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He's right, Jambo: you haven't a fucking clue how these things work.
He's not right, he's never right, he's The Soapbox Dunce (wafflin' away to himself)

I spend at least three minutes every day rejecting and blocking accounts from all over Asia (an average of around fifteen to twenty per day) looking to join the BBBB. As an experiment, and in trying to figure out why the fuck they're applying at all, I passed half a dozen of them a few months back. They all did the same thing: some stupid video of a man sitting in a car and some other man comes along and pours hot coffee on the guy's lap. There's usually some attached comment like 'you never no how your day will become' or 'he shouldn't have said no' or whatever.

They're all fucking nuts.

Who does that?


They all do the same thing: they join FB, gather hundreds/thousands of 'friends' and then start circulating these zero-content videos for me to delete.

But the control panel offered with groups like the BBBB have lots of attached information I can use to try to understand these twats and what the fuck they're up to. I've blocked around two to two and a half thousand of them in the last six months. I was convinced for a while that someone (likely Declan or Val) paid to put these fools on me. They didn't - I asked Facebook staff to explain why this was going on so long (I deleted another half dozen ten minutes ago) and they said that this sometimes happens when the same people in the same location (on the other side of the fucking planet) see that their 'friends' have tried to join BBBB. Even though I reject them, their 'friends' start in with the same stupid shit, kind of like MySpace where you gather 'friends' and pick the most popular accounts to stick on your 'wall' of friends to make it look like you and Bruce Springsteen are actually close friends.

Dumber than dumb, but still not as dumb as Clark/Connolly or Saul fucking CG&P.

You, on the other hand - have only ever been a member of sites - you've never run one of your own: which means you haven't a fucking clue how these things work. In fact, you don't even know what work IS, you dopey fucking bum. And you never will start any site either, because you already know that the world has one Keith Woods, they don't need a second-hand second-rate version alongside him. Your operation is that of the seed scatterer: you collect other people's opinions on current issues and try to pass them off as your own.

You fail every time because everyone knows you're a spoofer.

You really ought to gut yourself before you get much dumber.
Post your photos here. Visited Castletown earlier today during lunchtime...could not get any close-up shots of the house due to renovation work (scaffolding) being undertaken by the OPW unfortunately

To view larger images properly, (a) right click on them, then select (b) Open image in new tab.

Castletown House, Celbridge

It's a slow day for news reporting it seems.

Varadkar throws in the towel.
Sinn Fein smell blood.
Fine Gael in disarray.
Fianna Fail don't know where to look.
The Greens still have that dopey loser for a leader.
The National Debt.
683 on trolleys.
Irish Nationalists still abiding with their elders being robbed and beaten.
Lunatics with long knives.
Finland wins the coveted 'Happiest Nation In The World' trophy for the seventh year in a row.

Varadkar throws in the towel.
HIV/AIDS is a treatable disease Mowl

Sinn Fein smell blood.
Yeah, the Irish Nation's, same as the rest of them

Fine Gael in disarray.
Fianna Fail don't know where to look.
The Greens still have that dopey loser for a leader.
The National Debt.
683 on trolleys.
Irish Nationalists still abiding with their elders being robbed and beaten.
Lunatics with long knives.
Finland wins the coveted 'Happiest Nation In The World' trophy for the seventh year in a row.
No thanks to you

Varadkar throws in the towel.
Sinn Fein smell blood.
Fine Gael in disarray.
Fianna Fail don't know where to look.
The Greens still have that dopey loser for a leader.
The National Debt.
683 on trolleys.
Irish Nationalists still abiding with their elders being robbed and beaten.
Lunatics with long knives.
Finland wins the coveted 'Happiest Nation In The World' trophy for the seventh year in a row.


I wonder what Dublin would be like today were it still a Scandinavian outpost?
HIV/AIDS is a treatable disease Mowl

I'll take your word for that so, jambo - you'd know better than I do what it's like being shafted by a massive prick.

Yeah, the Irish Nation's, same as the rest of them

The rest of whom exactly?

The EU body?

Hardly - we're so happy up here in Finland we're getting dizzy from scaling the heights of international excellence.

