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Sure my Ma and yours are 'Dublin gurriers' to Val.

'Hoors, jackeens, that sort of aul' craic' as he would say.

Anything not stinking of slurry and rat droppings is all 'modren an' cosmopolitan' to our Val.
Motherfucking rat bastard motherfucker's melts, the whole ferret-faced little brood of them.

I don't think I've ever seen such tasteless, pig-ugly, cheap, acne-ridden, and rotten-toothed fuckers as the Feeeney clan.
💡Da Amerikay constitution

Don't mind Feeney's bullshit about Arsefield's content being "protected" under the US constitution. The US constitution concerns public spaces / government institutions.

GoDaddy.com are a private company who are well within their rights to make whatever rules they deem fit, aka. just like YouTube are. Seen as Arsefielders love capitalism so much let's give them a taste of how it actually operates, e.g. Val loves capitalism until he whinges left, right and centre about a capitalist, private company such as YouTube (which is not the public square) taking action against him, on the platform they own.

Arsefielders, what a bunch of fucking imbeciles - imbeciles who wouldn't know their arse from their elbow if their lives depended on it.
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