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lol I've already answered your question (as clear as day), which you refused to accept, and now you're also refusing to answer mine

Shut up, you big dope.

Dan came this close to drowning ☹

Nah - Deco'd have to get up off his fat arse and walk if he wanted to see the sights.

He also said earlier something about being on a quad bike, did you see that one?

Imagine that roundy little cunt on a quad?

The absolute fucking state of him?
Wolf is exclaiming this like it's a bad thing.

threaten the site with legal action again like you did on politicalirish.com which in turn forced the owner of that site to close it down?

I'd call that an accomplishment...I only wish it was myself who caused Feeney to retire.
Deco's too dumb to understand who the real rat in the cage is here.

It sure as shit ain't Kangal - is it now Wooftie?

Without Deco handling your balls for you Kang would've beaten your sorry arse to shreds long ago, you mong.
Has anyone ever had the misfortune of working in a customer service job where you had to deal with some absolute arseholes...yet you had to be polite back to them nonetheless due to the fear / risk of getting fired?
Has anyone ever had the misfortune of working in a customer service job where you had to deal with some absolute arseholes...yet you had to be polite back to them nonetheless due to the fear / risk of getting fired?

Only ever worked for a boss twice in my life.

Everything else I've done I've alone and unimpeded by brainless others.

As an employer in my way, all I expect is that what tasks have been delegated are done to my expected standards.

Outside of that you wouldn't even know you were working for me - I take a hands-off approach and I let my hired hands know what's expected of them: no more and no less. People skills are vital in commercial art, most of what I do is on location: there's no studio, no prep, nobody to hold your hand either. Sink or swim, it's the only way you'll ever know what your limits are.

But when it comes to nasty clients, I have a number of ways of fucking things up for them in return - especially when they try to stiff me on the fees.

Then it's open season - because as I just said: there's no studio: so the fuckers who try to dodge on their obligations usually end up with a completely fucked up shop-front they'll need professionals in to fix up. I don't break glass, I don't slam doors, and I don't yell. I just take out the six inch brush and paint oils over the acrylics: takes a few minutes to seep into each other,m but once they start to drip, the whole finished piece slowly runs down the inside of their glass window display. Paint is paint to most shopkeepers. Telling oil from emulsion/acrylic is a mystery lost to them.

But when I oil over the whole display in a few fell swoops, I turn and say goodbye and leave them to it.

They always call within an hour.

I never answer.

Drives them fucking nuts, because the only contact they have for me is my pre-paid mobile number.

So I mark theirs and never answer or open texts.

Plus I don't even live in the country - so fuck 'em.

Did you say something about the Jews, Mowl? 🤔

The only thing I've ever said about Jews is about the Jews I know.

This you know.
Holy shit - I've just been banned from Facebook via the BBBB.
Mowl, there's good news and there's bad news, which do you want first?


The bad news is - You got banned from Facebook.

The good news is - No one gives a flying f*ck!

Bahahahahaaa.. I crack myself up sometimes I really do 😆
I think Mandy's anger management issues stems from the fact that he fancies the men on this forum...yet the men on Isle are straight and into women.

Sorry, Mandy...but getting angry all the time isn't going to make anyone gay for you.
The Tories are taking a hammering in the UK amongst younger voters. Hopefully my generation and Gen Z does the same to FFG here in Ireland in future years.

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