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It is, but it's still better than Mick Martin's hopeless efforts.

Martin's a diplomat, a well-heeled and hugely experienced politician.

McGregor's a knacker from Crumlin, he made good on his own two feet, and me being from Ballyer, I know what that cost.
Feeney's falling over himself with the compliments.

I regularly hear someone say to me about a book, "it's very well written", to recommend it to me.

But as I get older, I find the genuine and interesting ideas are more likely to be found in the "badly written" books.

It's similar to the likes of McGregor or Tommy Robinson. I'm not saying their ideas are better or worse than anyone else's. But they are genuine, even if "badly written" so to speak.

You can tell what they're saying comes from lived experience, and from speaking genuinely with their own communities. They are genuine opinions, based in the real world.

They are at odds with the likes of Jambo's or Micheal Martin's "opinions". I'm speaking of basically instititionalised fuckwits, reading from some kind of crib sheet or other, and who have developed their life's "convictions" on an entirely different basis.

So let anyone get up and even if they splutter or use some ill advised phrases, or cliches, or have a "rough" accent, or whatever, let them speak. Let's hear what they have to say; what they're trying to say.

I think the distinction between listenable and boo the arsehole off the stage should be if they're bleating from a hymn sheet, like Jambo or Micheal Martin or Simon Harris inevitably do.

Explain yourself. Where are YOU coming from. What do YOU want. Do YOUR best to try and get it across. Who cares about that American type "polished delivery" that we all seem to now expect (that more often than not covers up the saying of absolutely nothing that matters, or is novel, or actually means something).

That's all there is. Or should be, at least.
Can't believe McGregor referred to us as America's little bro, what an absolute tool.

Had he called us little lapdog pups, he'd have been nearer the mark.

Ireland leads the world in precisely fuck all bar bullshitting and trying to con everyone that we're something we really aren't.

The very things that drove me to leave and never return.

This is not the house with the green kitchen tiles and piles of trash everywhere, so it must be the family house where the Ma lives.

Look at the state of the joinery above his head on the archway?

Looks like Mister Reilly from Fawlty Towers best work.


So if he's using the main house for his latest broadcasts that must mean herself's either either off on her hollibobs or dead in the freezer.
Sure my Ma and yours are 'Dublin gurriers' to Val.

'Hoors, jackeens, that sort of aul' craic' as he would say.

Anything not stinking of slurry and rat droppings is all 'modren an' cosmopolitan' to our Val.
Motherfucking rat bastard motherfucker's melts, the whole ferret-faced little brood of them.

I don't think I've ever seen such tasteless, pig-ugly, cheap, acne-ridden, and rotten-toothed fuckers as the Feeeney clan.
💡Da Amerikay constitution

Don't mind Feeney's bullshit about Arsefield's content being "protected" under the US constitution. The US constitution concerns public spaces / government institutions.

GoDaddy.com are a private company who are well within their rights to make whatever rules they deem fit, aka. just like YouTube are. Seen as Arsefielders love capitalism so much let's give them a taste of how it actually operates, e.g. Val loves capitalism until he whinges left, right and centre about a capitalist, private company such as YouTube (which is not the public square) taking action against him, on the platform they own.

Arsefielders, what a bunch of fucking imbeciles - imbeciles who wouldn't know their arse from their elbow if their lives depended on it.

Let's see now:

James Dawson - account plus tens of thousands of posts, all deleted.
Jimmy D - account plus thousands of posts, all deleted.
Electricity - account plus tens of thousands of posts, all deleted.
Liam Gallagher - account plus thousands of posts, all deleted.
U2 Documentary - account plus thousands of posts, all deleted.
AN1 - account plus hundreds of posts, all deleted.
Oasis Fan - account plus thousands of posts, all deleted.
AN2 - 1739 posts, 637 LIKES, and still dragging his arse across Keith Woods face.

So a bit like with Jambo's 'millions won, millions lost' spoofery with the tiddlywinks sites, his actual millions are all deleted posts and banned accounts.


Glass houses rattle the loudest, Jambo.

You sad little cunt.

Of course it's difficult - even more difficult when you weigh in at around forty-eight stone.

Does the person who 'walks' with you leave any footprints, Roundy? No? Ahh, see.

Love this little sentence: 'So 3 days I did no walk..'

Say it quickly twice or three times and see how what comes out the other end.

Everybody walks every day, you stupid fat fool - and give over with the 'work' bullshit, you shitehawk street-walking loser busker. Try updating you crappy bright yellow, pink, and lime green 'custom tours' site, you enormous pansy. As for your stationary bike? I can just see you sitting on it in your y-fronts, sweating like a stuck pig, gasping for breath, watching the telly and eyeballing the kitchen for the next massive feed of cheeseburgers and fries.

Enjoy the setting suns of the next few weeks, you'll dead of a heart attack by year's end - at best.

Seeya Fatso.
Don't be kidding yourself, Jambo - you don't have any political opinions.

What you have is Keith Woods 'political opinions'.

Which makes you his little bitch, eh.
Jambo needs to STFU about never visiting Isle. Everyone knows that he has no life outside of online forums, so he's not fooling anybody.
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