
1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

Pro Tip: It doesn't get to me - in the slightest

Yet here you are trying to tell us it doesn't.


You wouldn't understand why

True: my understanding of retarded gay-boys with a hard-on for some hippy walking around a forest moaning about life and the world in general is limited.

But I'm also distracted - mainly by happiness.

it's like every time I think I couldn't be any happier if I tried, I suddenly do.

We all do, up here at least.

Still, it's nice that you have a hobby. Some blokes collect beer mats. Others collect stamps or matchboxes.

You collect Keith Woods's videos.

It's okay to be yourself, Jambo.

It's all good.
I took this chick on a date last night.

Did someone hack your account, Jimmy?

She's hot AF (and y'all think I'm "racist") -

No, I think you're a dumb cunt.

Different thing altogether.

I see the lads are now set up along the Grand Canal near Baggot Street.

One thousand seven hundred undocumented international males pissing and shitting into the canal, making a horrible mess, driving everyone bananas, passing on scabies and fleas, stinking of body odour and manky knickers, beating the shit out of each other, and Jambo's looking at videos of anorexic teenagers girls.

And y'all wonder why you are where you are?

Your clown car appears to lack a steering wheel.

And an engine.

What you need to do is to move the International Protection Office offshore to Ireland's Eye.
Val says to demonstrate by occupying the front gardens of ministerial houses.

The incoming hordes demonstrate by refusing to leave the general area of the IPO.

Why not combine the two: protest the incoming hordes along the canal instead of Simon Harris or Mary-Lou's gaff?

You have them boxed in already: they're occupying a distance of Baggott street bridge up to the next towards Ranelagh. Come at them by both bridges on both sides of the canal at the same time and the only place they can run is into the water.

They'll be doing it anyway as soon as the weather turns and the rats start to fester - and that spot behind the petrol station near Baggott bridge has ALWAYS been festering with rats. I stopped walking it altogether when I lived around the corner on Beggar's Bush. The canal was one place you didn't hang at for a beer or a smoke. If you walked it, you walked fast and made sure to be noisy with the footsteps to scare the vermin into hiding.

One friend was bit on the neck by a rat in the back alley (smoking area) of some nearby pub.

He didn't even see it coming, apparently the rat leapt at him from head height, it was crawling along some pipework or whatever, then bit him.

Hospital: rabies shots, sent home - back again a few hours later: more shots, home - back again - given a bed, and then booted out again the next morning.

He was in and out of hospital for weeks.

Imagine of the hordes along the canal start getting bit?

A rabies epidemic at the heart of Dublin, Ireland's capital city?
Did someone hack your account, Jimmy?

No, I think you're a dumb cunt.

Different thing altogether.

I see the lads are now set up along the Grand Canal near Baggot Street.
One thousand seven hundred undocumented international males pissing and shitting into the canal, making a horrible mess, driving everyone bananas, passing on scabies and fleas, stinking of body odour and manky knickers, beating the shit out of each other, and
Jambo's looking at videos of anorexic teenagers girls.
Huh? Her thighs are thrice the size of yours, Mowl.

Yes, she's quite petite and has a tiny waist.. but that's attractive (to heterosexual men). Ain't you never heard of the corset, why was that invented? How about the 'hourglass figure', why do (heterosexual) men find that attractive? 🤔

And y'all wonder why you are where you are?

Your clown car appears to lack a steering wheel.

And an engine.

What you need to do is to move the International Protection Office offshore to Ireland's Eye.
Huh? Her thighs are thrice the size of yours, Mowl.

Like most Irish slappers so.

Yes, she's quite petite and has a tiny waist.. but that's attractive (to heterosexual men). Ain't you never heard of the corset, why was that invented? How about the 'hourglass figure', why do (heterosexual) men find that attractive? 🤔

The corset was an implement of the devil for most women.

They were forced to wear them.

Besides, who wants to fool around with some slapper who suddenly bulges out to nine times her size when was in the fucking corset?

I leave the ugly slappers to you, Jimmy.

The Irish ones.
Keep dreaming, Jim.

These are yours:

You'll find them in the doorway next to The Quays pub in Temple Bar just after one in the morning.

You'll know them by the smell ofpiss, chips, beer, and cheap perfume from Hector Grey's.
So you have a thing for black chicks?
Why wouldn't I abide with a black chick being attractive? 🤔

You're seriously all fucked up in the head, Jimmy.

Must be all that RTE bullshit you watch every evening.
Don't watch RTE Mowl, how many times do I have to tell you. I might crank up the RTE Player every now and again - for a rugby match but that's about it
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