
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

Mowl, there's good news and there's bad news, which do you want first?

Are you dead already or still slowly dying, English Seamus?

Okay what?

The bad news is - You got banned from Facebook.

Nah - but it was fun winding you twats up.

Of course I'm not barred, you stupid cunt - I set you up, you fell for it.

We knew you would because we planned it in advance, you silly little mongrel.

The good news is - No one gives a flying f*ck!

And yet here you are talking about it?

Ever felt like you've been had for the twat you are, Seamus?

Bahahahahaaa.. I crack myself up sometimes I really do 😆

Not as much as you make me snigger, Loser.

Of course it was a spoof, anyone not on their sixteenth tin of Dutch Gold could have seen that one coming.


What a complete fucking DOPE!


I think Mandy's anger management issues stems from the fact that he fancies the men on this forum...yet the men on Isle are straight and into women.

He's a little faggot yes, but that acne?

I bet he'll have scabies crawling all over him by the Six/One News tonight.

Sorry, Mandy...but getting angry all the time isn't going to make anyone gay for you.

A sheet of sandpaper and a dry Bic razor will soon level those pimples.

News to me, I'm banned from the - The Future of Sarsfield's. thread (private) so I guess I have nothing to do with it :)

Guess where I'm not banned from, you thick cunt.

Lap it up, Jambo Seamus - you complete fucking tool: a ten year old would've seen through that one - but not you?


Did you get some scabies juice yet?

Take my advice: shop early, the shelves will be bare by tomorrow evening and you'll have to endure the itch until Monday or Tuesday next week.

You big fucking dopey-headed mule: you fell for it.




See? This is what passes for Ireland's solution to any of her problems: 'can't someone else do it?'

Whether it's abortion or any other hard choice, export it pronto.

Pay for it with Irish tax payer's money, yes - but get it out of here, it's upsetting me to see it.

Myles is a sop though. Hard core drinker who spends his Irish euros in English ale houses and proud of it too.

Can't read an entire sentence without having to go back and start again because he can't remember what he's reading about.

Needs everything broken down into 'yes/no' categories.
Are you dead already or still slowly dying, English Seamus?

Okay what?

Nah - but it was fun winding you twats up.

Of course I'm not barred, you stupid cunt - I set you up, you fell for it.

We knew you would because we planned it in advance, you silly little mongrel.

And yet here you are talking about it?

Ever felt like you've been had for the twat you are, Seamus?

Not as much as you make me snigger, Loser.

Of course it was a spoof, anyone not on their sixteenth tin of Dutch Gold could have seen that one coming.


What a complete fucking DOPE!


He's a little faggot yes, but that acne?

I bet he'll have scabies crawling all over him by the Six/One News tonight.

A sheet of sandpaper and a dry Bic razor will soon level those pimples.

Guess where I'm not banned from, you thick cunt.

Lap it up, Jambo Seamus - you complete fucking tool: a ten year old would've seen through that one - but not you?


Did you get some scabies juice yet?

Take my advice: shop early, the shelves will be bare by tomorrow evening and you'll have to endure the itch until Monday or Tuesday next week.

You big fucking dopey-headed mule: you fell for it.



tldr.. I put a laugh emoji on your dumb post but let me say this..


No one reads your retarded blog on Facebook Mowl, you have ZERO readers (I've never read it once).

No one cares.
The Ireland of today, the capital city you're all so proud of:

That pile of filth replaced the previous pile of filth that the council and army had to remove only last Monday morning. What you see here in these images is the fresh (!) pile that built up since the beginning of the week. That lady who runs Mamma Mia nearby the international protection office (!!) has hit the wall. The imports have basically destroyed her business and even though she knows that she still gives them any food she has to spare as well as letting (some of them) use her restaurant toilets. And still not one representative of the government has shown up to ask her if they can help her in any way.

By the end of winter and the beginning of spring, her shutters will be pulled down and left there - there's nothing ans nobody to open for.

That wan had better be sure she washes those boots she's wearing lest she trail the scabies bugs along with her into her car and from into her hair and body. Scabies travels super-fast. They're not making a big deal out of it (yet) but give it another few days and every front page will be announcing measures to try to curtail the spread of the nasty skin infection.

