
Are ye on the roight or the left, wha'?

How many of today's libertarians would remain libertarian were they to successfully roll things back to the 19th century with 16-hour workdays (7 days a week)...having no pensions, no affordable healthcare, the return of slums etc? A lot of these basement dweller types seem to simply want to appear edgy, or contrarian for the sake of appearing contrarian. I doubt most have ever given much consideration to the type of world they'd be living in were their fantasies to one day become a reality.

Ebenezer Scrooge was meant to be a figure of scorn, not a source of inspiration.
... today's libertarians...
If we're talking about the likes of the gang on Arsefields, the correct term would be pseudo libertarian.

One illustration was their position on Covid and masks, before the protection of vaccines, that their individual rights included being "free" to infect others, "free" to set off trails of infection that could lead back to another free individual struggling to breathe on a ventilator.

In the exact same way they think they should be "free" to set off hateful viral memes that propagate and spread and ultimately cause persecution and even physical attacks on struggling minority communities.

Individual liberty does not extend to bringing harm on others.

Similarly, all their talk about commodity trading on the market, and by extension hoping for economic armageddon, and Putin to prevail, and so on, so that their trading bets materialise, never mind their political aspiration to be transported from the bottom of the pile to the top, is verging on pseudo libertarian, in view of its outcomes. Here's an interesting book about this element of it.

You see there are some profound implications of these type of beliefs.
They aren't 'libertarians'. People get annoyed with me when I point out that there are still peasants in every country in the world, including Europe and the Americas.

You can have two cars in the drive and still be a peasant. Libertarian is a very grand word which is used as cover by peasants who don't like change, don't like anything their parents wouldn't have been used to, are suspicious of outsiders, think someone is trying to take away the most profligate lifestyles in human history (between the 1960s and the 1990s, roughly) and just interpret libertarian as a political phrase meaning 'me fein'.

If they can't f*ck it, eat it, or spend it they'll interpret it as 'big state interference' in their lives. There were 2.5 billion people on the planet when I was in school and most of them were peasants.

Now there are 9 billion and the distribution of peasants hasn't changed much. It is just that a few million here and there have adopted sophistication like they'd put on a suit in the morning but the psychology underneath is the same.

Sounds misanthropic. But then again there is quite a lot to be said for misanthropy unless you like fairy stories instead of reality. Quite a lot of evidence for misanthropy being a properly cautious stance when dealing with humanity too.

The vast majority of people calling themselves libertarian, conservative, socialist, are just people putting on a suit. Mostly because they think it helps them blend in.

That's the truth of that one.
Yet another savage assault on Talbot St. and renewed talk of "more policing" as the answer to the situation etc.

As usual they miss the distinctions in the situation. Well they note that there is crack cocaine out there, and that it is replacing heroin as the drug of choice, however they miss the full implications of that fact.

If they were intelligent creatures they would look to the crack cocaine epidemics that swept the the most deprived areas in the UK and the US in the 1990s. They won't though. They have no idea what's coming down the track.

I personally remember the implementation of "more policing" in those areas in the UK. You literally couldn't walk out your door to the shops without a police helicopter shadowing you all the way.

Fuck all good it did.

Savage drug.
That's the Irish way though: wait until it's too broke to fix, then change tack.

Everything from housing to health care, work and taxes to quality of life, security and a positive outlook, shattered like broken mirrors on the roads and motorways. It has to be completely and utterly fucked before an attention is paid to it. Look at Ryan Tubridy today? Fired by Bakhurst for not being seen to be publicly 'sorry' for what happened.

He may not have arranged the payment scheme that landed him in hot water - but he didn't say or do anything about it either. Not until he absolutely HAD to under oath. The sheer arrogance of the little cunt? Let's see what he's worth on the open market. I can predict that he's not going to go after TV or radio work again - he'll become 'a writer' instead. Less hassle, less public scrutiny, less staff, more autonomy, more self-employed than a sole trader hired by the national broadcast authority.

RTE's a classic example of Irish hubris - it showed us all what knackers we really are.

Keith Woods. This fella is considered a philosophical genius by your average Arsefielder.

The drone of his voice makes me want to slap the little cunt in the jaw.

He could put an army at war to sleep.
I love how these alt-right YouTube basement-dwellers see themselves as latter-day Edmund Burkes, representing some deeply philosophical, centuries-old conservative tradition. As for verbosity, it's obvious the prat is reading off of a teleprompter, using words he came across after hours of scouring through dictionaries. I doubt he even understands the meaning of half the words he used in that brain fart of a video. It comes across as forced and unnatural as well - actual intelligent writers and social commentators don't use so many long-winded words in the space of a sentence or two.

The teleological, improvisation, leftist statist, misanthropic, eschatological...abstract Platonism...

Oh shut up, you're trying too hard. Using big words doesn't make you or your followers any less thick or clueless than they already are.
One important consideration in distinguishing the left - the difference between the (a) traditional left and (b) bourgeois middle-class liberalism. I'd imagine most of the anger of the present is directed at the latter.

Whereas the traditional left fought for workers' rights - bourgeois liberals can be, and are extremely patronising towards those with less in life. It's certainly understandable why certain bourgeois, lifestyle liberals infuriate what has become the new-right...which were effectively old school left-wing voters with conservative social values. These are the people most at risk of unemployment due to mass immigration, or automation. Bourgeois liberals on the other hand usually come from comfortable backgrounds, have jobs in the professions which you could say aren't threatened by open border rhetoric. I consider the RTE workplace to be a bastion of this bourgeois, middle-class outlook...hence patronising arseholes such as Ryan Tubridy.

There's something to be said concerning the traditional Left shooting itself in the foot by embracing identity politics (an American import by large measure)...at the expense of maintaining its traditional voting base, which more often than not had conservative social values. It's also left an opening for Thatcherite sorts to exploit this shortcoming. Yet Thatcherism, being another cheek of the same bourgeois arse has only made the lives of millions of poor a sheer misery. Jim Larkin had conservative social values. Perhaps we need more Jim Larkins and less condescending, smug, bourgeois, latte liberal types if we're to get back to square one. All the latter does is infuriate an already confused electorate.
Is anyone else fucking sick of these Yank culture wars, whether they originate from the American left or so-called American right?

That's basically all Arsefield's amounts to, aka. usless pissheads with nothing better to do than fight Yankee Dan's imaginary culture war on his behalf against libtards, libshits, bla bla bla.
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