
Nordic News

Nice photo of Kalasatama looking north in the new Redi hub in Helsinki. The towers were built in the last five years, I know because my view changed as they grew taller and taller. They all house businesses on the lower floors: supermarkets, fashion outlets, specialist shops, national brands, etc and the middle floors house offices above them. The upper floors are apartments, mostly private investments. It's a new part of the city which (like my own area) was recovered from the sea some two decades plus ago. The plan is lots of new housing and a new commercial centre for shopping, partying, etc.

It takes the pressure off the city centre area around Central Station. Looks fabulous at night too. I'm currently considering an apartment swap-out with the housing authority. My current place would ideally suit a young couple with a child, the rent reflects the size of my place and it seems a shame to have so much unnecessary space going unused. But I am very happy here and so I'm not sure about it until I see what they have to offer me. Kalasatama is the site of the old fishing harbour. The build is very nice, they shaped some of the buildings on opposite sides of the housing blocks to look like the front and rear of a ship. From the north looking south it's about two kilometers away, you can see what appears to be a large old-fashioned sailing ship. The sailing theme continues all over the area and it's all brand spanking new.

The shapely bridge you see is the link to Helsinki Zoo, an island unto itself.
The other bridge is the metro line heading east to Vuosaari and Itäkeskus - the Ballyfermot of Finland.
I don't visit zoos on principle, though I'll have to take a look if I decide to move.
Big changes all over Helsinki city, with lots of options opening up for a change of address.
I've been in this apartment since 2007, so a change of scenery might also be nice.
Beautiful bridge and loving the skyline. Meanwhile Dublin is stuck with shit like this.

Am I right in thinking that's the Point Depot?

The roundabout leads south across the bridge?

Pretty fucking horrible alright. Dumb idea to add that cladding outside the glass front: the seagulls are gonna shit all over that whole block and it'll require constant cleaning. We had a building around the corner fitted with an outside structural form; then the pigeons and gulls moved into the metal construction pipes and destroyed the exterior with white streaks of shit all day every day. They've since removed it as it was really just facade, not important to the structure.

Maybe it was down to the scare after Grenfell Towers in London.
Plus thirty on the balcony and twenty-seven Celsius down by the beach. This is intense heat and it's just the beginning of a wave that'll run until the middle of next week at least. I was in the city this morning and all of the departments stores have the air conditioning on full blast. I had one meeting at the patents office at 1030 and when I came out I nearly passed out with the wallop of the heat hitting me face first. Weather warnings all over the shop reminding Finns to use sun tan blockers and creams. Fire warnings are also in place. The city will empty tomorrow evening as the cities residents take off up north to the wilds. The beaches around the city will still be busy as the late teens and over that age stay when the parents take the kids up to the forests and lakes.

Other news from Helsinki Finland includes the fact that Finnish people and permanent residents in general are not handing over three quarters of a billion euros of Finnish people's tax money to YLE National Television Finland over the next three years, and neither will they ever be allowed generate advertising revenue by showing ongoing television commercials of Finnish products made by Finnish people for Finnish people employing only Finnish people to produce actual Finnish content for Finnish and Swedish speaking Finns on Finnish TV.

That's all you.

All of it.
Plus thirty on the balcony and twenty-seven Celsius down by the beach. This is intense heat and it's just the beginning of a wave that'll run until the middle of next week at least. I was in the city this morning and all of the departments stores have the air conditioning on full blast. I had one meeting at the patents office at 1030 and when I came out I nearly passed out with the wallop of the heat hitting me face first. Weather warnings all over the shop reminding Finns to use sun tan blockers and creams. Fire warnings are also in place. The city will empty tomorrow evening as the cities residents take off up north to the wilds. The beaches around the city will still be busy as the late teens and over that age stay when the parents take the kids up to the forests and lakes.

