
1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

By hook or by crook..



Literally bussing them to the polls.

The South Dublin County Partnership is funded by multiple government departments, the local council, and the EU, along with Google and Amazon.


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Ukrainians in Galway are being advised to vote for two Nigerians and a Labour candidate to best serve their interests.

"Under no circumstances vote for radicals - Irish Freedom Party, Independent Ireland, The Irish People and all others who have the slogans "Ireland for the Irish".

The #Irelandfortheirish crowd have shot themselvelves in the foot. We spent months here on Isle trying to explain to "Jambo" to point away from his foot. The messsge as little sunk into that fuck up's brain as it it did into any of the other fuck heads, apparently.
The #Irelandfortheirish crowd have shot themselvelves in the foot. We spent months here on Isle trying to explain to "Jambo" to point away from his foot. The messsge as little sunk into that fuck up's brain as it it did into any of the other fuck heads, apparently.
No message of yours has ever "sunk into my brain", you're not just an anti-white, you're a wholesale loo-lah
I don't watch telly, Mowl. How many times do I have to tell you

The more you keep banging on about the more it's apparent that you're addicted to the telly: daytime TV, endless episodes of The Simpsons, period dramas, Oasis videos, porn, and so on. Bet you didn't even make it down to the polling booth yesterday? Too busy watching 'Upstairs Downstairs' and 'Coronation Street'.

At least it keeps you off the streets.
The more you keep banging on about [sic] the more it's apparent that you're addicted to the telly:
I'm undecided whether you're trolling or if you find it so incredulous that someone wouldn't watch television (and hasn't for about 15 years).

That thing is programming you, Mowl. And your brain is feeble to begin with

daytime TV, endless episodes of The Simpsons, period dramas, Oasis videos, porn, and so on. Bet you didn't even make it down to the polling booth yesterday? Too busy watching 'Upstairs Downstairs' and 'Coronation Street'.

At least it keeps you off the streets.
The #Irelandfortheirish crowd have shot themselvelves in the foot. We spent months here on Isle trying to explain to "Jambo" to point away from his foot. The messsge as little sunk into that fuck up's brain as it it did into any of the other fuck heads, apparently.


Yeah, it’s Russia all right.

Absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact the unelected Globalists are:

• flooding European countries with other incompatible cultures and giving them preferential treatment

•brainwashing our children into the LGBT cult

•being soft on crime

• clamping down on freedom of speech

I could go on…
What kind of mind trawls the intersnots for the likes of the above?

Pasty-white pink-skinned losers looking to be outraged as often as possible.

Moan, moan, moan - then do absolutely fucking nothing but scratch your arse.

Yours really is a painful pointless existence.

I pity you, Jimmy - I really do.
What kind of mind
The mind of a person who isn't a retarded, narcissistic asshole who spends three or four hours every day on a political site talking about himself and making personal attacks on other individuals and the Irish people as a whole

trawls the intersnots for the likes of the above?

Pasty-white pink-skinned losers looking to be outraged as often as possible.

Moan, moan, moan - then do absolutely fucking nothing but scratch your arse.

Yours really is a painful pointless existence.

I pity you, Jimmy - I really do.
The mind of a person who isn't a retarded, narcissistic asshole who spends three or four hours every day on a political site talking about himself and making personal attacks on other individuals and the Irish people as a whole

The Irish people deserve everything they get.

You too deserve to be lampooned, laughed at, poked at, and laughed at some more.

Secondly, these are not political discussion sites - these are the dank basements where freaks and weirdos like you congregate to exchange your bitterness and rage with their bitterness and rage. The difference between you and me is that there is no you - only me. Even my enemies are fans. I make a point of hopping onto these sites for a few hours to remind thick cunts like just how bad you have it while I'm cruising along having fun. In the world's happiest country.

What would it take for Ireland to take that crown? Will it ever happen in your lifetime? No, of course it won't - hence the bitterness and rage. It bothers you more that I'm from Ballyfermot, and I'm still smarter than you, living a life you could only dream of. You wish something awful to happen to me, and that's another thing that fuels your rage with what life's dumped on you.

Tell us: in the entirety of your lexicon - aren't there any other slags and jibes excluding retarded, low IQ, Oasis, Liam Gallagher, and The Bangles you might use?

It's not that they bother me - it's that they bore me, and everyone fucking else who reads your maudlin pale-wet second-hand shit.

And another thing: come the fuck out of that closet, you raging homosexual.

Like many who've gone before you, you adore me, can't get through a day without me.

I'm likely the reason for your rage, but even so - you can't stop adoring me, which is exactly how it should be.

I'm here to make sure you never get an even break, that everything you say on here is thrown back into your ugly face, to remind you that your country is a fucking dire shit-hole: over-priced, out-dated, filthy, miserable, knacker-covered, junkie central poxy island of lost souls like you - a whole generation like you, useless. Unwanted. Raging. And jealous as fuck that I outrank you all.

We don't really need to know anything more about you, you're one more victim of the Irish mince-maker. But people always want to know about me - hence the (now) nine thousand eight hundred plus people who hang on my breath. Even on these sites, they flock to me. You can't stand that, right? You think it should be you who has a fan, rather than having to assemble your Z Team to try to ratchet up your scores.

It's Saturday evening, it's blazing outside but with a strong breeze that cools the skin as it tans.

You're sitting at home reading about some bloke who watched his wife and kids drown, then decided to rape a young girl while her mother watched, then killed them all. That's entertainment, alright.

You sad, sad bastard.

How did you know that I was talking about you in post #218? 🤔

Who else hates Ireland as much me?

I'm not really sure what needs to be added tbh, incredible bore?

Nine thousand eight hundred and fifty - and still counting.


You scream at sites you're barred from.

Nobody cares what you say.

You have nothing to say that's either original or interesting - just fingers pointing at links to the nether-world.

Emojis - from a man of your years?
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