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Another great all-American car park in the middle of fucking nowhere.

The van isn't a rental after all - he was hired to drive it across the states because hiring a fat little Paddy-whack gomb is far cheaper than having it delivered by rail or truck. Every car park from the Pacific to the north Atlantic - now home to one of Roundy's little turds. He's too tight to pay for the jacks, so he shits in a bag in the back of the van, then leaves it as a souvenir after necking seven cheeseburgers and three liters of Pepsi in seconds flat.

Cannonball run is right - those cheeseburgers tear through him: imagine the smell off the driver's seat?


'I was never in Germany but what a vile kip it has become'

How the fuck would you know then, arm-chair Boy?

You never leave the fucking house and the only Germany you've ever seen is via the little yellow guy on Google maps.

'...with these animals about ......if I lived there...'

You live in the schticks, you pathetic little cunt: Monaghan, the single most grey, bland, miserable, wet, damp, filthy, stinking shithole town on the planet.

'I would definitely carry at least a Stanley with fresh blade at all times..'

For what? To try to get some work in a butcher's shop? To offer to cut people's hair on the streets? To slice into your veins and do us all a fucking favour?

'1000% this cunt is one of the ones Assad wants to hang..'

All this big talk out of you lately merely demonstrates how malleable and gullible you really are, Saul Bucket. You want hangings, shootings, stonings, beheadings, gut-ripping, and hands lopped off? Have you any fucking idea how utterly sad and pathetic you are? In - the whole weekend - yapping about murder and strife, sitting in your armchair armed with a cup of tea and three Marietta biscuits with knobs of butter, with a lace doily under the cup lest it stain the arm rests on the laminated armchair your wife bought on the cheap and had covered before being brought home for you to put in a few hours getting your butt groove sorted for the long haul.

You really ought to read back over your posts across the last year: you went from a meek and mild gopher to murderous villain in a few short months.

Radical Buckett - soldier at arms - ready to fight to the death, as soon as he's finished his tay.
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Speaking of Arsefielders, I wonder what the hell Jambo is up to. He must be very busy being a "nationalist".

Mowl said:
Jambo's nationalism: can't speak any language except English and pure bollocks. Hates Irish people, which I'm willing to overlook as I do too. Loves English culture and the closest to Irish culture he finds himself, the more his feet angle themselves at ninety degrees as he mimics Liam Gallagher. Thinks Irish history is worthless old bollocks and refuses to engage with anything historic and Irish.

Speaks a language only the indoctrinated few understand and peppers his comments with tough guy type intimidation, but fails every time. Is single and will remain so until he finds a 100% Irish moth with cash to cover his costs. Has no life outside of online trolling, thinks women playing football is strictly for the gay quarter.

Doesn't have any moral compass, moral convictions, or respect for anything Irish, but demands to right to knock Irish culture every chance he gets. Has no online friends any more than offline friends. Needs a blowjob more than any white man this side of the Rio Grande.

Has a diction and lexicon so peppered with borrowed phrases from The Englishman's Guide To Being A Half-Baked Anarchist it's impossible to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. Is about as interesting as a car crash on the Sneem bypass between two culchies. Has all the originality of thought of a second Valamhic.

Has the personality of a self-loathing Weegie with a broken bottle in his one good hand, and the other picking his nose. Is about as large an embarrassment to Ireland as Ryan Tubridy. Is as boring as the day is long, has one single post which he's repeated non-stop for around eighteen months, and still hasn't made it clear what he's trying to say.

If youtube videos were gold, he'd still be a pauper.

If Telegrams were pork, he'd get food poisoning.

His benefit to this site? Zero.

His benefit to the planet at large? Even less.

His humour quotient? Likely the same as his life savings: fuck all.

A dole head, angry with life and world, probably hated by his own kin, a loner - but not in a good way. A wanker of extraordinary talent with a tissue and a tub of face-cleansing cream of his Ma's. Has about as many fans and as much respect for his efforts as the last mongrel Val slaughtered for supper.

And finally?

He has all the balls of a gimp in a box down in the basement.
Speaking of Arsefielders, I wonder what the hell Jambo is up to. He must be very busy being a "nationalist".

