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I always go to Turkish barbers. They serve a proper apprenticeship. It is a bit like barmen in ireland, the old barbers of Turkey. Same with Cypriots. Handy trade, like, hardly likely to run out of business and all you need you can carry around with you without needing a van.

Yuk Yuk Yolla.

The fun part about that is that the Turk's only do one style of haircut. I mean, in North Korea every barber's shop has a poster they stick up on the wall with eight slightly different styles of hair, of which you get to pick one and then live with it until next time. That they're all pretty much the same cut, training to become a barber in North Korea takes about forty minutes.

What I love about these Turkish lads is the joke they're puling off day after day in Ireland. The classic hipster style, which is - without a shadow of doubt beard, the style your average Middle-Eastern terrorist wears: long beard and the bottom, then nothing at all around nostril to eyebrow level, then a little pile of hair turned upward and into a circular pony-tail worn at the crown of the head. And the Irish hipsters love it.

The cut is what it is because when Jamal the happy Muslim puts on his head-rag, the clean shaven area from nostril height to eyebrow height is where the rag is tied tight to his skull - and having hair under it tends to tickle and tug, depending which way you turn your head. I say your head, but you know I mean Jamal's head.

Irish hipster's walk around utterly oblivious to the sniggers of his Muslim neighbours who find his cuckolded hairstyle highly hilarious.

Half of those fucking dopes you see parading up and down O'Connell Street protesting Jamal, his religion, his language, his big fuck-off machete, and his haircut, are all star-struck by their apparently 'Oirish' hairstyles - and they feel good in it because every other (non bald) bloke has one. No wonder Jamal and the lads can't stop laughing at poor Paddy. Neither can the Turks, who are selling Islam to Ireland by the pound.

Dan claims his spoiled brat son bought a $58,500 car upfront, with cash.


How many would be needed to do a 100% job on Dan?

Oh shut up.

Oh shut up.

That kid's rightly fucked up in the head department.

His Ma, god bless her ugly mug - must have clattered him off every wall in the house when he woke her up needing a nappy change in the middle of the night. His aul fella likely did the same - but not for the same reasons - it was mainly because the little cunt was an accident. Dave thought he was doing her up the jaxie, but it turned out her fanny always smelled like that.

If he wants a clean slate to begin again - he should really just top himself.
Politics.ie has gone off radar. Coupled with the utter funeral of a dive The Irish Site was, this beckons the end of online banter and lampooning as we know it. It's amazing that some stalwart characters like The Field Mouse and Tadhg Gaelach have managed to stay away from chat boards for as long as they have, but I guess they grow old and die just like your granny. Now the likes of Jambo see their options to spam tweets and telegrams diminish before their very eyes, so sites like this one may well end up in a bottleneck-reaching-a-pile-up on the Long Mile Road.

Politics.ie is the oldest political chat board I'm aware of, and the Isle is the youngest. And smartest. And most stylish. And most frequented by interesting people with interesting lives and angles of their own rather than dying old goats and miserable granddads and grannies - as per P.ie. Nobody anywhere east of the Rio Grande takes Arsefield's seriously, not with Roundy Kelly at the helm. Backed up by Val and Saul Bucket doesn't help matters much, but it is what it is.

It must kick the likes of Golah/Swordid in the nuts never ever getting any appreciation for the sheer man hours wasted moderating these kips. They never even tell the thick cunt they're closing down. He has to find out by himself, by clicking the link, seeing it gone, then pissing his pants and shitting his computer chair/wheelchair/small pet donkey. Swordid must have given around 94.04% of his worthless life to working for strangers for free. Free as in no money now, none later, and even less after that. But what else can he do? He's housebound, hasn't breathed fresh air since 1973, during the rainy season. His wheelchair has an awful squeak in one wheel and the other's punctured since Queen took the stage at Live Aid in 1996. The poor auld bollocks is well past his sell-by date, starting to smell of wee-wee, rarely washes, only eats dried foods he can heat up in his microwave, and always microwaves his vests before putting one on.

When that guy who opened P.ie fucked off and got a real job, the world ended for most Piesters.

So they resurrected the site and let it limp on to see how it fared: well, that didn't work out too well, now did it?

Poor Jambo: without P.ie to refer to as Gaychat, he has less options for fun today than he did yesterday. He's been in his flowers for a week or so about his tweets and telegrams and he's basically doing an Enoch Burke on the Isle by only showing up when he isn't wanted or needed. Perhaps he's in the process of changing gender? For the craic, like?

Bye bye, P.ie.
Time to do or die.
Die it is so.

* not exactly a haiku but you get the jist..
Dan claims his spoiled brat son bought a $58,500 car upfront, with cash.

The little cunt robbed it, more like.
They're banging on about cloud seeding in the States and Canada now.

These mongrels can't see the wood for the trees. All those air streams you see high-flying jets leave in their wake is nothing more than the pee-pee of so many passengers, and the jets leak streams of it in their wakes like dogs pissing on all four corners of their territory. It's marks their space, you see.

'I don't fly in your wake so you don't piss on my wings' type schtick.

All the gang on Arsefield's are bulling about how shit this summer was in Ireland. Like it's news? Every summer is uniformly fucking HORRIBLE in Ireland, on that you can lay good money. Meanwhile up here in Happy Land, we're still basking in plus twenty-five and clear blue skies, and more of it to come for the next week at the least. It's been really awesome this year, the weekends in particular have been blessed with amazing weather, so we all hit the beaches and sail out to the islands here in the south, while some head way up north into the wilds to have their fun there.

I love Finnish seasons - they're so abrupt and they turn within a few days from one to the next. The sun will continue to shine until the first snows arrive, and it'll be as magical as it ever is. If you're not a fan of deep winters, stay away - you won't like it up here.

We definitely don't need scabs the likes of Arsefield's hosts coming up and destroying the good reputations of the few Irish there are in Finland.

There are more Finns in Ireland than vice-versa: bet you didn't clock that one?

Dear sweet fucking Jaze, but you're one sad and angry old man, Wooftie.

Is it bollock trouble that has you so demented and angry with life and the world?

Is it tiny, pale, flaccid, wrinkly, and covered in grey hairs?

Your wife, I mean?

Something's definitely wrong when you're quoting and arguing with yourself, Woofts.
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