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I would not be unhappy if you're happy

Remember, me and Myles were the only people who wished you well when you had your recent stroke (Wolf wanted you dead, yet you're strangely a hero of his).
I would not be unhappy if you're happy

The one doesn't rule out the other, Shay.

Take Finland, for example? Rather than it just being me who's extremely happy, instead it's a whole nation of us, and that nation even includes my fellow counselor Yazin, the lad with the old Triumph motorbike he's working on. He says he does it because it makes him happy. Who am I to argue with?

I mean, if it's the case that an ex-Islamic chappy from warmer climes than these is as happy as he is up here in the world's happiest country, and you find yourself as miserable as you can be on the world's wettest island, then you know that something's amiss, right?

Isn't he supposed to be frightened and unwilling to integrate?

Isn't he supposed to keep his kids close and crack the whip lest they stray?

And aren't you supposed to be living in a first world country while he came from a tiny village in some poverty and water-less stricken desert?

Yazin seems very happy to me, all told. He's a regular at the lenkkisauna sessions and knows all the correct etiquette. Speaks fluent Finnish but with an accent that makes me smile. His kids are very respectful and they always greet their neighbours with a smile and a bright hello. At last year's Christmas party on the beach they all came down with their faces painted and did some dances beside the burning Joulupukki.

The Joulupukki is a goat shaped straw totem. We set the goat alight at the water's edge to welcome the winds of the Joulu season. Also at last year's event we had a heavy metal band in full heavy metal costumes (leather, spikes, studs, long hair, cowboy boots, etc) except they used kid's versions of their actual instruments: the drummer played a kiddie kit with SpongeBob on his bass drum front, the guitarist used a tiny Marshall amp like mine and even kicked it off the stage once. Same with the bass player: two tiny Marshall amps for his rig. The singer wore only leather underpants and kept jumping into the ice-hole and swimming in circles when the guitarist stepped up to do his thing.

Everyone laughed: hah-ha, ha, ha...

We all had grilled hot dogs and kept our beers cold in the snow. The fireworks ended a wonderful night for the kids and we all went home happy.

Very happy, actually.

Next morning?

Still happy.

Mad stuff.

Remember, me and Myles are gay

Err, that's okay - if it makes you, er.. ... happy?

were the only mongs who actually believed you were in hospital

Well, it was a fun game at the time, eh.

It made me happy enough - and I know my happiness, Bro.

(Wolf wanted you dead, yet you're strangely a hero of his).

I'm a hero of many, Jimmy.

A working class hero too, 'magine tha'?

Besides, that Woofie's some sad cunt: imagine being that angry all the time when instead he could be happy like me?

Maybe he should take a loan from the credit union and come up to sample some Finnish happiness?

Do you reckon the unemployable loser has the dosh for it?

Or the balls?

Nah, me neither.
The one doesn't rule out the other, Shay.

Take Finland, for example? Rather than it just being me who's extremely happy
Extremely cold when you step outside you mean

, instead it's a whole nation of us, and that nation even includes my fellow counselor Yazin, the lad with the old Triumph motorbike he's working on. He says he does it because it makes him happy. Who am I to argue with?

I mean, if it's the case that an ex-Islamic chappy from warmer climes than these is as happy as he is up here in the world's happiest country, and you find yourself as miserable as you can be on the world's wettest island, then you know that something's amiss, right?
Isn't he supposed to be frightened and unwilling to integrate?
I have no interest in foreigners "integrating"

Isn't he supposed to keep his kids close and crack the whip lest they stray?

And aren't you supposed to be living in a first world country while he came from a tiny village in some poverty and water-less stricken desert?

Yazin seems very happy to me, all told. He's a regular at the lenkkisauna sessions and knows all the correct etiquette. Speaks fluent Finnish but with an accent that makes me smile. His kids are very respectful and they always greet their neighbours with a smile and a bright hello. At last year's Christmas party on the beach they all came down with their faces painted and did some dances beside the burning Joulupukki.

The Joulupukki is a goat shaped straw totem. We set the goat alight at the water's edge to welcome the winds of the Joulu season. Also at last year's event we had a heavy metal band in full heavy metal costumes (leather, spikes, studs, long hair, cowboy boots, etc) except they used kid's versions of their actual instruments: the drummer played a kiddie kit with SpongeBob on his bass drum front, the guitarist used a tiny Marshall amp like mine and even kicked it off the stage once. Same with the bass player: two tiny Marshall amps for his rig. The singer wore only leather underpants and kept jumping into the ice-hole and swimming in circles when the guitarist stepped up to do his thing.

