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Leixlip & Celbridge seem to be neither Dublin nor rural Ireland. It's as if the area has its own identity. It's the sticks for anybody born and bred between the Dublin canals...yet Dublin to people from elsewhere for some reason. To Dubs we probably sound like culchies, to culchies we likely sound like Dubs. To northsiders we probably sound either like culchies or southsiders...to southsiders we likely sound either like culchies or northsiders. Maybe it's the same for towns such as Bray?

Then again there are people from Inner City Dublin who'd consider Lucan to be a hick town 😅
...or maybe it'd be more accurate to say that Leixlip / Celbridge / Lucan is an area which has its own identity. I've family in Lucan due to my father and grandfather being from there.

My grandfather born in 1915 spoke with that old fashioned Dublin accent which the likes of Luke Kelly or Ronnie Drew had. It's nice to listen to unlike the more hideous modern D4 + Skanger accents...both equally as grating on the ears as the other.
Leixlip & Celbridge seem to be neither Dublin nor rural Ireland. It's as if the area has its own identity.

When I was a kid, the Dublin city limits ended at Cherry Orchard, everything beyond that was the sticks.

It's the sticks for anybody born and bred between the Dublin canals...yet Dublin to people from elsewhere for some reason.

The divide between northside/southside Dubliners never ceases to make me laugh.

Thankfully, I was born on the river: we could see it flowing past from the front windows.

I identify as neither though - I identify as a happy emigrant.

To Dubs we probably sound like culchies, to culchies we likely sound like Dubs. To northsiders we probably sound either like culchies or southsiders...to southsiders we likely sound either like culchies or northsiders. Maybe it's the same for towns such as Bray?

It's important to take a realistic perspective on these things: the view from outside Ireland is that you're all Paddy and Bridie. But the divides within Ireland never seem to stop sub-dividing into opposing factions: catholic/protestant, northsider/southsider, culchie/jackeen, worker/dole-head, Isler/Arsefielder, etc.

Anything that can be divided into two opposing factions will be divided.

This is why the world sees Ireland as an unusual basket-case third-world quality of life in a first-world setting.

Then again there are people from Inner City Dublin who'd consider Lucan to be a hick town 😅

Growing up in Chapelizod was very quiet and very slow. By the time we moved up to Ballyer, the pace accelerated and the distractions were endless. Living on the river Liffey was very peaceful, not even the traffic barreling down Knockmaroon Hill could break the silence. The sound of the river hissing and crossing the weirs just below our window was replaced by the trains that rumbled by all day and night up in Ballyer.

I spent a lot of time over the back garden wall exploring the trains that parked in the Inchicore shunting depot. The guards knew me and mostly left me alone because they knew I wasn't trying to burn the fucking things down, but rather enjoy the existentialism of being aboard a stationary train thinking about journeys I wanted to take in my own life. The sound of the Guinness train every night, Folsom Prison.

We're all subject to being exposed to things that can influence us and change our minds about how the world works.

The Liffey, the Phoenix Park, and the CIE trains - they're the things that caused me to end up where I am today.

And they're the same things I gravitate to every chance I get when I'm home.

But also: the only things I really miss about the place since I left.
Imagine having to live in America without a car....relying on their shitty, non-existent public transport system every single day?
Having to live in that shithole at all has to be demoralizing as fuck.

I have a brother over there doing very well in professional coaching. As an ex-Republic of Ireland juniors player, his scholarship took him to Rhode Island instead of any of the English teams he was selected for trials with. The scholarship included an opportunity to study business as well as his soccer routines. He's made his money, doesn't need to work anymore but does it anyway because he loves the game.

I quit when I saw what he could do with a football, but before I did I played soccer for Ballyfermot United, GAA for our De La Salle team (we got to play Croke Park in the national finals) and kept up my interest in cricket through the Phoenix cricket club where my Mam and Dad used to attend their member's club.

Soccer is still on the ascent in the States, there's a lot of money to be made if you have what it takes to deal with American culture.

I can't - won't either: so fuck America.

"Self-evident" my ass 🤣

If you can GDPR the account please.

You can GDPR me here too, if you like.

I'm going to Gaychat :)
lol The Australian mong can't do math. I slapped him around on the site today and he said that he was going to ban me for twice the length of time, this time -

Deco, you've always been a scumbag with me but you've also always done the decent thing, now please, delete the account (and posts). Ta
lol The Australian mong can't do math. I slapped him around on the site today and he said that he was going to ban me for twice the time, this time 🤣 -

Deco, you've always been a scumbag with me but you've also always done the decent thing, now please, delete the account (and posts). Ta
Oh, and if K Kangal and/or roc_abilly roc_abilly could pass the message on to him (he says that he doesn't read this site 🤣) I'd appreciate it
Last post I made on Arsefields was a month ago. What's the story with wanting posts and accounts deleted anyway? It makes no difference.
It's a load of bullshit. Your account and posts are easily searchable and retrievable at the database level even after all that. MySQL the database used by xenforo is accessible to state level and super-state level agencies in the present, and will no doubt be accessible to the public some unknown time in the future, a public who will likely be using some application of AI to help them answer such questions they might have as "what was Great Uncle Jambo who ended up in St. Pat's really like as a middle aged prat" etc.
Have you ever moderated?

