
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110353

The Olympics thread is locked for some reason so I have to post this here

Because, Wendy, people like you would be shiteing on about it till the next one. With anti-'woke' or muh masonic upside down Satanic hand signals, Christ is King! videos etc.

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-110527

All you are, at the end of the day, is a mentally retarded, insane Irish nationalist who never stops braying about 'ethnic-nationalism'.
Poor Mowl, doesn't understand that a Zionist is an ethnic nationalist

I'll give one thing to roc_abilly roc_abilly, he has poor Mowl wrapped around his little finger


Why would I care about anything you have to say about Keith Woods (or anyone else for that matter), Jimmy?

Oasis CDs: check
Liam Gallagher-style fancy military coat: check
Slab of cheap lager: check
Packet of imported Marlboro lights: check
Skins: check
Mobile device: check
Dole card: check
Tissues for wanks: check
Meds for rage: check
Meds for sleepy-times: check


Attendance at migrant protests: nope
Actual community work: nope
Heterosexuality: nope
Leaves the house occasionally: nope
Has friends: nope
Has family: nope
Has hope: nope
"If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab Nationalism). Zionist not only believe that jews have the right to claim a ethno-nationalist state of their own but also belive that they are the only racial/ethnic group that has the right to claim so. This comes from a purely racial supremacist mentality."

Poor Mowl,

Mowl's rather far away from poor, Jimmy.

In fact, the things I actually value as being part of my personal wealth aren't even necessarily tied to cash dollar money - or material things.

They're all about freedom, choice, quality of life, options to change both tack and track, the security of my migrant life, my happiness quotient in Finnish terms, autonomy, and the sense of being part of a society so far ahead of Ireland that it's convinced me there's nothing whatsoever to be gained from maintaining any connection to the shit-hole country of my birth. You can have her, she's a slut. With scabies.

I can accept that these things mean nothing to a layabout like you: after all - the dole/welfare in Ireland does offer you a certain guarantee that your €235 a week will keep you in drink, frozen pizzas, telephony, and smokes. All in all, you're doing quite well for an idiot of your calibre.

doesn't understand that a Zionist is an ethnic nationalist

Don't care either.

And the only reason you do is to have something that distracts from the hopelessness of your current living conditions.

Something to keep your tiny and hopeless mind ticking over until 'De Grate Revelay-shun' kicks in.

Who the fuck gives a shit about Jewish philosophy anyway, you banal little wanker.

I'll give one thing to roc_abilly roc_abilly, he has poor Mowl wrapped around his little finger

We make a good team when it comes to stripping you of your Liam Gallagher raincoat that everyone can see you for the tiny-dick loser you are.

"If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab Nationalism). Zionist not only believe that jews have the right to claim a ethno-nationalist state of their own but also belive that they are the only racial/ethnic group that has the right to claim so. This comes from a purely racial supremacist mentality."

Michael Corleone?

He can't write, or spell.


This is precisely how you waste your meaningless life.

Let's say you're right?

Then what?

Or let's say you're wrong: then what?


Same difference - and you'll still be sitting on your hole waiting for the next dole cheque to arrive.

Nothing you say matters to anyone.

Clearly, the Jews have you right where they want you, right?

I mean, they're obviously really really worried about the things you say and how you say them - right? Never mind to whom (or no one).

You're fighting a battle that started decades before you were terminated/aborted into the world, picked up out of the bucket they threw you into and hosed down, clattered around sufficiently to addle your tiny brain, and then sent out into the wider world as a sort of spastic experiment: how long until your rage begins, how intense it is, how best to contain it, and when to snuff it out.

And that's the point, Jimmy.

Nothing you say or do changes anything anywhere.

Not even here, your only social outlet.

Sad bastard.
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Let me clarify that for you, Wooftie: no, they don't hate themselves and they don't hate you either. They don't even know you fucking exist, you stupid fucking cunt. Why are you in such a permanent rage anyway, cunty? Did yer Ma slap you around a bit too much? Or was it your Da abused you? Your fascination with all things pedophile is telling, y'know? if I were you I'd move on - you've been trying to pick that shite off your fat arse for years at this stage.

If you want to play with kids, say so - don't be telling everyone else that they're the ones with the problem.

You're the problem, you stupid cunt.

So tell us all in any way: why did you choose the username 'Wolf'?

Are you a wolf?


See, that's probably why you look like such a fucking loser, wolves are lone creatures, you're a social animal, one that can't survive without your pack around you. So no, you're not even aware of how wolves live. You're so fucking dumb it makes me want to 3D print an emoji of a thumbs-up and smash your rotten teeth out with it.




That's right, Wooftie - fuck the Irish.

By the way, it's currently 27 Celsius here in beautiful Helsinki, Finland - world's happiest country - seven years on the trot.

Mental, isn't it?

I mean, that it's ME who's getting the royalty treatment up here in a foreign land. Must break your cold black heart to even consider it, let alone actualize the simple facts that you are where you are and getting the traditional Irish treatment while I am where I am laughing at you. The babes, Wolfy, the babes are wall to wall. The sunshine and heat means they're all in little summer dresses and because they're not Catholics, they're well aware of of how a high skirt-line affects the boys and has us giving her the nod.

