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That was an "anti-vax" protest, ya muppet (so what if they borrowed a slogan from the baby murderers)
Ah yeah, remember Jambo jumped on all the Covid conspiracies as well, started bleating about the "scamdemic".

He was online on pish where they were encouraging each other to go into supermarkets maskless, brandishing some spurious certificate, and I think it was Jambo himself suggested coughing on the grannies in there, or maybe he said he'd do it, or had done it?

See Mowl, you're wrong, Jambo is actually an activist, he gets out there and does stuff for the cause.

Like your wan above again. Another pea in the Jambo pod. Hey watch out Jambo if Dee Wall gets wind of you she'll only want to adopt you, for how could you have all the same ideas if your respective genetics had diverged more than one generation ago?!


Actually she was probably on pish listening to all you retards, and that's where she got the idea.
Ah yeah, remember Jambo jumped on all the Covid conspiracies as well, started bleating about the "scamdemic".
He was online on pish where they were encouraging each other to go into supermarkets maskless, brandishing some spurious certificate, and I think it was Jambo himself suggested coughing on the grannies in there, or maybe he said he'd do it, or had done it?
More of your nonsense and lies

I didn't wear a mask during the scamdemic because I am a man of principle.

In fact, the beginnings of the African LARPer, Shambolic, being ejected from the A-Team was about this very issue. Irish political fora's most vocal anti-scamdemic protagonist admitted that everywhere he went, he was masked like a gimp, why? Because he wouldn't be able to control himself (he'd burst into a fit of rage) if he was questioned and then his poor, saintly mother would die of starvation if he couldn't do the shopping.

No one had to wear a face nappy - no one, I know that for a fact (all you had to do was utter a two syllable word to the African planters at the door or anyone employed by the shop).

Sure, you'd get looks, even comments from Covidians (customers) and on at least a couple of occasions I was aggressively accosted. On those occasions my accosters regretted their action, without me breaking the law. It became apparent to them after they (unexpectedly) took a step towards me, I didn't take a step back, I took a step forward and it was clear that what was about to happen to them, unless they slunk away, which is what they did, wouldn't be pleasant.

See Mowl, you're wrong, Jambo is actually an activist, he gets out there and does stuff for the cause.

Like your wan above again. Another pea in the Jambo pod. Hey watch out Jambo if Dee Wall gets wind of you she'll only want to adopt you, for how could you have all the same ideas if your respective genetics had diverged more than one generation ago?!


Actually she was probably on pish listening to all you retards, and that's where she got the idea.
Ah yeah, remember Jambo jumped on all the Covid conspiracies as well, started bleating about the "scamdemic".


He was online on pish where they were encouraging each other to go into supermarkets maskless, brandishing some spurious certificate, and I think it was Jambo himself suggested coughing on the grannies in there, or maybe he said he'd do it, or had done it?

He made several claims to have coughed loudly while standing in line queuing in order to shorten the queue by making people leave.

He thought it was hilarious.

So did I, actually - except in my case I was set upon by a shop security guy who grabbed me and was about to pepper spray me only I tossed him over my shoulder into the dirt at the front door of the supermarket. He attacked me for telling one drunk Russian slapper from standing right next to me to move away. She got angry and I laughed at her. Then she started in with the yap and I kept laughing. Then she complained to the security guy (he was around five feet splat) who came over and tapped me on the shoulder and told me to quit it.

So I turned and looked around me as though I couldn't see him he was so short, that's when he grabbed me and rushed me to the front doors. Except he was so small I simply stuck my foot against the lower rail of the door frame and pulled his one arm. He lost all balance, dropped his can of mace, I dropped him onto the ground (I didn't pile-drive him, just a drop) and he grabbed the can but I was a few meters away by then.

I also had the products I was trying to pay for, so I laughed at Shorty and took my free shopping home.

See Mowl, you're wrong, Jambo is actually an activist, he gets out there and does stuff for the cause.

Activism to Jambo is making sure he has a full slab for the Friday night in online as well as the leftovers of last night's online session talking to three websites he's not even a member of. That's about as close to sad as it gets. All these questions left hanging on the air, nobody to answer them or argue their finer details. And nothing to show for it bar a pile of empty tins all mashed and squeezed up by his indignation and rage.

Like your wan above again. Another pea in the Jambo pod. Hey watch out Jambo if Dee Wall gets wind of you she'll only want to adopt you, for how could you have all the same ideas if your respective genetics had diverged more than one generation ago?!

