
Irish Nationalism and Catholicism (E.g. The National Party).

Jambo, How can I hate something whose existence can be seriously questioned.

What the fuck is an "anti-white" no one really knows, it's just a silly made up term, made up by a cult that posits something they call the "white race" as an object of passionate nationalistic feeling, where cult members are expected to identify themselves with this abstraction they call "the white race".

Back in the real world, I suppose I did "hate" the loss of that type of marketplace, the atmosphere of that marketplace.

But I blamed no person or group for its demise. I blamed the zeitgeist.

It is fact that it was abandoned, that it was going derelict. The racists are careful never to mention that fact (though since most of them appear to be culchies or shut-ins it is possible they never witnessed it like I did).

I will have a look for those old photos. I documented it. I documented it with a feeling of loss.

When I took those pictures, the immigrants hadn't yet arrived in Moore St. to resurrect it.

Anyway the point again is that period of time I documented is deliberately omitted by the racists. That constitutes a lie, the lie of omission. For if they did acknowledge it, their hypothesis and accompanying incitements fall asunder.

And I suppose that is what you're so upset about.
Jambo, How can I hate something whose existence can be seriously questioned.

What the fuck is an "anti-white" no one really knows, it's just a silly made up term, made up by a cult that posits something they call the "white race" as an object of passionate nationalistic feeling, where cult members are expected to identify themselves with this abstraction they call "the white race".
Well there you go again with your (genocidal) hatred of white people. Do Jews not exist 'billy, are they an "abstraction", anyone else?

Back in the real world, I suppose I did "hate" the loss of that type of marketplace, the atmosphere of that marketplace.
But I blamed no person or group for its demise. I blamed the zeitgeist.
"Did any of these halfwit racist culchies visit Moore St. at its turning point?

No. Because if they had, they would have seen that the street was abandoned by the Irish during the Celtic tiger."

It is fact that it was abandoned, that it was going derelict. The racists are careful never to mention that fact (though since most of them appear to be culchies or shut-ins it is possible they never witnessed it like I did).
Because it's not relevant to it being a foreign ghetto now? What's the relevance?

I will have a look for those old photos. I documented it. I documented it with a feeling of loss.
When I took those pictures, the immigrants hadn't yet arrived in Moore St. to resurrect it.

Anyway the point again is that period of time I documented is deliberately omitted by the racists. That constitutes a lie, the lie of omission. For if they did acknowledge it, their hypothesis and accompanying incitements fall asunder.

And I suppose that is what you're so upset about.

Disgusting rat bastard, what a fat loser he is - even his old chums find him greasy and slimy.

Can non-Irish people ever become Irish?

James Reynolds (NP) on Newstalk

Listen on Odysee 👇

This thick cunt?

He looks like he's had a stroke - the right side of his face is a few cents lower than the left.

Down with the right, up with the left is it?

So you're laying the blame for Moore Street being a foreign ghetto now on the Irish public (white people)?

More specifically, I'd blame Dublin City Council. They're fucking rotten from top to bottom. I did some work for a business owner with a popular pub in the city centre. Later I found out that my artwork (for which I was paid around €350 for the day's work) was selected as 'Best Designed Shopfront' by the DCC enterprise group. They gave the pub owner five grand and a weekend for two at some spa resort over in Galway. They also gave him a placard with the certificate, which was how I found out several months later when I returned to do some more work for him.

I asked him why he didn't at least call me and tell me, that way I could get a copy of the certificate for my work-book.

Five grand, and the fucker's already as rich as fuck.


I quit working for him after that, but I didn't say so: instead, when he called during a very busy season, I said that yeah, I'd swing by and have him sorted in a few days. But I didn't show up and I kept him waiting so long he had to hire some Polish chancer who fucked his pub-front up something rotten.

The brush is mightier than the sword, Jimmy.

You truly are a sick and twisted individual anti-white, your hatred (for white people) knows no bounds

Not really: you're the single most despicable white bloke I've ever met - and I've outed Declan Kelly.

You hate everyone on every forum - everyone know this.

Does it not get a bit tiring, Jimmy?
Disgusting rat bastard, what a fat loser he is - even his old chums find him greasy and slimy.
This thick cunt?

He looks like he's had a stroke - the right side of his face is a few cents lower than the left.
I'll reply just to highlight your modus operandi

So I make a post relating to a politician's view on something - that's the content, which you completely ignore resorting to ad hom (of said politician)

You're an empty vessel, and you know what they say about empty vessels..

More specifically, I'd blame Dublin City Council. They're fucking rotten from top to bottom. I did some work for a business owner with a popular pub in the city centre. Later I found out that my artwork (for which I was paid around €350 for the day's work) was selected as 'Best Designed Shopfront' by the DCC enterprise group. They gave the pub owner five grand and a weekend for two at some spa resort over in Galway. They also gave him a placard with the certificate, which was how I found out several months later when I returned to do some more work for him.

I asked him why he didn't at least call me and tell me, that way I could get a copy of the certificate for my work-book.

Five grand, and the fucker's already as rich as fuck.


I quit working for him after that, but I didn't say so: instead, when he called during a very busy season, I said that yeah, I'd swing by and have him sorted in a few days. But I didn't show up and I kept him waiting so long he had to hire some Polish chancer who fucked his pub-front up something rotten.

The brush is mightier than the sword, Jimmy.

Not really: you're the single most despicable white bloke I've ever met - and I've outed Declan Kelly.

You hate everyone on every forum - everyone know this.

Does it not get a bit tiring, Jimmy?
What binds people with white skin in Siberia with people with white skin in south America, Australian, or east Asia?

What shared experience, shared language, shared culture, shared economic or defensive objectives do they have that binds them?

What on earth does white skin adapted to weak sun, or for that matter folate levels (affected by ultraviolet light), or ability to digest milk, have to do with anything meaningful?

Jambo you know what your "white people" idea is? It's just the opposite of the black people idea, the perception of that colour difference that apparently offends you so much. I.e. Its most substantial reality is as a negative.

That's really all that binds the "white skinned community", just an idea that lives inside racists' heads.


(not quite a "mud hut" but close enough).
What binds people with white skin in Siberia with people with white skin in south America, Australian, or east Asia?

What shared experience, shared language, shared culture, shared economic or defensive objectives do they have that binds them?

What on earth does white skin adapted to weak sun, or for that matter folate levels (affected by ultraviolet light), or ability to digest milk, have to do with anything meaningful?

Jambo you know what your "white people" idea is? It's just the opposite of the black people idea, the perception of that colour difference that apparently offends you so much. I.e. Its most substantial reality is as a negative.

That's really all that binds the "white skinned community", just an idea that lives inside racists' heads.


(not quite a "mud hut" but close enough).
Race isn't a skin colour, skin colour isn't a race

The word 'white' when referring to race, refers to race

Start again..
Wouldn't you just love to clatter that little fucking douche around the ears?

I wonder who designed the insignia on the flags?

Rearrange it slightly and what do you get?
Small man disease. Every time. Can't help noticing that a lot of these race supremacists look like they were hiding behind the door on genetics distribution day. Nick Griffin looked like he'd been put together by etch-a-sketch.

Best part of them dribbled down their Da's leg.
He's getting younger (and shorte)r every passing day, your Dear Leader.

You must be so proud to follow this ranting little midget with the big ears like Dumbo, Jambo?

Perhaps you're not so much a nationalist as a little gay-boy who has a thing about dwarfish little Hitlers with big fat mouths?
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