
Are ye on the roight or the left, wha'?

Here's one journalist at least who has made some effort to get at the facts, that give the lie to the kind of tweets and telegrams that have so easily painted such a picture in your tiny deranged skull.

So not only do you post a link to theurinal.ie but to "analysis" by someone who's a "research analyst" with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), in other words someone paid to write lazy, dishonest trash like that. lol

Odd how The Journal allow comments on some articles of interest while not allowing them on others.
What's odd about it, theurinal.ie frequently deletes comments, or bins the whole section, if the prevailing opinion being expressed isn't the "correct" one. And most people are actually not like roc and don't know why adult performers (transvestites) want to or should be "teaching" alphabetism to small children in libraries.
What's odd about it, theurinal.ie frequently deletes comments, or bins the whole section, if the prevailing opinion being expressed isn't the "correct" one. And most people are actually not like roc and don't know why adult performers (transvestites) want to or should be "teaching" alphabetism to small children in libraries.

You managed to conflate two entirely unrelated things together to make a point about someone you've never even met?


You're a fucking idiot, a mental midget.

I hope you become so anxious that you induce a heart attack on yourself.

Nobody will miss you either.
You managed to conflate two entirely unrelated things together to make a point about someone you've never even met?


You're a fucking idiot, a mental midget.

I hope you become so anxious that you induce a heart attack on yourself.

Nobody will miss you either.
What am I "conflating", you furless ape?

It is of course relevant that Aoife Gallagher is paid by the ISD, just like it would be relevant if she was a paid propagandist for any other anti-white organisation, like Hope Not Hate, the ADL/SPLC etc.
She is only doing exactly what I do.

I.e. Digging in the facts, the reality, that give the lie to the rhetoric of these online global extremist movements, and digging into the disinformation, and radical agendas.

Just like I do on here when Jambo starts on with his little stock phrases, stock attitudes, stereotypes and packaged up radical meme of the day from some online "influencer" like Morgosh (or the crawling Mork Collett, the British White Supremacist neo Nazi who used to head up PR for the British National Party etc.)

I research and show the source of these phrases and ideas, and the genesis of them.

Like how the white supremacist Stormfront site started in 1996 is clearly in the frame when he starts on about "anti-whites" and "race realism" etc.

Or like how the organised Catholic activity also in the late nineties is in the frame when it is shown that today's anti trans culture wars, and the origins and genesis of the stock phrases and ideas deployed in those "wars", came directly, verbatim, from fundamentalist Catholic formal public representations and publications and books.

So on the one hand you can just be swept up in these stock phrases and pre packaged ideas, they have of course been designed to make explicit appeal to prejudice.

Or on the other hand you can become more conscious of their evolving, and what they evolved from, and why.

You need "researchers" prepared to dig a little to do that.

But of course the reason that ideologues hate all such researchers, paid or otherwise, is exactly because they bring evidence to the table that the ideologue needed to stay undiscovered.

And you know I used to observe similar in the antisemitic crusade that exploits the Palestinians to manipulate people into hate for Jews. That propaganda was notorious for always deliberately omitting the key facts needed to understand the events they were presenting.

So the necessary response of the Jews in that case was to make an effort to set up systems to gather the omitted evidence (like Memri) and then present that evidence.

But the ideologues dismissed that evidence on the very basis that funds were needed to organise to gather that evidence!

You see they need the stock chants and mantras to stand alone, the context they need and want is preexisting prejudice and a swirl of half truths based not in their own experience, but on heresay.

But when you add context, such as the voice of one of these transgender or cross dressing queers speaking honestly and with insight about his own experience and view of the world, or say you reveal the hideous face or institution or movement that first gave voice to these chants and mantras, mass popularised decades later, you change the context.

And that is the problem the likes of Jambo have with it.
Jambo's real world hero is Muhammud Ali, a world heavyweight champion and a uniquely qualified black man who was the first international voice of The Nation Of Islam sounding all across black and white America. Whenever Jambo's getting his arse dragged through the bushes backwards, Ali is his go-to 'I'm great' meme when all others from Collett, Woods, and Mongash fail.