Other news from Helsinki Finland includes the fact that Finnish people and permanent residents in general are not handing over three quarters of a billion euros of Finnish people's tax money to YLE National Television Finland over the next three years, and neither will they ever be allowed generate advertising revenue by showing ongoing television commercials of Finnish products made by Finnish people for Finnish people employing only Finnish people to produce actual Finnish content for Finnish and Swedish speaking Finns on Finnish TV.

That's all you.

All of it.
Only what <checks watch> less than 90 minutes to go Mowl!

Bong... Bong... Bong...
Poor Jambo - stuck permanently within the storms and rains of the Irish borders: lampooned by the angelus, a sucker for the six/one, as gay as a fete in vicar's back garden, and as despised and loathed as any Irishman who's gone before him. Even Sham Frog. Or the bucket. Or the drunk. No wonder you lot orbited around each other so well. The Z Team in all her splendor and glory.

Still watching the Late Late Show replays on youtube, Jimmy?

What's your opinion on Gay as a gay man?

Like your new Sinead O'Connor wax model?

Washed your butt recently?
Poor Jambo - stuck permanently within the storms and rains of the Irish borders: lampooned by the angelus, a sucker for the six/one, as gay as a fete in vicar's back garden, and as despised and loathed as any Irishman who's gone before him. Even Sham Frog. Or the bucket. Or the drunk. No wonder you lot orbited around each other so well. The Z Team in all her splendor and glory.

Still watching the Late Late Show replays on youtube, Jimmy?

What's your opinion on Gay as a gay man?
Like your new Sinead O'Connor wax model?
Reminded me of the UFC fighter


Jaze, I must pay more attention to things. I haven't even bothered to look up the previous year, never mind this one. Much as it'll grate on you to know it, Finland was again voted 'World's Happiest Country' for the seventh time in a row - that's from 2017 right through to today. I was still trying and succeeding to wind you sad bastards up about us winning it five times, but it seems I was so happy I missed two more years of the same.

Happiness among the EU member states really ought to be rationed. Ex-Prime Minister Sanna Marin promised to tell the OECD people not to award Finland with the honour again, but it seems she may have lost her phone while out clubbing with her girls and drinking more champagne than she ought to. So just for the craic, here's a picture of Sanna heading out to party:

Seven years. It's a long time. You'd think standards might either slide a little or improve a little, but no: of all the countries in the OECD lists, we're consistently awarded the first prize. There are of course many reasons for this, but suffice it to say that when the Mowl arrived into Helsinki into the waiting arms of my then beautiful lady friend, I brought with me many things that the Finns of today think wonderful. Like inclusivity, one of my better traits. It's not difficult, all you need to do is be nice to people. Greet them warmly. Ask how their day is going. Hold that door open, there's a little old Lady behind you. And don't fuck them unless they ask you to, instead - make love with them. They like that much better. The fucking can happen later, rest assured. Also, dressing in a clean and ironed white shirt over pressed black slacks and a clean-shaven face with fixed and waxed hair is what you wear for your office job, plonker. Be a fucking man. Stand like one. Don't give any fucks like one. Dress like one. You don't have to buy her a drink to talk to her, and you don't have to excuse yourself about it either. They don't mince their words so quit mincing your own. You can wear sneakers and shorts in any club if that's your thing, just don't show up looking like you're there to ask legal questions or to present menus.

Ireland's best effort was seventeenth place, and that was a good few years back during the Celtic Mutt days. At the moment you sad twats are rock-bottoming out like you have done since forever. You live in the most expensive country in the entire EU zone, and look at the fucking state of the place? You have your masses of homeless people, of homeless and hungry children, bums and junkies galore, Roma people hanging around and stinking the place out. The Irish walking dead along O'Connell Street is NOT a good look for visitors, you dopey fucks. You've gone and let the migrants take over, haven't you? You watched them walk in, demand all manner of shit, get it, throw it back, ask again, receive it again, and fuck it up again. It's nobodies fault only your own - you let this happen on your watch and believe me when I tell you: your kids aren't just going to hate you for it, they're going to vote for freedom of euthanasia, and guess who the first up against the wall is?

