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No. This is not simply about "different points of view". This government has gone rogue, it is making permanent changes to Ireland with the importation of migrants and must be stopped. It knows the Irish people don't want to sign up to the EU migration pact which will take sovereignty away from from the Irish Nation and hand it to Brussels.
It knows the Irish people don't want the anti-Irish "hate speech" law but is pushing ahead anyway.
All of them should be tried for treason.

Roderic has no mandate to be a minister, also with such powers to permanently change Ireland, he got elected last, on the 6th count with only 4900 first preference votes. He failed to be elected in the 2007, 2011, 2016 general elections.
He hates the Irish Nation and a few banners outside his house is the least that he should be worrying about.

Actually I have somewhere a zip file of all the vile inciting posts made against Roderic O'Gorman on Political Irish that your man Eamonn Crudden compiled after they went after his mot on there.

I'll dig it out and post it up on here and maybe on p.ie. It's instructive.

It illustrates what I keep saying about thoughts turning to words, turning to deeds.

People act on their beliefs (including false and ignorant beliefs). Forums like Arsefields and Political Irish are not benign - the dynamic of an echo chamber of fellow failures projecting their grievances, assuring each other about their victim status, and reinforcing in each other their bigoted beliefs, their ignorance, their slogans, numbing their individual critical faculties, eventually makes itself felt in the real world.

What happened here to O'Gorman is a clear example. Whatever you may think of the man is beside the point (I don't much like him myself).

But what was done to him here, an absolute disgrace, was all paved out, justified, reinforced, all those years ago on those websites of the Feeney brothers.

It may be time for a renewed discussion of the role websites like political irish played in events like this happening today, examining this particular case for illustration.
He hates the Irish Nation and a few banners outside his house is the least that he should be worrying about.

It's one thing to be the kind of scumbag who would picket a person's home while dressed for assault.

It's another even sleazier kind of scumbag who backs those doing so from a safe distance.

Safe, like sitting in front of your computer egging them on.

If Jambo Dawson was any sort of man, he wouldn't be online for eighteen-to-twenty hours a day.

If he had the courage of his convictions then he'd be beating leather on the streets himself.

But he isn't, and he doesn't, and he never will.

He's just another yap, a scumbag loser - with notions.
Hah ahaaaaaaaaa!

It must be shit living under swine like O'Gorman and McEntee.

It was simple Simon Harris who called it 'disgusting' in the same tone ex-Garda superintendent Martin Callinan used it about poor auld Maurice McCabe.

Ahhh, dear old Ireland - always good for a laugh.

Especially when one lives in the happiest country in the world, and one is young enough to enjoy a Friday night out on the town.

You're gas craic, Jimmy.
We've had around ten centimeters of snow in the last two days.

The streets were already cleared of grit and it's all swept up and put back into the boxes on the corners.

Three days ago I was out and about in a t-shirt: weird end of season shift in patterns but it'll all melt by tomorrow.

Only ten more days to Vappu - Mayday: the official end of Nordic winter and the time to spill out onto the streets and party.

The single most important day of the year in Finland.

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