I would not be unhappy if you're happy
The one doesn't rule out the other, Shay.
Take Finland, for example? Rather than it just being me who's extremely happy, instead it's a whole nation of us, and that nation even includes my fellow counselor Yazin, the lad with the old Triumph motorbike he's working on. He says he does it because it makes him happy. Who am I to argue with?
I mean, if it's the case that an ex-Islamic chappy from warmer climes than these is as happy as he is up here in the world's happiest country, and you find yourself as miserable as you can be on the world's wettest island, then you know that something's amiss, right?
Isn't he supposed to be frightened and unwilling to integrate?
Isn't he supposed to keep his kids close and crack the whip lest they stray?
And aren't you supposed to be living in a first world country while he came from a tiny village in some poverty and water-less stricken desert?
Yazin seems very happy to me, all told. He's a regular at the lenkkisauna sessions and knows all the correct etiquette. Speaks fluent Finnish but with an accent that makes me smile. His kids are very respectful and they always greet their neighbours with a smile and a bright hello. At last year's Christmas party on the beach they all came down with their faces painted and did some dances beside the burning Joulupukki.
The Joulupukki is a goat shaped straw totem. We set the goat alight at the water's edge to welcome the winds of the Joulu season. Also at last year's event we had a heavy metal band in full heavy metal costumes (leather, spikes, studs, long hair, cowboy boots, etc) except they used kid's versions of their actual instruments: the drummer played a kiddie kit with SpongeBob on his bass drum front, the guitarist used a tiny Marshall amp like mine and even kicked it off the stage once. Same with the bass player: two tiny Marshall amps for his rig. The singer wore only leather underpants and kept jumping into the ice-hole and swimming in circles when the guitarist stepped up to do his thing.
Everyone laughed: hah-ha, ha, ha...
We all had grilled hot dogs and kept our beers cold in the snow. The fireworks ended a wonderful night for the kids and we all went home happy.
Very happy, actually.
Next morning?
Still happy.
Mad stuff.
Remember, me and Myles are gay
Err, that's okay - if it makes you, er.. ... happy?
were the only mongs who actually believed you were in hospital
Well, it was a fun game at the time, eh.
It made me happy enough - and I
know my happiness, Bro.
(Wolf wanted you dead, yet you're strangely a hero of his).
I'm a hero of many, Jimmy.
A working class hero too,
'magine tha'?
Besides, that Woofie's some sad cunt: imagine being that angry all the time when instead he could be happy like me?
Maybe he should take a loan from the credit union and come up to sample some Finnish happiness?
Do you reckon the unemployable loser has the dosh for it?
Or the balls?
Nah, me neither.