
Why housing is so expensive today.

I'd say it's quite the opposite of "gatekeepng", Jambo.
Why do I say that you're gatekeeping? 🤔

Well, in a discussion about (expensive) housing you don't mention immigration and more broadly speaking you arrantly gatekeep the white genocide project, I think you're actually a terrible anti-white propagandist.

And you're now about to say that white people are a mere "abstraction". Every genocide starts with the dehumanisation of the targeted group.

For I'd like you to take responsibility, for yourself, for the institutions, the politicians, the mores, that you actually may exercise control over, subject to an intelligent logic.

Rather than pointing outwards, to abstractions, imaginary things.
I would like you to see how you are being manipulated, and the futility of believing in abstractions like the "white race", that has become the central object of passionate nationalistic feeling for you, an abstraction that you have sunk your individuality into.
I want you to understand how the world actually works, its politics and economics, actual cause and effect, and pull you away from all that simplistic conspiracist thinking, your white supremacists, covid deniers, NWO and "globohomo" conspiracists, and all the rest.

I'd like you to stop subtituting slogans for thinking, and so passively watching all those videos every day that numb your faculties, that cynically target your emotions and preexisting resentments, grievances and insecurities.

I'd like you to get real, stop being so passive, non-productive, and see your way through these irrationalistic philosophies, racialist and antisemitic analyses, and conspiracist world-views.

"... The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts…[he] ascribes all his failures to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy.” (Mencken)

These things disenfrachise, disempower and render you easy pickings for evil, stupid men, Jambo.

So what's the opposite of "gatekeeper"?
I'm not a Jew.

So why do I choose to present their defence to the accusations, to the assumptions that are made about them, the stereotypes that are held about them?

To howls of protest?

Well those howls have served me well in the past, as a guide to thought and words.

But, here again Jambo the world is complex. Cause and effect is complex.

And what antisemitism does is it takes complex world events and gives them a clear, simple cause: the evil Jews ("Zionists").

Simplistic cause and effect winds me up. It's the root of heinous populism.

So I gain a certain satisfaction trying to render the true complexity, or at least work towards it.

And perhaps another satisfaction in seeing the reaction to that, to their dogma of this "simple cause" being undermined by the complex reality, a truer representation of the world.

It also strikes me how the current rhetoric in Ireland and places like South Africa are akin to how the Assad regime in Syria drew on a continual anti-Israel propaganda.

That propaganda in Syria specifically served to mask domestic problems and obtain political gains.

Is that why our own politicians do it here? I think so, not consciously, but unconsciously.

Back on topic, no politician, no political, social or economic pundit in this country acknowledges cause and effect in our property market in its fullness.

"La cause unique de la depression, c'est la prosperite" - Clement Juglar, famous nineteenth century Economist).

They can't acknowledge what "killed the property market", made it impossible for young people without wealthy parents to live their lives in this country outside debilitating indenturship.

That denial opens up the way for your mob to shout "it wuz the immigrants done it...". (No one adequately corrects this mob, because they prefer even this explanation to the truth).

And indeed it brings to mind how Bashar Assad used to blame Jews for everything bad that ever happened under his rule, he even declared to his subjects things like, "Jews have tried to kill the principles of all religions with the same mentality in which they betrayed Jesus Christ".

So I listen to the likes of Simon Harris declare that Irish people are ‘repulsed’ by Israel's actions.

But clearly he has no idea of the details, the reality, he has no clue of the discussions around the tables of Israel's government, or the tables of the Hamas government, or what actually is transpiring in the field, or anything else at all, actually.

And Michael Martin the exact same. For illustration here is a letter written to this Cork institutionalised duffer fourteen years ago about his doing the exact same thing as regards Gaza as they are all doing now.

Exact same as now, isn't it. And around and around it goes.
The last thing I would want is for Palestinian ragheads to end up here (something your fellow tribespeople have repeatedly advocated for) but you'd have to be anti-human to not see that what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians is a crime against humanity
The last thing I would want is for Palestinian ragheads to end up here

What you want matters little in the bigger picture, Seamus.

Cop on to yourself.

(something your fellow tribespeople have repeatedly advocated for) but you'd have to be anti-human to not see that what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians is a crime against humanity

Your Ma not strangling you at birth was another crime against humanity.