That's right, suckers: you and yours, and by the time the next two or three generations have a look at what you lot did, burying your bodies after a nice singsong and funeral mass in wooden coffins isn't going to be allowed. They're going to vote to burn you and have your ashes added to the cement mix for whatever they decide to build to replace your main street syringe/needle. Your generation are by far the worst Ireland has ever seen. Your ancestors weathered all manner of dodgy situations and they came out on top. What has yours done? Whine on chat boards about the 'good ol' days' and cry into your tins of cheap imported Dutch and German lager and pils while snorting up 6% cocaine cut with 94% rat poison. You fucking deserve to be euthanized, you lazy, useless, uneducated, unworthy, fucking scum. You were handed a country with massive potential, an island nation who could have had it all: a place for yourselves alone in an ocean of unlimited opportunity and total autonomy. But what did you do with it? You let scum like Charlie and Bertie set you up and then take the legs out from under you. You watched as all that lovely money fell from the sky and like kids in a candy-shop, your eyes were bigger than your belly. Now you're all looking for someone - anyone - to blame.

Lads, you are where you are because you all partied, and don't be trying to deny it either. I watched complete fucking knackers walk in to five star restaurants and swallow their meals whole, shoveling the foie gras down your necks like it was a bag of chips. Driving cars you could never afford, borrowing, spending, three meals out a week, two summer and three winter holidays. Silk suits and handmade shoes. Kids with state of the art telephony. You even had all these beautiful eastern European ladies serve you your coffee, lunch, dinner, taking your cash at the tills, cleaning up after your company bash. Now your kids work for them, scrubbing their floors, serving their foods to their own people over to visit from Poland and Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. And your kids are wondering why they can only make it a few rungs up the ladder from abject poverty to assistant manager without ever getting to run or direct anything. They're fucked. They know it. They're eyeballing you lot - especially you lads and lassies who love to gossip on the political discussion boards laugh-ins for Mowl to giggle at. Your debt stands at €234Bn and counting and you have a gross population of 5.2Mn people, of which around 48% are either kids or pensioners. Think about that. Then think about why your government can't open the doors wide enough to the homeless of the world. It used to be:

'If you're Irish, come into the parlour...'

Except now it's:

'Oh, landlord how could you treat me so cold, you've got a mortgage on my body and the key to my soul...'

You stupid, stupid cunts.

Last night I went downtown and as a result of a confluence of seemingly unrelated phenomena, I didn't get home until dawn and didn't once put my hand in my pocket. Drinks, food, taxis, the works. I met a few people I hadn't seen in a while and we crashed two parties in downtown venues and then another house party after that. Lovely weed, there were other things on offer but I don't use them. In fact, here's a little story about a moment I had in the studio with the guys:

I said that I have never tried heroin, meth, crack, or any other super-strong drug and would like to try a few of them even once before I die. You know what my mates said to me? 'Yes, I can get that for you - but I won't'. I asked why not: 'because you're too special to us, we aren't going to let you do that even under our supervision. So no, not now and not ever'. I replied that if they wouldn't get it for me, then I could go to the streets for it. They replied: 'stop kidding yourself, you wouldn't know who to ask or where they are, and chances are they'd probably think you're a risk because you're foreign and alone'.

That was the end of that.

No fucking wonder we're so happy.

Now look at yourselves?

You stupid fucking cunts, you're all dragging each other down, day after day, the incessant whining and griping never fucking ends.

You have no one else to blame but yourselves, you twats.

The best part?

The worst of it is yet to come for you dopes, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Not even being an island you could build walls and fences around is gonna save you.

Because you're fucked up from the inside out - not the other way around, you fucking losers.