That, or perhaps he's returned to his 'counter-Jihadi' days.

Man, how I laughed at that one.

He said it in all seriousness too, which rather equates him with the Saul Buckett-level intellect.

These guys honestly think they're moving mountains by posting this level of pap. 'Real as fuck' says one of them about the site. Okay, there is a site and there are members, and the members post all day on a variety of subjects. But to what end? Does Saul really imagine there are people out there who read his schtick and then pump their fists in the air like something really big just happened? Or Jambo, referring to his past as a warrior on the counter-Jihadi issue, all dressed up in his Adventure Kit outfit with a little torch, a compass, a fake gun with some pop-caps, a plastic knife and sheath on his belt, and a small strap-on lamp to wear on his forehead when adventuring out into the kitchen for another Dutch Gold from the fridge in the depths of the night.

Toy soldiers are more active. Those tiny little grey or black or brown soldiers you could buy and paint their uniforms yourself with tiny tins of gloss paint that got under your fingernails and took a week to wear off. Action men, in little boxes wearing all sorts of uniforms and carrying tiny replicas of classic guns like the Luger and war items like the British Sten gun. I used to clip off the stars on the Action Man boxes and after filling a little official book with them, sent away to England and three weeks later a package would arrive for me full of the little items I ordered, which I then sold in the school yard to the kids who weren't allowed out onto the actual streets of Ballyer, just their back garden - which they turned into a battlefield to have wars with other tiny soldier collectors.

Fantasy games, based on snippets of movies they've seen on the telly: yet I don't recall even one kid setting up the gas chambers to toast the Jews in. They were telling us all about it in school, but what they were saying to us was a million miles away from the reality we saw on The World At War:

It was hard to equate these two things at age eight. Yeah,we all knew the stories, we saw the bits of film and lots of photos of piles of bodies in huge holes in the ground. Or that one guy who stared the Germans down as he knelt beside what was to become his mass grave in just a moment. Fully dressed, arms behind his back, a look of grim determination on his wizened and heavily bearded face, they pop him and down he falls in to naked morass of limbs and ribs and feet. Or that Vietnamese guy who gets shot in the temple at point blank range: no questions, no time-wasting, just a quick pop down he goes, his face all creased up from the bullet tearing through his skull and exiting the other side with most of his brain mass and eye muscles spilled out onto the dusty street in a long wet streak of crimson blood. Business as usual. Another day at the office.

So Jambo's 'counter-Jihadi' days?

What were they comprised of? What did he actually do that defined his actions as counter-Jihadi? He used a different source on Telegram than the trio of clowns he re-posts these days? He dressed up for it in faux military fatigues he bought in the camping and military surplus shops along Capel Street? Likely. How exactly did he counter the Jihadi's? By re-posting memes from here and there? How did the Jihadi's respond to his counter attacks? Run away? Laugh at him? Not even be aware that there's some Irish twat out there posting all this shit he knows nothing about apart from what he was told was true and being the lackey he is, never bothered to do the research for himself.

Perhaps today he's out on some counter-Oasis drill?

His big heroes and second-hand chord merchants are reforming to boost the pension pot. Noel's wife took him to the cleaners, he's broke and he needs the money. Why do these twats fall for this shit? Some backstage groupie decides to stop taking the pill and offers her gash to him: gets pregnant, takes him for all he's got. The oldest story in rock'n'roll. Shafted.

Jimmy would be better off either building his own site to see if he's got what it takes, or else just giving up the ghost and start rimming Roundy's hole for him. That might earn him a back-door entrance into the heart of Irish blogging's most unbelievably stupid fucks ever.

Jimmy, the counter-Jihadi champion of Rubik's Cube: takes off all the little coloured stickers and puts them back on in the correct order.

Then declares himself another great victory in the field - countering those pesky Jihadists.
White supremacism is just the other side of the same coin as Jihadism.

Jihadism is the ideological fringe of Islamism. White supremacism is the fringe of right wing racist conservative politics.

Jimbojadism is in another political sphere again. It's what happens to a juvenile mind when it ceases to articulate itself, and only throws up the articulations of others.