No wonder she topped herself.

Jaze, and it's almost bedtime for you (again)

Nah, it's sunny blue cloudless skies and the last of the snowstorm of Friday and Saturday running off into the sea.

Spring's here, Jimmy - and it's a wonderful summer ahead by the looks of things.

Sauna's heating up nicely, supper's already cooked and ready to serve after a nice long battle with the löyly I'll be very happy to lose. Ever considered the notion of spiritual cleansing? I mean as opposed to the carbolic soap and a scrubbing brush? Sauna is a gift from nature, but all you have is a shower you have to run around in to get wet. It's easier to simply stand outside in the rain with your carbolic in one hand and your little willy cupped by the other.

Clocks went back last week, which means sunset's not until after 2100, and tonight we'll have clear blue skies to see the cosmic event at 2155.

Any plans on trying to find a spot where you're not being drenched by the rain in the EU's most expensive members state for water?

Where in Dublin are you, by the way?
Speaking of dead mothers, what happens when you have to go home for the ma's funeral (or will you Skype it)?

I'd say the folk of Ballyer will be decent, they'll leave you presentable for the funeral.. and then afterwards they'll batter the shite out of you
Speaking of dead mothers, what happens when you have to go home for the ma's funeral (or will you Skype it)?

At least I have a Ma, Shay.

I'd say the folk of Ballyer will be decent, they'll leave you presentable for the funeral.. and then afterwards they'll batter the shite out of you

Wouldn't you just love that?

But nah: they'll be lining up to buy me pints and shake my hand for helping them get their kids ready for the real world.

Hundreds and hundreds of them.


You'd have to wonder how many of the twerps on these sites still live at home with their Ma and Da? We know Jambo lives with his aul' fella' who's also an alcoholic. So at least the two of them are sorted: they have each other, they have rooms of their own, and they drink different brands of cheap lager by the slab.

Saul Coal-Bucket has a forty-three year old son still living in the boxroom out in the sticks of Monaghan or some other shit-hole Irish hinterland town: a serial burglar and alcoholic (are there any non-alcoholics yapping on these boards?) Saul is too scared to boot the little fucker out because he's as big as his Da is and might hit back, so Saul just ignores him the same way he ignores the wife's yapping in his ear about getting a fucking job. Any fucking job. Just get one and get the fuck out from under me feet, etc.

Sad bastards couldn't last ten minutes in the real world without their Ma and Da to feed and wash them - the massively over-grown babies they are.

Imagine any of them deciding to emigrate?

Any of them?

Or worse again: to a country where English is the fourth language - not first?

Hopeless, utterly fucking hopeless: but that's how it is - the wise and brave see the problems and we act - the lazy and the gullible wait for Ma to solve it.

Then wash their y-fronts for them.

Sad bastards - but that's how it's always been: they take the road most traveled.

Just for the safety, like.

Hopeless little island full of hapless little worms.

So some fucking knacker with an address at St Stephen's Green mugged a Chinese teenager at an ATM while covered in blood. He took €220 from the young slope and later walked into some sports shop on Grafton Street and demanded money there too, only to be turfed out and arrested by Gardai with the slope's money still in his pocket. Since then, the courts had to sit on Saturday morning in order to process the cunt and get him back out onto the streets.

How many coppers, desk sergeants, court orderlies, consultants, barristers, solicitors, judges, nurses and doctors were called upon to process just one scobe?

This is why you're all down on your fucking knees: the revolving doors vomit cunts like this one back out in minutes - not hours.

This scumbag gets to live on St Stephen's Green?


You fucking twats - wake the fuck up, eh.
€1,400 a month to rent this room, with shared bathroom.

Dear sweet jayzus almighty.. ..what a fucking kick in the teeth, eh? Over a hundred years since we rose up to gain our independence and what are we doing to our own people? Discarding them and their children to a fate of life on the streets with nothing available to rent and no way to even get on the ladder. Do we think it's bad today? Then consider say ten years from now, then fifteen years from now? Better or worse? Even more homeless or less homeless? Still legal to hand a sleeping bag and tent to an incoming refugee/migrant and send them down to the canal?

Let's say it's the year 2045?

