
Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

Copying and pasting tweets is the laziest form of discourse - it adds absolutely nothing of value to any conversation.
lol What conversation

It's why Arsefield's is such a low-quality forum...page after page of tweets, screenshots, links, some arsehole on YouTube etc. It's the forum equivalent of a child's colouring picture book.
You're the equivalent of a child's colouring book

A mature forum

for mature people

should be 90% text and original opinion.
WTF r u talking about, original opinion. So if anyone else on the planet has the same opinion about something as I do, does that mean that I don't have an "original opinion"?

Isle is old-fashioned in that regard and a welcome relief from shitty social media trends...
Isle is a few low IQ assholes with differing mental illnesses

I didn't invest in a new forum
What r u going to do with it, delete it (again)? 🤔

Seriously, wouldn't you be better off eh, investing your money in your other eh, hobbies? TV subscriptions, biscuits, fizzy drinks, comic books and stationery & stamps for your letters to your Japanese penpals

just for it to become the ten-millionth low-grade, trashy outlet on the internet for information. Any serious newspaper or book is comprised mostly of the written word. The likes of X, Telegram and YouTube's shock jocks are this generation's answer to The Sun newspaper and its tits for the lads schlock.
WTF r u talking about, original opinion. So if anyone else on the planet has the same opinion about something as I do, does that mean that I don't have an "original opinion"?
The problem is, you got on the internet and acquired for yourself packaged up opinions, off the shelf, basically.

The problem is how you were sold these opinions. The problem is the type of cult "marketplace" you gravitated to for your "opinions".

The problem is how delighted and smug and invested you are in these off the shelf opinions of a cult (like a seventeen year old nerd who has bought himself a set of dungeons and dragons cards).

The problem is how you are a mug extraordinaire. You're a mug of a US and UK white supremacist cult who recruit on the fringes of society.

The problem in addition is you plaster your artifacts from this cult all over discussion fora to drown out discussion and demand these artifacts are accepted as dogma.

The problem is this cult itself and how it works, which you might recall we explained to you before. E.g

The problem is you substitute this cult, its leaders, your "family" of nitwits on Arsefields, your "A-Team" and the other “communities” you gravitate to online, for your real world family and normal existence.

The problem is what you may do out in the real world under the influence of this cult. In your own words:

"... If you want to have a nationalist site then you should be prepared to be an outlaw.. because nationalism is HIGHLY illegal... You want nationalism? Well then you better be prepared to take up a gu.. eh, sorry, don't want to say anything illegal... That's it, it's Game Over. I have no hope left. But if you want.. You better stop being scared about fucking talking about it.. because you're a racist... And every (subversive) geebag, who ever used that term (I know literally dozens on Irish political fora) will, when the glorious time comes, be put up against a wall and held accountable. May God have mercy...".


Jambo the "nationalist".

So what have you got to say for yourself this time, Jambo?

Tell us, when the special branch have finished trawling Sham Fox's PMs and discovered he was a member of your "A-Team", with you as its leader, what are you going to say to them?

Will you just say to them it was the blind leading the blind? Or are you going to try to explain your "nationalism" to them?

But you were never able to explain it to anyone on Isle.

Maybe shower them with memes from Morgoing or Mork Woollet? Ask to see a lawyer and your "Bugs" script?

Twat. You're about as original as a Micky Mouse franchise.
The problem is, you got on the internet and acquired for yourself packaged up opinions, off the shelf, basically.

The problem is how you were sold these opinions. The problem is the type of cult "marketplace" you gravitated to for your "opinions".

The problem is how delighted and smug and invested you are in these off the shelf opinions of a cult (like a seventeen year old nerd who has bought himself a set of dungeons and dragons cards).

The problem is how you are a mug extraordinaire. You're a mug of a US and UK white supremacist cult who recruit on the fringes of society.

The problem in addition is you plaster your artifacts from this cult all over discussion fora to drown out discussion and demand these artifacts are accepted as dogma.

The problem is this cult itself and how it works, which you might recall we explained to you before. E.g

The problem is you substitute this cult, its leaders, your "family" of nitwits on Arsefields, your "A-Team" and the other “communities” you gravitate to online, for your real world family and normal existence.

The problem is what you may do out in the real world under the influence of this cult. In your own words:

"... If you want to have a nationalist site then you should be prepared to be an outlaw.. because nationalism is HIGHLY illegal... You want nationalism? Well then you better be prepared to take up a gu.. eh, sorry, don't want to say anything illegal... That's it, it's Game Over. I have no hope left. But if you want.. You better stop being scared about fucking talking about it.. because you're a racist... And every (subversive) geebag, who ever used that term (I know literally dozens on Irish political fora) will, when the glorious time comes, be put up against a wall and held accountable. May God have mercy...".