And that is a spiral that gets more and more extreme, and it doesn't particularly matter what ideology or religion it occurs under.
Turkish barbers are a big thing in Ireland these days, nearly every village has one at this stage.
Dan seems to have banned Myles for some reason.


Word to 'Professor' over on the gay bar site, Arsefield's:

You're banging your head off the wall trying to reason with Myles or any of his idiotic cohorts. These culchie knackers are still living in the mentality of the tenements of old Dublin type-mindset. In fact, when Val Martin was running with them, some of them claimed to wear underpants in the shower if their kids were around. They think a traditional sauna is a pedophile play-center. Anything to do with boobs, bums, or willies in public sets the whole lot of them into a foaming-at-the-mouth rage and wanting to hack off arms, legs, nipples, and fingers. They're still in the Dark Ages of old Ireland, these fucking idiots.

it's not enough that they're allowed to/demand to take offense at what they're intimidated by, but they also want to shut down anyone else who feels any different or even those who don't take it seriously. And any who do are immediately branded perverts and pedophiles. In Helsinki, and all across Finland, the Finns hold sauna as a spiritual event, a place of silence and introspection, a means to return to their roots out in the wilds, living off the land and with no neighbours for miles and miles. Hygiene is one aspect, but the ritual of sauna is almost a religion to Finland.

The twats on your site think a mother and father taking their children to sauna is a sexual abuse-type offense. All they can think of is their willies, and it freaks the fucking fuck out of them to even consider nudity as anything but a massive, massive taboo that cannot and should not be breached. A father sitting naked with his children bathing in darkness and hot steam is a crime in their tiny minds. It illustrates very clearly that - even if the Roman Catholic Church are mostly historic these days, that the trip of Catholic guilt did its work on them so long ago and so deep into them, that they still can't look themselves in a mirror without thinking it sinful and depraved.

No wonder they're all fucked up the head. No wonder the sight of bare skin sends them headlong into paroxysms of rage and anger. No wonder they can't even explain it. No wonder they insist on maintaining it unquestioningly as though it's a tenet of the Biblical rules: 'let no god-fearing man hang free his balls in a place of public interaction lest he lose them both to the savagery of the Christ' and all that malarkey. Can you imagine them on the beach getting ready to swim? The panic of exposing their tiny manhood to mocking and laughter from all around? The bellies hanging over the waist of their knee-length swimming togs? The swimming hat on their fat heads? The sheer horror of their wives' wrinkles and flaps? The kids laughing at them?

Arsefield's is populated by some of the most prehistoric/Victorian knuckle-dragging old-timers and semi-retired half-wits ever to congregate in a public place.

Imagine them all naked and lined up? Roundy Kelly - in the nip? Jaze, doesn't bear thinking about. Val, smelling like slurry, his old grey balls down to his knees. Myles, his tiny little todger in one hand and his bottle of English cider in the other? Saul Buckett - waiting for them all to dip a toe into the water so he can rob their clothes and bags and sell them on Monaghan town square? Or Wolf? Poor auld Wolfie: imagine the grunts and groans of him as he reaches down to take off a sock that has more of his DNA in than his own seed? Trying desperately to cover his arse and his tiny uni-ball lest his neighbours see it and take a photo to post on the gay bar site? That guy is and has been very, very angry about something, smething, something since forever.

Conclusion? Tiny little willy, like the little finger on a brand new baby child - and he's mortified by it.

What you're dealing with some of Ireland's most embarrassing curtain-twitching old men with nothing left to live for except moaning about the rest of us.

The good news though is that they're closer to death than any of us, so take some solace in that, Professor.

Anything less would be tragic.
Jaze, I can almost hear all those Arsefield's willies and balls whizzing up into their bellies with the shock horror.

Imagine - Irish people? Naked? With other Irish people? In Ireland? In the sauna? Jaze, but.

Pathetic shower of dickless wonders.

I wonder what 'freedom' means to these lads. Becoming a prisoner of the Irish past I suspect. Funny watching these old bastards trying to find a way to squeal about change by framing it is a political issue rather than their own small island based mentality.

They'll generally be against seeing brown skinned people in shops. They won't like change in any way, shape or form. Likely to hate tetra-pak instead of 'bockles' of milk. Convinced that Ireland was a better place when they were seven years of age when they were protected against the evils of the time.