So this is your reality, your capital city. The place that charges you four hour's wages for a pint and a packet of peanuts. Where rents are astronomically overpriced, where taking a bus or tram can cost you your life if you look the wrong knacker in the eye or rub up against them when the brakes slam on. The Ireland of 2024, where the national debt is considered a job well done. Where women are still treated like chattels. Where all of your volunteers who work with the kids are mostly perverted rapists and sexual deviants. Where the junkies have right of way on the high street of the capital. Where cocaine is considered a hobby. Where heroin and fentanyl salesmen rule the roost. Where the cops are crooked and the detectives are stopping cars for tax and insurance. Where a bus ride costs you the equivalent of an amusement park roller-coaster ticket for the whole family.

Where the mediocre is lauded and excellence ignored. Where fat Irish slags show the world how cheap and nasty your culture really is. Take a walk down O'Connell Street and see if you can make it from the bridge to The Gate Theatre without getting mugged, beaten up, offered smack, asked for money, threatened for money, begged for money.

Instead, you'll do this (see next post).
tldr.. I put a laugh emoji on your dumb post but let me say this..

It has to hurt, eh?

You fell for it - face it - I made a poop of you.



Then why are you shouting?

No one reads your retarded blog on Facebook Mowl, you have ZERO readers (I've never read it once).

And yet you know all about it?

No one cares.

You do.

You even fell for the most obvious fucking lie anyone ever told, you drunken loser.

You fell for it!

tldr.. I put a laugh emoji on your dumb post but let me say this..


No one reads your retarded blog on Facebook Mowl, you have ZERO readers (I've never read it once).

No one cares.
It has to hurt, eh?

You fell for it - face it - I made a poop of you.


Then why are you shouting?

And yet you know all about it?

You do.

You even fell for the most obvious fucking lie anyone ever told, you drunken loser.

You fell for it!

tldr.. I put a laugh emoji on your dumb post but let me say this..


No one reads your retarded blog on Facebook Mowl, you have ZERO readers (I've never read it once).

No one cares.
It has to hurt, eh?

You fell for it - face it - I made a poop of you.


Then why are you shouting?

And yet you know all about it?

You do.

You even fell for the most obvious fucking lie anyone ever told, you drunken loser.

You fell for it!


Five new centres for bums refugees numbering around 2,200 persons have been announced.

Grab your popcorn and sit back to watch the luvvies out in Leopardstown have a flying fanny of a fit of the conniptions.

Ah, Jaze but: youse are only fucking hilarious altogether.

Still, that pigeon looks happy enough, eh.

Another dumb-ass from the A Team falls for a childish spoof - then congratulates another idiot who fell for the same stunt?

You boys are junior level - losers.

But you make a great team: kill yourselves.
So.. ..still unemployed, eh Jambo?

Watching movies in the afternoon - courtesy of the Irish welfare system - at its finest.

Have you no shame about being a bum?

I mean, we know you've been at it a long time but did it ever occur to you that your opinions about immigrants arriving into Ireland are rendered null and void by your own lack of contribution to the state that supports you? When was the last time you worked? I mean for cash money with all taxes paid? Never? Ever?


That's why people despise rats like you: you wouldn't last five minutes in the real world without state welfare money to support your sorry arse.

You're not just a drain on people's patience: you're a drain on the entire country.

You get a bedsit - Jamal gets a tent out in Stradbally.

Jamal lands a job - you show up at the welfare office with a fake sick note from a private (foreign) doctor who only trades in cash.

You're a bum, Jambo - the party's over - it's time to face reality and own up to your parasitic ways.

You and Saul - two right fucking gougers, but at least you have some degree of intelligence - Saul's as thick as a fencepost outside Craggy Island parochial house. Enough intelligence to know that acting the hard man online while showing up with tears in your eyes at the welfare office are two rather opposite ends of the same bolus of shite.

I'd tell you to get a job, but we all know you're 100% unemployable.

What a sad fucking loser.

PS: tell Saul - the sad bastard - the Facebook banning was a wind up - and he fell for it just like you did: two right sad cunts on the scratch.

The one good thing about all of that is knowing you'll never even get to fly over Finland, let alone land and try your shitty games out up here.
Mowl, I'm out of the rat race, I hated the rat race.

I'm doing fine, financially speaking, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be OK.. even if I wasn't run over by a bus tomorrow
Am I the only poster on this forum who isn't currently banned on politics.ie?

Roc is still on P.ie I think?

I've been banned from there since 2020 due to sending out invitations to Isle via PM. I wouldn't mind registering an account on P.ie and would be happy just to join in without the need or ability to send/ receive PMs. Don't think Rainmaker would have that though.
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