
Irish Nationalism and Catholicism (E.g. The National Party).

Poor Jambo: can't get over how happy Mowl is in the happiest country on earth.

Compared to the Ireland of today, it's no wonder at all.

Only an idiot would put up with it.

Jambo needs to find a woman dumb and desperate enough to let him fuck her so he can procreate - the first thing any self-respecting ethno-nationalist needs to do. But sadly the poor Jaffa hasn't any seed left after offering it all up to pornhub. His greatest personal need just now is some window cleaner and a rag so he can read the text under the splashes of semen and piss on his computer screen.

have another tin - it's early yet.
Seems like the girlies beat you to it, Jambo. These two Goths/Rockers of some description actually turned Spotify off and left the house to go and rubberneck the hassles over in Coolock, while you were sitting at home pea-shooting Politics.ie - to absolutely no avail whatsoever. Jodie's trying to get Nattley to keep a straight face, but you can see Nattley's face turning scarlet and Jodie trying to be all serious and adult about the shit-show.

This is the future, Jimmy: YOUR future.

Get used to it.

Coolock say,s NO!
I literally thought that was a Nazi uniform for a moment.

Yeah - a kid's one, perhaps.

He needs to get a pilot's cap, the ones with the ear-flaps he can button down to keep his big Dumbo ears in lest a sudden gust carry him away.

Plus, he can wear it while out cycling his little tricycle - it'll save him scraping all those big flies and other nasty bugs off his little face.
How many NP spin-off parties are there now? Must be half a dozen since last Tuesday at least...all fighting over that precious 0.7% of the national vote come election time.
Even if the whole lot of them piled in together, the collective brain mass would still be less than that of a cocktail sausage.

Just look at Jambo trying to be taken seriously?

I think he's in his flowers - but don't mention anything, he's already ready to snarl at anything that moves.
Someone will tell Justin he looks ridiculous in that hat, hence another spin-off party by Saturday.
If one doesn't know what the NP is about then what sense does it make to describe another party as a "spin-off"

'About' ?

'About' ?

They're about as viable an entity in Irish politics as Sanna Marin would be if she were your Minister for Drink.

Someone will tell Justin he looks ridiculous in that hat, hence another spin-off party by Saturday.

If he hosts a party where his hat spins off, then I want two Access All Areas passes and a limo to my door.

Barrett's so midgety you could put him into a gat (that's a slingshot to you rural people) and fire him out into space to orbit the moon. Use him to test the theory of relativity and I guarantee you he'll come back shorter, younger, and even more distasteful.

Midgets are their own worst enemy.

Those platform shoes don't help much either, even with the ten gallon hats and kid's issue army gear.
You're a laughing stock all over the world, Jambo. "Factions" they're calling it here.

Honestly - my skin shifted a few inches looking at the British perception of Barrett, especially given the wit of the collective panels.

No wonder they think Irish people are backward.

Imagine - if Finnish TV gets their hands on that rant they won't even need to translate it: Father Ted was massive up here, massive.
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