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He's doing Trojan work in destroying Arsefield's. That new bloke It Was What It Is or whatever has put Jimmy Dawson on ignore because he doesn't want to play 'rabbit-holing' with him. So he can't be all that stupid if he managed to clock Jambo's game this early. It took Tigger the tiger three months to clock what Jambo's all about. Then he quit altogether, leaving the site with a flounce. Same with Wilfie, the big brave bollocks who never shuts up weeping into his tins of Dutch Gold, and he too had to put Jambo out with the garbage when he finally clocked what was going on.

It just amazes me that people can actually fall for Jambo's bullshit.

But it also makes my job of lampooning the whole shower of them much easier: I don't have to lift a finger, Arsefield's will be down to your man Swordid still pretending to be a woman, Declan lying about his food intake and having to walk everywhere because he can't afford a cab, and Jambo - slapping the pair of them around with his bullshit.

Poor Roundy - he's paying out to host Jimmy Dawson, who's trying to destroy his site because he hates the fat fool more than you and I together.

It's some fucking clown show.
Absolutely love this post.

What I suspected of ye when I made that last post is correct. I do not know what ye are, but ye are not of use to Irish Nationalism or anything useful regards anything of the Irish people going forward. I made a mistake ever conversing with ye further, I was trying to be nice, my mistake.

Ye need to get off the internet lad, and if ye want to push your ns stuff, you go right ahead and see where it gets ye in Ireland. I am putting ye on ignore now, where this forum was only for putting complete nonsense out after the old one died. It is bad at this point, and anyone following this clown and his ns nonsense, if he every has the balls to do so publicly, is ending up on a government list at best.

I am done with this thread.
The surprising thing here is that, of all the goons fooled/bored by Jambo's maggoting around, it's actually Jambo himself who genuinely thinks that his codswallop carries some weight. That any of it should be taken seriously. So the biggest plonker here is himself. The conversations between him and Swordid are fucking hilarious. Trying to put the entire world and everyone in it on the head of a pin. Day after day, going nowhere except around and around the same loop coming to the same conclusion every fucking time.




Not even Clamp-Connolly's posting his ~ usual, eh ~ bullshite ! ! !
Jambo is a me féiner who has no loyalty to anything or anybody. It's only a matter of time before Dan and his mods does something he doesn't like, followed by:

▪︎A temper tantrum

▪︎Demands for a GDPR.

▪︎He joins another forum two hours later, berating Arsefield's- the very website he was praising yesterday.

▪︎Someone will do something he doesn't like on that website.

▪︎Throws a fit and demands a GDPR.

▪︎Back to Arsefield's, where the likes of Mandy are kissing his arse, praising Jambo for his "wise" decision in returning to join the rest of the lager louts on Arsefield's.

Wash, rinse, repeat into eternity.
99% of Irish people are mé féiners....cute hoors who'd throw their own grandmother under a bus if there were a few shillings to be made in doing so.

Paddy cares about himself, and to hell with everyone else. It's why Ireland has been so easy to divide and conquer over the past thousand years, and why the type of nationalism which Arsefielders seek to impose can never come about, aka. Paddy is selfish and couldn't give a toss if a hundred military aged Arab men move into the local parish, if there's a few shillings to be made at the pub or b&b he owns then he's all for it. Sure, he'll feign how he's disgusted about all dem foryners cumin in, but his actions on the sly will speak otherwise.
As we discussed privately only yesterday, a lot of the whining about inward immigration and the large numbers of 'foreigners' in Ireland is down to the fact that, from the period from the late 1990's through to 2010, you were actively seeking to import anyone you could convince that it was a good idea to move to Ireland for work. Work like all those shitty jobs you were too proud to do yourselves, like scrubbing toilets, like proffering aftershave in said toilets while dressed in a rented tuxedo, surrounded by the smell of piss, shit, bleach, and cheap aftershave. The same immigrant lads who scrubbed your streets and lived a frugal life and who later married and had kids and now those kids have come of age and are disgruntled at the shitty deal they got as you are looking at them react to their shitty quality of life.