You? You're surrounded by ugly Irish slappers, fat cunts in high heels they can't even fucking walk in. Pissed drunk, always angry, always on the mooch, always stabbing you in the back, and always like a sack of rotten spuds in the bedroom department. get used to those milky-white fat thighs and big flabby tits down to her belly-button - just like your granny.

Poor wolfy - always angry, always disappointed, always in awe of the Mowl.

Pain in the hole the way Declan won't let you reply to me, eh?



Ah jaze, would you look what's after only turning up in the BBC archives:

Mowl Mowl, any thoughts about how Ketamine might have caused Matthew Perry's death?

Recalling that the 60's "neuronauts", researchers like John Lilly, used to take collossal amounts. Lilly even took it through an IV drip to get the maximum amount possible, while he was inside a sensory deprivation tank, towards the development of his "inter-species communication" dolphins project. Its advantage over LSD was that the more you took the higher you got, whereas with LSD there was a limit to how far out you could get.

I can understand someone not properly grounded in the world, whether through science, like Lilly, or through their social relations, having a major psychosis. But ketamine actually killing someone? I suspect there must have been some other drug involved.
I've never used Ketamine myself, so I wouldn't know. Last time it was near me was a show out in Maynooth University with Keltic Posse sometime in the nineties (actually Therapy? opened the show that night - Fyffe Ewing burst my bass-drum head, I had to cover the gash with a tin beer tray) and it was a rather odd scenario. The kids weren't drinking very much, there was a bar in the hall but they mostly sat on the floor hugging each other. Later in the evening and towards the end of our set, they were sort of limping around and leaning on each other, and some others were literally crawling on the floor.

I was invited to an after party same night and was offered some pills in someone's rented student house. I refused the pills politely but the girl who invited me took some more. After a while she was gurning so badly I couldn't stop laughing at her facial contortions. She was cute, but not cute enough for me to stick around and end up shagging a jelly-legged part-human part-biological experiment with her eyes rolling around in her head. So I split and put it down to experience.

Here's an odd one: up here, I've asked some local friends/connections if they can get me some things I'd like to try even once before I die. They asked what I wanted. I asked for some clean heroin, clean crack, clean methamphetamine, and modern ecstasy: that they were all passed and clean and safe and that I could experiment here at home in relative safety. They all laughed at me and told me to: 'forget it, and fuck off - there's no fucking way I'm giving you any of these things. And if I hear of anyone else doing it, they're in trouble too'.

Which on the one hand is very reassuring, but on the other I now know that if I wanted to try them anyway, nobody I know will give me any and so I'd have to hit the streets, which only a complete fucking lunatic would do in this town. But I still want to try, just once. I'm confident that the next experience I'll have outside my normal routine is to attend an Ayahaushka ceremony in an old friend's farmhouse out beyond the airport in Dublin. That's next time I'm home, issues of the day permitting. He runs a society of people based on the farm and has a number of things going on that I'll have to see first before I consider my next move.

It's a side of drug-taking/sourcing I never really considered: 'hi, can I get one dose of smack to chase, one dose of meta-amphetamine, one ecstasy pill and some crack, please?'

No - fuck off.

Ahh, go on?

No - scram.


I said fuck off.

Damn it.
I think your Finnish friends are right. I wouldn't feel like tempting fate myself. That said though, the one drug I've very rarely done, loathed because of a number of observations I've made about it, cocaine, I might take up when I'm very old and start to slow down in a way that I can't overcome by regular intense physical exertion. Maybe then the added pep you can get from it will be justified.

I recall in my late teens, a week of using hash that was heavily laced with ketamine which we were smoking through big bongs. That was a very strange week. The high was highly dissociative, long lasting, "outer body". I was looking down on myself and my group of friends from about 12 foot up, and 12 foot to the side, basically for the whole week. It was eerie.

I'm not sure what the attraction is in a club situation. I too saw clubs, in New York, with clubbers on special K as it was called, sitting around on the floor. I couldn't work it out. I suppose it was "different", and I suppose in New York, at that time, there was always that search for something different.

Anyway, that Matthew Perry story is a strange one. It's a strange drug. I think you need to harbour a few strange inclinations in yourself to gravitate to it as a drug of choice. But I don't know how it can kill you. Well I suppose if you take a lot, and go to somewhere you're not able for, your heart might give out with the fright and the stress. Especially for someone of Perry's age, and I think he might have been in poor health.
I think your Finnish friends are right. I wouldn't feel like tempting fate myself. That said though, the one drug I've very rarely done, loathed because of a number of observations I've made about it, cocaine, I might take up when I'm very old and start to slow down in a way that I can't overcome by regular intense physical exertion. Maybe then the added pep you can get from it will be justified.

