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Where did Myles get the idea that I'm related to Christy Moore and a Lily Whites fanatic? I couldn't care less for the GAA or sports in general tbh.
Charlie Bird RIP

Of course, it'll be a gas watching the RTE staff over on Montrose campus trying to find the right words to eulogize a man they treated with total contempt due to his not attending a proper or recognized third level establishment like Trinity or UCD. Without a degree to his name, they pushed and shoved him around like a pet rabbit and set him up in some really sad situations.

Sending him over to Boston to hang around outside David Drumm's (Anglo Irish Bank) massive new gaff (bought with the spoils of the banking recession Drumm oversaw and took advantage of) to try to doorstep him was grim watching, even from this safe distance. They set him up to look like a fool, and it worked.

Charlie surmounted their snobbery and kept his head up even though he knew he'd never land a cushy number at the top for all his years of service: those positions are reserved for the king rats. The type Dee Forbes looked after so well until she was caught with her hand in the the till and her knickers around her ankles. Now she's in hiding in some damp hole with a doctor's note clutched to her heart. Living off a fat wage while she's at it.


He'll get the equivalent of a pauper's grave and a dramatically sad eulogy on tonight's Six/One News.

The poor bastard, I'm sure he went up the starry staircase with gritted teeth at never having taken the time to tell them what he really thought of them. He's a simple working class man in a Dublin Four restaurant, washing pots and pans, scrubbing dinner plates, and hoping for a tip from the luvvies. It takes some balls to swallow as much shit as he did, so he has my sympathies. Like the rest of you - he was rightly fucked over - and he knew it.

Just like you lot do too, you sad fucking bastards.
I've never understood people who think they're the shit because they attended an Irish university. You could combine every Irish third level institution together into one entity...and it still wouldn't even come close to comparing to somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge.

At least Cambridge produced Newton, Darwin, Turing, Attenborough and Hawking...all Irish third level education produces is useless idiots who go on to jobs in the Civil Service...or in RTE.
I've never understood people who think they're the shit because they attended an Irish university. You could combine every Irish third level institution together into one entity...and it still wouldn't even come close to comparing to somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge.

Yes, but in Irish 'society' it's not what you learned or from whom: it's which educational establishment you attended.

Working class people don't get opportunities like that, and it has fuck all to do with relative intelligence or whatever: it's what your parents can afford to send you to. Pick the right college and now you're in the network of the next big things. Those contacts are invaluable, as are the private member's clubs, secret handshakes, and all that other cloak and dagger bullshit.

Most of the twats in RTE went to the same schools, whether they work the production floor or sit in the live studio, or are show presenters, news readers, etc. Look at your wan Callaghan on Prime Time? her husband is who now? Then there's the two Coveney brothers: they have their shit all sewn up. The hilarious aspect to it is that they're doing it right in front of your face, and they don't give any fucks what you think so long as the lovely lolly keeps flowing through their accounts.

Absolutely nothing in Ireland is either balanced or fair.

Never mind logical.

At least Cambridge produced Newton, Darwin, Turing, Attenborough and Hawking...all Irish third level education produces is useless idiots who go on to jobs in the Civil Service...or in RTE.

I wonder why Val never attended Oxbridge considering his Upper Class background and credentials?
I contacted groups in celbridge and I just posted it there.

That's great, now you can be identified and your arse hauled to court for defamation and threatening behaviour.
I wonder why Val never attended Oxbridge considering his Upper Class background and credentials?


Val probably thought it meant having his oxtail soup over by the river behind the shitting ditch.

The question was "Your first post @ me and you were coming with some racist shit".

You are calling it racist.

Jambo's not well, Bro - he's had some sort of mental issues coupled with alcoholism that's stunted his brain abilities.

Best thing to do is throw raw food at him - from a safe distance.

Then run.
but I'll send him a message over on his site with

Come on over you little bitch.
The state of this robbing little cunt?

Saul - you're a permanent loser, a terminal follower, an unthinking and unable little shit-stain on the gusset of the known universe.

You sad, sad little prick.

That's great, now you can be identified and your arse hauled to court for defamation and threatening behaviour.

Don't mind that idiot - he has nothing but a few names you dropped yourself when talking about family values and quality of life with me.

Outside of that?

He has fuck all.

His vagina is probably itching and raw from the banging his Da gave him last night when he got home from the pub.

You poor vagina must be in rag order, Mister Cleaner.

Do you give it away for free, Mister Free?



Like a broken clay sewer pipe in high summer.

I wonder has Saul actually ever read a book?

He's probably a JK Rowling fan.

Thinks he has magical powers at the click of his fingers, like so:

Would Harry Potter not be a bit too highbrow for Saul though? I doubt he's ever read anything bar The Sun newspaper.

Such a sad bastard is feeney and clean...there's no other outcome bar a costly trip to court - along with a public apology clearing my good name.
Would Harry Potter not be a bit too highbrow for Saul though? I doubt he's ever read anything bar The Sun newspaper.

I thought that sop Myles (Declan's bum-boy) was the Sun reader?

He posts links to their articles - which is about as interesting as the illiterate little spa gets.

Such a sad bastard is feeney and clean...there's no other outcome bar a costly trip to court - along with a public apology clearing my good name.

You're right there.

The desperation in getting in his last few jibes is hilarious - he knows his goose is barbecued.

Sad bastard - he and Jambo ought to settle own and have a few kids.

You used the word in relation to a question I asked.

He's not well, Bro - if you corner him he'll fall to pieces so fast you might get hit by the shrapnel.

Because he has an exceptionally tiny little willy.

He's still a virgin, far too ashamed to allow even a professional take a look at it.

Besides, hookers are more expensive than slabs of Dutch Gold - so you know he's drunk as he writes.
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