Work, low grade: menial tasks: full of what sort of people?
Work, self-employed contractors: with trade skills and lots of experience - required by whom?
Work, the wealthy - who don't need to work but do it anyway so they can influence/manipulate the system for them and theirs?
Work, the upper-upper echelon: international relations/local politics/international politics?

The national debt: is that going to be as much of a burden on your immigrants as it is on the indigenous Irish people themselves? Will they even be in the loop to pay down the historic debt or will they get a free ticket because it 'wasn't their fault' and you'll get another boot in the throat?

The housing crisis nightmare: how are you going to catch up with the current needs? You'd need to be building at least a dozen houses a day for the next year to even begin to tackle the extremes/worst case scenarios. Who's going to pay for that? The state? Don't think so, the current 'hands-off' approach (with a tinge of added melodramatic spoofery such as 'let the markets dictate prices') has only seen politicians with lots of experience run the fuck away from all of it lest they get dragged down with the sinking ship.

Twenty years from now: will it be all Star Trek/2001: A Space Odyssey with well-dressed and strictly disciplined lizard people and cross-dressing earthling transsexuals, homosexuals, and multi-coloured people with blue/green/orange/insert choice type hair who prefer anime to the real world? Will our meals be floated to us on a zero-gravity holiday-space ship designed for taking a break from the planet and all her woes? No money, just credits. Nobody on the lower tiers owning anything, not even the clothes on their backs.

Or will it be more dystopia? More bullshit-politico 'let's find human solutions' while hiding said solutions in plain sight and telling the earthlings they're merely paranoid and they ought to be grateful for everything they've got, which can fit into a small suitcase - the type you need for Ryanair flights? More homeless people or more laws outlawing homelessness with a shoot-to-kill policy in place to keep the numbers in check? Will nationality matter at all? Will it even exist in the form we understand today? If we're living in a time of everyday space travel for all - why would we need a passport? Insert a chip in the brains of newly-born earthling children, that'll set them up for life with minimum fuss for the powers-that-be to control and order about.

Sometimes I think it has fuck all to do with not enough houses: it's more like not enough abortions, not enough early deaths.

That's the situation from one angle, and it's fairly disturbing.

Death credits? Let's say the family is in debt to the degree that they'll never be able to pay it off? Credits in the form of suicide/euthanasia? 'Kill one adult and two children and you too can enter the draw for this beautiful anti-gravity motor-mobile!!!' ? Parents committing suicide in a family ceremony where drinks and treats abound and then the kids get to flip the switch and the parents say their final goodbyes and drop through the floor with a rope around their necks - their remains used to make glue and jelly-tots?

Life has little value in Ireland.

Maybe it's down to us all being born into the chaos of a war that was taking place just out of earshot but close enough to cause fear and anxiety?

Maybe it's down to the fact that we see human lives treated as political/medical/social/financial problems that our hearts are immune to the horrors we take for granted every passing day. I don't think I could continue with my life in Ireland given the mess she's in today. I mean, I knew I wasn't sticking around from an early age, but for the time I have spent there I'm still trying to get my head around Irish ways and Irish laws. They don't seem very Irish to me. But then again, I'm out of there. Long since departed. I see lives like the one I used to live being snuffed out in all sorts of ways. I knew that much was coming down the line for me, so rather than stick around and see if I could hold steady, I gathered up my entire Irish life and handed it back to Ireland. She can do as she likes with it.

I won't be returning for some time.

Family issues only, the rest you can ram up your hole.
Okay - this one was one of the first I looked at, and it's going for €550.00 p/m for one or more persons.

Screen grab of full page for your confidence this is for real:

Situated in Espoo, a town about fifteen minutes from central station. Own sauna, two bedrooms, lots of light and fresh air, traditional wooden flooring throughout, bathroom fully tiled and glazed, own sauna, central heating/cooling included, with storage facilities, own balcony, garbage, laundry, and janitorial services included.

Some more shots:

So tell us: how would THAT work out in Dublin?
That's the longest thread ever, but only needs a short reply, mass immigration. Next question
That's the longest thread ever, but only needs a short reply, mass immigration. Next question

So threads ought to be as short as possible to cater for persons of a more flighty concentration level?

Got it.

Next comment.
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