Even Stig's laughing at you:

Further to my consideration of moving to a smaller apartment, I spotted this one in the recent listings and it's available immediately. So I have to decide quickly to get a place on the list of interested tenants. It's a refurbished old block that's been thoroughly renovated and brought up to scale and the extras that come with it are the same as I get here, ie: free laundry and drying, sauna, garbage disposal, a parking space (I can gift/lease it to another tenant) bicycle lock-up and winter gear lock-up, two storage spaces (one heated, the other cold) and lots more lovely stuff. One bedroom, two balconies, fully fitted kitchen with dishwasher, own laundry machines can be fitted to the bathroom, thirty-eight square meters (this one is 50sqM - so 20% less space) and the only thing I'm not liking about it is the lack of windows as large and south-facing as mine. I have a big sky view here that's just magnificent: the birds in chorus all day, swooping and diving on the air currents of the courtyards in the evening, and I can see Kalasatama and the new Redi neighbourhood clearly on a good day. At night it's even more spectacular.

The rental is for the new apartment €570 per month and the deposit I have on this place can be transferred instantly.

Lovely area with all services to hand, nearby the forests and parks, and a short hop to city centre via multiple transport options. Brand new interior, first letting, minimum contract is one year and maximum not defined, so the option to stay for a few years is wide open. I was reading this morning that there are currently forty-odd available rentals in Dublin with long lists of potential tenants who likely won't even see the place before deciding to rent it, and if they do then the rent's going to fucking cripple them. But that's Ireland for you.

This is Finland - and this is how we do things:

Cover pic:



Helsinki €570 per month: 38SqM, all new including one bedroom, sauna, storage, balconies, fully fitted kitchen, wooden floors, secure lock-ups, etc, etc.


Dublin €750 per month: 9SqM, single room, used bed, used table, used chair, one window, one door, own rope and roof to hang yourself from.

Man, it must be shit having no options at all in life.

Up here I can get what ever I want, wherever I want it, at half the price and ten times the quality. You suckers really are a fucking hoot. Whenever I think it couldn't possibly get any worse for ye, you all show me just how much worse it can get within moments. Life must be a fucking misery between the expense, the shit quality, the miserable fucking weather, the endless rain, the junkies, the homeless, the whole fucking shebang.

It's so much nicer up here in the world's happiest country (seven years, Jimmy - seven).

The chicks are hotter and far prettier, the sun's blazing down, I have a choice so far of around six addresses I may/may not move into depending on location and the layout of the space. They're all well within my budget and five out of six haven't even been lived in yet. They're all city owned apartment blocks that have been renovated from top to bottom. The quality you can see for yourself.

Compare that to the shit you have to deal with?

Pahahahaaaaaaaaa - no wonder I'm so happy, no wonder we're all so happy!

Got your slab in for tonight's aggro, Shay?

Lump of soap bar?


Frozen pizzas?

Good man.
Because I have far more space than is needed and the apartment really is designed more for a couple than one single person. Because of apartment life, we all tend to move around for a variety of reasons: mostly it's down to parents, needing (let's) say three bedrooms. One for themselves, one for the boy(s) and another for the girl(s). But then when the kids finish high school and complete their national service, they'll move into their own little place and start their own life.

The parents will seek a two-bedroom apartment and remain there until the last of the kids have graduated, served their time (they get three weekends at home during the nine month service period so no point in keeping an empty room) and found their own little place to start their own lives. So it's after graduation that the parents prepare for: seeing available options, swaps, etc. Within the city-owned and operated blocks like mine, tenants can trade within the same block or any other block under the same city ownership to swap out their apartments.

The city offers two options: say a person dies/moves out of a city owned address and there isn't anyone moving in directly: the squads move in and renovate and redecorate it and bring it up to scratch. Then the shots are taken and ads are put out on the website for persons on the registered waiting lists to view.