Jambo gets so wound up by the state his world is in he has to reach for a heavyweight defence for his bland musings on modern life's races and cultures. It never even occurs to the stupid cunt that the man he's holding up as a world-beating champion is the very nemesis of what he's discussing in the first place.


Jambo wants to be black.

He wants to be in the minority so he can scream even louder about how he's being fucked over and replaced by other black men and their black wives and dozens of children, all planning on doing away with Jambo and his ilk. Which would actually be a good thing for all concerned given Jambo's short-sighted world views and torment complex. Little children can see through his bluff. Little children can see what makes him such a comical loser with a list of names.

In reality, Jambo could be replaced by an automatic cheeseburger dispenser at a drive in burger joint.

Owned by a black man who serves up grits and makes Jambo scrub the toilets - just to wind him up.

If he wasn't so serious about this shit he'd be a clown hired for a black children's birthday party where they all get to throw shaving foam pies at him, and he has to stand there and take it, with his red nose and his big banana feet, topped off with a rainbow wig and a red dress.
She is only doing exactly what I do.
I don't particularly disagree. As I said, she's paid to write lazy, dishonest trash and I'd imagine her "research" is on a par with yours

I.e. Digging in the facts, the reality, that give the lie to the rhetoric of these online global extremist movements, and digging into the disinformation, and radical agendas.

Just like I do on here when Jambo starts on with his little stock phrases, stock attitudes, stereotypes and packaged up radical meme of the day from some online "influencer" like Morgosh (or the crawling Mork Collett, the British White Supremacist neo Nazi who used to head up PR for the British National Party etc.)

I research and show the source of these phrases and ideas, and the genesis of them.

Like how the white supremacist Stormfront site started in 1996 is clearly in the frame when he starts on about "anti-whites" and "race realism" etc.

Or like how the organised Catholic activity also in the late nineties is in the frame when it is shown that today's anti trans culture wars, and the origins and genesis of the stock phrases and ideas deployed in those "wars", came directly, verbatim, from fundamentalist Catholic formal public representations and publications and books.

So on the one hand you can just be swept up in these stock phrases and pre packaged ideas, they have of course been designed to make explicit appeal to prejudice.

Or on the other hand you can become more conscious of their evolving, and what they evolved from, and why.

You need "researchers" prepared to dig a little to do that.

But of course the reason that ideologues hate all such researchers, paid or otherwise, is exactly because they bring evidence to the table that the ideologue needed to stay undiscovered.

And you know I used to observe similar in the antisemitic crusade that exploits the Palestinians to manipulate people into hate for Jews. That propaganda was notorious for always deliberately omitting the key facts needed to understand the events they were presenting.

So the necessary response of the Jews in that case was to make an effort to set up systems to gather the omitted evidence (like Memri) and then present that evidence.

But the ideologues dismissed that evidence on the very basis that funds were needed to organise to gather that evidence!

You see they need the stock chants and mantras to stand alone, the context they need and want is preexisting prejudice and a swirl of half truths based not in their own experience, but on heresay.

But when you add context, such as the voice of one of these transgender or cross dressing queers speaking honestly and with insight about his own experience and view of the world, or say you reveal the hideous face or institution or movement that first gave voice to these chants and mantras, mass popularised decades later, you change the context.

And that is the problem the likes of Jambo have with it.
... If he wasn't so serious about this shit he'd be a clown hired for a black children's birthday party where they all get to throw shaving foam pies at him, and he has to stand there and take it, with his red nose and his big banana feet, topped off with a rainbow wig and a red dress.
True, Jambo is a clown.

And if you follow the careers of those over in America who inspired his worldview, and their journey from Klansmen to white supremacists to self-described “racial realists”, they are also clowns.

However it is a successful clown show. A clown show that at this stage has been fairly successfully mainstreamed into the American Republican party.

And it seems to me more and more seeping into this society, this side of the water, through the transatlantic Internet cables and clown conduits like Jambo.

