I have already amply shown it to be true. By any meaningful metric or interpretation or any measure you like.
But white supremacism is dogma. You can't argue with a dogmatist.
But let's progress the discussion another step.
One characteristic of dogma is of course it is deliberately made immune to criticism. Its tenets are easily reoriented and reinterpreted when criticism hits. It is evasive.
In this case when criticism of one interpretation of "supremacism" precluded the development of the movement, of making their hatred acceptable, relatively, according to the general mood of the times. Of course the movement tries to gather under its flag the most people it can, so it must try to appear
as palatable as it can to continue its growth.
Thus the rebranding to "white nationalists" and then, "racially realist", and all the nonsense surrounding that.
Anyway, moving on, also note that dogma is usually highly indicative
of a cult. In this regard notice Jambo's white supremacist movement is:
- Essentially apocalyptic ("replacement" etc.).
- It promises a restoration of erstwhile culture (Christian, white European etc.).
- It has 'prophets' and 'priests' (its "influencers" like Morgoth, Woods, Collett etc.).
- Its prophets and priests promise their acolytes that their world will once again make sense to them.
- Its prophets and priests make demands on their followers, giving them direction and purpose, they have to actively participate.
- It recruits and proselytizes.
- It not only recruits and proselytize, it generates an opposition. (e.g. "anti-whites", Jews, etc. It generates opposition because the state of feeling and the hostility is valuable to it.)
- It excludes ("anti-whites", "normies", "shitlibs", "faggots", and so on.)
- Its new entrants usually go though a ritual scepticism - they're encouraged to profess scepticism and have this overcome.
- It is based on a kind of magical thinking.
- It inspires a high degree of devotion in its acolytes (see Jambo)
And more. Enough here to show it is obviously a cult. So, why would I argue on here with a member of a cult on his own terms?
As I said before, sue me if you like, and I'll argue it in front of people who are outside the cult.