I may found a pro-Euthenasia Party. My suspicion is that if we culled everyone over 75 years of age Ireland would be much freer than it is now. Or camps. Preferably run by the Little Sisters of the Mailed Fist and the Holy Five Pound of God. Give 'em the nostalgia they want. Give it to them hard.
I always go to Turkish barbers. They serve a proper apprenticeship. It is a bit like barmen in ireland, the old barbers of Turkey. Same with Cypriots. Handy trade, like, hardly likely to run out of business and all you need you can carry around with you without needing a van.

Yuk Yuk Yolla.
There will never be another revolution in Ireland until such time as Mna Na hEireann give permission for it. Until 'don't be making a holy show of us in front of the neighbours' becomes 'why are you sitting there just moaning?'
We're missing the obvious. We have loads of isolated islands. There should be a rule that when Irish people get to 70 they should be made live on the western islands like Peig Sayers where they can sit around being depressed in the rain and making music through their noses because they are too tight to buy a tin whistle.

It would probably keep whales from beaching as well so there's a conservation element to it. I blame Ruairc on RTE for all this. Sunday night was Entertainment for the Manic Depressives night when I was small. They used to love sending some poor bastard camera crew as far west as they could until they found some Sean Nos singers huddled in some damp hut near the sea. Lots of shots of lowering skies and rough sea scapes. It was like some horror in a suit at Montrose had decided this was heritage. I couldn't believe the shit they had on on Sunday nights. It was as if there was some weird notion in it that the nation had had its weekend now and from here it was back to the grind and by the way here are some elderly people making their own entertainment the way they used to (Sean Nos was only invented relatively recently, probably by the same bastard at Montrose).

It was a sort of glorying in misery. You'd have no idea how mental this all looked to a young lad transported away from school abroad and plonked in the middle of 1970s Ireland. Hence, the interest in euthenasia.
I wonder what 'freedom' means to these lads. Becoming a prisoner of the Irish past I suspect. Funny watching these old bastards trying to find a way to squeal about change by framing it is a political issue rather than their own small island based mentality.

Valamhic insists global warming is a fake because he gauges the global weather patterns based on what he sees happening in Cavan. Says global warming is a lie because it's very cold in Kingscourt all the time. Floods in towns and cities across Asia have nothing to do with local tillage/silage issues in the upper midlands and therefore the whole thing's a big massive spoof designed to cause complications and expenses for the small farmer - with cows. Val has a few acres of hilly bog and one flat field he feeds the cows on. When it rains, all the rain water on the hilly end tends to drift down into the flat end and like King Canute, he tries to hold it back by the power of prayer and self-aggrandizement.

Another issue is that his cows can't digest their grass in either of their stomachs unless they stand sideways on the hill the rains seep down from, and as a result, all of his cows have two legs shorter than the others. This directly affects their value at the markets, so he went into his little metalwork shop and designed two steel boots for each of his cows to be worn on the left rear hoof and the front left hoof.

Of course, at night when they're dancing in the barn over by the Shitting Ditch, they can hear the festivities in Val's house as he dances a merry jig around the kitchen wearing naught but a hand-towel around his neck and his cleanest yellow y-fronts, and they like to join in the fun by putting their right leg in, their right leg out, then they do the hokey-pokey and they shake it all about. Except with just the two steel boots, they're always off rhythm and this causes them to self harm out of social exclusion and deep depression.

They'll generally be against seeing brown skinned people in shops.

Depends which side of the counter they're on, no?

They won't like change in any way, shape or form.

Especially when it comes to underwear.

Likely to hate tetra-pak instead of 'bockles' of milk.

My Mam always washed the milk bottles before putting them out at night.

I say my Mam, but in reality it was me acting on clear instruction.

I thought we were weird until that one day the milkman came late and I saw that everyone along our street also washed their empties.

It's somewhere in between absolute insanity and a generalized social respect for others.

Convinced that Ireland was a better place when they were seven years of age when they were protected against the evils of the time.

I read somewhere recently that culchies age much faster than jackeens. Say two regular pale pink Irish people are born in two different hospitals: by the time the one born in the Dublin hospital reaches their teens, the other one in Cavan has reached their fiftieth birthday. It plays havoc with the pensions and wills, but the turnover is moderate and the death rate healthy enough to keep a number of conveyancers and undertakers in work.