Jambo the "nationalist".

So what have you got to say for yourself this time, Jambo?

Tell us, when the special branch have finished trawling Sham Fox's PMs and discovered he was a member of your "A-Team", with you as its leader, what are you going to say to them?

Will you just say to them it was the blind leading the blind? Or are you going to try to explain your "nationalism" to them?

But you were never able to explain it to anyone on Isle.

Maybe shower them with memes from Morgoing or Mork Woollet? Ask to see a lawyer and your "Bugs" script?

Twat. You're about as original as a Micky Mouse franchise.

He's cranky because I insulted Queef Woods.

lol Why would I care about anything you have to say about Keith Woods (or anyone else for that matter)

The only comment I've made is that I find it amusing that anyone as incredibly dull as you are would say that anyone else is boring
All you are, at the end of the day, is a mentally retarded, insane Zionist who never stops braying about antisemitism

All you are, at the end of the day, is a mentally retarded, insane Irish nationalist who never stops braying about 'ethnic-nationalism'.


lol Why would I care about anything you have to say about Keith Woods (or anyone else for that matter)

Why would I care about anything you have to say about Keith Woods (or anyone else for that matter), Jimmy?

The only comment I've made is that I find it amusing that anyone as incredibly dull as you are would say that anyone else is boring

Oasis CDs: check
Liam Gallagher-style fancy military coat: check
Slab of cheap lager: check
Packet of imported Marlboro lights: check
Skins: check
Mobile device: check
Dole card: check
Tissues for wanks: check
Meds for rage: check
Meds for sleepy-times: check


Attendance at migrant protests: nope
Actual community work: nope
Heterosexuality: nope
Leaves the house occasionally: nope
Has friends: nope
Has family: nope
Has hope: nope
What's this shite all about?

The West's heading down a nasty totalitarian route.
Driven by the progressive left irony of ironies.
There's non stop trolling of sites such as this and constant pontificating about misinformation.
Here is a short interesting Commentary on forum trolling.
Let's contrast and compare what happens here and on other forums we visit.
Keep in mind botscand AI are part of the disruption game these days.

Ban everyone who disagrees with me...

In fairness, I've no idea why Kangal even bothers to fight a losing battle with cranky old men who use terms like:

'It's good we have some of our people broadcasting live from the protest...'

'I'll get on to a lad I know in the suburbs - he's one of our kind..'

'This forum is real as fuck, Man..

That lunatic Wooftie never ceases with the cancerous bile: he's apparently possessed with pedophilia. And any fool who goes onto sites like these with a name like 'Wolf' is obviously a strange and isolated dole sponger living off the wife and spending his days pursuing one thing and one thing only: pedophilia, and why everyone today is a pedophile - except him. Which sorta brings you to only one possible conclusion, right?

He's a nonce.


Probably the sort of 'wolf' who'll later find himself answering to charges put to him by the moral police regarding his own kids, his sweet little niece, his nephews, and any misfortunate handicapped/wheelchair-bound child-cripple living nearby. You can smell it off him like he can smell another man's seed on his wife's lips when she frowns and serves him his cold porridge for supper. Creepy and repulsive.
Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110353

The Olympics thread is locked for some reason so I have to post this here

Because, Wendy, people like you would be shiteing on about it till the next one. With anti-'woke' or muh masonic upside down Satanic hand signals, Christ is King! videos etc.

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110527

All you are, at the end of the day, is a mentally retarded, insane Irish nationalist who never stops braying about 'ethnic-nationalism'.
Poor Mowl, doesn't understand that a Zionist is an ethnic nationalist

I'll give one thing to roc_abilly roc_abilly, he has poor Mowl wrapped around his little finger


Why would I care about anything you have to say about Keith Woods (or anyone else for that matter), Jimmy?

Oasis CDs: check
Liam Gallagher-style fancy military coat: check
Slab of cheap lager: check
Packet of imported Marlboro lights: check
Skins: check
Mobile device: check
Dole card: check
Tissues for wanks: check
Meds for rage: check
Meds for sleepy-times: check


Attendance at migrant protests: nope
Actual community work: nope
Heterosexuality: nope
Leaves the house occasionally: nope
Has friends: nope
Has family: nope
Has hope: nope
"If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab Nationalism). Zionist not only believe that jews have the right to claim a ethno-nationalist state of their own but also belive that they are the only racial/ethnic group that has the right to claim so. This comes from a purely racial supremacist mentality."