Everyone laughed: hah-ha, ha, ha...

We all had grilled hot dogs and kept our beers cold in the snow. The fireworks ended a wonderful night for the kids and we all went home happy.

Very happy, actually.

Next morning?

Still happy.

Mad stuff.

Err, that's okay - if it makes you, er.. ... happy?

Well, it was a fun game at the time, eh.

It made me happy enough - and I know my happiness, Bro.

I'm a hero of many, Jimmy.

A working class hero too, 'magine tha'?
Besides, that Woofie's some sad cunt: imagine being that angry all the time when instead he could be happy like me?

Maybe he should take a loan from the credit union and come up to sample some Finnish happiness?
Do you reckon the unemployable loser has the dosh for it?
'Wolf' is a "well-known" builder in Dublin, ask anyone

Or the balls?

Nah, me neither.
Extremely cold when you step outside you mean


Way off, in fact.

Let me explain it in language you understand: Ireland sits at the edge of the north Atlantic, the ocean and the polar regions clash with the trends arriving from further south from the gulf of Mexico. This causes all sorts of weather out at sea and when it travels east, it batters the fuck out of Ire;land and the rain never stops. That humidity is what makes you really shiver - the kind of cold that it doesn't matter what you wear: it gets into your bones and makes you shiver and feel severely cold even indoors. It sucks.

Whereas in Finland, humidity isn't a factor pretty much at all. This means we can walk out into minus thirty degrees dressed pretty much like you are (except our clothes are bigger and furrier) but we don't get cold through and through: we leave our babies outside for naps in the sunlight, even if it is minus ten. Minus five? No big deal really. Minus ten and heavy snows and winds? You can still set your watch by the trams and buses.

In Urrland?

You're left standing at a bus stop in some kip of an area surrounded by rubbish and empties, the bushes clogged with plastic bags, the gutters spilling over with mucky rain water, the wind hitting you from every angle, and every bus you wait for comes late. Complain about it and the driver will fuck you off his bus. Get on? Don't sit upstairs what ever you do - and if you have to, do NOT look anybody in the eye.

Today it's two degrees above. The last of the ice is melting and many streets have been washed and brushed clean of months of hiekka (grit) laid for pedestrians. The thoroughfares are spotless. In a week all the hiekka will have been returned to its storage boxes on the major street corners: the hiekka boxes are then used for temporary seating in summertime. Mental, eh?

So in another week or two I'll be trading my winter wardrobe for my summer wardrobe: this is made easy by the fact that my apartment includes a four square meter steel cage in the basement for me to store things in room temperature. The other one in the attic is cold. So items of furniture, appliances, etc are stored there.

But you'll still be taking an umbrella with you to cover your hoodie until around late July, when you'll get a four or five day stint of 25 degrees plus, about which you'll start complaining of the heat discomfort after the second day of warm temperatures. As soon as it arrives it'll be gone again, and you'll be back to the miserable grey skies and heavy clouds promising even more heavy rain.

That makes me happy.

I have no interest in foreigners "integrating"

Good man.

The lads down on Mount Street will be relieved to hear of it, I'm sure.

They can focus on what they do best: taking you for a ride in your own home town.

Way off, in fact.

Let me explain it in language you understand: Ireland sits at the edge of the north Atlantic, the ocean and the polar regions clash with the trends arriving from further south from the gulf of Mexico. This causes all sorts of weather out at sea and when it travels east, it batters the fuck out of Ire;land and the rain never stops. That humidity is what makes you really shiver - the kind of cold that it doesn't matter what you wear: it gets into your bones and makes you shiver and feel severely cold even indoors. It sucks.

Whereas in Finland, humidity isn't a factor pretty much at all. This means we can walk out into minus thirty degrees dressed pretty much like you are (except our clothes are bigger and furrier) but we don't get cold through and through: we leave our babies outside for naps in the sunlight, even if it is minus ten. Minus five? No big deal really. Minus ten and heavy snows and winds? You can still set your watch by the trams and buses.

In Urrland?

You're left standing at a bus stop in some kip of an area surrounded by rubbish and empties, the bushes clogged with plastic bags, the gutters spilling over with mucky rain water, the wind hitting you from every angle, and every bus you wait for comes late. Complain about it and the driver will fuck you off his bus. Get on? Don't sit upstairs what ever you do - and if you have to, do NOT look anybody in the eye.
Today it's two degrees above.
Absolute zero?