I recall in my late teens, a week of using hash that was heavily laced with ketamine which we were smoking through big bongs. That was a very strange week. The high was highly dissociative, long lasting, "outer body". I was looking down on myself and my group of friends from about 12 foot up, and 12 foot to the side, basically for the whole week. It was eerie.

I'm not sure what the attraction is in a club situation. I too saw clubs, in New York, with clubbers on special K as it was called, sitting around on the floor. I couldn't work it out. I suppose it was "different", and I suppose in New York, at that time, there was always that search for something different.

Anyway, that Matthew Perry story is a strange one. It's a strange drug. I think you need to harbour a few strange inclinations in yourself to gravitate to it as a drug of choice. But I don't know how it can kill you. Well I suppose if you take a lot, and go to somewhere you're not able for, your heart might give out with the fright and the stress. Especially for someone of Perry's age, and I think he might have been in poor health.

It's definitely true that Perry had a long-term drug problem. I recall some time just after his death that he (had) said that he could tell exactly which drug he was on during any episode or season of episodes just by looking at his posture. I find the show trite and shallow, I could never understand people's reactions to it and the fact that it was on multiple channels every day and night for years. Six white kids in New York, token blacks include? Can't recall many. There was a statement made that the series was based on a black/coloured person's show of a similar nature which was ripped off to make the version with white middle-class New Yorkers, but I can't recall the title of the show.

Like the Simpsons, Friends seems to be everywhere all the time, even up here in Finland they still show it most evenings. On the weekends they show multiple shows to fill in hours of viewing at a time. The ladies seem to like it more so than the blokes do: every girl in the world wanted hair like the Rachel actor, along with her tits, legs, make-up, and clothes. The other one, who married an Irish bloke from some Irish band, apparently got loads of surgery done to her face and neck and came out of hospital looking like a highway smash-up between an artic full of raw chicken wings and another artic full of horse fat.

But yeah, the party I went to that night was stranger than the gig was: they all sat on the floor, all the armchairs were empty and gangs of them scattered around, some behind the sofa in their own little microcosm, others on their hands and knees clawing blissfully about. Didn't look like much fun to me. In the early nineties, myself and my two housemates threw parties every weekend for one summer with a limited guest-list and themed events. The first one was a lemon party (not my idea) but my housemate went to the markets and bought up loads of fresh lemons which we scattered all over the place. The smell was delicious. We'd all take a hit of ecstasy at the same time and then party on through the night into the early dawn. Music, yes - but not banging techno, more like laid back hip-hop, dub-step, low tempo drum&bass sort of vibe.

Lovely times, never a bad word or gesture, everyone got to be themselves and do what they liked.

Haven't tried ecstasy since, but would love to have one more dance before I clock off.

I have a tub of mushroom powder in the fridge one of the guys gave me months and months ago, and I haven't gotten around to eating them/making tea.

Just can't seem to find the right moment.

Or maybe it's just me telling me to cop the fuck on - I'm not a teenager anymore.
'Friends' was horrible. I couldn't believe it became the phenomenon it did. The whole premise was tragic. It was cringeworthy. I was made sit through it a couple of times, and I just had the thought in my head all through it that millions of lonely young Americans watched this show, and lived vicariously through it, imagining the friendships depicted as something to aspire to. It was a kind of satire on American life, the falseness of it, the shallow aspirations, an essentially empty but busy life, an inner neediness, and constant desire for continual affirmation. It spoke to everything that was beginning to go wrong in the world. The deluge of cliches made me feel like vomiting. Maybe no wonder that Perry went the way he did.
'The Simpsons' was fucking stupid too. I can appreciate it as a fantastic piece of script writing. But it was a bit like that column in the IT, the rugby fellow. It just went on and on when it should have been knocked on the head after a couple of seasons.
'Friends' was horrible. I couldn't believe it became the phenomenon it did. The whole premise was tragic. It was cringeworthy. I was made sit through it a couple of times, and I just had the thought in my head all through it that millions of lonely young Americans watched this show, and lived vicariously through it, imagining the friendships depicted as something to aspire to. It was a kind of satire on American life, the falseness of it, the shallow aspirations, an essentially empty but busy life, an inner neediness, and constant desire for continual affirmation. It spoke to everything that was beginning to go wrong in the world. The deluge of cliches made me feel like vomiting. Maybe no wonder that Perry went the way he did.

Wasn't the conclusion death by drowning/misadventure?

Dude went out the same way he lived: pepped up from first thing in the morning - then drinking strong coffee all day with more and more reds to keep him up. Seems the ketamine hit him hard, he passed out in the hot tub, slid down under the surface and wham: life over. Which is hardly surprising: ketamine's also used for tranquilizing horses.
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Has Jimmy been screaming and balling for another nappy change?

That cheap-assed Dutch Gold lager rots the liver and the bloodstream.
E Electricity

Off moderation. This time please abide by the new rule concerning all tweets, screenshots, Telegram links etc. being kept in the bellow thread.

That Jambo chap is unfortunately a bit of a clown. It doesn't really matter how much rope you give to him, or not give to him, he'll still work out a way to do a Michael Hutchence with it.
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