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Hope the rats running this rag end up on the streets, the hypocritical scumbags.

Thrilled to see them suffer.
The subscription business model is really getting out of hand. It'll get to the stage where there'll be thousands of subscriptions out there, yet hardly any physical media left in shops or stores - including newspapers. I wonder what a paid subscription for Arsefield's would entail?


You could not come up with a better parody of a liberal than this genuine liberal here.

This is liberalism taken to its extreme end point.

This is why you have Afghan rapists roaming freely in your town under the guise of “refugees”.

Liberals need to be mocked into oblivion, legally prohibited from ever re-establishing themselves as a political entity, and their ideology must be viewed as a temporary fit of madness.

This is why you have Afghan rapists roaming freely in your town under the guise of “refugees”.

I don't have any such thing - but I know that YOU do.

So why are you sitting on your arse complaining about it instead of getting out and doing something about it?

They're your women and children - not mine; up here we keep these things in check. One of the reasons we don't have as many rag-heads as you do is down to us not speaking English as a first language, but as a fourth language after Finnish, Swedish, and Russian. Not only do you not speak in your native tongue, neither do you do anything to actively promote it, so no wonder Jamal and Muhmed are at the top of the queue to Hatch 42 down the labour exchange. This is another thing Finland doesn't have - or need: an office for unemployed people to attend for free cash money.

We make them work for it like they made me work to secure my place here - now thankfully I love what I do, but then again I don't hump gear for anyone else. I work for me. I take 100% when the deal's done.


You're just another yap with a mobile phone.

An idiot repeating the same tired auld shite day after day getting nowhere.

You're a loser, Jambo - you always have been.

And a have been describes you fairly exactly.

Otherwise useless.
The post was about liberals, Mowl

Here, suck on this a minute:

She's fast-tracking them in now. Even from the so-called 'safe countries' but by far the greatest numbers are coming into Ireland from Nigeria. Nigeria? Hah! You poor stupid fuckers! I told you months ago: that woman is dead inside. Nothing. Empty. A noisy cranky, empty vessel deciding on Ireland's future and guess how many of you voted her into office?

That's right: none at all - bar her dead Da's mates and sponsors.


We had a little song we did with DJ Mek of Scary Eire based on that thing Nigerians tend to say when they're buttering you up for a stab at your bank details. When one Nigerian you meet and treat well speaks back to you, he might say - as a compliment:

'I think I know your Father'.

Except when a Nigerian lad says it, it's more like:

'I ting eye-know you fadda..'

This is meant to be a compliment, as though your father was a man of note who did greats things in his life.

So we sang:

'Nigerians, Nigerians - badum-tish - I ting eye no you fadda, I ting eye no you fadda..'

Nobody laughed though.

Apart from the Nigerian lads - who all cracked up.
Of course, Delroy fronted the band at the time and he's a Jamaican all-star back in his home country.
So a black guy singing in black terminology is more acceptable than if you or I did it.

But that was Dublin back in the 1990's - now they run their own clubs.

And you're not welcome.

Not even slightly.
Are they broadcasting the meeting with Harris and the Stardust families?

This'll be a gas event - simple Simon apologizing for what Charlie Haughey set him up for nearly fifty years ago.
Not much of an apology - more a list of names and hobbies.

Seems they were all angels - even if they were mostly fucking under-aged?

How many sixteen and seventeen year-olds were allowed into an over-18 nightclub?

I'd say the FF members in the house are relieved it's not for them to make this apology.

It was their old boss who set this fucking shit-show on course to sink: he was protecting Butterley, who was a big-time sponsor/donor of Haughey's.

Fucking Irish people: useless fucking rats.
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