The last of the ice is melting and many streets have been washed and brushed clean of months of hiekka (grit) laid for pedestrians. The thoroughfares are spotless. In a week all the hiekka will have been returned to its storage boxes on the major street corners: the hiekka boxes are then used for temporary seating in summertime. Mental, eh?
So in another week or two I'll be trading my winter wardrobe for my summer wardrobe
Two less pairs of socks?

: this is made easy by the fact that my apartment includes a four square meter steel cage in the basement for me to store things in room temperature. The other one in the attic is cold. So items of furniture, appliances, etc are stored there.

But you'll still be taking an umbrella with you to cover your hoodie until around late July, when you'll get a four or five day stint of 25 degrees plus, about which you'll start complaining of the heat discomfort after the second day of warm temperatures. As soon as it arrives it'll be gone again, and you'll be back to the miserable grey skies and heavy clouds promising even more heavy rain.

That makes me happy.
Good man.

The lads down on Mount Street will be relieved to hear of it, I'm sure.

They can focus on what they do best: taking you for a ride in your own home town.
'Integration' is just a bullshit term

It might have meant something decades ago but not in the era of mass migration/white genocide
Absolute zero?

I see you're still envious about life up here in Winter Wonderland.

And that is, of course - how it should be.

Two less pairs of socks?

Do you find that your bitterness is easier to live with when you're drunk?

Or all drugged up?

'Integration' is just a bullshit term

Well, let's see about that, shall we?

Dictionary/Definitions from Oxford Languages



noun: integration; plural noun: integrations

  1. 1.
    the action or process of integrating.
    "economic and political integration"


  2. inclusion
    Opposite: separation
    the intermixing of people who were previously
  3. "integration is the best hope for both black and white Americans"
  • Mathematics
    the finding of an integral or integrals.
    "integration of an ordinary differential equation"

It might have meant something decades ago but not in the era of mass migration/white genocide

See above.
roc's been taking a battering on Gaychat, a lot of the cats there know what he's about. Of course roc himself doesn't.. he's far too low IQ and has no self-awareness
roc's been taking a battering on Gaychat, a lot of the cats there know what he's about.

Why not join up and tell him what you think, then?

Too lily-livered?

Of course roc himself doesn't.. he's far too low IQ and has no self-awareness

Jambo: your constant references to IQ make it rather clear your own is extremely low.

I mean, let's face it: the only thing you do well is turn people against you.

You haven't a fucking clue what you're about.
Why not join up and tell him what you think, then?

Too lily-livered?
Jambo: your constant references to IQ make it rather clear your own is extremely low.
You've got that arse backwards

I mean, let's face it: the only thing you do well is turn people against you.
I'm not here to make friends, if it happens, it happens, if it don't, it don't

I can't tell you how many times now that some low IQ loser has criticised me for not being popular (mostly amongst a tiny handful of their fellow low IQ losers)

You haven't a fucking clue what you're about.
You've got that arse backwards

I'd need to care though.

I'm not here to make friends, if it happens, it happens, if it don't, it don't

Well, Saul doesn't seem to miss you - neither does the other drunk lad with the car keys hanging on his pants belt.

And that other Feeney sock fucking HATES you now too.

I can't tell you how many times now that some low IQ loser has criticised me for not being popular (mostly amongst a tiny handful of their fellow low IQ losers)

Nobody believes a word you say about your IQ.

The more you yap about it - the more ridiculous and needy you come across as.

You desperately NEED people to take you seriously.

That's a waste of time: love, hate - it's all bollocks really, by the time we power off the computer we forget about it.

Or I do, at least.

I'd need to care though.
Of course you do, so much so that you're replying to a post of mine in which I said nothing about my IQ - about my IQ

Well, Saul doesn't seem to miss you - neither does the other drunk lad with the car keys hanging on his pants belt.

And that other Feeney sock fucking HATES you now too.

Nobody believes a word you say about your IQ.

The more you yap about it - the more ridiculous and needy you come across as.

You desperately NEED people to take you seriously.

That's a waste of time: love, hate - it's all bollocks really, by the time we power off the computer we forget about it.

Or I do, at least.

I see Martin Nolan just let a perverted wanker (literally) walk after he was filmed jerking himself off in front of kids.

How much longer are you fucking fools going to let that man release every pervert he presides over?

Somebody ought to get into his devices and see what his real kinks are: I bet they're manky.
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