Poor Mowl,

Mowl's rather far away from poor, Jimmy.

In fact, the things I actually value as being part of my personal wealth aren't even necessarily tied to cash dollar money - or material things.

They're all about freedom, choice, quality of life, options to change both tack and track, the security of my migrant life, my happiness quotient in Finnish terms, autonomy, and the sense of being part of a society so far ahead of Ireland that it's convinced me there's nothing whatsoever to be gained from maintaining any connection to the shit-hole country of my birth. You can have her, she's a slut. With scabies.

I can accept that these things mean nothing to a layabout like you: after all - the dole/welfare in Ireland does offer you a certain guarantee that your €235 a week will keep you in drink, frozen pizzas, telephony, and smokes. All in all, you're doing quite well for an idiot of your calibre.

doesn't understand that a Zionist is an ethnic nationalist

Don't care either.

And the only reason you do is to have something that distracts from the hopelessness of your current living conditions.

Something to keep your tiny and hopeless mind ticking over until 'De Grate Revelay-shun' kicks in.

Who the fuck gives a shit about Jewish philosophy anyway, you banal little wanker.

I'll give one thing to roc_abilly roc_abilly, he has poor Mowl wrapped around his little finger

We make a good team when it comes to stripping you of your Liam Gallagher raincoat that everyone can see you for the tiny-dick loser you are.

"If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab Nationalism). Zionist not only believe that jews have the right to claim a ethno-nationalist state of their own but also belive that they are the only racial/ethnic group that has the right to claim so. This comes from a purely racial supremacist mentality."

Michael Corleone?

He can't write, or spell.


This is precisely how you waste your meaningless life.

Let's say you're right?

Then what?

Or let's say you're wrong: then what?


Same difference - and you'll still be sitting on your hole waiting for the next dole cheque to arrive.

Nothing you say matters to anyone.

Clearly, the Jews have you right where they want you, right?

I mean, they're obviously really really worried about the things you say and how you say them - right? Never mind to whom (or no one).

You're fighting a battle that started decades before you were terminated/aborted into the world, picked up out of the bucket they threw you into and hosed down, clattered around sufficiently to addle your tiny brain, and then sent out into the wider world as a sort of spastic experiment: how long until your rage begins, how intense it is, how best to contain it, and when to snuff it out.

And that's the point, Jimmy.

Nothing you say or do changes anything anywhere.

Not even here, your only social outlet.

Sad bastard.
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Let me clarify that for you, Wooftie: no, they don't hate themselves and they don't hate you either. They don't even know you fucking exist, you stupid fucking cunt. Why are you in such a permanent rage anyway, cunty? Did yer Ma slap you around a bit too much? Or was it your Da abused you? Your fascination with all things pedophile is telling, y'know? if I were you I'd move on - you've been trying to pick that shite off your fat arse for years at this stage.

If you want to play with kids, say so - don't be telling everyone else that they're the ones with the problem.

You're the problem, you stupid cunt.

So tell us all in any way: why did you choose the username 'Wolf'?

Are you a wolf?


See, that's probably why you look like such a fucking loser, wolves are lone creatures, you're a social animal, one that can't survive without your pack around you. So no, you're not even aware of how wolves live. You're so fucking dumb it makes me want to 3D print an emoji of a thumbs-up and smash your rotten teeth out with it.




That's right, Wooftie - fuck the Irish.

By the way, it's currently 27 Celsius here in beautiful Helsinki, Finland - world's happiest country - seven years on the trot.

Mental, isn't it?

I mean, that it's ME who's getting the royalty treatment up here in a foreign land. Must break your cold black heart to even consider it, let alone actualize the simple facts that you are where you are and getting the traditional Irish treatment while I am where I am laughing at you. The babes, Wolfy, the babes are wall to wall. The sunshine and heat means they're all in little summer dresses and because they're not Catholics, they're well aware of of how a high skirt-line affects the boys and has us giving her the nod.

You? You're surrounded by ugly Irish slappers, fat cunts in high heels they can't even fucking walk in. Pissed drunk, always angry, always on the mooch, always stabbing you in the back, and always like a sack of rotten spuds in the bedroom department. get used to those milky-white fat thighs and big flabby tits down to her belly-button - just like your granny.

Poor wolfy - always angry, always disappointed, always in awe of the Mowl.

Pain in the hole the way Declan won't let you reply to me, eh?

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