If you can GDPR the account please.
Check out Jambo with his polite and mannerly pleas?
You can GDPR me here too, if you like.
Told you you were finished.
Maybe now's a good time to consider that shelf-stacking night-shift offer from your local Aldi?
I'm going to Gaychat
What a sad bastard, eh.
Staying with the Blazing Saddles theme, how about Lili Von Shtupp considering how you inadvertently fell in love with Muhommad Ali after trying to use him.
Jambo the champ - turns out to be Seamus, a tramp.
Oh you also get to pretend to be a woman just like all your gimp buddies on Arsefields,
Jambo will most likely assume the pretense of being a black immigrant female who's a virgin and wants to marry a nice Irish lad with land.
that's another bonus. Or simply shtupp. As in shtupp Jambo, ffs, with your white supremacist shite.
Poor Jambo: he has even fewer options today than he had at this time yesterday: I told him to stay off the Dutch Gold, but do you think he'd listen?
Look at the sad bastard now, eh.
Putting on my sociologist, psychologist hat, "Young Dan" really is a fascinating specimen.
Declan: leaves Boston on the Monday and flies into Lisbon. Takes a bus down to the docks and takes a photograph, then packs his bag and flies on to Dublin where he takes a taxi from the airport to O'Connell Bridge, takes a photo of some portaloos in the rain and heads for Busarus to take a coach to Cavan town centre where he's collected by Val in the tractor.
Declan stands out back on the trailer waving majestically to the stop signs and saluting the traffic lights.
He and Val spend the night in the house on the farm: with a cheap single malt whiskey, three laptops, four phones and some fresh keks.
Declan leaves Kingscourt early next morning bussing it back to the airport where he checks in and flies back to Boston.
In his briefcase, nothing but fetish gear and cheeseburgers.
I see he's now broadcasting about how he is touring the world "looking for another house to buy".
He doesn't even own the one he's living in: Marianne inherited it from her Mam when she kicked the bucket in 1998.
Having an eye to the pathetic years he spent broadcasting online about how he was this sophisticated investor, making bets right, left and centre on "the market" collapsing, and his stocks of gold, and silver etc.
Yeah, he decided to invest his winnings in some zipper-necked cardigans and Farah slacks with permanent ironing lines down them.
And his rubbing shoulders with billionaires, in his late model six litre high-seated monstrosity, that absolutely dwarves his poor family's habitation quarters.
Big car equals tiny flaccid cock.
Also considering his species of "nationalism" and the motivations behind it.
Is he an Irish nationalist or an American cheeseburger nationalist?
All of the transparent pathetic bullshit and sad bluster.
All exposed now, but.
You're welcome.
Isn't it just a microcosym of what turns human beings into something less than human, the American "nightmare" that has become a global philosophy?
Just what is it that turns people to adopt this philosophy? - This naive "social Darwinism", where scientific misapprehensions cast the phrase "survival of the fittest" into these kind of terms?
Seventeen cheeseburgers a day is hardly the fittest.
Of course mixed up with something pathological that is deep inside themselves, catalysed by a severe lack of intelligence.
"Young Dan" is America, in its most pathological elements.
And one of the reasons why any remote interest I ever had in returning to the States is now entirely obliterated.
You're not well roc, you're really not well at all
Says the snarling angry Jambo - barred from the gay bar site for being too far out there on site peopled by complete idiots.
Will you miss Clark/Connolly much, Jambo?
How about that kangaroo-eating chap from down under?
It'll be gas when I'm gone
Looks fairly standard and lame to me?
.. because the Australian mong will have to "moderate" (in between posting memes and tweets, which is all he previously did).
Poor Jambo - everyone's out to get him.
With me gone, he'll have no one to "moderate" (or indeed lie about) but he'll
have to do it
Poor Jambo: Ireland's foremost nationalist silenced by an Australian half-wit holding a kangaroo sandwich and a bottle of luke warm Foster's.
The chosen lager of losers.
Still, he outdid you, Jambo.
Look at you now, kid?
Look at you now.