You can see deleted posts are still in the database.

And the "gdpr" just changes your handle to a code like "user6587".

That code is easily correlated to your previous handle, and input as a search parameter in an Sql query.
No it doesn't, you abject moron, it deletes your account
For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" or "Seamus Dawson" even, in milliseconds. E.g.

Sure, you lose all of your access to your account, I suppose you could call that "deletion" - you in effect freeze your "account" in time, only an administrator may now edit your entries, you're done.
For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" in milliseconds. E.g.

Sure, you lose all of your access to your account
I wouldn't have an account

And that's what's going to happen

Sure lookit, if I ever got wind that Deco banned the Australian spammer I might consider rejoining but my current account is being deleted. I made it clear, you can have the Australian mong instead of me

, I suppose you could call that "deletion" - you in effect freeze your "account" in time, only an administrator may now edit your entries.
For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" or "Seamus Dawson" even, in milliseconds. E.g.
Double your IQ is less than 122

Sure, you lose all of your access to your account, I suppose you could call that "deletion" - you in effect freeze your "account" in time, only an administrator may now edit your entries, you're done.
He's right, Jambo: you haven't a fucking clue how these things work.

I spend at least three minutes every day rejecting and blocking accounts from all over Asia (an average of around fifteen to twenty per day) looking to join the BBBB. As an experiment, and in trying to figure out why the fuck they're applying at all, I passed half a dozen of them a few months back. They all did the same thing: some stupid video of a man sitting in a car and some other man comes along and pours hot coffee on the guy's lap. There's usually some attached comment like 'you never no how your day will become' or 'he shouldn't have said no' or whatever.

They're all fucking nuts.

Who does that?


They all do the same thing: they join FB, gather hundreds/thousands of 'friends' and then start circulating these zero-content videos for me to delete.

But the control panel offered with groups like the BBBB have lots of attached information I can use to try to understand these twats and what the fuck they're up to. I've blocked around two to two and a half thousand of them in the last six months. I was convinced for a while that someone (likely Declan or Val) paid to put these fools on me. They didn't - I asked Facebook staff to explain why this was going on so long (I deleted another half dozen ten minutes ago) and they said that this sometimes happens when the same people in the same location (on the other side of the fucking planet) see that their 'friends' have tried to join BBBB. Even though I reject them, their 'friends' start in with the same stupid shit, kind of like MySpace where you gather 'friends' and pick the most popular accounts to stick on your 'wall' of friends to make it look like you and Bruce Springsteen are actually close friends.

Dumber than dumb, but still not as dumb as Clark/Connolly or Saul fucking CG&P.

You, on the other hand - have only ever been a member of sites - you've never run one of your own: which means you haven't a fucking clue how these things work. In fact, you don't even know what work IS, you dopey fucking bum. And you never will start any site either, because you already know that the world has one Keith Woods, they don't need a second-hand second-rate version alongside him. Your operation is that of the seed scatterer: you collect other people's opinions on current issues and try to pass them off as your own.

You fail every time because everyone knows you're a spoofer.

You really ought to gut yourself before you get much dumber.
He's right, Jambo: you haven't a fucking clue how these things work.
He's not right, he's never right, he's The Soapbox Dunce (wafflin' away to himself)

I spend at least three minutes every day rejecting and blocking accounts from all over Asia (an average of around fifteen to twenty per day) looking to join the BBBB. As an experiment, and in trying to figure out why the fuck they're applying at all, I passed half a dozen of them a few months back. They all did the same thing: some stupid video of a man sitting in a car and some other man comes along and pours hot coffee on the guy's lap. There's usually some attached comment like 'you never no how your day will become' or 'he shouldn't have said no' or whatever.

They're all fucking nuts.

Who does that?


They all do the same thing: they join FB, gather hundreds/thousands of 'friends' and then start circulating these zero-content videos for me to delete.

But the control panel offered with groups like the BBBB have lots of attached information I can use to try to understand these twats and what the fuck they're up to. I've blocked around two to two and a half thousand of them in the last six months. I was convinced for a while that someone (likely Declan or Val) paid to put these fools on me. They didn't - I asked Facebook staff to explain why this was going on so long (I deleted another half dozen ten minutes ago) and they said that this sometimes happens when the same people in the same location (on the other side of the fucking planet) see that their 'friends' have tried to join BBBB. Even though I reject them, their 'friends' start in with the same stupid shit, kind of like MySpace where you gather 'friends' and pick the most popular accounts to stick on your 'wall' of friends to make it look like you and Bruce Springsteen are actually close friends.

Dumber than dumb, but still not as dumb as Clark/Connolly or Saul fucking CG&P.

You, on the other hand - have only ever been a member of sites - you've never run one of your own: which means you haven't a fucking clue how these things work. In fact, you don't even know what work IS, you dopey fucking bum. And you never will start any site either, because you already know that the world has one Keith Woods, they don't need a second-hand second-rate version alongside him. Your operation is that of the seed scatterer: you collect other people's opinions on current issues and try to pass them off as your own.

You fail every time because everyone knows you're a spoofer.

You really ought to gut yourself before you get much dumber.
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