber.

Her sister chimes in with - "The odds are witheringly low", none of these idiots have a clue what they're talking about and as they push harder and harder to it being a "miracle", they still have nothing more than a God-of-the-Gaps argument 🤣
You seem like an intelligent chap with a life outside of internet fora. I wouldn't worry about wasters such as Wolf.
It's been an education to be on that site.

It's case of they don't practice what they preach. They ban people for following the rules and reward others for breaking them.

They decry "cancel culture" but want users they don't agree with, banned.

Repetitive tedious trolling in tolerated, any defensive response to that trolling is met by threat of a ban.

Some users lie outright about their posting behaviour.

Its a pit of hypocrisy that just keeps on giving lessons in human behaviour.

I suppose I may have learned enough though.
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