
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Today is the 30th (includes this morning)

You're just copping on to that now, Jimmy?

How many slabs did you neck last night?

That means yesterday was the 29th

Your powers of observation never cease to amaze or beguile.

That's yesterday's paper, Jimmy.

Did you mix a sham-pain soopa-nover already, arr kid?
According to the law, the lad is Welsh - that's where he was born and that's where he's entitled to a passport regarding his legal status.

You may not like it but them's the simple plain facts, Jimmy.

If your Ma were still alive and became pregnant while on holidays in Outer Mongolia, then that child would be legally entitled to an Outer Mongolian passport.

You were found under a rock down in Ringsend nearby the sewers, so chances are you're not Irish at all.

'The three girls killed in the stabbing have been named by Merseyside Police as six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, who died in hospital in the early hours of this morning..'

Alright, Champ?

Got it now?


So, this is one of the little girls on her special day:

And this is another, yesterday - which isn't very special at all:

Want to keep arguing about time zones, your sleeping late schedule, slabs of Dutch Gold, Welsh nationality, passport requirements, Rwanda (which the teen killer most likely has never even seen) and sham-pain soopa-novers? Or would you rather be silent a while to consider the state the parents of these kids must be? No? Thought not. Off you go then, spark up your 'anti-white' bullshit machine. Get all hot under the collar about irrelevant details regarding nationality, race, breeding, and suitability. Dig deeper to find even worse reasons to be mad as hell about what happened while doing precisely fuck all about it in any coherent way. Just because you're angry about your rather tiny todger - solutions exist: like hopping a plane over to Japan, home of the tiny mickey.
According to the law
Spank me, Daddy!

, the lad is Welsh

- that's where he was born and that's where he's entitled to a passport regarding his legal status.
Who told you that, an anti-white liar like the ones roc posted in the fake video on Arsefield's?

You may not like it but them's the simple plain facts, Jimmy.
Wrong, as always

If your Ma were still alive and became pregnant while on holidays in Outer Mongolia, then that child would be legally entitled to an Outer Mongolian passport.

You were found under a rock down in Ringsend nearby the sewers, so chances are you're not Irish at all.
Spank me, Daddy!

You're not on the correct site for that sort of thing, Shay.

Pornhub is elsewhere.

Tell us, have you a brain in that thick skull of yours at all?

Grand so.

Who told you that, an anti-white liar like the ones roc posted in the fake video on Arsefield's?

Who told me what?

That any person born in any country can claim a passport and nationality as a result?

No - we learned that in primary school.

Do Protestants not go to junior school, Shay?

That's terrible - in fact it's wrong, isn't it?

Wrong, as always

You're not wrong there Jimmy - you're not wrong.
You're not on the correct site for that sort of thing, Shay.

Pornhub is elsewhere.

Tell us, have you a brain in that thick skull of yours at all?

Grand so.
Who told me what?

That any person born in any country can claim a passport and nationality as a result?

I told you, that would be birthright citizenship.. and you still don't understand. You're retarded

No - we learned that in primary school.

Do Protestants not go to junior school, Shay?

That's terrible - in fact it's wrong, isn't it?

You're not wrong there Jimmy - you're not wrong.

Go fuck your dead Ma.

And why not hack her dead body up and drag it bit by bit down into your shit-lined rabbit hole and fuck her meat when you're angry?

You might even like it.

I told you,

You don't tell anybody anything - you repeat what you've been told to repeat.

Plus you're gay.

that would be birthright citizenship.

I don't give a flying fuck what you call it - it is what it is.

Deal with it, Loser.

. and you still don't understand. You're retarded

I understand that you're a terminally bored dole-sponging loser with no balls and a tiny cock.

What else matters about you?

Fuck all.

Is your own passport stamped 'Mong' next to your picture?

Or is it just an old photograph of your dead Ma's massive hairy vagina?

Did she not love you, Jimmy?

Why's that?

Because you were in actual fact a miscarriage and she had to have the last bits of you scraped out of her womb with a dessert spoon?
Can there be any doubt whatsoever that Mowl is mentally retarded?

And for anyone who's been paying attention and thinks that there is, I have a simple message: You are mentally retarded
Lmfao at Feeney's lame, tryhard attempt at impersonating Mowl's writing style.

It's always hilarious when Feeney goes on about "snowflakes" when he himself is the thin-skinned sort who goes crying like a little girl to the internet authorities whenever he can't handle a joke / a bit of banter.

His constant attempts at trying to be the Mowl of Arsefield's is even more pathetic. He's too dumb to ever be anything of the sort...lacking the natural wit, subtlety and poetic nature of Mowl's threads and replies. He should stick to one-liner brain farts like the rest of the Arsefield's community, it's more at his level and intellectual capacity.
Can there be any doubt whatsoever that Mowl is mentally retarded?

No matter what you say nor how many times you say it - I'm internet legend, and you're a piece of shit I wipe from the soles of my shoes most days. You're too angry to be fun, too deluded to be understood, and nasty in way that not even Wooftie is. The people you choose to hang with: Saul, Myles, Crap/Constantly, and so on also dislike you intensely.

Jimmy-no-mates, as I said years back.

if you didn't have these boards to occupy your tiny mind, chances are you'd be headlines on your own Six/One News channel.

Do you happen to own a machete, Jimmy?

A bit rusty, you say?

Get yourself a nice little tent and head over to the canal; you'll meet lots of your own kind there.

And for anyone who's been paying attention and thinks that there is, I have a simple message: You are mentally retarded

The whole world is mentally retarded, innit. And you're the only person on it who isn't retarded, right? You get your script from an internet upstart with a voice that'd set cement in seconds flat. He's three lashes sort of a uni-brow too, so chances are he's the spawn of some Paddy labourer who left de republick back in the fifties for the bright lights of early morning brick-laying in the rain for some Manchester emergency housing unit. These lads:

'The type of faces only scars could hide...'
'One hundred and seventy-nine billion windmills, hanging on the wall.
One hundred and seventy-nine billion windmills, hanging on the wall.
And if one of those windmills should accidentally fall,
There'll be one hundred and sixty-nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine windmills, hanging on de wall...'

Poor auld Val.

The marbles are rolling all over the shop.
any person born in any country can claim a passport and nationality as a result

we learned that in primary school.
The following countries have unrestricted birthright citizenship: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
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