What do you call that? Dark comedy maybe? There's a serious side to it I think. These clowns.
Well, when he's just been handed his skinny arse, he just sits there like Paddy always does - waiting for the next big thing from his dubious sources, whom he quotes in their entirety - just to appear to have a point of view. Actually answering to his own gross stupidity is the last thing on his mind.

He knows when he's been outsmarted - and that's when the Jimmy Dawson For Real aspect kicks in.

Change the topic, shift the goalposts, hide behind irrelevancies, pretend he didn't see it and lie like a right fucking spoofer.

You can tell he was reared by a male alcoholic father who gave up on life after his missus died of whatever.

He's not just angry with you and I in particular - his gripe is with the wider world at large.

After forty-odd years on the planet he still can't tie his own bootlaces or wipe his own arse.

No fucking wonder he has no mates.
.... After forty-odd years on the planet he still can't tie his own bootlaces or wipe his own arse.

No fucking wonder he has no mates.
Yeah, and most of them are the same.

Because that's exactly where supremacism comes from - an inferiority complex.

Assured of the supremacy of their race at the same time as they are frustrated by the inferiority of their achievements.

A pathological need to look down on some "other".
... He knows when he's been outsmarted - and that's when the Jimmy Dawson For Real aspect kicks in.

Change the topic, shift the goalposts, hide behind irrelevancies, pretend he didn't see it and lie like a right fucking spoofer...
And if all else fails stamp his little foot and demand a Gdpr to wipe out all evidence of what a right fucking clown and spoofer he is.
Yeah, and most of them are the same.

Birds of a feather - and all that.

Jambo's the turkey.

Because that's exactly where supremacism comes from - an inferiority complex.

Tiny penis complex - his shriveled little balls haven't even dropped yet.

Assured of the supremacy of their race at the same time as they are frustrated by the inferiority of their achievements.


Does making an arse of yourself on the Isle equate to an achievement these dark days?

A pathological need to look down on some "other".

- while wishing he was a black man.
And there he goes - whizzing back to Woods/Collett/Mongoose for a suitable reply.

He's so fucking see-through.
... while wishing he was a black man.
Yes, no doubt a lot to do with it, especially wishing to have the penis of a black man, the virility of a black man, the ability to jive with the ladies like a black man. I wonder did Freud look into these white supremacists, if they were around in his time.

PS like the new avatar!
Yes, no doubt a lot to do with it, especially wishing to have the penis of a black man, the virility of a black man, the ability to jive with the ladies like a black man. I wonder did Freud look into these white supremacists, if they were around in his time.

Well, Freud did say that his theories applied to everyone - except the Irish, for a reason.

PS like the new avatar!

Pity there isn't one of the great Ali nailed to a tree over in Nazareth.
PS like the new avatar!
lol Ga.. actually I was thinking of the sexuality of the people posting here the other day..

Lump - Homosexual
roc - Homosexual
Mowl - I'm not sure I really believe in it but I'm going to go with bisexual (like George Michael was)
David - I dunno, asexual?

I mean, there's a serious lack of testosterone here let's face facts
Well, Freud did say that his theories applied to everyone - except the Irish, for a reason.
Well in the mid-twentieth century, Ireland had the highest rate of asylum residency (per 100,000) in the world. Fact.

And there are a fair few posting across these Irish political discussion fora would have ended up there, in the old days. Exhibit A, our childish little white supremacist parroting moron above.
Well in the mid-twentieth century, Ireland had the highest rate of asylum residency (per 100,000) in the world. Fact.

Nothing surprising in the fact that mental health issues in Ireland today are most commonly addressed as 'pull your fucking socks up and get on with it - we're all fucking depressed...'.

And there are a fair few posting across these Irish political discussion fora would have ended up there, in the old days. Exhibit A, our childish little white supremacist parroting moron above.

Jambo in a padded cell.

He'd still emerge when his time was up in solitary with black eyes and bruises all over himself.

He just can't help himself.
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