I think Jambo's hard-on is for Laura Sanitary-Towel.

And her hubby - that'd be his ideal threesome: two blokes and one slapper, a mobile phone open on Arsefield's and Telegram and all three typing like their lives depend on it.


Actually she was probably on pish listening to all you retards, and that's where she got the idea.

The stain left by Pish on Irish discussion boards wouldn't shift even if you lashed the bleach onto it before washing.
He made several claims to have coughed loudly while standing in line queuing in order to shorten the queue by making people leave.
lol All you guys have is lies

In fact, I was quite respectful, generally speaking, of the Covidians during the scamdemic (and felt sorry for old people terrified out of their skin, not to mention murdered by the 'Government')

I admit that on occasion I would (surreptitiously) chase a faggot around the shop who I had clocked as someone who thought of me as a leper (because I wasn't wearing a stupid face nappy) for like, you know, shits n giggles

He thought it was hilarious.

So did I, actually - except in my case I was set upon by a shop security guy who grabbed me and was about to pepper spray me only I tossed him over my shoulder into the dirt at the front door of the supermarket. He attacked me for telling one drunk Russian slapper from standing right next to me to move away. She got angry and I laughed at her. Then she started in with the yap and I kept laughing. Then she complained to the security guy (he was around five feet splat) who came over and tapped me on the shoulder and told me to quit it.

So I turned and looked around me as though I couldn't see him he was so short, that's when he grabbed me and rushed me to the front doors. Except he was so small I simply stuck my foot against the lower rail of the door frame and pulled his one arm. He lost all balance, dropped his can of mace, I dropped him onto the ground (I didn't pile-drive him, just a drop) and he grabbed the can but I was a few meters away by then.

I also had the products I was trying to pay for, so I laughed at Shorty and took my free shopping home.

Activism to Jambo is making sure he has a full slab for the Friday night in online as well as the leftovers of last night's online session talking to three websites he's not even a member of. That's about as close to sad as it gets. All these questions left hanging on the air, nobody to answer them or argue their finer details. And nothing to show for it bar a pile of empty tins all mashed and squeezed up by his indignation and rage.

I think Jambo's hard-on is for Laura Sanitary-Towel.

And her hubby - that'd be his ideal threesome: two blokes and one slapper, a mobile phone open on Arsefield's and Telegram and all three typing like their lives depend on it.

The stain left by Pish on Irish discussion boards wouldn't shift even if you lashed the bleach onto it before washing.
I'd love to slap that cunt in the jaw with his bizarre accent that makes him sound like he's got a liter of cider in his mouth he's trying not to swallow.
I don't really understand why you choose to embarrass yourself in this way, then again, you think that the globalist stooge, Serena Mauritius, was a great politician because 1) She's "young" 2) She's female 3) She likes to party (like Charlie Sheen does)

It's beyond childlike really
lol All you guys have is lies

In fact, I was quite respectful, generally speaking, of the Covidians during the scamdemic (and felt sorry for old people terrified out of their skin, not to mention murdered by the 'Government')

I admit that on occasion I would (surreptitiously) chase a faggot around the shop who I had clocked as someone who thought of me as a leper (because I wasn't wearing a stupid face nappy) for like, you know, shits n giggles

You hate it when we remember all the stupid things you've done, eh.

So would I - if I were in your shoes.

But then again if I were in your shoes then there'd be something seriously wrong with the matrix and I'd likely top myself before it all got out of hand.

I don't really understand why you choose to embarrass yourself in this way, then again, you think that the globalist stooge, Serena Mauritius, was a great politician because 1) She's "young" 2) She's female 3) She likes to party (like Charlie Sheen does)

It's beyond childlike really

You hate it when we remember all the stupid things you've done, eh.
I don't even hate it when you lie, I've become accustomed to it, it's all you do, it's all you have

So would I - if I were in your shoes.

But then again if I were in your shoes then there'd be something seriously wrong with the matrix and I'd likely top myself before it all got out of hand.

Jack Walsh of Gaychat upset that Parlon didn't spell the (foreign) name of Ashling Murphy's Roma gypsie murderer correctly -

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14040748

Yes, 'Jack Walsh' is a deranged anti-white leftist loon with a 50 IQ.. but does he have any inkling of how viscerally repulsive he is to normal people? đŸ¤”
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