No thanks to you

You'll note that since Mowl moved to Finland in 1998, the Finnish nation has been on a consistent upward trend for quality of life and general well-being. The word happiness doesn't really cover it for me, because when I first landed here, these people were painfully shy, introverted, and genuinely amazed that an Irish man would even consider making a move up into the Arctic Circle.

Since then things have really opened up. All the values I brought with me (and still live by) are now the norm for all Finns. Especially the youth. We're open and confident, we know what we have and we want to protect it. We may have a very angry and violent neighbour on the eastern front, but we also know how to play ball with Putin. He too knows there's little point in starting a barney with us now that NATO are our pals.

Give it another two to three years and you too will be assimilated by the treaty.

You haven't too many other choices.

So contrary to your statement:.

No thanks to you

It's all very much thanks to me - me and my kind.

Finland learned so much from her inward migrants over the years. They studied us: how we lived, how we worked, what we bought, how we interacted, how quickly we made successes of our opportunities, how we raised our families. Previously, the grumpy Finn stereotype was accurate: these days? Not so much. The future is very bright for Finnish people and our passport is an excellent lubricant for gaining entry to any other nation we might decide to move to.

I've already made my move: I got off that shitty little rock a long time ago. I tried Paris, had my fun, made my money, but didn't enjoy the pace of things. Then Amsterdam, where I had a ball. Work was the last thing on my mind during those two long hot summers, so I got out before I sunk completely under the joy of a reckless and stress-free life. Copenhagen was a short stay by comparison but their winters are even worse than yours for the humidity. Far too damp and shivery for my bones.

Helsinki, but?

Ah, yes: the town I love so well.

And which loves me too.

Gas, innit?

I wonder what Dublin would be like today were it still a Scandinavian outpost?

We'd use it as a storage depot for our national savings.

Tax free, bent, cloak and dagger, shady, corrupt, and very, very profitable for we outsiders.

And I am an outsider Irishman - have been for as long as I can remember, even while living there.

if I could have called it a life, eh.
I'll take your word for that so, jambo - you'd know better than I do what it's like being shafted by a massive prick.
The rest of whom exactly?
The politicians, Mowl

The EU body?

Hardly - we're so happy up here in Finland we're getting dizzy from scaling the heights of international excellence.

You'll note that since Mowl moved to Finland in 1998, the Finnish nation has been on a consistent upward trend for quality of life and general well-being. The word happiness doesn't really cover it for me, because when I first landed here, these people were painfully shy, introverted, and genuinely amazed that an Irish man would even consider making a move up into the Arctic Circle.

Since then things have really opened up. All the values I brought with me (and still live by) are now the norm for all Finns. Especially the youth. We're open and confident, we know what we have and we want to protect it. We may have a very angry and violent neighbour on the eastern front, but we also know how to play ball with Putin. He too knows there's little point in starting a barney with us now that NATO are our pals.

Give it another two to three years and you too will be assimilated by the treaty.

You haven't too many other choices.

So contrary to your statement:.

It's all very much thanks to me - me and my kind.

Finland learned so much from her inward migrants over the years. They studied us: how we lived, how we worked, what we bought, how we interacted, how quickly we made successes of our opportunities, how we raised our families. Previously, the grumpy Finn stereotype was accurate: these days? Not so much. The future is very bright for Finnish people and our passport is an excellent lubricant for gaining entry to any other nation we might decide to move to.

I've already made my move: I got off that shitty little rock a long time ago. I tried Paris, had my fun, made my money, but didn't enjoy the pace of things. Then Amsterdam, where I had a ball. Work was the last thing on my mind during those two long hot summers, so I got out before I sunk completely under the joy of a reckless and stress-free life. Copenhagen was a short stay by comparison but their winters are even worse than yours for the humidity. Far too damp and shivery for my bones.

Helsinki, but?

Ah, yes: the town I love so well.

And which loves me too.

Gas, innit?

We'd use it as a storage depot for our national savings.

Tax free, bent, cloak and dagger, shady, corrupt, and very, very profitable for we outsiders.

And I am an outsider Irishman - have been for as long as I can remember, even while living there.

if I could have called it a life, eh.
You're really just a subversive, every anti-white who lives in a white country is a subversive, really
But I'm still a complete 'anti-white' on the terms you suggest: I like Finnish people
I know, it's really quite fucking disgusting.

