Excellent summation there.
99% of Jambo's output is other people's videos, articles, you name it - but he thinks it passes for original content because 'he had to go looking to find it' before copying it off whatever site and then lashing it up on here like he's the most original monkey-wrench online.
Nobody cares, Jambo - I've been telling you this for some years by now - along with some very positive advice: kill yourself.
Everyone loathes you, you haven't a single supporter or team-mate - because you're basically a cunt of the highest order.
And you know it, you revel in it, it makes you feel alive and your day wouldn't be complete without you having gone out of your way to upset someone. Anyone. And it's because you have nobody in real life either. Just you, a strange loner with weird ideas and your CDs of Oasis albums from 1996. What a fucking total fail in every possible way?
Do it - kill yourself, it'll be single most original and appreciated act of your entire existence.