Option two: If two tenants in city apartments want to move from one side of the city to another, then they can eliminate the squads coming and either do the redeco themselves, which in the long run is the cheaper option. Fresh white paint only: no colours, stick on wallpapers, or permanent artworks applied directly to the surfaces. Once the apartments are redecorated, they schedule the moving day so that they can use the same two trucks both ways, cutting down time and effort.

So if I give this one up, they'll advertise it straight away on the swap options and anyone interested can ask for more shots and maybe a call to discuss details.

If they have a nice and suitable place and we agree to the swap, we both have to sign over our previous addresses (witnessed by a staff member) at HQ.

Then we start shifting our stuff the same day as agreed with two hired teams halving the time and labour.

In any city where apartments are standard and houses rare, this is how things are done.

In Ireland it's simply varying degrees of losing on the private rental market, and guess what else?

All of the state-funded and planned DCC estates are fucking kips.

Every fucking one of them.

And you dopes are shouting at them to give you more? have you ever been to Ongar or any of those other newish satellite towns? Get up to take a piss in the night and the entire house squeaks and the pipes rattle for hours afterwards. Those places are designed to become, in the long run, more working class kids in the making. Once the locals cop on and move out to something/anything better is when the real working class move in and redecorate the whole estate like the locals in Clondalkin traditionally do: robbed and burned-out car shells, garbage and trash everywhere and walls half plastered in tags and shitty graffiti, the bottom half bleached bare by the endless numbers of drunks pissing on it.

Apartment life is an acquired skill: if you're lucky enough to be in my shoes (the number one most desirable Helsinki city area) then the choices are wide. Because I'm taking up far more space than I really need, I know a young family would be happy here: they have the sea, the forests, and everything else they could possibly need. It's a very friendly area where everyone is bright and chirpy and far more sociable than they would be had they still lived out in the wilds. That's the thing you need to bear in mind: city life is what it is, but rural life is where the true Finnish spirit and soul really is. This is why Helsinki is empty every summer: off up north to the lakes and forests and all its denizens.

People idiots in Ireland thought they were rich when they bought and sold each other crappily built houses in the middle of fucking nowhere. Look at them now? Look at those lucky enough to own a house: they think they're fucking royalty. Then look at your high streets and recall what Lenihan Jnr/Bertie/BIFFO and all their mates said wasn't coming down the line. A 'soft landing' they said.

Now look again at the Irish on your streets with their kids eating off sheets of cardboard outside your GPO.

Those are the children of the same idiots who splurged money like there was no tomorrow.

And guess what?

They were right - they never had a tomorrow - the nightmare is ongoing, solutions are few and far between, and they're breeding more now that it's summer.

Soon enough, you're going to see a whole new class of Irish poor and very poor people, with kids in tow.

Don't pretend to know anything about how real countries provide real options and securities to their people.

Yeah - people just like me, you dumb and permanently fucked-up little cunt-bucket of spew and vomit.

Learn to love that little box you call home, Jimmy: chances are the cells in Mountjoy are bigger and better built.
Helsinki's breaking a few of her own records with temperatures up to 28 Celsius and a gentle balmy breeze cooling the skin out here on the balcony. I can smell Autumn coming, we all can. Summer days and long evenings are very precious moments in Finland. Around fourteen weeks from now we'll be armpit deep in snow, so we gotta wring all the fun out of the days we can to keep the soul fed during the winter months.

School started last Wednesday, so the päiväkoti downstairs is full of excited kids playing in the yard and singing songs from 0800, one more of the things I love about this neighbourhood. I looked at a few other apartments last week to see what's available and whether I'll downsize or not. They were all nice places in terms of space and layout, but none are near where I am now and I'm loathe to move out of Arabia at all. Maybe next year, we'll see.

The trees are heavy with apples, pears, and conkers. Soon they'll begin to fall and the city's jack rabbits will have their annual feast.

