

Did you see the video of them dumping fake fugees in a Gaeltacht?

No - but I can imagine the hilarity of the locals.

Anyway, a revival of Gaeilge isn't really the answer (it'd be quicker storming Leinster House)

True that it can't undo the damage already done, but a unique language is/would be quite a proud achievement for a population as small as Ireland's (or Finland for that matter). Besides, when I get home and hop off the plane, the Dublin accent puts the fear of the bejayzus up me. Every moment I spend there is a caterwaul of horror to my ears.

I don't have a Dublin accent (or even a recognizably noticeable Irish accent) so I find it best to avoid speaking with any of the natives outside of the airport itself. The only times I use Irish up here is in greeting my Irish neighbour Gaeroid, or when dealing with coppers who approach me for the likes of that €25 fine I was awarded for crossing a quiet road in the sheer depths of winter with the snow hammering down around me.

Gobdaw, gombeen, sleeveen, mong, it's all good.

Val and his (gay) son traveled to Italy for some Roma knacker's wedding. Val couldn't resist making a bit of video to prove that he actually left the country at all, and with his (gay) son in tow. I wonder if that's the reason he hates all this 'woke' nonsense? His son Paul (gay) can be seen in this very short (5sec) video clip with his (gay) lover, whose (gay) name isn't mentioned.

Like his bumbling Da, Paul (gay) has a this big mad looking head that looks too large for his (gay) neck.

Says Val: 'ummmmmmgonna viddyooo-it, hold on, now...'

He's some class act alright.
And now Saul's taken to writing poems about the Mowl.

What the actual fuck is it with these culchies and their poems?

No Shame at all, no embarrassment either.


Culchies abroad - here's your main man Val the farmer (with cows) goes to Italy for a posh wedding. Can't seem to get over it either. But at least he made an effort in turning himself out for the big day. Look at the fucking tie? Holy fucking Miami Vice.

Grey pants too short? Check
Choice of tie? Check
Cheap slip-on shoes? Check
Farm jacket? Check

A walking embarrassment to all of us really. You'd think his Missus or one of his sons might have him offside for some friendly? Not a fucking chance. Val dresses as well as he reads or writes. Terribly. Even when he flies across Europe to a town he's never been (on the Adriatic 'Ocean' (sic)) he still tries to make it all about himself. He even uploaded a video about his other videos saying why this or that video is relevant for x, y, and z reasons.

Give a little rope to a culchie and watch them hang themselves.

Culchies abroad - here's your main man Val the farmer (with cows) goes to Italy for a posh wedding. Can't seem to get over it either. But at least he made an effort in turning himself out for the big day. Look at the fucking tie? Holy fucking Miami Vice.

Grey pants too short? Check
I always thought culchies said pants instead of trousers

Choice of tie? Check
Cheap slip-on shoes? Check
Farm jacket? Check

A walking embarrassment to all of us really. You'd think his Missus or one of his sons might have him offside for some friendly? Not a fucking chance. Val dresses as well as he reads or writes. Terribly. Even when he flies across Europe to a town he's never been (on the Adriatic 'Ocean' (sic)) he still tries to make it all about himself. He even uploaded a video about his other videos saying why this or that video is relevant for x, y, and z reasons.

Give a little rope to a culchie and watch them hang themselves.

"... Ireland’s fashion capital, according to the study, is Cavan, which leads the way as the most trend-setting town in Ireland..."

"... 'dress’ is the most popular term, with 132 searches per month..."



"... The study analysed Google searches for a list of keywords, including... ‘summer dress’, ‘denim skirt’ and ‘flare jeans’... a list of fashion-related keywords, including ‘Louis Vuitton bag’, ‘mini dress’ and ‘maxi skirt’..."

That's the home counties of the Arsefielders doxxed then.
Whoa - back in the day I spent a lot of time in Bray, where I had a lady friend.

Nights out during summer were always a blast. A few drinks in Jim Doyle's front garden in the sun then off to The Dug Inn for the midnight show. John Martyn was a regular - he did solo shows after midnight for a fiver in. Usually after his main gig with his band in The Boxing Stadium on the south circular. He was friendly, courteous, and whacked up on the Colombian marching powder. Bray was bustling back then, the streets full of party people.

On a site now called The Maltings, I rented an enormous space in what used to be a wallpaper manufacturers, and the first floor was a storage space full of baths and sinks. I took a space of around 120sqm for £20 a month. It wasn't safe but I took my chances and left my working kit there so I could show up any time. I'd often take the last bus out to Bray and spend the night working alone.

It was very spooky. Half the roof was missing or caved in down the front end, and my end was full of pigeons. At night there were all sorts of weird noises and it sometimes freaked me out enough to take the torch and have a look around that there wasn't a burglar scoping me out. As I was looking around this one time, a startled pigeon took flight right next to my ear and I almost passed out with the fright. Eventually I had to move out as the site was bought by a developer and renovations were to begin.

A couple of years later a pal of mine moved into an apartment his folks bought as an investment. He stayed there in between guests (usually famous people who needed a place nearby Ardmore Studios). So Daniel Day Lewis, Juliette Lewis (no relation) Jim Kerr, and several other big names stayed there. When it was empty for a while, he invited me over for dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it: his lounge used to be my studio. Except now it's absolutely fucking stunning. The beams of the ceiling had been cut through to make a floating bed above the lounge. Massive kitchen, several bedrooms, art, antique furniture, the works.

I got to sleep up on the gantry above the lounge. I had nightmares - really vivid and very scary. I started remembering the pigeons and the noises I used to hear. A dead friend (his brother) showed up in one dream. In the end I found a bedroom offside the lounge and slept there instead. The place is listed for millions at the moment but I'm not sure who owns it now.

This one is located at the far end of the building to where my studio was, it's smaller but still has lots of the old beams and stonework.

Talk about fashionable addresses.
When a right gobshite loser of a culchie gomb tries to act all literate:


Forget it, Saul Bucket- you're too fucking dumb for words
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Good fucking Jaze?

What's with the fucking tie over a lumberjack's shirt?

Bet his pants are tucked into his wellies - up to his bollocks.
The wellington boot is the height of culchie fashion.

There's a tiny little Finnish town up north near the wilds called Nokia. In Nokia, they produced rubber boots for a global market, made some nice profits and decided to get into telephony to see if they fared any better there. They became the world's number on brand for a period, made stupid amounts of money and continued to diversify. Now the town of Nokia has a sizeable population, all of whom live a very nice quality of life.

But not even Finnish fishermen are daft enough to add a tie to a heavy lumberjack's shirt.

Val has the fashion sense of a three-legged moose in a hurry.
€40 for screws, €20 for smaller screws.

€2.900 to have a false front tooth fitted - fuck that: he took the screws and forgot his mouth.

The tight-arsed culchie gummy-gum drops smelly fucker.
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