Leixlip & Celbridge seem to be neither Dublin nor rural Ireland. It's as if the area has its own identity.
It's the sticks for anybody born and bred between the Dublin canals...yet Dublin to people from elsewhere for some reason.
To Dubs we probably sound like culchies, to culchies we likely sound like Dubs. To northsiders we probably sound either like culchies or southsiders...to southsiders we likely sound either like culchies or northsiders. Maybe it's the same for towns such as Bray?
Then again there are people from Inner City Dublin who'd consider Lucan to be a hick town
lol The Australian mong can't do math. I slapped him around on the site today and he said that he was going to ban me for twice the length of time, this time -
Oh, and if K Kangal and/or roc_abilly could pass the message on to him (he says that he doesn't read this site ) I'd appreciate it
So what?Have you ever moderated?
You can see deleted posts are still in the database.
No it doesn't, you abject moron, it deletes your accountAnd the "gdpr" just changes your handle to a code like "user6587".
That code is easily correlated to your previous handle, and input as a search parameter in an Sql query.
For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" or "Seamus Dawson" even, in milliseconds. E.g.No it doesn't, you abject moron, it deletes your account
For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" in milliseconds. E.g.
Should we start a Nationalist Site.
The vast majority of members of this site joined to remember my pub. This worked out pretty well. But most likely they have no interest at all in the topics we discuss. So. Should I start a brand new site with a more appropriate name like for example Nationalist Ireland or whatever. Having a...www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com
I wouldn't have an accountSure, you lose all of your access to your account
, I suppose you could call that "deletion" - you in effect freeze your "account" in time, only an administrator may now edit your entries.
Even when posts are deleted they are searchable. And every edit you made is searchable. That's your "so what", make of it what you want.So what?
Double your IQ is less than 122For example all your posts as the first "Electricity" handle on Arsefields now have "Deleted member 122" (unique identifier) in the corresponding table column rather than "Electricity". You may search by "Deleted member 122" in a sql query (or even change all entries of "Deleted member 122" back to "Electricity" or "Seamus Dawson" even, in milliseconds. E.g.
Should we start a Nationalist Site.
The vast majority of members of this site joined to remember my pub. This worked out pretty well. But most likely they have no interest at all in the topics we discuss. So. Should I start a brand new site with a more appropriate name like for example Nationalist Ireland or whatever. Having a...www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com
Sure, you lose all of your access to your account, I suppose you could call that "deletion" - you in effect freeze your "account" in time, only an administrator may now edit your entries, you're done.
He's not right, he's never right, he's The Soapbox Dunce (wafflin' away to himself)He's right, Jambo: you haven't a fucking clue how these things work.
tldrI spend at least three minutes every day rejecting and blocking accounts from all over Asia (an average of around fifteen to twenty per day) looking to join the BBBB. As an experiment, and in trying to figure out why the fuck they're applying at all, I passed half a dozen of them a few months back. They all did the same thing: some stupid video of a man sitting in a car and some other man comes along and pours hot coffee on the guy's lap. There's usually some attached comment like 'you never no how your day will become' or 'he shouldn't have said no' or whatever.
They're all fucking nuts.
Who does that?
They all do the same thing: they join FB, gather hundreds/thousands of 'friends' and then start circulating these zero-content videos for me to delete.
But the control panel offered with groups like the BBBB have lots of attached information I can use to try to understand these twats and what the fuck they're up to. I've blocked around two to two and a half thousand of them in the last six months. I was convinced for a while that someone (likely Declan or Val) paid to put these fools on me. They didn't - I asked Facebook staff to explain why this was going on so long (I deleted another half dozen ten minutes ago) and they said that this sometimes happens when the same people in the same location (on the other side of the fucking planet) see that their 'friends' have tried to join BBBB. Even though I reject them, their 'friends' start in with the same stupid shit, kind of like MySpace where you gather 'friends' and pick the most popular accounts to stick on your 'wall' of friends to make it look like you and Bruce Springsteen are actually close friends.
Dumber than dumb, but still not as dumb as Clark/Connolly or Saul fucking CG&P.
You, on the other hand - have only ever been a member of sites - you've never run one of your own: which means you haven't a fucking clue how these things work. In fact, you don't even know what work IS, you dopey fucking bum. And you never will start any site either, because you already know that the world has one Keith Woods, they don't need a second-hand second-rate version alongside him. Your operation is that of the seed scatterer: you collect other people's opinions on current issues and try to pass them off as your own.
You fail every time because everyone knows you're a spoofer.
You really ought to gut yourself before you get much dumber.