You happily reap the rewards of a (homogeneous) society created by white people (mostly men) yet you would do everything to undermine it, for example how you would vote, demonise nationalists etc.
I know, it's really quite fucking disgusting.

Altering my post still doesn't make me any less happy, Shay.

I mean, right now I'm so happy I could just shit all over you.

It's Thursday, the quietest night of the week across Finland.

But you can still feel the happiness everywhere, you know?

You happily reap the rewards of a (homogeneous) society created by white people (mostly men)

Apart from Sanna Marin, Minna Canth (it was her name day yesterday - all flags at full mast) and the ladies of Lotta Svard, you mean?

There are more females in politics in Finland than there are males, Jimmy - you DO know that, right?

I mean, you're seriously going to try to shoot from the hip on that one, are you?

yet you would do everything to undermine it,

How so?

By sharing in the joy of being in the world's happiest country?

for example how you would vote, demonise nationalists etc.

I didn't vote for Perussuomalaiset, but at the same time I'm not entirely against their principles of putting Finns and Finland first. As I mentioned recently, their impact on the national broadcaster is stark and obvious: there are few imported shows in English being screened. They're pushing Finnish culture into the centre of the stage. The language, the way of life, the natural introspective nature of the people, the connection to nature and the wilds, the work ethic, the sharing of wealth, the people always being put first, and corruption of any kind hounded out at speed with rage.

Nationalism of your type - the type that turns a blind eye to your pensioners being shafted by your national alcoholics is one thing in particular that disgusts me about you lot: your nationalism is as fake as your riches made on the world's poker tournaments. You stand with men who allow their brood to rob the elderly in their beds - what's THAT about?

Justify for me just once your acceptance of brutalizing the elderly?

Then tell me how it fits the bill of your particular strain of 'ethno' nationalism?

You and Saul are close, you're both A Team members, you frolic about together in public, and you never ever even so much as asked him why he allows his alcoholic son rob from the very people who built Ireland for you.

So no - your brand of nationalism isn't for me, Shay.

It stinks of wee-wee and poop.

You know?
Altering my post still doesn't make me any less happy, Shay.

I mean, right now I'm so happy I could just shit all over you.

It's Thursday, the quietest night of the week across Finland.

But you can still feel the happiness everywhere, you know?

Apart from Sanna Marin, Minna Canth (it was her name day yesterday - all flags at full mast) and the ladies of Lotta Svard, you mean?

There are more females in politics in Finland than there are males, Jimmy - you DO know that, right?

I mean, you're seriously going to try to shoot from the hip on that one, are you?

How so?

By sharing in the joy of being in the world's happiest country?

I didn't vote for Perussuomalaiset, but at the same time I'm not entirely against their principles of putting Finns and Finland first. As I mentioned recently, their impact on the national broadcaster is stark and obvious: there are few imported shows in English being screened. They're pushing Finnish culture into the centre of the stage. The language, the way of life, the natural introspective nature of the people, the connection to nature and the wilds, the work ethic, the sharing of wealth, the people always being put first, and corruption of any kind hounded out at speed with rage.

Nationalism of your type - the type that turns a blind eye to your pensioners being shafted by your national alcoholics is one thing in particular that disgusts me about you lot: your nationalism is as fake as your riches made on the world's poker tournaments. You stand with men who allow their brood to rob the elderly in their beds - what's THAT about?

Justify for me just once your acceptance of brutalizing the elderly?

Then tell me how it fits the bill of your particular strain of 'ethno' nationalism?

You and Saul are close, you're both A Team members, you frolic about together in public, and you never ever even so much as asked him why he allows his alcoholic son rob from the very people who built Ireland for you.

So no - your brand of nationalism isn't for me, Shay.

It stinks of wee-wee and poop.

You know?
"Nationalism of my type" would be keeping Finland Finnish or at the absolute least, white.

That's my nationalism in a nutshell, you dumb, anti-white subversive fuck
"Nationalism of my type"

The type that allows for raggedy-arsed knackers like Saul and his family to rob their elderly neighbours, right?

would be keeping Finland Finnish or at the absolute least, white.

Too late for that, Jimmy - we've got loads of Finnish-speaking Islamic people here: they even have a little mosque down in Kallio, sandwiched in between an old alcoholic's bar and a modern music bar. They used to hang their flags and other shit outside their door but the items kept disappearing. Since then they've completely covered the front of the shop/mosque with plastic so you can't see in or out.