I may found a pro-Euthenasia Party.

Don't we have one already?

I mean, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have been at that for years.

My suspicion is that if we culled everyone over 75 years of age Ireland would be much freer than it is now.

That's quite young going by today's standards: I know loads of seventy year olds who are only just out of their kiddy nappies and transmogrifying into old people's nappies. Mad the way you stop shitting yourself around two years after you're born and then after a brief period of respite, you're shitting yourself all over again at age sixty-five? Makes you wonder how many in your circle are wearing more than just pissy-yella y-fronts down the pub.

Or camps. Preferably run by the Little Sisters of the Mailed Fist and the Holy Five Pound of God. Give 'em the nostalgia they want. Give it to them hard.

They don't call them the Little Sisters for nothing: those little bitches are responsible for more telephone directories being abused and used as seating devices for young girls sitting on the laps of much older men. Remember that? That was actually a thing - for many years. A girl must never sit on the lap of an older man without that directory to offer her some sexual protection.

I reckon they'd have been better off just whacking the older male in the chops with it, then rifling through his pockets and making off with the wallet.
There is a point in Ireland where the elderly just want to live in Ruairc. We definitely put the wrong people in institutions in Ireland, historically. All the nutters were walking around in uniform outside. And making a living out of being the lunatics running the asylum.

The only Irish indigenous industry for milennia has been farming. Not surprising that even the lunatics who had the asylum 1930 - 1985 or so found a way to do farming without having to buy animals.
We're missing the obvious. We have loads of isolated islands. There should be a rule that when Irish people get to 70 they should be made live on the western islands like Peig Sayers where they can sit around being depressed in the rain and making music through their noses because they are too tight to buy a tin whistle.

It would probably keep whales from beaching as well so there's a conservation element to it.

John Lennon (the musician, not Terry-Lee's pet gerbil) wanted to buy an island off the west coast before he died. He died a bit too quick after meeting that weirdo in the hotel lobby, the guy with the copy of 'The Catcher In The Rye' in one hand and a fresh gun in the other. Yoko Ono was intending to write her next album on the island and Lennon was happy to buy it for her so long as he didn't have to be there listening to her wail and scream.

This is also the explanation for Mark David Chapman wasting Lennon: he was on contract for Ono - who got a great deal in that she didn't even have to pay him.
I always go to Turkish barbers. They serve a proper apprenticeship. It is a bit like barmen in ireland, the old barbers of Turkey. Same with Cypriots. Handy trade, like, hardly likely to run out of business and all you need you can carry around with you without needing a van.

Yuk Yuk Yolla.

The fun part about that is that the Turk's only do one style of haircut. I mean, in North Korea every barber's shop has a poster they stick up on the wall with eight slightly different styles of hair, of which you get to pick one and then live with it until next time. That they're all pretty much the same cut, training to become a barber in North Korea takes about forty minutes.

What I love about these Turkish lads is the joke they're puling off day after day in Ireland. The classic hipster style, which is - without a shadow of doubt beard, the style your average Middle-Eastern terrorist wears: long beard and the bottom, then nothing at all around nostril to eyebrow level, then a little pile of hair turned upward and into a circular pony-tail worn at the crown of the head. And the Irish hipsters love it.

The cut is what it is because when Jamal the happy Muslim puts on his head-rag, the clean shaven area from nostril height to eyebrow height is where the rag is tied tight to his skull - and having hair under it tends to tickle and tug, depending which way you turn your head. I say your head, but you know I mean Jamal's head.

Irish hipster's walk around utterly oblivious to the sniggers of his Muslim neighbours who find his cuckolded hairstyle highly hilarious.

Half of those fucking dopes you see parading up and down O'Connell Street protesting Jamal, his religion, his language, his big fuck-off machete, and his haircut, are all star-struck by their apparently 'Oirish' hairstyles - and they feel good in it because every other (non bald) bloke has one. No wonder Jamal and the lads can't stop laughing at poor Paddy. Neither can the Turks, who are selling Islam to Ireland by the pound.

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