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The entire Western system is rotten to its core, and needs to be destroyed.

British courts are prioritizing foreign rapists over their own children.

We are seeing courts across Sweden, England, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium etc putting the needs of foreign criminals over their own people.

The entire Western system is rotten to its core, and needs to be destroyed.

While you sit on your ample arse moaning from your burst sofa to the world at large.

British courts are prioritizing foreign rapists over their own children.

And what exactly are you going to do about it - bar yap on and on?

We are seeing courts across Sweden, England, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium etc putting the needs of foreign criminals over their own people.

Again with the 'we' act?

We/who exactly?


Fucked if I'm looking at that.

Do something.


Even once.

How about it?
Leixlip village is almost like Little Turkey at this stage with the new Turkish restaurant...just across the road from the Turkish Barbers. Perhaps Watkins Butchers will be sold to a Muslim crowd who only sell Halal meat.

At least Spar will still sell rashers and sausages I suppose. 😅
Just listened to last evening's Six/One News: main story: the apology to the families of the Stardust tragedy.

Second story: apologies for the death of a young girl who was left to suffer in the waiting room at Limerick hospital and soon after died - in agony.

Story one: nobody is to blame, not even Haughey/FF for setting Butterley up for half a million in compensation for losing his nightclub.

Story two: nobody to blame here either - certainly not the faceless pricks in the higher offices of the HSE. Not even Mary fucking Harney.

Ireland's government is a complete failure, they can't get anything right, no matter how much (of your) money they throw at it.

Ireland needs to clean out her parliament house and hire some foreign professionals on fixed contracts to fix each fucked up 'public service'.

Her activists slaves are wasting their lives - online moaning about this and that while the country is sinking beneath their feet.

It's never anybody's fault, is it?

You poor sad bastards.

You have no idea how much you're pitied and despised, you really don't.
This is a meme, Mowl👇
Well more exactly, it's an article of dogma, a catchcry, that white supremacists have been using for sixty years:

"The Jew is using the black against you...".

Now the new generation of white supremacist, "white nationalists" as they have re-branded themselves now, take this slogan and try to use yank memes and "clever irony" to try and resurrect it, and its message, with less people pointing and laughing at them.

Whereas the only morons who think it's "clever" or "ironic" are these perpetually online sad lonely dickheads themselves in their little online echo chambers.
Well more exactly, it's an article of dogma, a catchcry
R u talking about yourself again? 🤔

, that white supremacists have been using for sixty years:

"The Jew is using the black against you...".

Now the new generation of white supremacist, "white nationalists" as they have re-branded themselves now, take this slogan and try to use yank memes and "clever irony" to try and resurrect it, and its message, with less people pointing and laughing at them.

Whereas the only morons who think it's "clever" or "ironic" are these perpetually online sad lonely dickheads themselves in their little online echo chambers.
Who are these telegrams aimed at, Jambo?

You already know that not one of us reads any of them?

Is your penis actually THAT small?
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