Unfortunately, it's not legal to boot them all out now that you've no use for them. They're in town to stay, so you'd better find a way to accommodate that simple reality lest you spend the rest of your days angry and ready to burn the fuckers out if you thought you could get away with it. You actively sought them out to come over and start a new life on the blighted little rock you call home. They now run the same businesses they started out as lackeys for when they arrived. They now employ Irish people and tell Irish people what to do, when to do it, and how to do it properly. I know that sticks in the craw of many of your (supposed) nationalist types, but facts are facts - you dug your own hole, you stupid fucking cunts. Now you better learn how to get comfortable in them.

It was all so easy back then, eh. The banks sending out credit cards with €10,000 overdrafts and limits to totally unemployable mongs and other chancers who grabbed it and started partying like there was no tomorrow. Well, they were right - because this is your tomorrow and you're still €235Bn in the hole, lads. That's your debt, not mine. I got smart real fast:

First, get out of Ireland set up base elsewhere, but keep an active company going and on the Irish books. Collect/build up a network/grid of clients dependable enough to warrant booking a return flight so you can hit, do the work, get paid, then leave when the season's done. Run the business as though you're actually there on the ground rather than on the other side of Europe. Keep your mouth shut about where you're actually domiciled, and trust no-one outside of family with the actual hard facts. Try to keep the payments in cash and if not, thenuse a fake company name you can dispose of at any time. Never try to take over €10,000 in a single hit and run seasonal work period, keep an account in Ireland too (I used Permanent TSB) to stash the excess cash until next trip home. If you are paid by cheque, run it through the building society and launder it. Save what you make and take it with you so you have a nice quality of life with the security of knowing you have a fail-safe back home already set up. Remember that any emotional or patriotic feelings you have about Ireland are illusions: Ireland's a fucking dump, a rotten little shithole country. Never allow yourself to get too attached to anything Irish bar making money, you should be prepared to leave at a moment's notice should you feel you need or have to.

I hired lots of people over the years: I paid them in cash, didn't ask for any details other than that they were reliable, up to my standards, didn't interfere with the running of things, and didn't ask me too many questions either. Few of my clients knew I lived abroad. I had no need to tell them either, so they felt good about hiring me thinking they were contributing to Ireland's arts and culture - which is what I told them they were doing when they paid me. Be prepared for some clients to try to stiff you. This is Ireland we're talking about.

If you really think things are bad now, then wait another ten years. By then your immigrants won't be immigrants any more, they'll be residents with the same rights and entitlements you have. You may not like them, they may like you either, but you're stuck with each and there's no changing that. Be prepared to see lots of aspects of your culture and lifestyle both change and disappear. Your language is dead. Your arts and musical cultures are also homogenizing. You'll never have another U2 or Thin Lizzy any more than you'll have another Joyce or Beckett: that aspect of Ireland and Irish culture is already diluted and fake.

Starvation makes true art, as does suffering, pennilessness, hopelessness, and even homelessness.
Your unwanted immigrants are now your neighbours, there's no changing that either.
They'll soon be running far bigger things than stolen phone and laptop outlets, cycling hot food deliveries to your door, and spitting on your pizzas.
You may even find that one day you'll have to shake one of their hands and agree to the terms they're offering you.
You can refuse it all you like, but there's another sucker right behind, so it makes fuck all difference to the reality of things.

You are where you are because you're Irish, because you swallowed the Kool Aid and took the bribes.

Those are your own problems, you made them for yourself and you have to solve them for far more people than just yourself.

Yapping about nationalism changes nothing, achieves nothing, and means nothing.

This is your life: get fucking used to it.


I'm having so much fun: and it's a Friday evening with blazing sunshine and blue skies over Helsinki, in the happiest little country in the world.
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