I love this time of year: within a month all the leaves will begin to turn and they'll make the city look absolutely gorgeous. Browns and yellows, gold and jet black. Piles of leaves making little tornadoes when the wind boxes them into the corners of the blocks. The birds will be hungry looking for winter strength to fly south so my balcony will be busy.

Finland's fucking awesome: I love it up here.
Twenty-five on my balcony today, and it's the weekend opening up nicely for the last of the public festivals in the city for this year.

Bands on every street corner and junction, all bars with street furniture and huge umbrellas for some shade.

Blue skies, a gentle breeze, and I can hear the sound checks in the distance - thump/crack, thump/crack - drums first, vocals last.
After two days of cloudy skies, the sun's back with a vengeance giving us plus twenty-five degrees in September. Beautiful weather, it'll stay with us for the next week which means this weekend's kind of like a late summer gift. Fresher's week at the universities sees loads of students out and about earning their badges for all the different societies they joined. The parks are full with them getting up to all sorts of shennanigans.

Boobs are being flashed to passing trams - truth or dare, I guess.

Live jazz on the terrace later this evening down by the seashore at Hakaniemi from The Copacetic Brothers.

Another steak supper tonight after last night's feast. I did my mushrooms a new way: pick the biggest and hardest mushrooms, wash them, slice them in half, then place them flat side down in virgin oil and cooking cream, and when they begin to bubble, throw in a half a measure of white wine and some ground black pepper and let them simmer for ten minutes. Absolutely fucking delicious.

I only mentioned it because: https://www.thejournal.ie/weather-forecast-thunder-hail-6479173-Sep2024/

Must be crap having to be in the endless pissing rain?
The Finns have a great talent for creating buildings which blend into their forest surroundings. If this were in Ireland half of the trees within a ten acre radius would be chopped down, the forest floor itself reduced to a tarmac driveway.

I've seen some really amazing mökki belonging to wealthy Finnish people who want designs that are truly sunk into the environment they're built in. One place was really amazing: they dynamited into some rock cliff face overlooking a lake and built a three storey house into it with its own power generators sunk into the earth nearby to reduce noise etc. The kitchen balcony overlooked the lake which was surrounded in thick and very old forest. The interior is super modern and self sufficient recycling its own water and any combustibles used domestically to reduce its carbon footprint.

They had an old wooden sauna from up north taken apart and brought to the site and rebuilt offside the main house. A lot of the wood used in the building of the house was also recycled from old mökkit built of massive logs from the local forests. They also bought an old and condemned church site and recycled everything from that to build the roof and body of the structure. The finish of the interior was truly gob-smacking, and the exterior even better.

This sort of thing:

Except even more discreet. If you didn't already know it was there then you wouldn't even notice it.

I also attended a wedding on an island in a lake up north called Pielavesi. Again, the family who built it bought an old church, stripped and numbered everything and shipped it down to the island where it was carried to the island piece by piece and rebuilt for living purposes. That one has no electricity supply (though you can bring a generator) and no running water, so everything's done according to tradition: hunting, fishing, smoking, barbecuing, and keeping things cold by using net bags sunk into the lake on long poles for easy access.

The best one though, is the lake that has an island in the middle of it, and that island has a lake of its own too.

Ahh, if only I had a camera with me.

Some of the buildings in images above are based on old Finnish traditions including the preservation of foods which are kept in small mökkit set atop long poles which are tough and strong and sunk deep into the ground. A rope ladder is used so that bigger creatures like bears and moose can't get to it. It can also be used as a hideout if the area has a herd of moose wandering around and loping into anything that gets in their way.

Like the historic island of Seurasaari:

This tiny island is actually within the city limits and is serviced by multiple buses and trams. Free entry via a gate and long wooden walking bridge, no private vehicles allowed, you visit on foot or by bicycle. As you can see, the tiny mökki is a larder. It's so deep into the rock that not even a bear can knock it over. Use a rope ladder to climb up and now you're as safe as can be from any attack.

Here's a wiki link if you're interested: https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seurasaari
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