Their female kids wear head-dresses, burkas, that sort of toweling stuff, but sure that's their own choice - for now. We're seeing increasing numbers of post-Islamic hardliners foster kids that want nothing to do with Islam. Like my current partner on our housing committee: the tenants are happy that neither of us are Finns, but we still liaise with the council on housing issues (including them leaving a broken master thermostat which controls our radiators from early November through to lat January being set on maximum high so that we were all sweating and opening the windows to sleep when it was minus twenty-three outside.

Yazin, originally from Damascus, now a free-thinking young Father with three lovely kids all of school going age, he bought himself a Triumph motorbike which he's been working on for months by now to take the wife across Finland next summer. I set him up with a mate who was selling a vintage biker's leather jacket with some hand-sewn lettering on the back of it with the Triumph motorbike logo on. He's as happy as shit.

That's my nationalism in a nutshell

I think it would very easily fit into a peanut shell, Jimmy.

You could write it down on a small piece of paper:

'Urrland furever - fuck everyone else - rob the oldies - grushee!'

you dumb, anti-white subversive fuck

And yet here I am: smarter than thou.

Happier than thee.

In a far better place than you'll ever be.

See, my anti-whiteness starts and ends with you, dear Jambo.

My attitude to the 'replacement' factor also starts and ends with you: you could be replaced by an empty corn flakes box.

Face it - you've fuck all left to fight for, have you?

Anyway - you were busy getting angry while I'm busy trying to see where I'm going what with all this happiness all around me.

It's as thick in the air as the smoke from a good old-fashioned pallet-burning session somewhere off the Falls Road.
You're not smarter than me

Am too.

(hardly anyone has a willy smaller than mine - no wonder I'm angry all the time)

Yeah - I fixed that for you, Jimmy.

, you're a dumbass babbling about some great Abdul in Finland who you know (or think you do)

Nah, I was more trying to impress on you the general happiness I'm feeling today.

The lady on the weather update earlier was saying we'll have strong gales of happiness sweeping down from the Arctic Circle, bringing joy and laughter in abundance over the next few weeks and up into the run-up to Vappu - the annual three-day binge we have every May 1st. It's the first big party of the season and a season that sees the entire nation out on the streets dancing and singing, drinking and taking very hot saunas, midnight sun type fun, then in the middle of the summer, the city basically empties of any Finns - we all head up north into the wilds to fend for ourselves and practically living in the sauna and lakes for two stright months of sheer joy and frolicking behaviour.

One thing they never said to me when I applied for my passport was the sheer weight of happiness I was expected to carry.

I knew it would be a lot, but not seven fucking years non-stop happiness, you know?

One gets to the point where one has to go looking for sadness and losership in order to truly quantify the happiness we're expected to live with.

I tease you, and you never fail to dance for me when I call the tune.

So yeah: I'm taking bets on who'll be the happiest this time next year: me or you sad bastards.

And it ain't looking good for you, kid.

Ain't looking good at all at all.
Why would you bring the debate down to some Mohamad you know, who's like, sowund.

You're a basic bitch dumbass, drunk on individualism. You could be roc, except he spends all of his day online (on Gaychat) defending his tribe
Why would you bring the debate down to some Mohamad you know, who's like, sowund.

To remind you that you're an Irish moron who thinks he knows what's going on, but can't even spell the word 'happiness' to save his life.

You're a basic dumbass, drunk on individualism.

Individualism - heh!

Jambo's been borrowing phrases from his girlfriend Keith Woods - again.

You could be roc, except he spends all of his day online (on Gaychat) defending his tribe

'I could be wrong - I could be right.
I could be black I could be white.
They put a hot wire to my head,
'Cos of the things I did and said.
And made these feelings go away,
A model citizen in every way.

Here's a song for you, Jambo:

Jog on, retard

Jambo - that's not nice, now is it?

Look, if you play nice and admit to me publicly that it's making you grind your teeth in silent rage that Finland's won the happiness prize yet again, then I'll lay off with the happiness and get down to some moody misery with you. Deal? I'll even try to change the record and set the mood that suits yours best.

Here, this is kind of miserable, but angry too:

Any happier now?


Ahh, sure...
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